STANDARD PTG CO Comp 220-230 S First ft LOUISVUXS KY flight -s s - : -.TVVT . i Of The News ,f Attorney Ld grabbed a local law- set niy w" v"" " P -j aHnrnpv surprise" " ' direction he was . nothing unusual. how to get a man out on a naoeas 'tie the Indsaw vr wkslikejou could think 0 get a woman Out rm a itt t MAIN EEK 66th YEAR NO. 70 28 PAGES PubiedTwice.A-Week 'In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE He: "Do yon believe kiss Inr is unhealthy?" She: "I've never been iiek." -O Associated Press WAYNES VILLE, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 30, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Cashiers Start 'Bagging' 1200 Pounds Of Silver Payroll i sate. koccnce Genres. Mrs. Jonn ned to be in line for a the Strand. me muvie be ' Excuse my w Le-l've got someming me, hey Do Next? said the stranger, nty has provided aoors (house. it," was the aDrupi iy are you using the Ircise ' gt),)(i or us' cond ot' the young laa- ine, I said the stranger, Minfusion. exercise was good ior later investigation re tne two ladies had for keys.:;; . :.: Peace tj nn. n i. A was me oiu huhuii euu was interesting to hear eaders point out that a was reported inurS' erring from Mars Hill 'liege! jofohe-roaders? habit, or maybe it's rvative. but Ben Messer the fact that nine out that pull into his station at the middle of the Whether they want premium gas, they lg ens on the three tanks igly automatically pull he middle one. , WrX - : v 1 T ft -r- U.,. .' Vv 7 kV 'VV ? v ' V 'k 'V' ',f . if' .J !nV J . j. - "M I JL 14 Rural Ro .layvood ad Projects In Approved Today mall World hose name we promised ion was recently aboard lanta.. Beside her was a er returning to duty. fcation developed and e point, where .toesol-.J scusslng his hometown. t subscribed to it," he Ill's small but it's got a Iks I like.'.' ft they?" inquired the lici: described them in the lady listened with fst. Finally the youth dy about her paper, just described it," he the Waynesville Moun- IVellco Employees Receive 1209 Pounds of ISard Cash Frady cally nded "any, 69 is in rHtiral the Haywood County ler a colored youth he led shot him Tuesdav home on Auburn Road. iv-year-old Robert of South Georeia. had -or Mr. Fradv. Ac Ule story he told thP had obtained nermls. lie night in the telling Mr. Fradv hP r P'ace to stay me Negro decided !' Jhe bedroom, and in "7 Mr. Frady who as ' "ad piled some chairs Z (d0or- As the elder ? from the bed. the 13-20 rifle he had "c iiuuse. hf'ess able t tu. 'Vun, called the sher- 7' taking the rifle hi ."""eu 10 -iiu no shp,. (t ! 3Jice by radio as to yuiions, n,s storVi GilHon! . rrunu n . jit. Distribution of 1200 pounds of silver dollars to 1516 Wellco Shoe employees will be made Friday, as $20,131 in silver is used to meet the weekly payroll.-Shown' here in the vault of the First National Bank are the young ladies who had the task pf counting out the 20,131 silver dollars, which weighed 1200 pounds. The bags of silver shown here contained .'1000 silver dollars each. Left to right; Mrs. .Oliver Yount, Jr., Wellco payroll supervisor; Mrs. Johnny Ferguson, Miss Edith Summerrow, Miss', ijoy Woody, and Miss Edna Summerrow, bank tellers. The occasion Is the 10th anniversary of Wellco. , ; '. .': - ' : ''v.' '' - ' "' . ,!'V (Statr. Photo).' 11.7 Miles Of Rural Road Okayed Several hundred Haywood citi zens attended the rural road pro gram meeting here this morning. The courtroom was more than three-fourths filled, as ..very sec tion of ihi county was represent ed to hear & d'scussion of proposed paving projects. L. Da'e Tnrash, hlehway com missioner, was in charge, and had W. M. Corkill, division engineer, J. T. Knight, assistant engineer, and others, to give details of the program. Fourteen projects wc present ed for the early 1952 paving pro gram. These projects represent ed the recommendations of the county commissioners, and town ship committeemen, Mr, Thrash ex plained. The projects totaled 11.7 miles. Various representatives asked for work on dirt roads be done, and for the most part, Mr. Thrash ex plained that the average road would have to wait, as the workmen were getting around as fast as they could He cited I'isgah Creek road as the worse he had found in the county, and added; "It is my personal ex iifiU'rwn that therp.lis nnf a single mile of road In the entire 10th dls- (Sce Road Project Page 8) The 516 employees of Wellco Shoe Corporation will carry home Friday more than 1200 pounds of silver money. The 520th consecu tive payroll of the firm 10th an niversary is being made Friday in silver dollars. Over $20,000 is re quired to meet the weekly payroll, Which totals over a million dollars per year. Bank clerks and the payroll staff of Wellco began putting the sil ver dollars in cloth bags Wednes day in an effort to have the task completed by Friday afternoon when the weekly payroll is dis tributed. - The 1200 pounds of sifter dollars were shipped in to tne rirsi na tional Bank for the special occa sion. The silver dollars weigh six pounds per $100. The paying-off in silver is the beginning of the celebration of the Wellco Shoe Corporation. On Monday, the annual picnic and all day program for the employees and families of the firm will be held at the high school. The program will begin at ten o'clock, with Heinz Rollman, presi- (See Wellco Page 8) No Figures Yet On Public School Enrollment A check by the Mountaineer of town and county school officials revealed that as yet no figures arc available as to enrollment. Prin cipal C. E. Weatherby of Waynes ville High School Indicated that some students are still being regis tered and that several days must pass before anything definite will be known. The County Superintendent's of fice reported substantially the same thing. DR. STRINGFIELD RESTING WELL Dr. Tom Strlngfleld is resting comfortably at the Haywood Coun ty Hospital where he is receiving treatment for a broken hip. He re ceived the injury last week at the High School football stadium. Dr. Tom was watching the Mountain eers drill when the tun got in his eyes and he attempted to move his position. All Attendance Records Broken At Lake Junaluska Pigeon River Survey Now Being Made H. Getty Browning, chief locat ing engineer for the State High way and Public Works Commis sion, revealed recently that a seven-man survey party is now at work on the site of the proposed road through Pigeon Kiver Valley. According to Browning the pur pose of the survey is to determine tne location ot a seven-mile sec tion of the dual lane highway planned from the Tennessee line to Cold Spring Creek where con nections will be made with a For est Service road. Axnien from Haywood County are clearing the way for. the sur veying crew which is under the direction of Roy Welch, The party began work several days ago. Governor Scott added $500,000 to a previous allotment of $400, 000 made by former Governor Cherry three years ago to make the road possible. A proposed road from Brock to Fontana is also being surveyed by a seven-man crew. A total of $fi0(),. 000 has been allocated for this construction which, when complet ed, will cut in half the present 70 mile distance from Brysnn City to Fontana. Arnold Crisp of Brysnn City is in charge of this second surveying party. Engineer Browning estimated that the two crews would finish their work some time this fall. Bids Opened On County Road Project The State Highway Commission opened bids in Raleigh Tuesday for the construction ot a new highway betyvcen Canton and Lake Juna luska; for a new route from Ashe- ville to Leicester; and for con struct ion of structures in prepara lion to adding two more lanes to the west approach to the Smoky Park Highway Bridge. The Commission will review these and 30 others at their meet ing Saturday at Manteo. Taylor Construction Co. of Ashe ville bid $374,678.40 to grade 6.50 miles of new roadway south of present US 19-23 from Canton to the junction of US 19 and 19-A near Lake Junaluska. When this project is completed the results will mean practically a new road from Ashcville to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. on the lists. Dr. Allen also revealed that $30,000 on the proposed $50, 000 Children's Building has already been secured. Programs at the Lake will con tinue through tomorrow. i Figures arc not final," stressed Dr. H. G. Allen, "but indications are that all records in attendance at Lake Junaluska were broken this year," Dr. Allen of the Methodist As sembly also revealed that while the season officially closes tomor row, all hotels and inns will re main open until after Labor Day. The Junaluska Apartments, he said,- will not close until Septem ber 15. Fishing will continue in the lake, he stated, . despite the fact that beach and boat houses close tomorrow. "They are eaten- The North Carolina nurai wee ing fish by the bucketful," he rc trificalion Authority met Tuesday marked. , rn!nr tossinn at the offices of "RED" LINER IN HOSPITAL "Red" Liner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., is undergo ing treatment at Aston Park Hos pital, Ashcville. Penny Brothers Sell $50,000 In Property At Sales Penny Brothers sold almost $50, 000 in property here last Saturday as they conducted four auction sales in Haywood. The Rogers place on Pigeon was sold, as were the business houses and drive-in place in Hazelwood ana the Robert button nome on East Street. J. C. Penny, general manager, said that he was well pleased with the sale, the first held here by the firm this season. m:im ldm ma 'tj . ywood ILaboir Ready IFoir Day Observaince Everything Big Labor Day Program In Full-Swing At Canton Canton School Buildings Shown County Groups The Canton Clvltan Club today saw the expanded school building program in the Canton area. A. J. Hutchlns, superintendent, in charge of the program, had as special guests the county commissioners and Canton school board. After the luncheon, the members visited the Beaverdam school, Patton Avenue, and North Canton building. Expan sion projects of all three were re cently completed. The projects cost about $170,000, Mr. Hutchlns explained. Property To Be Sold For Taxes All delinquent tax property Haywood Cgunty will be sold public auction on Monday, accord ing to an announcement by Sebe Bryson, Tax Collector. The sale will take place at 10 a. m. in front of the Haywood County courthouse in Waynesville. The Labor Day and Fall Festiv al Celebration at Canton is al ready in full swing. On August 24th a pet and doll show was held in the football stadium. On Sunday a model airplane circus was sched uled for the baseball field. Yester day there was a Central Methodist picnic at Camp Hope, as well as a Wesleyan Methodist picnic at the Recreation Park. Today's schedule Included a bi cycle rodeo at the baseball field, and tomorrow's a baby show at the football stadium with a square dance at the Armory tomorrow night. The Pet. and Doll show was the largest yet held. Pets entered num bered 57, and doll entries totaled 103. More than 500 girls attended the show to see the 350 on dis play, Some girls, it was reported, had 12 dolls In their collection. Winners in the Pet show in or der of their victory were: John Bottom, Woody Westmoreland, Johnnie Hutchins, Gerald Wiggins, Jerry Morgan, Pat Cody, Daniel Murr, David Lindsay, Patricia Smathers and Sue Boyd. Winners in the classifications were; Linda Wiggins, Jackie Sut ton, Charles Smith, Bobby Smith, Nancy Ray, George Foster, Charles Hall, Nancy Barnes, Kermit Hy att, Woody Westmoreland, Shelia Mason and Charles Smith. (See Labor Day Page 8) State REA Board In Session At Waynesville ectritication Rural E Authority Ms Here humid Thursday JaynesviHe tempera-lib- the staff of the Max. 82 78 82 Min. 54 62 62 Rainfall .04 Other facts supplied by Dr. Allen include the decision of the Board of Trustees to build a new Admin istration Building. Plans are al- ... r lU. itun.ulnrV rconsTrud Sedation for the many cordial let near the auditorium, and it is hop R. C. Sheffield, manager local co-op, welcomed the ity, calling it. "both an of the author- honor and ! the Haywood Electric Membership j a pleasure." Replying, Mr. Price Corporation- in Waynesville. Gwvn Price, Chairman, opened the session with a statement, of ap ed that work can start this fall. The Trustees also voted to de velop the property on South Shore Drive, as well as to sell timber in the area to the highest bidder. The cuia win tnWp nlare within the tcrs received from throughout the area ,by various members ot tne board. "We felt at home before we arrived," he said. . Thanks were also extended to Glenn C. Palmer, member of the board who made his camp on Fines L I I C f-i " I' . 11 1 . - 1 it. nnnntpiimlntl Will De usea in me .uui.-- - - . hpfnre we ever a i minict iatinn R.illdinB. ' heard bells ringing Detore we ever Much road paving is planned for j got to . the ( camp the next few months, with uoio- nial Ave. and Haywood Drive high .heaven. and for a while I we were headed up to remarked that It is essential we meet occasionally in the 'grass roots' if wc are to do the desired job." ; , ' Two applications were approved!. by the board. One was from the Markers Island REA requesting $40,000 for two miles of new line and the rephrasing of much of the existing project to meet heavier demands. The other project involved per mission for the Mecklenburg Elec tric Cooperative, of Chase City, Va., to domesticate two miles of line in this state in order to reach (See REA Page 8) Will Close . On Labor Day All business activity comes to a halt In Waynesville on Monday. Stores will close, banks will not open, offices will be locked. Mon day is Labor Day, and time for all good men and women to relax, rest, and re-evaluate their world. Aside from the traditional pic nic for employees and their fam ilies at Wellco Shoe, there will be little ,in Waynesville to distract the average man. No civic celebration is planned here to interrupt the peace and quiet of a day at home. For the many, however, who do not desire to spend the day at home, there is plenty to do not too far away, Over at Sylva, for ex ample, the "Brothers of the Hrush" and "Sisters of the Swish," will be reaching the climax of their Jack son County Centennial Celebration. Parades, speeches, beauty queens and fireworks will highlight the day. Many from Haywood are ex pected to travel over and enjoy the sights. At Canton there is more than enough to entertain the restless. There the annual Labor Day and Fall Festival reaches its zenith of activity. The Waynesville High School 90-piece band will be there to march in the big parade. Plenty of string bands will also be on hand, and all, kinds of contests from horseshoes to hog calling will be featured. 1 , But Waynesville will be calm if not deserted. Labor Day Vas de signed to honor the laboring man,, and no better way to do that has been devised than to give him re lief from labor. Waynesville plans to do that. Mr. and Mrs. D, H. Cosby and son, David, Jr., have returned to Boca- Raton,- Fla.r after- spending the summer at their home "Hall Top". Shown left to right are members of the State Rural Electrification Authority as they met Tuesday in the offices of the Haywood County Co-op: Walter Fuller, Louisburg; D. D. Barber, Raleigh; Chair man Gwyn Price, Raleigh; Cutler L. Ballance, St. Paul; David Weaver, Raleigh; Glenn Palmer, Clyde; Mrs. Hubert Boney, Teacheys; D. E. Purcell, Reidsville; Dr, S. H. Hobbs, Jr., Chapel Hill, and R. C. Sheffield, manager of the local co-op. f Staff Photo). Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed 2 Injured .... 37 (This Information com piled from Record! State Highway Patrol)

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