STASDAUD J-tq LOUSYILLE.IT- Ijlight ) The lews -O ;8 Half A Loaf .- wait to begin down by the time i tl ,hia Others he beginning, but tF1" -nMed un- story .ddicUi skim out who commit inds of peP,e shou,d if ... literally. They 1 ..... tntn the Haywood irr La choose their t ILk The population of I'" ' sn much itock of books that f- .verage of only one P.' w fnr each person L' .The American Library r .... .hat a good aver- i" L-i- Knnks lor each I 66th YEAR NO. 5: 2(1 r.U.I s Waynesville Mountain Fubh,!cd Twue-A-W rck In The County Scat of llaVwwd County At The Kastet n Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park m the aUide." AsMxiated Tress V i Y N lis vTu.E,' N, C-THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 28, 1931 "$3 'H) In Adonic In Haywood and Jackson Counties Milk Drinking Contest Winner Bear Went He Mountain 1 -... have sleot in the , bed, but neroen. um- lad a full-grown near in bed with mm ana jl tha. ffli A jiiht's sleep. hi family were I 1.IU - , , L 1 0 the Le Conte trail ater Springs sneuer a t r HiPK!l IKU. 1 1 w - , fcw York, comin aown Trail, told us that bear was arouna, ana oi a possibility food." he relates, ft been camping there any U times and never naa l-ihsnns went about unpack- i goods and getting ready Suddenly there was the i shouted and beat pans, nt stones in his general ci, taking care not to hit , is not to infuriate him. dd go off a few yards Into us md circle and approach ipfrom another angle." k the bear had gone off took the cups, alu in to the spring to wash. m that bear again. "He ok at those shining cups after me. I left without t When 1 came back he --ss?. "','wi'.miw. V . ' , sM f fa : I Y i i l :- 4 , . r ' . - 1? in d Working New (f? m Qj ' Tax Budgets iteff r v Lrl Lake Camp Meeting Speakers June Dairy Month program participants can take some, pointers from this calf on'the farm of Jack ... ... . ... .i .r. ,1'... ..t11 .n GufiirHuv hilt Harris of the lnickety section. June ii.nry Montn opens iminun m nijronuv ..,, it's old news to this youngster down on the tarm. Program For Fourth 01 July Week Set Here ' Tlin annual Knurl Fireworks Slated For Lake On Night Of July Fourth md one of them full of bot must ha, liked hat law. becausa at 11:3U tnal Was bwk. 'e'itt set tte t me tedge thit f prms. the im of the shelter. I iook d thwe he was at the ledge it ny toes, I gave a big md he took off again. I next thing we heard was HM morning.' The bear was Mir shelter - almost. In bed F We'd hune; our bread in jna Rtrtng to keep out deer m mat baer was after .the At ooeS over th 'lpriup at pof my btink'arai wint off whole bag. That was all 'id we had two loves and wner buns so I ran after Merine T. was nnnrlncr rain k and scattered all throusth H. I chased him about a p yards and then both loaves K He took one and I took P he went his wav and I mne." Thi annual Kolirlh of .tlllv week ohservaiue liere will f,et underway Sunday evening with union serv ices at the high school auditorium, with Kev .lack lluneyeiitt. district superintendent, bringing the mes sage Mrs. Kied Martin will he in charge of I lie music The li-day-and-nighl program is being sponsored by the Boosters t'lub, with A. P. l.cdbeltcr. general chairman, j On Monday the six units of I he 'Williams Hides will sel up for i business on the playground at the ; school Tins is the s.mie company ! thai has been coming here lor I the week of the .Fourth for the In addition to the camp inert-1 ing that will be under way. the Fourth of July holiday program at the Lake Junaluska Methodist As sembly will feature "dinner on the ground." swimming and boat jaccs, and a lakeside display of aolorfui nrcwoiKs. Wotnt cnnri rvenvs Will UC I" In the afternoon from 2 lo i i past six yri.s , o'clock according to Dick Crowdcr. i o Monday alirrnoou nine win recreat'ron director. Competition j ;, douhlo header baseball game Will include 100 yards free style j h,.Ween teams of the Knee I'anls swimming, diving, backstroke, row i ,,.apm...Thi. will Ix-gin at 4:30. boat races and canoe tilting. ; Tuesday has been designated as Entrants will be divided into two rm,miii Day, wiih turner groups under and over 14 M'ai s t -,,t li, in charge of an all-day did, Crowder said. Me r. qucsu-.i ,,,, -,m, si. k .u. mail him a post card : ,.,,,, cininming until Ini that giving name, age and address. Picnic tables will tie avaname im families who wish to spend the day at the lake. Dr.H. G. Allen, assem bly superintendent, said gale ires will be waived for rourin oi .mh visitors. The fireworks exhibition, will be staged at 10 p.m. The "tiring H"" will be at the top oi mission near the cross, so thai the spectac ular bursts of rockets, pinwhee s and picture designs win ne visum for miles. of p doesn't say how many I1 he's fakintr novl irin - B ..x- V V. . f , fOf Scene ' Martin and Penny Mc- 3 Moore walking down the p that the street In ques- m waynesville it's in wise, who is a recreation pt with the hospital serv Pt American Red Cross, f "I Tokyo the 13th of this phe was delighted, to come jjSgt. and Mrs. Mocre, who mere now. The two Sunday together very II thpv uim,U U I nt to church, had lunch " me Moores' three chil- Iritt on,I,. yjuc iiung inai Cerent ttim.u iM I lh stores are open on Sun- the two had a chance to ""-sriopping. Louise writes 'Oaf imrtPaCQnyl )Anlu rwet of ueoDli. of all na- in one religious serv- Canton Tax Rate Set At $2.05 The tax rate for the town of; Canton will be, set up Wr on the $100 property valuation for thr npt fiscal year, it was announced following the regular meeting ot , the'Mayor and Board ot aiucm."i Monday. The new rate has be, set at $2.05 as compared witn; $1,95 for the current year. The new town budget has hern ; completed, and is being passed, in riu,. order at successive: c Ihi, nfficia s in meeiiiiK i "' : .. , , , nenses will be punnsnro - early date. Because of thr increase m . -s, of materials and labor, and of thr necessity of exponding hr program, the recently elected of ficials find It necessary to tncrcas taxes in order to meet expenses, it was pointed out. ex- an nii'hl ai Which lime prizes value will he given away. A full day of activities has been arraimrd tor Wednesday. the Kouith The events (it thr day will begin wild a parade, led by the Inch school band. I he parade win loim at the court hoii-e, at ten. march up Main street to I be Hap itist ehurch. out lo Five 1'oinls, and from here ,o Itrown Avenue and in n... ...i,,,i 'I'h,. hand be giv en a ride from thr HapHsl chiireh , to Five Point, while all other units , , Hi,- parade Will remain intact, i i Kollowing the paiade. a spoils., program under I be dire, lion ot C j y Wealherbv and Call Kalchfle , twill be staged. Persons ol all ages I will participate, in. H' various 1 games. I .. nin ,i.,'ider base-' ball gamr belwren llazrlwood Canton will be staged "i stadium. Thursdav at live, a soft ball game bet went Welleo and Champion will be playd in the stadium :,llei-Mooii. another Kie.lie;iilcr ball gam' featured One o Hie highlights in n,irls- field will be the game Saturday a, 2 SO between Havwood Junior l.eglon leam Vaid.-se On Saturday night ...i.i , ,.,,,inK iirotfi arn wi all-nig"' """'"f " leal ill ed 1 . , i..,... r the nroceeds 1:11, 'I SII'll ' ' ' made hv th( 1 donated Dairy Banquet Guest Speaker To Be L. L. Ray L L. Kuv, director of agricu! foundations at North Cam-j lina Slate College, and Jonathan Woody, bank president, will be the rankinii sneakers at the annual dairy banquet Saturday which lops otT June Dairy Month Also planned for the program is the recognition of the oldest dairy man in the county, and special, music by a quartet . The banquet will be held at Camp Schaub, beKinninK at 7 p in. It will be attended by dairymen. I heir wives and special guests. James Kirkpalruk, Dairy Month! general chairman. is also ban quet chairman. He will be as- j I sisted by Miss Mary Cornwell, Mrs. 1 W D. Kelner, Mrs W. V. Swill. ' Mrs .1 I! ('indwell, Mrs Frank M 'Davis, Mrs Hob Ferguson ami "Kud " Wbisenhunt. Ice cream will be given away al a booth In front of the Court House, beginning at 10 in the morning. Persons who piescnl in formation pamphlets being given out lo purchasers of fluid milk may come lo the booth for the ice cream. There is also lo be an artificial calf display hoolh which will re main open as long as Hie n ee it i cream is given Committee members loi Dairy Products day include Mr Kirkpal rick. Sam Queen, Jl , M F. Nes hill. Hob t'lideiwooil. Miss Corn well, W. C. Huss, W. A. Corpen ing. J. I.. Kdwar'ds, Howard Sut ' ties. t,rser RurRin. .Ir., Hob Fer- guson, Monroe Silvers. Howard , Myall, Frank Jones. Charlie. Wood j ;u d, John Carver, (irahain lingers ! ,i iid Crovei C, Dolibms. . Hazelwood Election Is Set Saturday Voters in Uaelwood will elect a mayor ami throe-member board of aldermen on Saturday for a four year term. The polls will open at b:30 for the almost 800 registered voters in the town The closing time of the polls is 6:30 p.m. It is expected that a couple Of hours will bo required to make the tabulation of the volt of the eight candidates on the hat lot. Tw are in the race for mayor C 1,: Fisher incumbent, and Car rol Whit nor. Theii are six seeking a place on the board of aldermen. Tbry nr. Carl y.vaniier and Grady Smith seeknii! re-election: John M Smith Howell "Hunt" Hryson. Frank Un derwood, and Tom Garrett. Flection officials are: Woodrow Troutman, registrar, F. F. Kuy kendall Sr.. and Cecil Mooney, judges. The voting place is the town hall and the will be the on the a nd an I be Hoosters Club will be 'to the High School nann. e Whor M1 New Scout Lake Ready For Water; Dam bum nr draining Ho of .nioothing is being Hood Bates to the nrw dam valves . is used xiiv - Seoul I OOO.v "I at Camp Daniel hoo.. - rniflwilh,p wo,-k ramo on Little Msi ', J. u,. f the lake clos6d abc Julyth fj, n mg. ... uie png in.aere lake, it was w u , . . ,,r00Rt -iMt ramDing cnau-i r tii Kin s"" "- ' . from Ben Colkitt, campins , jy . c feet, and man of the district. - numlwr of weeks Hospitalization Plan Is Proving Successful Here The rural hospitalization pro gram is proving siieeessfiil. accord ing to Lee.'Davis. administrator of Hie Havwood County riospiiar i ov plan went into ('fleet June HHh for some 7.000 people, and as of today, 20 benefits have been paid. The plan is averaging belter than a benefit per day. according to Hie records. Mr Davis said that the success of the plan would be hugely dr , pendent upon the ,i ompl m-ss in i which the members meet quarterly i assessments iDairv Teams Will Compete In ! District Contest ! i'u. a ii rliih ii'uU frnm !I;iV- i 111 V v' wood County will participate in I he district Dairy Demonstrations contest to he held tomorrow in Concord. Hetty Felmet Horn thr Waynes ville High School 4-H Club, will infiividual dairy demons- Jurors For July Term Of Court Named The .Inly term of Superior Court will convene July !l with Judge J. C. Hudlslll presiding From I lie list of jurors lr the 111 si work will be drawn I he names i of nine who will serve on the Grand Jury lor one year Tins is a result of the new Grand Jury law which was passed by the HM Gen eral Assembly. In the February term of Court, eighteen Grand Jurors were nam ed, nine of whom were lo serve r,ir onlv six months. Those who will continue lo serve lor another six mouths include Wayne H Mod ford of lit 2. Clyde. Dover F. Cogburn of Canton, ark 1- Mas sey ol HI, 2. Waynrsvillr. Charlie lienson of Fast Fork, I) N. Arling ton or 1(1 2. WayncsMlle. Arthur Wall of lit :t. Canton, Howard D l.cilhoi wood ot Ht 2. Clyde, Hav .1. n Price "I 1(1 I, Civile and Dee Itaxl.r o lit I. ( anion. Jurors on the panel lor thr lii ,t week air W, K. Hooiie of Itt I. Waynesvi'le, Mrs Stella Mae I 'inih lit Cuiloii Joseph T Mason of ( anion; G W Nolaiui. Kt I. Waynesville, W. It Jenkins. Fihre villc; Tom Garrett, Ha.elwood; Walter J Kathbone, Fines Creek: John Hall. Clyde; T C Ferguson, ('anion. George Hill, Crablicc, Fred M Hoglen, Crablree: F R Green, Fast Fork. Alvm I'r.-ssley, Hi. Ii, Canton. S F. Hi vson. u.., ill W H Hramlott. Can- Ion, L .1. Massie. HI 2. Waynes ville; II 1- Saunders, I laelw oo.l ; Claude Prcssl. y . Wiynesville; W 1 G Gi ill'in Id. 2. ('anion, (Jai Held ; Anderson. Waynesville; Mrs. Loyd j Grasty. III. I, Wayiiesyille. I. it. Mai grove. HI. I. Canton; Jams: McDonald. Waynesville; J W, Vi. k, , ('anion. Joe Gaddy. HI 2, Canton, ; Mrs l.yda C, Phillips, Canton, It. Hvers. Clyde: G W. Hughes. Waynesville; K... S. Dcnnrtt, Can Ion; KHis Mason, ('anion; C. K. Wright. W'aynesv.lle; Jack Me Clure Ht 1. Waynesville, Juamta Curtis, Ht. 1. Waynesville. I Jurors who will serve for the second week include H F. Sellers, j I nt- Canton. C. K. Weatherby.; Way nesville: Oliver . Hicks, Mt. Stirling; William 1.: Chambers. Ht ; 3. Canton; Frank F. Smith. Waynes-1 vil'e; James M. Kdwards, Pigeon. Charles Hyatt. Canton, Norman r.ontrv Wavnesville; Hoy Haynos, Officials of Haywood, and all the tonws. are pushing to get their 1951-1952 budgets ready, and the now tax rate set. The county commissioners haw their budget fairly well worked out. with the exception of a final figure from the Board of Educa tion, which is also feverishly 'push ing to wuui up me las m com piling the estimated costs for next year. Town officials have also comput ed their estimated budget to the point of making a further study this week possibly today or to morrow. As the Haywood budget was be ing assembled by Auditor James Kirkpatrlok, the board of educa tion was putting Into final term, their papers for presentation to the commissioners for approval. .lames W. Killian. chairman ol Hie school board would not make a formal statement for publication. but did say that on Tuesday me Hoard of Education approved a substantial part of a proposed bud gel and plans for presentation to the commissioners. It is known that the school board has had an engineer here checking on the estimated cost of making Improv- ments on a number of jiaywooo schools. The (Hidings of Hie en gineer are expected to play a big In the final report of the school board for their request for funds. The school board is also expected I,. Hip commissioners a (lo- Kev- -George II Jones, of Nashville, will open me wanairr v.h.v , Mooting at l ake Junaluska Friday night. Others on the program include Hishop Arthur Moore, of Atlanta. Much Interest it bt- ing shown in the meeting. Folk Festival On Lake Program Tonight; Gamp Meeting Starts Friday Board Of Directors Named For Year By C. D. Program i.i i.iv,, i.i (he commissioners a tailed report of estimated cosis loi j IS miss Fluab. in ii uencral school building program iTianiplon YM( A in Haywood, to be financed by a countv-wide bond issue. None of j the school officials would give an idea as to what the amount would ; The genera! accepted sentiment is that the once proposed three million bond Issue Is out of Hie question, and .,that amounl Is longer being given serious -011- sideratlon. A proposal made sometime -ago i ...i ...lllorlal in The Mountaineer, New directors tot Hie Commuil jly Dcvelopiiicnl Piogram were elected Mondav night hollowing the usual 1 uslom. six members rep resent the niiai areas and six the towns Chairman ol the board is Carter ivi,,,!,.,, ,.i civile Vice chairman Thompson from Miss Margaret Johnston, Havwood ( ounly lunar ian is secret.iiy, and David I'ndor wood treasiiici Other members ol the board of directors are Mrs Homy rruc.. Kd Suns, Mis D 11. Vance. IloD 11.11 m.v 1 .a 1 1 v fugle. Mrs. Glenn C Palmer and D. Hooves Noland A doen persons will serve on Hut new recreation committee, of which Mrs CO - Newell is ohalr- 1 11 hers .ire C C Poindexter, C F, Wealherbv. Joe Turner, Fred S. SalTord the H. v ( lie couins, .loiella MeCi.uv. Mrs F.dgar Hur nrtte. .Inn Host and the Hcv. Nail do Stephens r,.,,,. 11., i.-ii-K ,n s n ' was mal a maimin.nur - . ia...t 1.., .1,.. ii.tmin issloners for 1 Ciirl Hal el ill Improvement of school projects which the state would not approve 1 be paid for out of school bond monies That this maintenance nionev lo be appropriated lr Im mediate use upon passage n county-wide bond Issue ot anom one and a half millions. The Idea has been approved by several officials In private, and also several communities. The two hoards commissioners and school board have not met in joint srs- M.,11 since the proposal was mam One spokesman for a large rural community recently said- "Senti ment. Is growing among our peo ple to get something underway to relieve the eonjeslion which exists in many of our schools A prac tical, down-to-earth plan win oc acceptable by the people." Officials would 'not venture the, IE, r ,r f " 1 1 Health Clinics town and county will be about same as the current rates. Loranzo Smothers Named Trustee Of Hospital Here South! 1 has be. n 1 " ' ' the II" 1'il.a' I'.uii'l miii 11 dir.: W S I-,.,., ni l;, i m.r Spaiihloii t'nd.iw (man. in! A olhrl lliemln I ol After a musical interlude to night, featunng Bascom Lamar l.unsford and his renowned "Caro. Una Folk Festival at 8 o'clock, the Lake Junaluska Methodist Assin bly program will spotlight a 10- day "old time ramp meeting, Martins Friday night. The Rev George H. Jones, staff member of Methodism! national Hoard of Evangelism, Nashville. Trim . will bring the opening mav sage tomorrow night In the audi torium. Servires wilt be held daily at 11 am. and 8 p.m. through July a Camp Meeting leaders will in. dude such Methodist .Ulwarts as Hlsbop Arthur J. Moore and lir. Pierce Harris of Atlanta, (la , I. Clovis G. Chappell, Waverly. Tenn.. and a nationally-known song lead er, Homer RwUheaww of Winona Lake. Ind.. who teamed 20 years u. 1 f n I nP lat Blllv Sunday. Bishop Costen J. liarrell. Char lotte, will preach at the U am. servu e Sunday, and Bishop Moore will give his opening message Sun day night at 8 o'clock. Cyrus Daniel, who arrived mis week to serve his fourth season as the assembly's musical director. will work with Rodeneaver to pro vide special music during Hv camp meeting A feature will be the Junaluska Quartet, all of whom are new al the lake except Roland FclU .tenor of Nashville, who was here last year New quartet members, selected after a series of south-wide audl lirms are; Miss Rosa Btudworth. contrail... of Austin. Tex. Miss , Marv Boiling Porter, soprano, Of j I'.n is. Tenn . and William K Hlg ........ Ii,.,,,.ii ,,( Rnwlinu Green. Ky. mi, inliei of I 'lillslees. ,, who was of Canton mill Is 111 adley chair is the He .VlltS. CAMPBELL TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Mrs Hoy Campbell will leave tomorrow for Sewaliee. Tennessee l Hllcn.l a. three-day Christian Education Conference at the t 111 versdv of the South. She is one of ten lavwomen from the Diocese of Western North Carolina appoint ed as a delegate bv the Nat'on d Council of the Protestant K.piseopal Church To Be Open (In The Morning 1 h !i He. till I chuu beell I 111' d,l , P'l I.I.I s -.VI nmi nil".' Ii (hell lulile ' to 4 ::o p I' d ,1 nl 11 deliiand ( -,ir: v lle.llth ,ii. I'lidjv have rici 11. le 1 lie mnl n 1 linn on Thiii's 111.1I em elinie on s be . .1). ' n every i,, ,1, .veil as 1 iioiiii liiiiirs o 'J Many Expected To Add Names To Town Books Miss Hetty Helney. Eewistiurg, Tenn has returned as assistant 1 organist A contralto, she will -also Uerve as an alternate in the quar- jtrt. j Daniel said that he will start at , once to organize and train choral i groups, including the Junaluaka Singers, composed of sumnw- ' long residents. A WNC senior youth group, nuiuher ng 40,'i boys and girls and ! adult counselors, are meeting at Sha. Moi d Hall through Saturday. The Hcv Gilhrcath G Adams. Ka- napolis, is dean of the training school A second WNC group, composed t Methodist young adults, will check m at the lake next wek for hii assembly al Shaekford Hall. The K. v Carl King of Salisbury will b in charge At Camp Adventure, a youth group of Hawthorne Lane Met ho. Church. Charlotte, will close a week's s'ay Sunday, to be by a similar group from S C The new Junaluska Apartment, mpiising 20 housekeeping units, iter Lake on pane eushi . .list ' out followed Kingstro k. rariiy ciouay ana noi 1 Cy and Friday with possible n InJ 1.. .I.LI 11 In. i'ficial Waynesville tempera I " recorded by .the staff of the rarm): Max. Min. Rainfall loan Will ot " . ' j j . !' , .,. .... un heine Drovidrd a large, thai mice - " .,: For a numoer njrt- in thV "new lake", one ... crew of workmen with heavy d , , the n b innrrs, anolher for machinery have been bui id- w ill be m b d thPn inc tnoso wnw kii j,wr Dart tor nc "I"'' mOlVUK lliav. . . rfam for he lake '"B ; I:,: about five years washed away the olddam. . jwi time win About xnree w -reared to fiUtheke, S kitt said. ine . .. at 141 - ... oncrete spi" ago be Col-feet mil -thick at the base. the top, ana -;. -f over the wayontneenur tlt,i 111. ...immrrs and divers. the construction -When camp opens, all water sports wifl be a major part of the camp ing activities. II. IVI., Ir - (ration on "Simple muk For Varied Occasions". Uowena and Jcwrl Williamson. nwiiie'i Thicketv 4-11 members will give a team demnnstraiton on "Simple Dsserts frnm Dairy Products '. ! Miss Jean Childers. assistant home agent, will accompany the girls to uoncoru. LINDA WRIGHT AT HOME Linda Wright, ten -year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wright returned Wednesday night from Duke Hospital where she has hppn undergoing plastic surgery. Kt, 2, Canton: Mrs, t'aul nyau. HI. 2! Canion; Charles S, Davis, i Canton; Norman Ferguson, Caution- Eva Cogburn, Kt- 2. Canton; ! Branson Hall, 10. 1. Canton; Mrs. Marv Williams, HI. 2. Canion; Miss I Helen Rav. Waynesville: W. M. t Bell Canion; A. K. Robinson, Waynesville. Arnold E KaulTmann of New Orleans arrived Tuesday and is a "uest of Mr. and Mrs, Jonathan Woody Mr- KaulTmann will be married Saturday evening to Miss Betsy Siler. A large number of names are expected lo be added to the poll, books of Wavnesville this week end at both of the voting precincts the city hall, and Aliens Creek All ocrsons who have not pre viously registered in a town ol Wavnesville poll book must regis ter in order to be eligible for vot ing on July 17th. f Mrs Ruth Kelly is registrar at ; Precinct No. 1 'at the town hall' . and Mrs. Leo Browning is regist rar at Aliens Creek. , i All persons living in the area I taken into the eity limits during i . iioiR wilt have to me (ids. 'u j . u register in order to vote in the; coming election, it was pointed ( out. 4-H Dress Revue Will Be Held Saturday Revue held by. I ll i;:iK will lie r tiri.emeni "I thr Church. Saturday , ;...k i',: model school vil esses play ilie-ses. and tajl- Tiie Himual D llavwoo.i Count presented in h First Mclliodi-i morning a' 1" o The aurls w dresses, lii.-s-v riot bos. evening orcri gariuent. Blue red and w hue ribbons will be awarded 'in each classification. The countv- -winner will go to the state contest to be hold in Raleigh during the 4-H Short Course. July Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 1 Injured .... 26 tThia piled stata Informatioa cow tram Records Highway PatroL) 84 61 87 58 87 - 59 .10 A 36-inch drain pipe. center.