leligM3 )f The eirl in a red dress was lately to get a coke he (necnni"- - . her c.niei i't" ,iH She thanked the, , ,nd departed. Three u returned for C'and again the Chief L assistance. Was t f1 ..-..i s... dine it J To Duty 1 1 It? t r Waynesvill e Mountaineer 66th YEAR NO. 62 16 PAGES Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat o Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE Coach; "Whafs his name?" Manager: "OsscowinsinskL" Coach: "Put him on the first team. Boy, will I get even with the newspapers." Associated Press WAYNES VIIiliE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 2, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Given Recognition station operators for every type oi s .i0!,ninff windshields, t Warm water to heat bottle. sv morning Ben Messcr . Serv'ce to the growing Paned the shoes of a had stepped into a wad gum; and it had oozed her open-toed 6hoes, , man was called upon ke sticky goo. He.cna. just part of a aay s imbs Flag Pole pole in front of the eceived a coat of paint attracted a ned iu awe as me irked his way down the he reached the ground Id by a Mountaineer re- i "J -' A you like this kind of the painter replied, "I e things ft fresh iace, illy he added, "I keep tebody will give me one. sends some folks to IgMs. Moved at bital For Wing Charles E. Ray is now vice presi dent of the American Retailers Association, a national merchants organization. Ray Elected Vice Pres. American Retailers Charles E. Ray has been elected vice president of the American Re tailers Association, according to a dispatch from St. Loins. ': When informed of the message, Mr. Ray said he did not know. of the election. The news from The Mountaineer was the first he had of the action of the association, of which he has been a director since last spring. Mr. Ray is a member of the board of directors of the North Carolina Merchants , Association. Until last month he was chairman of the N. C. Park Commission, and at present is vice-chairman. Scott R. Dekins, secretary of the national group, said: "Your city .should be proud to claim a man of Hazelwood Adopts New Tax Rate The new budget for the Town of Hazelwood calls for a total of $47, 964, requiring a tax rate of $1.65 on the estimated valuation of $1,126, 500, The hew budget, formally a dqpted on July 20th, carries a tax rate increase of 20 cents over the former rate of $1.45. The new budget sets up $19,064 for general fund, $9,300 for the street fund, and $13,500 for water. The debt service is the smallest, amounting to $6,100. The rate in creases show ten cents added to both the general and street funds over last year, thus accounting for the 20 cent , increase general funds requires 70 cents, and streets 50 cents; The debt service of 45 cents remains the same as in the past two years. . Boards Sisrn 4-Year Contract Officials Of Two Towns Sign 4-Year Water - Sewer Contracts regressing satisfactorily $750,000.00 wing of the ounty Hospital, said S. superintendent of con or McDevitt .t Street, M,,u0.UUuw... 1IKm. ., o f it .Hi. d, he added, and lheBm;" concrete will begin this, ' r.ZTl Z.t diser and organizer. Mr, Ray is a member of the Ray's Department Store. jites Are ; Today For Stamey , ;. , services were held 'Mils In the chapel of Wells nriie at Canton for John . 81, who died Wednes Ashevillc nursing home gering illness. . V. N. Allen officiated 1 was in Pleasant Hill at Clyde. as pallbearers were El- bcrs, Mark Cathey. Mas- f e, Floyd Justice, Kyle d Carl Henline. . iiey was a native of Hay ity, the son of the late d Rachel Davis Stamey, long resident, of the f was a graduate of the of the University of flina and formerly prac- in Lanton and Waynes- S are four brothers, F. ana E, Stamey of Clyde Stamey of Asheville; and i Mrs. Charles F.nslev nf faynesville. Charles Ray On Merchants Group Charles Ray, Jr., of Waynesville ha1been named to the Govern mental and..Public Affairs Commit tee of the North Carolina Mer chants Association. The announce ment was made today by W. S. Wolfe of Mount Airy, president of the organization. The function of the Government al and Pudiic Anairs wmmmee is W recommend to the Board of Directors what the Committee con siders should be the attitude and policy of the Association in all matters pertaining to legislation, governmental and public affairs and, acting under instructions of the ' Board of Directors, it is to have control over such matters. . Queen Candidates To Be Displayed In Water Pageant A gala water pageant, Monday afternoon at four o'clock at Lake Junaluska, will climax pre-election day ballyhoo in the annual con test to choose a new "Queen Juna luska". ' The Junaluska excursion boat, the. Cherokee, will tow decorated floats bearing the four contestants past the "viewing stands' of Lake Junaluska residents and visitors. The Lake also will be dotted with all sorts of small craft as backers of the nominees "whoop if up" for their favorites. The Waynesville High School Band has been asked to provide music for the occasion, and the As semblies recreation department is sponsoring the pageant. : At press time, four candidates had filed for the coveted title of queen. They are: Miss Barbara Russell of Greenville; Miss Nancy Hobbs of Rocky Mount; Miss Betty Anne Robinson of Hickory; and Miss Kitty Miller of Charlotte. Clever "political" signs and dis plays boosting the merits of the candidates line the Lake Shore DriycrmJ ' spsew .frWTingins door bells day and night to solicit votes. " Voters, who must have been resi dents of the Lake for the past two weeks, will go to the polls at the Boat House, Tuesday. Results will be announced Tuesday night and the colorful coronation ceremonies will be held in the auditorium the evening of August 18. i .: ' - ' A j. v. :m mil i in if -in -rt ..mwwrr wmm rm - mmmitmmmmmm t t Ns - a ,,v,.,.v,-.-.v vAvy...,. Aldermen of Waynesville and Hazelwood look on as Mayors Way and Fisher signed 4 -year water - sewer contracts between the two towns here Tuesday night. Seated lett to right: J. R. Morgan, attorney for Waynesville, G: C. Ferguson, town manager, Mayor J. H. Way, Waynesville .Mayor C. L. Fisher, Hazelwood, J. R. Carswell, town clerk, William Mcdtord, attorney. Standing, left to right: Alder men for Waynesville, Joe Liner, Henry Miller and Henry Caddy; Hazelwood aldermen, Howell Bryson, John B. Smith and Frank Under wood. (Staff Photo). i 1 s f Funds Requested For Local Guard Storage Building An Associated Press despatch from Washington reveals that $12, 500 have been requested of (In House Appropriation Committee for a National Guard motor storage building at Waynesville. The structure, which would be used I primarily to house tanks, would be paid for through State and Federal funds. , . , ... Mountaineer Adds Regular Feature The Mountaineer is proud to announce that, beginning with this issue, a new feature, DAILY BREAD, will be carried every Thursday on the editorial page. The feature, which originated in p.nH the Norfolk Vir- f "wwf I glnian-Pilot and f J! nnw has a enm- 1 bined circulation of over 600,000, is written by Rev. A. Purnell Bailey w h o is Pastor of t h e Grace Methodist Church in New pot r News, Vir- Rev-.'.A. P. Bailey ginla. Rev. Bailey served as an army rhirptaln-'drrrtn WortrTWar II.'- e was stationed in the Philippines, and Was with the troops who land ed in Japan on the first day of the occupation. He spent 15 months there before . returning to the stales and was the army chaplain who accompanied Premier Tojo to the hospital after his attempted suicide. . In his feature, Rev. Bailey at tempts to speak the language of the veteran, which should make him of special interest tn Haywood county because of the many veter ans living here. Bids on Three Road Projects Now Opened Rids on three Haywood county projects were among those opened Tuesday in Raleigh by the Stale Highway and Public Works Com mission. All bids received will un dergo review at a full meeting of the commission today. The low bids on 14.24 miles of grading, paving and strctures on N. C. 20!) from Hot Springs to Betsy's Gap were: roadway, Maloon Con struction Company, Franklin, $IU6, 309 jstrueture. Dickerson, Inc.; Monroe, $504,727. Another project was the resur facing of 10.52 miles of N. C. 284 from Waynesville to Its juncture witK IJ. -Hla pnd thtrtM to Sucft Gap. Low bids was $153,133 by the Ashcville Paving Company. Diekerson, Inc., of. Monroe, also low bidder in 17.2 miles of county road which are to be hardsurfaced. They include parts of Lake Logan, Catch Cove, Phillipsville. Lake Junaluska, Hannah Cove, Rhodar nier, Queen Town, Old 284, and Max Patch roads. Pfc. Truitt W. Meriford of Ft. Jackson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, G. Medford, at Lake Junaluska this week, , Mrs. William Hannah is expect ed to return today from New York, where she has merchandise for Country Shop. been purchasing the Town nd P Boaz reach At Methodist H- A. Boaz of Dallas, ' deliver the sermon at Methodist Chureh Sun. fig. . iOai is g Pups Wlnil. f'e has spent the sum- '"eipast several years, l k2"wn in the commun tired bishop of the uiurrh and Is former Southern Methodist 'J- AUBUst 9. T.T-tl ill " - ""mi with widely scat- IUl'.v fair and not quite Max. Mln. Rainfall 82 59 ,02 84 0. - -85 63 . : I t Hail Cuts Tobacco Into Shreds jg uju imiffW1tiPli.llM- T-r-i-roi-r-r- HI " p--7---''Julr"L-"l1"l-i''1111'' j ; i ' m ' t J a. Y ' f: -i - -i'.'4 ' - .J - j s ! f - " ' - -: v 1 . r i .'vf "-s ; . if f . .:ivi,Y. - V .- .- " ; " i t ' '- - Vv; ;-. M . . ' m J ' , : r ' ' ' .V X 1 - .v . - 4 '', - ' : 1 , ! ,M t K ,1,1, ' ' I ' it r iv ..;. i Y 4 ' ' v ; - ' ;l V ' ' ' I No Action On Bond Election Preliminaries The date for Hie bond election on Hie question of a recreational cen ter for Daynesvllle has been set for September 251 h, but as yet no dale has been named for regislralion and no judges have been appointed. Selection of a dale for the center will wait until the voters make their decision in 'the election. As explained by city manager, G. C. Ferguson, "We have plenty time." Hazelwood Board Re-Names All Of Town Personnel The Hazelwood board of alder men have re-elected all personnel of the town, it was announced today. Howell Bryson was named mayor pro-teni, as the organization was completed for town officials, Ru dolph Carswell was re-named clerk, Gene Wyatl superintendent of water, and tax collector. O, S. Sut ton chief of police, and William Mcdtord attorney. In making the assignments to the board of aldermen for various de partments, Mayor Clyde Fisher as signed strets, garbage, and fire de partments to Alderman Bryson, Frank Underwood is chairman of ''Water arf'tfseWef, "while" Jrthtl B. Smith heads finance police and lights. The aldermen have a new gar bage truck due for delivery late this month. The truck, three times the size of the present truck, will enable quicker and more efficient gathering of garbage, and save time in both labor, and hauling expenses, he said. A full lime man wil lbe slulioned at t ho fire department, th,: alder men said. Sixth Man Added To Police Force Waynesvllle's Chief of Police, Orville Noland, announced yester day that Francis Rcece, 112.Smath ers St., has become the sixth police man currently employed by the town. He replaces Arthur Paul Evans who entered the service last Sep'oivher. Mr. Reece was born in Madison county in 1916. He graduated from Marshal High in 1932 and has lived in Waynesville for 17 years. Dur clght of those years he was a cab driver, and the remaining nine were spent at the American Enka Corp. ; . . . He married a local girl, Ethel MPhaffey, and they now have thret j children. Policeman Reece weighs 180 lbs., and, in the words of Mayor Way, "He's tough and honorable." t of Sanitation Check Bringing Results William' -Massey, assistant of newly appointed county sanitarian. G, W. Itounlree, is conducting a survey of Haywood County in con nection with sanitation problems. Already it is producing results for 34 out of 40 outside toilets con demned early in the survey in the Gibsonville section of Canton have already been improved. New eating establishments are exceptionally good, explained Mr. Massey, for' they were set up ac cording to health regulations. The older, establishments arc for the most part good, ho added. A warn ing against the careless dumping nf garbage was also given and . the hcn!th.haz.a.rdJ.LJn.YPlyeswasemi phasized. The survey is being conducted section by section in an effort. 'to complete it as quickly and effici ently as' possible. The hundred or more dairies in the county are re ceiving the, special attention of Mr. Rountree. Health Board Reminds Teachers Of Preschool Physical Examination All teachers in Haywood County schools must have physical examin ations before the opening of school, Dr. lrvin Weir," county health of ficer, today issued a reminder. The county Medical Society pre fers thai teachers see their own family physicians, but examina tions' will also be given at the County Health office August 8 and August 15, The examinations must be complete, rather than nominal, and must include blood test and X-ray. The health .office will be. open between 8:30 and 12; and between 1 and 4 p.m. There will be no charge for the X-rays at the de partment. .These physical examinations arc required every year, for the pro It ct ion of the pupils as well as of the teachers. Four Injured By Autos In Canton Area Four people were injured in two accidents involving ears late Tues day in the Canton irea. Mrs. Lil lie Franklin, age 56, was rushed to the Mission Hospital by ambulance alter being hit by a car while crossing the street in front of the Canton post off ice. Information re ceived by The Mountaineer early today indicated that her condition is fair. SIk; suffered a broken collarbone, a f ractured skuL and broken ribs. The driver of the car, Mrs. David Smart of Clyde, has posted a $500.00 bond while await ing the outcome of the ease. Chief W. N. Slioupe and Patrolman H. Dayton, invesjigated. Three were injured while en route home from Asheville where they work, when their car skidded on wet pavement and crashed into a telephone pole...- Mrs. John Hyatt, who was driving, suffered a cut over one eye; Mrs. Claude Hamp ton sustained a laceration on the forehead; and Miss Dorothy Wells, who was thrown dear of the car, was badly skinned and bruised. All three were treated at the office of are Dr. II. A. Matthews., . New Terms Set By Boards At Tuesday Meeting . A four-year water-sewer contract between Waynesville and Hazel wood was signed here Tuesday night, and recorded Wednesday. - The contract withdraws pending court action, and settles a controv ersy which has existed for several years between the two towns. Provisions of the contract settle past due water accounts amount ing to $2,600. Hazelwood is to pay $1,500 in cash, and "mark paid" about $1,100 which Waynesville hai already collected from Lake Juna luska as Hazelwood's share of a sewer charge. The wholesale price ot water which Waynesville is to sell Hazel wood remains at 20 cents per thou sand gallons for the first million gallons, and 13 cents for each ad ditional thousand. The present rate is ten cents per thousand af ter the first million. Hazelwood uses between seven and eight mil lion gallons of water monthly. The agreement also provides that no charges are to be made by Haz elwood for use of certain sewer lines along Highway No. 19A-23. The contracts were signed for Waynesville by Mayor J. H. Way, and Hedwig A. Love, clerk. Sign ing for Hazelwood were. Mayor Fisher, and J. R. Carswell, clerk. The 3-member boards of aldermen of both towns, together with their clerks and lawyers attended the meeting. The two boards had pre viously agreed to the details of the contract. The officials discussed various mutual problems which confront both towns, as well as th individual town problems. The six provisions in the con tract are as follows: 1. Hazelwood does hereby give, grant a"d convey unto Waynes ville all its right, title, and inter est in and to a certain water line and a certain sewer line running from the corporate limits of the Towif Hnel wood to, the Dayton. ; Rubber Company through the property formerly known as the Welch property, which said prop erty is now a part of the Town nf Waynesville, together with all Its right, title and Interest in the right-of-way and easement acquir ed by Hazelwood over and through said Welch property, for the con struction, building and maintain ing of said water and sewer lines. 2. Hazelwood agrees to pay and Waynesville agrees to accept in full and complete settlement of the claim of Waynesville against Haz elwood for the increased water charges prior to June 30. 1951, the sum of FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1500.00) DOLLARS in cash, plus such amounts as the Town . of Waynesville is now due the Town of Hazelwood as Hazelwood's part of a sewer charge collected from Lake Junaluska Assembly from June 30, 1949, to June 30, 1951,' said sum being in the neighborhood of $1100.00; it is understood that settlement . , between Waynesville and Hazelwood for Hazelwood's portion of said sewer charge col lected from Lake Junaluska has been accounted for up to June 30, (See Contract Page 8) Florida Society To Be Organized Farm Tour Finds Heat And Hospitality Plentiful In AH Mid - Western States SPRINGFIELD,. Mo., AuRust 2 iceived as a Shrine to Texas he Still enthusiastic over Hie varied ! roes. It holds some fine statuary stehin-en-bn"1hr3200-mn this" was of-state tour, Haywood County's , .. 1... IL. l.r.;l ofxiv r,n Trr,ntV,.,rt CntiXr lot- CrtHiir TVin tr,Van- Dick Moody looks over the damage none uy me " -j. - croD in a half mile path were severely damaged. High winds, and heavy rains added to the dam Se. Similar storms hit Iron Duff across the mountain the day before. (Staff Photo). Jaycees Will Sponsor Square Dance Saturday A benefit, square dance, sponsor ed hy the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce, will be held at the Armory Saturday night., be ginning at 9 o'clock. Attempts will be made during the dance to answer the Jaycees' current question, "Who Is Temp ' tation Jones." Texas, no one was surprised to hear that they were -"two of the largest in the wrold". The Aquarl- the largest in this has almost every hundred tourists today turned their thoughts homeward. More. than. one person was heard to wish fon um is one of "one good breeze off the moun-' country, and lain," as the weather continues known spec ies of fishr Since it was sunny and very hot. i t hree days since they had been After leaving Greenville, Texas, j fedthey are fed twice a week on Monday afternoon the busses i some of the fishermen In the party Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stotes of Jacksonville, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rouse of Ft. Lauderdale, sponsoring a Florida Society in Waynesville with the purpose of making Florida visitors feel more at home. An organizational meeting will be held, together with a barbecue dinner next Wednes da yat 7 p.m. at the Grandview House on Circle Drive in Allen Creek. Entertainment will follow the dinner, and, according to Mr. Rouse, if a success it will be made a yearly event. For additional in formation one may call 1101. " sped the 53 miles to Dallas in what seemed like no time at all. Mem bers of the parly commented on the miles of flat pasture land vis ible in every direction, and sev eral wished for a glimpse of moun- j tains to "break t he monotony". ! The party was met outside Dal i las by city and county officials and j escorted to points of interest. First 'sight, to be seen in Dallas was the J State' Fair Grounds, containing the j Hall nf State and a huge aquari- lira, The Hall of State was con- were heard to wish that they had their pet tackle along. On tne agenda for Jronday eve ning was a banquet at the Jeffer son Hotel, with Texas officials as guests of honor. Besides the many officials present, a number of Den ton families who had had 4-H boys and girls as their guests came over. W. NV Williamson, assistant di rector of extension service, pre sided over the gala affair and in troduced the guests. Among them (See Farm Tovr -Paire 8) Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed . . . . 2 Injured .... 31 '' ": . : ,:' ' (This Information com piled from Record o. State Highway Patrol)

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