-0 lights la A )f The News AGuiity" - f Education has a which they will per d, -wnsclence. fund". lion a E0ltnok a dictionary .aill. high, school. Unused -lot. but orth ai 1 this debt )ff my L u the dollar." l,pr person "a "-"' of i guuiy IfKlll'S. later, licre & at Colorado A & M innH his position re- leaded back to his home )rth Carolina. He had ,ry far, however, when looded area of the Mid- driving mile alter miie bound his hub caps, ne remark: vbe we should've stay- At 5000 feet we Irom this. Lr Upon arriving ai ion he received a card ,d which stated: "Two here Water waist high I campus. Damage 10 hlorado A & M, $-u,- At Midnight jdgar Burnette and Mrs. tacken spent a worried lv in Raleigh. "Useless Is Mrs. Burnette, "but ;now." 'arm and Home Week hte and Mrs. McCrack- together. The lady Jiall had no room mate, ist of her time with the Haywood. One night, le did not drop in Is news, Her light was I-was locked: and there lid of movement in the ladies began to worry. might be sick, injured, Id. Should they call the : their friend had fall- ith the light on, she'd . AH night long the d. as one or another ake to testify. morning Mrs. Burnette bid to use, her pass key empty, . , ilnh came casually later The lady had met a ibed to her room to fhing and spend the he friend. In her haste fgnten to turn off the "here's no telling what yourself into with a Ind a vivid imagination! vt Leave It my picture postcards 1 asked the reporter. pi," was the prompt re. Sou be so exact?" i them." rf," Said flip rpnnrttr h extra one?". Nttered the merchant, l exactly 51 brothers, 1ips, aunts, cousins, etc. he cards in the hase. per they were from the P Paid me eladlv. Even N I,could paint like hard day," agreed pore You Mail Picture post cards Wion. Look st hnih "rd before you mail fwntly visited Atlanta a bunch of cards. rnminatcly addressed f .ro'f on the left-hand N for (h j , . v message; rful time. Wish you of the cards bore 0 one of Atlanta's the Federal Peni- he N. Rhodes and Mrs t:rlotee are lan T. Hannah. gS. Woolsey, who Is . : Ul IV,rs. vviuiam hV rwe-endwith Am. 27 n4, ... . fionday and Tuesriav 1 iaIuesviUe tempera- the staff of the Min. Rainfall W 58 79 50 "" 80 52 "" -78 51 "" Jilti. Published Twicc-A-Wcck In The County Scat of flaywood County At Pit. "7T. T . m - - ' " ' i " ' ' ..- -ii. - ooinxn no. ii 000,000 Haywood REA Directors Discuss til ml -cCf rMnM : This picture was made about noon Saturday, after ihe annual .election of directors of the Haywood -Electric Membership Corporation. Seated, left to right: Carter Osborne, president, William H. Grove, regional head of REA work, Washington; R. C; Sheffield, manager of the Haywood REA; back row: Walker Brown, Ira Cogburn, Blaine Nicholson, AvW. Ferguson, and H. W. Davis. (Staff Photo). REA Board Arrives For Meeting Here Members of the State REA board began arriving in Waynes ville this morning in preparation for their annual meeting here to morrow. Chairman Gwyn B. Price was one of the first to arrive for he was scheduled to meet this afternoon at Rabun with national and local officials to discuss rural telephone service for the area there now serv ed by the Haywood Co-op. Board members and their fami lies will spend the night here at Brookmont and - meet tomorrow morning at the offices of the local do-op. They will be guests of Glenn C, Palmer, one of the board mem bers, at his camp on Glenn Top in Fines Creek. Dinner tomorrow will be eaten at Bryson City, after which the group plans to attend the Cherokee Drama, "Unto These Hills." On Wednesday the ; board will visit various co-ops and electricrojects including Fontana Dam. . Members of the board in addi tion to Mr. Price and Mr. Palmer. are Mrs. Helen Brooks Boney; D. F. Purcell; Dr. S. H. llobbs, Jr., Dr. Dave Weaver, secretary; Dave Bar ber, engineer; and Walter Fuller. Hazelwood Girls Represent County In Apple Festival Two' Hazel wool girls, Anne Bischoff and Kathryn Hyatt, have been selected by the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce to repre sent Haywood County in the an nual Hendersonville Apple Festival to be held Thursday and Friday. Miss Bischoff is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George BischolT of Hazelwood. She graduated from Waynesville Hifih School this past spring and plans to attend WCTC this fall. 'While in High School she was editor of the pa"per and yearbook, as well as a leader in other activities. Miss Hvatt is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt of Haz elwood. She attended .Mars Hill College last year and plans to en ter Peace College in Raleigh this fall. Barberville Plans Homecoming Day Service Sunday - Barberville-Baptist Church will hold Homecoming services Sun day at the church. Former pastors are expected to be present. A program of speaking and spe cial singing has been planned for the event, which will last all day. Dinner will be servea picnic siyie at noon. Annual Labor Day Issue To Be Published Thursday The annual Labor Day edition of The Mountaineer will, be published on Thursday. This edition will carry a number of features that have made the edition one of the largest of the y6arDuc to the extra number of pages, the actual printing of the ' edition will begin well ahead of the usual time and 'nnounce : ments for the Thursday paper should be in well ahead of the - normal deadlines. TT T WAY Associated Press Many People RA Meeting Merchants To Hold Meeting Tomorrow All merchants of Waynesville, Hazelwood, . and Lake Junaliftka, regardless of type of business, have been requested by Paul Davis, President of Merchants Associa tion, to meetaMh T-wiHaH to morrow night at 8. Mr. Davis emphasized that the meeting is very important, and re peated that all merchants, regard less of whether they operate push carts, filling stations, or depart ment stores, should come. 4 Officers Get 2 Slot Machines Three different law enforcement agents working together picked up Iwo slot machines at the Pro Shop at the golf course shortly after noon here Sunday. The two machines were brought to the Town Hall, and officers said that Ray Raynor, manager of the shop, had .beeij cited to appear in Mayor's court on September 3rd. vBoth machines were of the 25 cent type; one paid off in cash, the other paid off golf balls. The officers getting the machines were; Sheriff Fred Y. Campbell; Agent P. R. Kitchen, of the SBI, and Policemen Jerry Rogers and Francis Recce. Warlick Orders Tipboards Found Here Impounded Judge Wilson Warlick has or dered that the boxes of tipboard recently found in a raid here be impounded and sent to Asheville for use as evidence in Federal court. Judge Warlick . is federal judge of this district, and the im pounding was handled by Deputy Marshall Sossaman, This is the evidence which Sher iff Fred Y. Campbell, Deputy Carl Setzcr, and Policeman Paul Gough got In - a raid here several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Evans and children. Ji'mmie and Helen Evans, have arrived from Hot Springs to spend the winter and are residing at 114 Pigeon Street. Mr. Evans is principal of the Bethel SchooL STANDARD PTG CO Comp 220-230 S First 8 LOUISVILLE KY mesv: In Program Attend 12lh Here Sal. Local officials estimated, that more than 1200 people attended the 12th annual meeting of the Hay wood Electric Membership Corpor ation here Saturday, making it one of the mast successful yet held. Eleven directors were elected to hold office during the coming year. They include: Ira H. Cogburn, East rorx; walker Brown, Pigeon and Cecil; and Roy B. Medford, Iron duff, Jonathan's Creek, White Oak and Ivy Hill. 1 Jack" Harris, Beaverdam; Carter Osborne, Clyde and Waynesville, H. W. Davis, Buncombe County; M. M. Klrkpatrick, Crablree and Fines Creek; C. W. London, Bun combe County. J. N. Fisher, Macon and Rabun Counties; Blaine Nicholson, Jack son County; and Dan Rcid of Tran sylvania County. William H. Groves, of the man agement division of the national REA, gave the annual address. He stressed, the fact N. C. rural elec trification has shown greater im provement than in any other slate, and he pointed out that the local Co-op ranks above the average of the state. . ' Carter Osborne, who was elected president of the directors, acted as master of ceremonies during the day which featured a picnic lunch, and a beauty contest in which Miss, Patsy Mccracken of canion, KVD 3 was selected as Miss REA Co-op for the Haywood project, " She was selected on the basis of poise, ability, achievement, and, of course, beauty. Runnerups were Regina Ferguson of HFD 1, Clyde, and Virginia Robinson of RFD 1, Candler. Miss McCrackcn will go to Daligh later to compete for the state title. Miss N. C. REA Co-op. Music for the events was furnish ed by a local string band, along with two soloists, Ballard Webb of Hyder Mountain and A. C. Walker of Fines Creek. ' ' Special guests were Kenneth N. Hardy of the national REA in Washington, and D. M. Robinson, manager of the neighboring French Broad Electric Membership Cor poration at Marshal. Members and officers alike a greed that it was one of the best meetings they had enjoyed in the 12-year history of the organization. Hens On County Home Farm Make Good Investment Last April the county commis sioners bought 900 pullets for the County Home farm. The pullets were bought for producing hatch ing eggs, and this week the second check for eggs this month arrived $677.1.. The first check was for $07. The hens arc in about 60 per cent production, it was said, and within a week or so should be pro ducing $1,300 worth of eggs per month, . Under normal conditions they should lay for 10 to U months. The commissioners paid $105 per hen, and at the present rate, will realize a good return on the in vestment. Moui The Eastern Entrance Of The ....... WAYISESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 27, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties , L ' ' ' ' , cliool Boiidg Proposed. Stale Und County Boards Approve Plan For General Expansion of Local Schools BondElection Will Be Held On Sept. 25 The date of the special bond election to decide whether the peo ple of Wanyesvllle desire to pay $80,000.00 for a recreation center and swimming pool, has been set for Tuesday, September 25th. Also to be decided is whether the tax with which the bonds shall be paid, should be not less than three cents nor more than ten cents on the $100.00 valuation of property in Waynesville. ' Mrs. Ruth Kelly has been ap pointed Registrar for Precinct No. 1, and Claude Woodard and Spat' don Underwood have been select ed as Judges. Mrs, Denton Brown ing will be Registrar for Precinct No, 2, with Bill Ferguson and Ruf us Siler as Judges. Registration books 'will be opened at 9 a.m., Saturday, Sep tember 1st, and will be closed at sunset on Saturday, September "1 5th." The following Saturday, Sep tcmber 22nd, will be Challenge Day. Polling places for the first pre cinct will be at the Fire Station on Main Street, and at the Aliens Creek school house in the 2nd pre cinct, Many people have long cam paigned for a Recreation Center for the young people of the town Only recently was a petition cir culated, and signed that made the special election necessary, ,.. Local Man Is Professor At Annapolis Rowan A. Williams of Waynes ville, has jointed the civilian fa culty of the U, S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., as an Assistant Professor in the Department of EiTgllsh, History and Government. Professor Williams attended Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and Asheville School for Boys; He rercived his Bachelor of Arts de gree from Princeton University and his Master's Degree from the Uni versity of Pennsylvania in 1950. He Is a member of Phi Beta Kap pa, honorary scholastic fraternity. Professor Williams was com missioned a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry in 1942 and served with the Fifth Army in Italy. For a period in 1944 he served as Liaison Officer for the French Air Force. He is authorized to wear the Bronze Star Medal in recogni tion of distinguished wartime serv ice. A member of the Organized Reserve Corps, Army of the Uni ted Stales, he reported to the Nav al Academy from summer training with the Second Army at Fort Meade, Md., where he served as historian. Professor and Mrs. Williami are at 65 Shipwright St., Annapolis, Md. Vehicle Lights In Area Termed Good For two hours Friday night, pa trolmen maintained a checking sta tion at five-points In Hazelwood, on highway No. 19A-23. L Only - two - vehicles- with-- faulty lights passed, and one car without an operator's license. 1 , THE DUDLEY MOORES RETURN FROM 15.000 MILE TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Moore and son, Johnny, have returned to their home at Lake Junaluska after a two and one-half month trip to the West Coast, on which they trav eled around 15,000 miles. They made the trip by motor, traveling the Southern route through Texas, the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest, and Death Valley into Cali fornia. They visited Yosemite Na tional Park, Yellow Stone. Park, Salt Lake City, Pike's Peak, and re turned by the Northern Route. Last week they visited Mr. Moore's sister, Miss Martha Moore in Char lottesv'l'w Va, MTAINEER Great Smoky Mountains National Park '. .... . ? A 'proposal that Haywood spend two millions on an expanded school system has been made by the State and county boards of education in a joint recommenda tion to the county commissioners. The detailed report climaxes a long study of the physical needs of schools in Haywood, and provides for a general expansion of build ings and facilities in every section of the county. The report was handed the com missioners on Friday by Mrs. Lucy Jones, county superintendent. The commissioners are expected to make a thorough study of the pro posals, and confer with the county board of education at a later date. The new recommendations have been modified from the original proposed three million dollar pro gram. Under the terms of the current report, Haywood would vote two millions in bonds. Added to this would be $346,000 as the county's share of the state-wide school bond program. The Canton charter school district would get slightly more than 31 per cent of the two millions, with the other 69 per cent being used on Haywood schools. The 69 per cent amounts to $1,394, 200. . The proposal put the cost of the seven projects at slightly over $1,- 508,700, with $200,000 set aside for equipment, and $31,500 for con tingencies, The largest single project would be the Bethel elementary building, costing $469,700. An addition of physical educa tion unit, and classrooms . at the Crabtree-Iron Duff school has been set at $168,000. The Waynesville high vocational building is estimated to cost $330, 000. t The elementary building for Waynesville set at $260,000. Clyde would get $100,000 for a physical education building. A sum of $206,000 was set for repairs, renovations and additions for the Maggie, Rock Hill, Lake Junaluska, and others. Ttjc State Board held out for two consolidations Cecil and Spring Hill. The county board (See Schools Page 6) Upper Crabtree Homecoming Day Set For Sunday f Upper Crabtree Community has named Sunday, September 2, as Homecoming Day. An all-day pro gram of singing and speaking will begin at 10 a.m. Former residents are especially invited to attend. The program will be held at the community cemetery. Taxi Driver Held Under $2500 Bond ; Slanberry Ewart, local taxi driv er, was bound over to superior court under a $2500 bond Friday, in connection with the wreck on Aliens Creek highway August 4th, when Miss Betty Hamblin was seri ously injured. The hearing was held before Justice of the Peace Johnny Fer guson. The Investigation was made by Patrolman Joe Murrill. The de fendant had not made bond as of this morning, and was still being held in jail. -4 Junior Dairy Be Held Here The Haywood County Milk Pro ducers Association has announced a Junior Dairy Show to be held September 10th at 10 a.m. in the parking lot by the courthouse. It will be for both grade and regis tered dairy animals, All boys and girls under 21 on date of show are eligible to enter cattle, but no exhibitor may enter more than two animals. All cows, no bulls are eligible, must be test ed for Bangs Disease, but at no expense to the owner. The State Veterinarian will be brought by the Association to anyone desiring him for that purpose. If enough animals are entered, the following classes will be of fered: Junior Calf, but no calf under four months of age; Senior Caalf; Junior Yearling; Senior Yearling; Two Year Olds; Three This Scene Will Occur At 8:45 Wed. A "T I 1 w J1 I """"""""T! ' I j J, For details of Haywood County of section two, Sural Eload Be Selected Stores To Be Closed On Labor Day Paul Davis, President of the Merchants , Association, has an nounced that all stores In Waynes ville will be closed all day on Mon day, September 3rd in honor of Labor Day. This policy is in keeping with the traditional 1 riiinlliness exist ing for years between Waynesville employers and employees, liy clos ing on Labor Day t lit employees will be able to enjoy their day to the fullest extent, Mr. Davis emphasized that every one should remember that the stores will . bo closed, and plan their shopping accordingly. One Hurt In Car Crash Saturday Nalhan Messer was Injured about the face and knees late Saturday when the ear in which lie was rid ing crashed with another car near the Bryan Medford. home on Jon athan creek highway. Patrolman Joe Murrill investi gated, and said that Otlis Birch field was driver of the ear in which Messer was riding. Mrs. Jimmy Medford was driver of the other car. Both cars were damaged, and were lowed in to a garage here. Show Will - On Sept. 10 Year Olds; and Four Year Olds, which includes all cows dropped before July 1. 1947. The Danish system of judging will be used; that is, animals will be judged red, while, and blue winners, with the prize for the blue ribbons being $5.00, red win ners $3.00.' and white $2.00. This is for grade or purebred, and the I animals will not show against each other but in separate classes. All blue and red registered win ners will be eligible for the Dis trict Show in Asheville, but both grade and registered animals of the following breeds are eligible for, the County show; Guernsey, Jersey, Holstein, and Ayrshire. There will also be a prize for the boy or girl doin? the best job of showing his animal, and a prize for the best fitted 'animal;;. TODAY'S SMILE ''Your wife used to be m nervous, Mr. Jones. What did you do for her?" "Simple. The doctor told her nervousness was a sign of old age." - -a School openings see page three Projects To On Thursday A number of representatives from all sections of the county arfc expected to attend the rural road mapping program here Thursday morning. The meeting called by L. Dale Thrash, district highway com missioner is set for ten o'clock. The delegates at the meeting will work out plans with the highway officials, for paving some 15 to 20 miles in the next phase of the program. The policy of calling the repre sentatives in has been lollowed since the rural road program began more than a year ago. Haywood has spenl about half of Ihe $1,890.00 allocated for rural roads. Some of this has already been obligated, it was explained, for projects not yet completed. Mr Thrash said that the people of Haywood were very cooperative with the highway officials in help ing to work out a well-rounded and county-wide program for paving projects. A detailed report of I hp paving program to dale in Haywood will be explained by Mr. Thrash at th meeting here Thursday. Mary Jane Rogers Awarded W.CT.C Music Scholarship Mary Jane Rogers, daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, has been awarded a music scholarship to W.CT.C. Miss Rogers plans to major in Music Education. Only recently she turned down the $100 UDC scholarship to Brev ard College. Miss Rogers graduated " last spring from Waynesville High School where she had a distin guished record in music and with the band." - Highway Record For In Hay wood (To Date) Killed.. 2 Injured . . . . 37 (This Information com piled from Record. o State Hi.hwar , Patrol.) i