HE MOUNTAINEER Q, AUGUST 23, 1951 SECOND SECTION Launched ' Green Valley Baptist Burn Church Mortgage Huge Crowds At Homecoming Of Green Valley Church Women WAYN esv: IjLjLIS I f! I ' C And WAi: i: S Air reJty increase .u v r' tr unmi-n, and an let. """"V'"- . : 1 n(S vvir n 1 drive , " i announcement bjrthei Hbe WAt aim , thousands qualified ..i hn added to .the lirFoice b July 1952. ed that most ot mese M women. ... L for en'istiiicnt in and Air fntf. .;j woman must be (SjlU, 1001 graduate, between 18 and n, inclusive, unmarried, in good . rfimnnripnts under J UU M 18, and of high moral era p for enlisted wo- actly the same as for ivate receives $75.00 a (he first 4 months, after pay rises to $80.00. creases with promotions nrrfante with length of lad, uniforms, lodging, bl and dental care are llthttllt Cost.. lenport stressed that the irs many opportunities toman to continue her ind to learn interesting rt career counseling is WAC and WAF to help r proper niche." ft - i ! i 1 1 n s w 1 1 ' s lie Metals of Turkey i to lead and long more in Turkey's mineral ihest are its chromium, and copper resources. kromlum, practically all led, Is especially noted in y. A strategic mineral t military and industrial las in demand' both by ms and the Allies ' in II... It was a happy occasion for the congregation of the Green Valley Baptist church on August 19th, when they burned their last note on their building. Shown here are the three trustees, during the note-burning ceremony. Lett to right: Monroe Smith, George Troutman, Pless Kirkpatrick, and Rev. Doyle Miller, pastor. (Photo by Joe's Studio).. West Pigeon Community Hears Preliminary Plans For Bethel District Fair MRS. HORACE PEEK Mountaineer Reporter Preliminary plans for the Bethel district fair were announced at the West Pigeon Community meeting Thursday by Fair Chairman Nix. The fair will be held September 28-29 on the Bethel school grounds, with all Bethel district communi ties participating. Committees are to meet Wednes day night, August 29, at the school Reporters of all communities are particularly asked to be present, as they will form the publicity com mittee. All committees will be noti fied by mail of their duties; and further announcements will be giv- ?S TO THE 30TT07.1 OF THE COLD FLOOR PROBLEM -one Ueatmnlre Iidfih V 'c6'er. a second neater is ouut in h7l! lg, Aerfin chamber. . . built right into 52t? h0tteSt fire! Patented' Fomth i, ' "euier captures tne intense neai ihe C T"61 flame and imvty pours it out over I n00r" WOUehout VOUl- hnmA. . - P Malch-Telt' POl&S ?f Mi ('liver , B ru near aoesn t he JL?J ad hotter heat over n0r thnn AMV n. ' h.oi ' 1 tomparaDie Tr wgardless of make or K your money back!" r"'"'. niMflit . r4i.riiF-TOwwf W-T(J.. 9J-"m-m.-; .vt T5-.fi.. . LASSIE FURNITURE CO. "Better Values in Furniture Since 1920" en in the paper, v . ; v. ' I I ' i 1 .... . I jfe;b?n?V' vM r 1QOO r AJJJ i "Si x.;v X i t L tl X X, x - Bookmobile Schedulo Friday, August 24th FINES CREEK Mark Ferguson's Store 9:45-10:13 Mrs. Frances Rogers . . 10:30-10:50 Harley Rathbone 11:15-11:45 Sam Ledford .. . .. . ...12:30- 1:00 Lloyd Mcsser 130- 1:45 R. W, Noland 2 30- 2:45 Mrs. Ann Shelton 3:00- 3:15 This is the new rock building of the Green Valley church which burned the last note on the build ing the 19th. The church was organized In July 1949. Has 125 mqmbors, and 143 in Sunday School, with George Troutman, superintendent. (Joe Davis Photo). Monday, August 27th IRON DUFF, CRABTREE, HYDKR MT. Frog Level 9 25- 9:40 Mrs Fannie Davis 9:50-10:00 Willie Green 10:10-10:30 C H Hill 11 00-11.15 M. H Kirkpatrick . .. 11:45-12:15 Mrs Willis Smith ...... .. 12:30-12:45 Mrs Fred Noland .... 100- 1:15 C. T. Ferguson's Store 1:30-1:45 Jack Long 2:00- 2:15 Tuesday, August 28th BETHEL Mrs. Henry Francis .... Mrs, Wiley Franklin .. Mrs, Walter West John M. Rigdon Ed. Blalock's Groc. ... Mrs Welch Singleton Mrs Hugh Terrell Mrs. Weaver Cathey ... 9:10- 9:20 . 9:30- 9:45 10:00-10:15 10:45-11:00 11:30-12:00 .12:15-12:30 .1:00- 1:30 . 1:45- 2:00 Bleak Gravy Jtlegant gravy for steaks: Boil two Olsons, pred through-sieve and us (of thickening. ms m& -ucatg oap . v fa& Mil PATENTED ZjlUTOMATIC Pfe. j U oi GAS HEATERS Q III ' t - 1 1 ' ' JJJJ, I V han ""ly fove n e,9r,', I I its . -I- Several musical numbers were on the entertainment program of Thursday's CDP meeting. Two were Riven by the Gibson Sisters, Annie Eue, Emmo Jo, Charlotte and Jackie. Charlotte Gibson also sang a solo. Stanley Swayngim sane sev eral numbers. Other entertainment was the old-time jazz "Coon-shine" sung by Mrs. Cora Welch, Mrs. Lou Singleton and Mrs. Dot Clark, with Mrs. Carl Edwards at the piano. Miss Lyda West gave a comic read ing; and little Edith Caldwell sang a solo. West Pigeon enjoyed the many visitors from Morning Star on Field Day. There were 100 visitors and 137 West Pigeonites present. A bountiful picnic luneli was served in the Bethel school cafeteria. West Pigeon extends an invitation to Morning Star to visit again at any time. Mrs. J, T. Russell htm hWn visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Henry Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Lonzic Sweat man visited relatives in Georgia the past week end. The Clifton Terrells have Just returned from a vacation in Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi. Mrs. G. Richard DeBord and daughter are visiting in Gaslonia. Miss Pauline Shepherd is visiting friends in Rutherfordlon. 'Mrs. Letch Worlcy and Mrs. Junior Laws are home from the hospital and are improving. The Rev. and Mrs. C. Laverne Bissett have visiting them the lat ter's sisters, Misses Sharon Jind Laurel llirshey, of Bern, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Traviso, who formerly resided here, met the West Pigeon folk on the out-of-state tour in Oklahoma, their pres. ent home. Their son Tie was with them also. Twenty-one members joined the Bethel Baptist Church during a baptismal service in the Pigeon River Sunday. They joined as a re sult of the tent meeting recently held near the church on the new highway. The Rev. Mr. Ledford and the Rev. Mr. Ingle conducted the meetings. Among those assisting with the service were the Stamey Cove Singers and the' Canton prayer band. E. B. Rickman is home after spending several months on his ranch in Wyoming. , The Rev. and Mrs. Del Snyder. who are connected with the Baptist Children's Bible Mission at Lake Butler, Fla., are visitors of the Rev. nd Mrs. C. Bissett. From here they will eo to the conference in Eliza bethan, Tenn. Sunday evening at ; Bethel Baptist Church Mr. Snyder showed slides on his work in Florida. , ' . More Light, Pleat In recent teati it was determined that reading under various intensi ties of illumination affects tense' ness or nervous muscular tension, Further test's with delicate elec. tronic apparatus revealed that the heart-ratj increased significantly on subjects who read 10-point type for one hour under one-foot-candl Illumination, while it increased far less when the subjects read under 100 foot-candles. Moreover, blink ing of the eyes was found to be more frequent when seeing diffi culties were uncorrected than when proper eyeglasses were used. Durum Crop North Dakota produced 88 percent of th d'.'.rum crop ut the U. S. in 1951 All Roads Lead To The WAYNES VILLE ARMORY SATURDAY AMUST 25th and the 12th Mnbversary ANNUAL MEETING of the HAYWOOD ElECMIC MEM BERSE pomp $600;00 ra Many Valuable Prizes Will Be Given Away Includ ing a $300.00 Automatic Electric Range. here are a IHTSHESTIMG PR0GME1 FEW OF THE MANY including VALUABLE PRIZES BEAUTY CONTEST Electric Fans COMMUNITY CARNIVAL Automatic Toaster DEALER DISPLAYS Electric Percolators FREE PRIZES Table Lamps i Heating Pads GUEST SPEAKERS Electric Irons OFFICERS' REPORTS Electric Popcorn Poppers ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Electric Roasters 1043.