TAMUKD PTG CO Comfv220-:30 S Virst Mt LOIISVILLE KY ,e 1 he Wayne n- ii'.mon A rp ' v,ker Sex? C ur Edwin Justice of 4Vck from a weekend ?. uowassee with a K .bout 76 pounds tit lhe blest-n 8 t !,0vcr On '1 Numbers whan Harry Viotrated the Carolina , noveny wwu f"" number waa aoa. . k- nrrfered a tele ft real estate and Installed the number svilleM TAMEER TODArS SMILE The absent-minded er tUrtrd Mt at the reataa rant without payi&c a is check and the tweet jnianr thine a the cashier 4vt aaid: "Her. Doe. Just bow do you waat U finance this?" 66th YEAR Published Tvvicc-A-Weck In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park NO. 30 211 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY AF1LRNOON, JUNE 21, 1931 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Pigeon Road. A d . : . - Record AWendcar.ee Seen For Saturday farm Meefr Choice Of T Leaders On Program Here Saturday Msy number to re shrines back memories Uri-hemugea. 'aoriam r L if,, father of two Ma L. in honor the memory Qarine whom he never Luoys leave sunaay w L a.te Carroll Swanger fcmd Mrs. Roy Swanger lk Keenum. so" i .ih Keenum. nave octu Ulll .American Legion Post i Hazelwood to go io it week. L ihirrf vear. I. I. uans. d representative of Una wUcturing Company, has money to make such a ki. Ho makes the contrl- $jyt. ask , the name of PFC Louis Scruggs. USMC, wnose n,inc Scruggs, is em- VtHlVI'V .niMBusta. Laffy was kill- in 1944, and Mr. Gans U when his body was in umpin 1948. In the three .at, the gift has come with in Memory of Lauy On Subject Wn today were Installing p on the court house ter- vilshts. used often in the have not been operating Wimp Whpn workmen made Ligation this week, they lit wires rusted out lead tie upright lamp Hosts, pn Wot the terrace. Une wilt be run from the luliding, and separate cdn- kmad for a neirtlreH it pained. ' . '" ; '..' .' - : x - V f . I f " VA r v J v UA LJiJ LAiiLJ GORDON CLAPP DR. J. H. HILTON Auditorium At Lake Enclosed With Glass 5k To Get his DR. HARRY CVRT1S JOHN OLIVER )untaint Imed For f Wiiburn is renewing get a high peak in the Cap section named for R Browning, chief locating en the State Highway De hi. Wburn inaucuratpd the ftime aeo. and in connec- p same other eeoeraohic tints to opt tho npak nam. !t Getty Browning." distinction is due Mr. ests in securing the Blue ""way route for North Mr. Wilburn explains. Mr. Ur-rmn I n rr ,hn flrct Proposal to swing the mkway around the "fnnessee ridge. kh knoh wMnh M? Wil- 6 "eking to have named in "he eneinppp is now listed Kment maps as Hardy I'Blark Mmmt.lii Mr Wit. I traced the naming of the rlDr. Hardw mil thrnueh Its Of tha (smnii, Hnrtnr Carolina fnn that thpv .'"Die to making the pro liwnoo Hit, wional Geographic board of not naming such Murine tho Hfptimn nf the Onlv (urn noforutfio DTP ere this rule was chang- .tarn is getting local sup- '"tt The peak-is -about a Three Tennessee VHlley executives wilt head a delegabon f ag.i cultural and industrial leaders here Saturday, with Dr. J.. Hilton, representing the State, together with association, for the big an nuTcommunily Mopmenl program. A dairy par.de a ten win begin the festivities for the day- -- Winner Of 1950 Community Program To Be Announced; Many Officials Coming A parade with floats and a band the rrownlns of a aueen. and an nouncement of the winner of the 1950 Community Development con test will highlight Saturday's etie bratlon of June Dairy Month. Officials from the North Caro lina Extension Service and from the Tennessee Valley Authority will take part in the parade and will make the various awards. The day will start with a parade at 10 a. m. The Wavnesville High Krhonl hand, directed by student leader Mark Rogers, will furnish the rhythm as the parucipams move from Wavnesville High via Haielwood to the Court House in Wavnesville. Canton's share, or iginally planned, had to be cancel led. At the Court House, Dr. J. H Hilton, director of agriculture at N. C. State College, will crown the Havwoori Countv Dairy Queen. Her Identity will remain a secret until the coronation. Foilowlne this ceremony, the an nual meeting of the Community rtpvplnnment Dm nlzRtlon Will oe held in the Court Room, with Mrs C. O. Newell, chairman, presiding. Dr. Gordon Clapp, director of the TVA. will make the principal ad dress; and Dr. Hinn win presem the community awards. Bobby Whitesldcs. a director at Camp Hope, will sing. Also on the agenda of the meeting, which Is open to all persons interested, is the nomina tion of officers for the ensuing vear. R C. Francis Is chairman of thf nimlnntlna committee. At 1 o clock the Visiting omnaii are due at Camp Schaub for luncn con. Their hosts will be the Com munity chairman and various otn (See Farm Meet Pae I " h '';LV ti I . .".1 I i it i: - VtM : ; s ' 1 I i i i ;i : :i i j l t 11 II;vV Us. I! I' I. IS?. I . 4 I II n' I II II I I 1.1 ft i i " a ii i i i i a . . ( I ' I ! ; I 5 1 II I 1 i I I I J L mi . , lJ"V. t.. I I ? i I II i f 1 I I i. 11 II I I fete, n irtnnn . I " .! M i I i I liit Ii ? I l i I. ' hi r -4 - . Ti : ri. 1 1 i ! I Hi I I . , J - - . 1 w -t- t a r - , . " . c r s aj i, Mi'r-i;: - -A ! Ill IB... , , pi " ,.T-V. JJ ui iiiimi i m J aV - iiN Mk mmwi,. Civic Leaders In Both States See Road Benefits Civic and official leaders of North Carolina and Tennessee wer elated this week over the latent de velopment towards the reality of a ater-leve road between Waye. ville and Newport, Charles F. Wavland. hiahway commissioner of Tennessee, wrote Dr. Henry W. Jordan, chairman of the North Carolina Commission. that Tennessee would meet North Carolina at the line with a road to complete the link down Pigeon Ulver. This ad ion on the part of 'I ci, (lessee gave their approval on tho immediate construction of the road, down Pigeon, to link 'he two states The Mountaineer, this morning. learned from Jack Shepherd, editor of The Plain Talk and Tribune. NewDort. that "the citiiens of Eastern Tennessee welcome such good news, and look forward to the time when a modern paved road will connect Cocke county and Hay wood. We have so much In com mon, and a water-level road would be of material benefit to both states," he said. This is the first time that Ten ncasee has formally committed themselves to meeting North Caro lina on this specific road. The action of Commissioner Wayland came Just priod to the announcement of Governor Scott, as to the amount he will allocate different road projects out of the hiithway surplus fund. There is no Indication as to what amount Gov ernor Scott will allocate to any (See Plieon Road Pane 8) r III r y. June 21 Variable t and warm with scatter "ershowerg Thursday and ,l0l Waun rwini,j i M . . -mea dv tne sian oi me Farm) Max, Min. Rainfall EDITORIAL" Please, Asheville, Stop Confusing The Issue The Mountaineer is keenly disappointed that the Ashe ville Citizen sees fit to continue editorially to confuse the highway situation in Western Carolina by makmu P pear that the Pigeon River Road and U. S N o 2 -70 an competitive projects. (See ed.tonal in lhe CiUxn 'Tothof these htfihways have a specific Rurpt,se; both are of vital importance to the full development of West "n Carla; both are sePan,e. and non.mpetifve pro- jCCThe C.tien in both their news and editorial columns Jt ues to paramount the instance of the the French Broad River road, but always at the attempt Pd Pxoense" of the Pigeon River road. In study ng editorials in The Citizen, and maneuvers o civic leaders' it appears to this editor, with respect to hathlfare governed cnt,e.v by consideraUon of the Merrimon Avenue entrance to Asnev.ne-an CfZy disregard en.irely the impf,tance of fu iheXeloping the western side of Bnbe -nty and particularly the area transversccl by U. S. the new French Broad bridge Zru store and any Asheville wholesale dealer. Rii"'r: , t PiBe Vallev "e?heMouta,eerreSp.fUl.:rr-c';y allow distorted ideas i, cnntimpnt of Hay- expressing and repeats, mai -. ... i Wr. a so emDnabue uw 25-70 should be improv.u. - River throushout Western No th Carn ma or on any ClX1' aiu,ude- Citin . would adopt a back fence:th our We dislike to quarrel oier "?Tr::sS.o -ice, he uch as were m tnis m- . A i ..r f antl it iiio ul 1l... T til,., f.innliiubu M ,.t hi,l iul Askiii.tl.K ui'm i.t'ttffrutk. r.AI'HIlK.tHI flllll llll'l llVl-llU'm .11 1(11 nut." ft i"F , HMMW.M.inw. ....... .v I " " ing at a rapid clip as Hit' summer season nears lis peak. Shown, above are T, M. Kuvktiulail ion ladder, Clinton carpenter, .'unl his helper, Scby Rbodarmer of Wavnesville. Insta'lltiK one of tho 108 windows thai will enclose the sides of the circular auditorium. The project v.ijl in iliy.e 2 panes of glass. Measuring 425 feet in circumference, the huge auditorium lias been "open iur" since J', waa built in 1913. Other Improvements on the building include pine panel Interior walls and asbestos shingles- on the outside. 'iGrenell Phntoi,-.:" ' Tho. Mountaineer llv Monday WOOa SaiQ euiiwio"., nei mud on our clean wash, stance prov 9 On Hazelwood Ballot; Election Set For June 30 The ballots for the Haielwood T,.,.,n oin.ilnn will contain the names of nine candidates three for mavor. and six for board of aid ermen. The filing cioseti "raw lti( u t iilv w iih Kuturdav set as challenge day. The election is June 30th. The three candidates for mayor are: Clyde Fisher, incumbent, Law rence Davis and Carrol Whitner. The candidates for member of ih Ik.uiH nf aldermen are: Carl Swanger, Grady Smith, incum bents, John B. Smith, Howcn Bunt" Bryson, Frank Unuerwooo and Tom Garrett. A number of voters were anaea to the books during the registration period, and campaigning is going on at a fast pace In Haielwood. Out-Of-State Tour To Head Toward Okla. Cow Country Tk n,.i.r.f.Slatp Tour will head out in the cow country of Okla homa," with stops at varied poim ii,.Kti i roiiie. according to The toumy Agent returned the first of the week from a preuminaiy mapping out the mule. Included on the itinerary is a visit to the Woolaroc Indian Mus eum in Ardmore. Okla.. ana a ku look at Dallasf Texas, ine t.... ers will see the heart of the Mis- i i Tl nn c farm country. souri auu , Arrangements are Dcing in"C for the group to meet the Cover- nors of several ot me staves ..,..... The tour leaves on me mim(, of July 28 ana win iu,,. August 5. ' Four Escape Injury As Car Overturns Near Dell wood Four persons narrowly escaped injury Tuesday nigm wn .,.rt,.mpH on the road be tween Deilwood and Maggie. The car left the road and lurmu down in a ditch. Damage was esti mated at $250. . Sheriff Fred Campbell said that the accident was unavoidable. The driver of the car was listed. Thomas Rich. ''Hit Liner, Smothers Open New Office On Main Street Harry L. Liner and AswK?iates will op-n their new firm and of fice on Main Street, next to tue Strand Tlicalre, Friday morning. The firm will handle real estate. insurance, rentals, and invest ments, Mrs. Joy Smathers is office manager. Ted Stackpole. district manager for the Farm Bureau, announced that Mr. Liner had been re-licensed as an insurance agent, and he, touether with At Marshall, would handle insurance. Mrs. Marshall will also lie in the office, which was just completed by J. C. Ga lusha The office has been modernly equipped throughout. The building was Just recently completed. Is that you wearing lhe funny hat. in the above picture? Old-time waynesvme area resmems may be in lhe picture made 38 vears ago on June 27, 1913, celebrating the opening of the first season of the Lake Junalus'ka Methodist Assembly. The occadou was a Soulh-wide misMunaiv conierenee. The .. .i,.. .......lino t hunch II ttim not comolcted. and Lake .IhhmIu' R.i .in the hark- aUa iOIIUIII WHS usril l.M 'i'e mi. -n ground was only partially filled ed the assembly grounds This photograph shows only a fraction of (!. Inia. i.nmd that lhron- Merchants Assn. Special Meeting Called Tomorrow A brief and very Important merlins ot the Merchants A- socialon has been called by Paul Davis, president, for Friday mornlnj at 10:30 at the Court House. The meeting will Ut only IS minutes. The busines to he taken up i of Interest to all organizations serving the pubHr. including fllllni sUtions and hnardinc houaes. Staff At Chamber Of Commerce Kept Busy . The -Chamber o Couuneiee is "moving on lhe double-" Hiese days thanks to lhe steady ii.cr4-a.se of in quiries about the section and to the sale of tickets to lhe drama al Cherokee Mrs Cordon Sc'l.enck. chamber .secretary, says thai lhe inquiries and reservations for space at. local hotels and boarding houses arc far ahead of !! year's (Sec Staff I'aae Ii) News Bureau Head To Address Tourist Group Fri. Library Asking For An Increase In New Budget i.lbi .n "as I..-' stressed M-ilf (.'oil Ills I. .In. I III,, ( ouiil ( sent I's birU.i cal year lii'Slilcs 111! Charles I'arker. Slate adverlis iiii director, will speak on "Our 5,:(ilO,(lM).bll() Toiirisl liusiness In oilh Carolina" al the meeting June 22 of lhe Western North Carolina Tourist Association. The meeting is to be held at Cherokee following the quarterly session of j the WN'C Associated Communities j nual mm .lames Myers of ' Hryson City isU-d i,..n president of the Tourist Assocla-' . , tion;' Paul Hyatt is vice president; ))( land Mrs. fcdith Alfcy is secretary--. ,)(j,i. .,. lh.il h.i I.m ! In -in :, ,i- Ml. .il-. It. laid "irimi-'-.i"' I I I'll On u.-f.wn i .i.ilk' was 1 1. 'IV woort mil with 'l. In pre nininu lis- CfMpcr Wire Stolen From Storage Tues. niiiiibi-i; of n-p1 r.rganialions ti .nut-. ., lin.iiil nii-oibers, ii', ill-, tinlli II li. treasurer. State Park Officials To Visit This Section Members of the Slate Parks Green of Chapel H'H. Grge Hoss, Committee of the fj.partmenl of director of the department Mrs. Snseryatmn and Development ar- Grace V. Lane, secretary o the riv'in Wavnesville today on an in- Board of Conservation and De-vcl-cnection tour of Mt: Mitchell State j 0pment ;Thomas W. Morse, super Park Riw assee Lake Park and : intendent .of State . Parks: and .Iarr .-a villaee. Thev Charles Parker.' State advertising irrimana dim - " will he guests this evening of Mr. -director. Vnl I s Paul Ilvatt. A small re-: , Hosts at the informa reccp on . , -..j (U.ir hnnnr ... h r ann :vir uttviu i : ccption is piannco , ""'.:-" m rharles E. Ray. Mr. The tour i (tpe ; . w- c. Russ. Mrs chairman: Rrpece of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar : St,heri(;k and Mrs i-..,.,...eviile: Mr. and D,.i..nM MeClamroch nf Chap iS' HiirSr. -nd Mr,: Sylvester Letii Doyle Alley of V Waynesville; and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert -Putnam of. Canton.. j of about SJiNio . ! Hoard iix-mtwr'-. ' 1 lhe additional lni"i ; ed'1 to hi ip ii I 1 1 1 maud - on 'h'- Hbr.'i ! nir G vn .'id : presented data "n the early history1 I of the lihrarv and Mi- Margaret ! .lolliisrin described '.he accomplish ments of the hbrarv since it has ne come county-wide. Fourth hoard member present was Glenn Palmer. Miss Johnston's report brought out the fact hal county residents are reading almost seven times as manv books a they did in 1944. the year in which the unrarv oc eanic part of. the county system Children in 1944 read a little over 2.1)1)0 books, in 1950 they read over a nno Rmikniolule service, un known in 1944 totaled 26 997 books tak.n out. The Sheriff's office is investigat- s of local mg then ot a quantity "t cuy tuwn iMd!Prr w,re sometime 'Tuesday night. , ,,,;, mil-rest- me wire was . ,,, ,hl, 1(,(,t. .lunaluska It was being used by a j contractor putting up high tension ;; t . lines fur the. REA, - pi' rn'.i'd inc. I or- an increase v.-i- last year's i-nitilu-iH 'hat , w mild I..- need ,. arldii lonal de-ir-v Mrs T Len- llidin Mi-dford Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed .... 1 Injured .... 24 (This piled State Information con from Record Highway Patrol) 78 . 56 78 S4 .08 .- 78 .57 . .09 It : in 1921

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