MWOAKD PTG CO SfWil S Fir,! St LOl ILLE Rr i:light ) The llews s r i U u E WAYN ESVILLE M 'TAINEER Pi:b!s' lt twenty mode' . rertain amount ; for even-one except the through fieldsacross j just about any Place ..iiH venture. some peculiarities, tf to starun. n..-?iij; Saturday 'ILi right on hand '.V mv. nr twice but ftadfie Mr. Allen got ffcar as if it were "luge, got in, stepped and it clicked oft little lempermcuw wtu petting -once In . . h. niwapher as u of in a cloud of dust, Lor hitting on iU four. )ClubPut 7 .sement On :a Highway L-umII Lions Club, at Itlne Thursday, formally favoring "lmme- fstruction of a modern i Pieeon River to 66th YEAR N). of 12 l'AtlK.S cck In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smokv Mountains National Park Associated Press ! TODAY'S SMILE j The millionaire's wife fcow- t I Ml at ker husband's sickbed, a ! ' Ihe doctor ewUarlMt hia exajav-1 inalion. Afterward, la the hall. j ; hr asked. I there any hope. I : doctor?" "That depends." said j he. "Whaj are joa hoping for?" j D WAYNF.SVU.LH, X. C MONDAY AFTERNOON, Jl'NE 23, 1931 $3 00 In Advance. In Haywood and Jackson Counties aject, one of Intense in- U unanimously aaopiea l-.iitinn. inini Thursday win w iilr for the club as they w officers for the com . nr Riwd Owen will be k is the new president, at U simper at the Stokes Luipns Creek. Lk m th lionesses have saiuvi irMinH fnr an Invitation to to, but the Lions are going ike invitations only to the n..,i. la In fihartf Of the d installation night is looked forward to by the wmters will meet at the W at 6:30 and go in a body ifc-becue pits. Community Winning Chairmen Look At Checks For $1,000 O s ,v , .i.-t .a:j is i ji.s. .t . . i I I . j m s , , it 1 ' , Beaverdam Is Winner 'llCommunity i ' y- jClapp Cites v; . 1 1 Contest IMbtfMaVvl Jm Good advice practical suggestions; compliments and cash were liberally distributed at the annual meeting of the Haywood Commumiy Development meeting here Saturday, Standing before the huge display of pages from The Mountaineer portraying agriculture accomp lishments of the county, from left to right. Dr. J. H. Hilton, dean of agriculture, State College, looks at the three winners as ihiy opt-n their checks; Jack Chapman, chairman of Beaverdam, holds the $500 for his community; George Boring. White Oak. smiles at the $.um check for his community, and Robert Boone, chairman of Pigeon, is gratified at the $21X1 check for the treasury of Francis love. Mrs. C. 0 Newell chairman wears a satisfied smile of "a year of many notable accomplishments". (Stall I'hoto'. Merchants To Screen Advertising Proposals Two Injured When Truck Turns Over iCars Crash ioco Gap . t-of-state cars were in ii i collision at the top of ' SundaV. shout five.i Pa- i MdtVtJsrd Brn- IcClehham. I A,unn. ,'ifrss. driving after his ve id crashed into thei'rear of iiten' by Thbmalsv W. Wll 'il Qreen,vllle,:lS. .,C. 'r i images were1, minor, with kdriveable after the aeci 4 no Dersonal injuries, ac- to the Investigating pa- pwas s solid line of cars time,, and caused some cdn the officer said. j Two Haywood boys were injured, one seriously, about 3:30 Sunday Merchants here are staging a campaign to protect themselves from ine increasing numoe! ... so- ;inormmn thdr p)ck.up UCitOrS. li,...b I. it llii, chnnlftnr of lllffhwnv A special meeting called Friday N), i)) 2:t, wo miles west of Can- morning by Paul Davis, presiftent. j ,()n i,,,.,,,, 0Vcr in the center the merenanis weiu on n-Lom i,iv-lo, ,ht, n).,rt drinc the full enforcement of thM a Meflford. 17.. on of Mr. Farm Leaders Pay High Tribute To The Mountaineer Food Handlers Being X-Rayed By Health Board iVcoiMiliPdations ''if the riVre.i' , M. .u,;,; AtertfV.iri, Ralcltffr (hal no "business tie given any P?-j(v,vr is n a serious condition son without a permit being recriv Jibcr of Commerce eature Activities Jw Bulletin Board and residents alike will "opportunity to see "what's the new bulletin board in pmber of Commerce win- fasuring about 3V$ by 4V m is now devoted to pie id posters of the drama at f. The. display will be P the miridlo nf th week Pthe seating arrangements Amphitheatre, and the sec located to Waynesvllle iyers. ' . fiaterial will be shown each curing typical scenes and wities of the reBion. t'hvr, is in a serious condition m thP Mission Hospital in Ashevitlo, d from the association." jsullcring from a fractured skull, . Cards have been printed tor anrt.mricr injuries placement in all places of business. I Kdwin Palmer Hatcliffe, also 17 which reads: "Notice to solicitors: and of the same area, ncived in this firm will not consider requests; jries to. his head and righl leg. for donations, or purchase of tick-1 His condition is not termed as set -ets or, special program advertising. . ions. or any advertising unless the SO-i Patrolman H Dayton said the Kcitor present authorization from ' truck, was traveling west, and ran tho Mnrrhants Association Fail-!nto the shoulder of ihe highway. ure to comply with this regulation i 1 1 vine to get back on the road, will subject said firm to a tine urn,,, driver, naiciine. v.ds .... like amount of donation." : have lost control, and lh- vehicle out inai nit Siuin , -had grown "out of reason and injuiics. manv cases the unsuspecting mer- I'alrolman VV. II ut f.,ilc opt value received ,.;,l,ii In the scene AH food handlers in the county are being X-rayed by the county health department, as a chest X-ray is one of the requirements for receiving a food handler's permit. The use of such X-rays N cor W fined almost entirely ' to tubercu losis control. The three I'll, com muters in the county arc cooper ating with the health department In the use of the X-ray camera, which has been loaned by the State Board of Health. ,e Kept Busy 23 Arrested I: P1 Police hardly had time to Pant over the week-end sts wero made hetween Hid Kllniltu Tk. ..sol mill .., j . A lie Wircu " 'this afternoon s'fiyirsnn- -u ..,1th lit were cuaigeu wim "inn and disorderly; two '"""on of the prohibition Id Ana Aftir. 'ng; reckless driving and rrs license; improper & Da .... u.,n..r,t r sauit and resisting. for his money. The Assocm':-". will check thoroughly each solic tor, and his plan, before giving a permit to make solicitations. Nearly Hundred Register For Coming Election j Nearly a hundred voters register-, ed at the Waynesvllle Town Hal . and twenty-two at the Aliens i r. . k school Saturday in the first day met regisiiauun IH the town election .Tuly n Uw books will be open two more urdays. June 30 and Jmy 9 a. m. and 7 p. m. All nPUTomers and all resident in the area included in th- exten sion of the city limns are ... . m ter at the proper place for Hun precinct. Persons who are -tered for county elections ''; ;" reminded that a tion is required i" voo- m elections. 'Belter Life' Is TVH Him : Gordon Clapp, chairman of .TV A oicked u Ihe theme of the Hav wood Community Development Program here Saturday, and set up the standards of "better living on a pedestal, and kept his listeners intensely interested for th 45 mtmite address, Mr. Clapp told hi audience that the world is just a com nm nity, and the place to learn to live together is right at home, no matter in what part of the world one lives. "Community life, like an indi vidual, must discover their own purpose, and once that purpose is discovered, keep moving In the direction you feel is right " "You cannot build an individu al, a community, a nation, or tiv feeling, or desire for a better world inside of us, and lor ever strive for Ihe goal." Mr Clapp said that Haywood count was demonstrating there arc ways of building physical needs to assure better living lor all con cerned "W at'ain better living throurh lic lei use et the hind, oui timber .id mineral i-'miecs ami preser vation of water read many statistics of chang Ifs in Haywood county. 1 have dri'ii nrofoumllv lmiiresed wllll the guarding and improving of protection of the headwaters ot our major tributaries of the Tennessee Itlvcr " Here he pointed the con tinued nerd of soil erosion work. Ilia land under control. Mr.vtllaiu,iul,afut .Ut nieM ji,rti s is Dctnii practlcett hTOtrith- White Oak Won Second Place, With Francis Cove In Third Place Is Candidate Special tribute was paid h Mrs C. O. Newell to The Mounl.iineir for tlieii Farm and Home leatuies, based on a vlsil Ui each of the com munities in the county Mrs ewell said "This piece ot work is among the finest things yet done; the cooperation of The Mountaineer, together with the siieelal community l eal ores lueii added more than we will ever know to the promotion ot the work in . this counly." Woolen was to heln with traffic which oil leers termed was Hi, heaviest at that particular time thev had seen in years. One lane of 'traffic was kept open until the wreckage could he moved in about 2(1 minutes. Katchffe was given emergency treatment at Mission hospital, and discharged soon afterwards The Hospital reported at noon, I that Medford's condition was still , termed as "serious." Schaub Campers To Tour County Points of Interest Four-ll Canipers al Camp Schaub this week will make three trips to points of interest in the counly. Boys and girls over 14 will vUit the Champion Paper and Fibre plant. The whole group will go through the Stale Jest Farm, and will probably make a trip to the Stale Fish Hatchery. Five counties are represented in this week's campers. Approxim ately 50 are ' from Avery, and the others from Watauga, Cherokee, Clay and Swain. 4iu' in noliilniL' to he ariie ills- play of front pages of ihe sections of the paper featuring the (vnrhnis eommlliiilics: "I feel that such work as this has had much to do with the success ot the program here in Haywood.'' I)r J, H Hilton culler this year, remarked thai the series was in his oiiiniou, an outstanding piece of agricultural promotion Satur day he added "He sure thai I gel the complete bound series as prom tscd I want this lor my perman ent records" Thickety Featured In This Edition out the county. "The work downstream," he s"d, will not amount to much unless the headwaters are effectively pre served and utilized.' , Mr. Clapp told of the control and regulation or Hie Tennessee Hiver and all tributaries, utilized for use In everyday living. -It is to Ibis end that TV A Is seeking to handle the program." The sneaker pointed out the splendid cooperation received here in llavwood and the slate agencies. through which TV A must work with Ihe people. The 1950 "commencement" exer. rises for the l;iywood Community Development iirogram here Satur day was climaxed with the award ing of $500 first prize -to Beaver dam Community- WOO to '-White Oak for second place, and $200 to Francis Cove for thud, A few minutes later,. Jack Chap man, chairman of the Beaverdam group was named county chairman, and George Boring, chairman of the White Oak group was named vice rhairnian -Other officers in cluded Mrs Bill Hembree, secre tary; Hev Oder F. Burnelte, treas urer, and Mrs H. A. Garner, reporter. The program got underway fol lowing a colorlul dairy parade led by the high school hand The group paused on the courthouse lawn long enough to see Or. 1 ) Schaub crown the "Dairy tiueeu" of llavwood The queen, it turned old was Ihe lirie llolsteill cow which has broken all state records for milk produced in a vear The cow is owned by Fd Sims. Following si vi ral selections in the courtroom hv the band, Mrs C O Newell chairman, took charge. Key. Paul Thrower gave the Invo-I cation, with Mrs. Newell extend ing the greetings, along with an explanation of the program, and some of the goals and accomplish ments. Ilersbel llipps. vice chairman, presented Ihe 2ti special guests, most of thrni from State College, and TVA The visitors were guests of Champion Paper and Fibre Company al Lake l.oKan on Fri day and Saturday ingjits. Wiillam' WTdteVldes sang "My Wild Irish Hose'' and "The Bells See Itravrrdain Page 6 f -' ":v. ''- .'.' rm v - . rim i in ot Ihe Home , devoted to the Tills week's secti and Farm feature i Thickety section Work is now being pit- tied on the I Rhymer Enters Alderman's Race () S Rhymer has filed as a can didate tor a place on Ihe Waynes- ille Board of Aldermen. Mr. iMiL-nu.r w the ninth man to file Hominy commimiU lor publication ( . (m )()(, hoard, for at an early dale. the July 171 h election. Two Hazelwood Candidates Out Two candidates who had prev iously fib'd have withdrawn from the field in the Haelwood elections June HO. Lawrence Davis has j withdrawn as candidate for mayor j and Kenneth Hull as candidate lor the board of aldermen. Gravel Is Being Put On Alley Workmen today were putting gravel on the alley hack of Main Street, preparatory to paving Last week the large storm sewer was put down the center of the alley, taking all surlaee water from the buildings to Sliellon Creek 1 F humid, with scattered efter- I ' eriy night thundershow- icil Wavnesvilli temDera ! recorded by the staff of iT Test Farm: max. lain, aii" 2 - -2 61 .42 5 Local Cow Breaks All-Time State Record For Milk Production Four Men Called ' For July 18th f our men will leave for indue ,, Julv 8. Ihe Selective Service Hoard announced today. They are Kstle William Hannah, Samuel Kooscvell Mann. Donald M. Craw ford and .lames Shirley Treadway The Board reports that H bas thus far received no call for men 10 'report for pre-induction exami nations in July. i Rollman Sees Third War As Already Underway - ..,Hei A xiti, rnnflirt Heinx Rollman. President ; ; r mnan ,he lives of aflcast ,.ii.- ci, rornoration. believes womo . , . , vyciii" oi' " t .'t hud n "or " ,, that the third Wor d War ha i i t t)mM of (he ready started, but n can - , ;n , wars ped now" Prvlnd',ho 1.000 "Kverv American should worry Americans get behind in ways and officials in Washington and la . "tor d, war. We must infTSl Marians her. X that Congress cannot do it Rollman aaareiseu in an " !.ridaySniond ffrS ' should drop; Mr Foman s remarks climaxed his opinion Amen Rljssl3n,. , on lnP deveiopment of g,Si H emS we nave no desire WpU(.0 shoe Corporation here, and let them sec , we d uic M blrthd to conquer Russ'. strive ; nJ,(thold o the meager drop items of gxi ; . , He 10 a r)I3ansion through for peace, he con . u,-. ,, more than Mr. Ro Z ; days, ; oo p.c .fe employed, does not scare anyone v .r . future, and are wormng u Soe Fol!mn o r it IT 2 t Tit -.M J I OIH WWWrm' mr Si i ! l Ua, ' J v- ..I xAr , 'hi;rrvi-:,- tA' ' :: ( H' 'i , I m f iT .N'T , m V-'-r u . ,a-- - , 7 'fX V. rf , i-A , . -s.- - - . j, ..-i . "V - v., Lt- "I FRANK D. rERGCSOV has filed as a candidate for the office of mayor of Waynesvllle. Th Waynesvllle lawyer filed on FtV- day. (Ingram Photoi. Frank Ferguson Is Candidate Here For Mayor Frank D. Fertuson Is a candidate for Mayor, in the Town of Wayne, vllle election on July 17th. Mr Ferguson, a lawyer. Is a na- livr nf Wavnesville and is a grad uate of Waynesvllle Hlgh. and Duke University, He studied law at the Ashevtlle Law School at nights and during the summer, and was ad- . mltted to the bar In 1940 When the second World War began, he volunteered, but was rejected, and ent to work for a defense plant lit Wilmington. He returned here in January 1940 and r-pened ul , office " ' " ' ' Me Is president of the Haywood County Bar Association, chairman of the Haywood Board of Flections, and has served In various capac ities with the county and district Young Democratic itg.tnbatioii. Pfc.lCethliill Wounded In Action In Korea June 12 Pfc Kenneth Albert Hill. L'SMC. son of William A. Hill of Sauhook was wounded in- action June t2, according to a telegram Just receiv ed by his family. His wound is presumed to h not serious Pvt. Hill enlisted in the Marine Corps, last September and wenl overseas in Jani'sry. He has seen previous service with the Air Corps and the Navy, all of it in the Pacific area. The telegram reads- "Brgref to inform vou that your son Private First Class Kenneth Albert Hill. USMC. has been wounded in ac tion 12 June 1951 in the Korean area in the performance of his duty and service of his country I realize your great anxiety but na ture of wounds not reported and delay in receipt of details must be expected. You will be promptly furnished any additional 'inform ation received. Apparently hl. wound was not serious is he was not evacuated His addre ., ie mains unchanged." sm)mmiMtM2&m limit r' i .,.,.. vi inim.iial Cornrlower. Hoistein owned rTTTZTumwn Placing an honor w.ea.h of red roves about tne necs m a- . 1.a111Kl l)alM Qui.,- she ur. i. w. " ; cmrHuv mftrninB. ' ne cow . .. , . . ...... ,. . . - r.:.. Mnth nrnera i i c .. .. .. j tv,,. hnttor i in , i- ti rC'h Vmcrica and -82 61 .42 8lirh bombs. . . . I planning. .86 59 - 'The industrialist also u. .88 HktPK J-tu'Y' should not r-sk another ;;-Ed Sims, at a Dairy Month pro gnin her. Satu, m The has produced 21,521 pounds of milk to date . and h until i . cow will be checked at her las ZL The value of milk over the cost of feed M8rd oftoday . of Mr and Mrs Sim- 1 mi.kiiy by a host hold the information Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed .... 1 Injured . ...26 (Thia piled 5UU Information com from Record HUhway PatroU Chamhcr Of Commerce Installs Additional Telephone Service The line should hp bu ;v only Kilf often now when ynu cill 'he hamber of Commerce In order to handle the volume of addition al calls, another telephone hj3 just been installed. So if number i 433 is busy, try the new line, !3o9. .87 5B . -U-r. l' '-'