delight Qf The News - ... i . than voras l0u wa'K " M',71 v walking on fcan, , routine remark but the decided to see r was not sunicicuv but the salesman, uu . u.j tho me nut en- and began waim6. 4 ra if eha not remain i , - t the snuie on nei iv indicate sausiacuuu. ...l1f Intf nn tt )ie was - V, Kiting and . . . . L civilization becoming lical? Three young ladies I lunch yesieruay aim e selves hugely. But when came they were iorcea an adding maching to Uo should pay how one of the ladies Is a he Gods Nod know that Jackson celebrating its 10,000th lie didn't know It either lead It on a proof sheet 9 .. 1. (I T t The line weni, is celebrating its 100th 1 and a hundred times :quals 10,000 he "Brothers luld have had and all over. of the nothing TTTTl Midi STANDARD PTG CO Comp 220-230 S First LOUISVILLE KY W AYNESYILL eMo UNTAINEER 66th YEAR Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park XT" nrk - -a n . 11 " 11 '' " - . ' . ift rAUts Associated Press TODAY'S SMILE Prosecutor: "Why did you shoot your husband with a bow and arrow?" "I didn't want to wako the baby." . - WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 6, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Five Picporl For Service Ahis Honih Five men will leave from Hay wood County for induction on September 24, the Selective Ser vice Board announced today. They are James William Caldwell, Stall", ard Edison Jaynes, William Robert Miller, Bruce Medford and McKin ley Bryson Ledbetter. The Board also reported a call for twenty men to report Septem ber 12 for pre-induction examinations. Corkill Gives Bond Report A report by W. M. Corkill, Divi sion Engineer, to the Haywood County Commissioners reveals that the amount of money expended out of bond funds in Haywood County through the period ending July 31, was $857,851.01. The original allocation was $1, 889,000.00 which leaves a balance of $1,031,148.99. sade For Freedom To Kill UI1UW llClt? 1UU1 He will be host on the Crusade for Free- cade, which is making lur of the state, running Jiy to Manteo Sept. 10- Ip will arrive here at lay, have lunch, and at a show, including the If balloons like the ones to penetrate the area Iron Curtain. The ve a replica of the radio which is being used In send messages into the n countries. ; . iunter, state vice chalr- pected to appear here low. He is the author of le Hills", Reuben B. s chairman of the two md jQnathan Woody..js rman. ' ,. . i will be presented at louse lawn. f.umber of citizens' are see this interesting mod Is n New Quota County U. S. Savings nan, J. E. Massie an- lay that Haywood Cou. assigned a sales quota w the first U. S. De Drive from September member 13. The quota the combined Series F and G. e of the Drive, he k our boys in the Arm- 'fouragement of thrift "i the part of every in- ftra'int of spending for 15 as a means of reliev- layy pressure and help I Nation's economy. said he was sure that 1 ot Haywood County Fe'ense Bonds and px- l ?ned goal to help hold r" s wen as to deliv- ;1U communism. Nnth. P maintain tho d forppc tt u ... , i iiume ana fe than t0 know that Quota-Page Registration For Recreation Center Is 'Very Light' Reports from Registrars indicate that interest in the bond election set for September 25th to deter mine whether Waynesville is to have a- Recreation Center and Swimming Pool, is not very heavy. Mrs. Ruth- Kelly, Registrar for the First Precinct, stated that "So far registration has been very light." Reports from Mrs. Denton Browning, Registrar of the Sec ond Precinct, Indicate the same thing. ' '7';-;-" -" .' Books were opened Saturday, Septewbep 1st, at tftf.-ffl: They will again be open on September 8th and 15th: foiling places will be located at the Fire Station on Main Street for the 1st precinct, and at the Aliens Creek School In the 2nd precinct. In addition to determining whether or not $80,000.00 in bonds will be sold to pay for the Center, voters will also decide if the tax should be not less than three cents or more than 10 cents on the $100.00 valuation of property in Waynesville. Heavy Traffic Hit Peak Here Sunday, Sept. 3 Traffic in Haywood hit the high peak of the year on Sunday, Sep tember 2nd, according o the high way patrol and Waynesville po licemen. .Traffic through town was heavy all day Monday, according to Chief Noland, with most of it going and coming from the programs in Canton and Sylva . - Highway Patrolmen reported traffic on 19-23 as the heaviest of the year on Sunday . exceeding that of July Fourth by a large margin. i Traffic has dropped extensively since Labor Day. , 8) Sept. 6 Partlv plniiriv !" afternoon thunder psday. partlv ci0U(iv arm Friday. . . Waynesville imiur. the State Test Max. 87 84 83 83 Min. 60 60 61 60 58 60 51 Rainfall .32 .53 ROUTINE MATTERS Only routine matters claimed the attention of the Haywood board of commissioners here Tuesday They handled their regular first Mondav business Tuesday, since the court house was closed Mon day for Labor Day. Chief Noland Smashes Two Slot Machines To Bits r -.. i I ; s .... . t mm'" 1 k i 1 fcii,iiiiWirtiiiiriT)'ivrf-irriiir-'-iriTti-rtirriv,l-T -"nn lAiinrwnftiniftiii) li'i'n 1 ii n iti flu i m ; w ;ij,,j .U, The two recently confiscated slat machines are no more the machines were battered to liny bits under the-onslaught of a heavy sledge hammer wielded by Chief Noland. The two machines con tained $97.85 someone had put a dime in the quarter slot device, The poor fund of the county got the money. The defendant, Ray Raynor, paid $100 and costs in mayor's court Monday. Officers said the machines cost about $600 each. Both of these were termed as pre-war make. The "wrecking" took place at the police station. (Staff Photo) 3EpralR Set Up The Waynesville Post Office will have three rural routes, effective October 16, instead of the present two, it was learned today from Postmaster J, H. Howell. The project began, in February 1950, and has Just been approved. ' The heavy growth of population of the rural areas served by the rural routes from the local office necessitated the change, as pres ent carriers are traveling about 64 to 69 miles daily, Postmaster Howell said that spe cial notices would be put in the boxes of every patron advising them of their new route number, in the event of a change. Many will remain on the same route, it was explained. The new route one will cover 31,55 miles, and cover in general, the Hazel wood, Hyatt Creek, Sau nook, Aliens Creek and Ninevah areas. . . The new route two will begin at Mauney Cove, and cover Dellwood, Maggie, Jonathan Creek, Iron Duff areas. The mileage is even 62 miles The new route three Is 46.35 miles, and will embrace Mauney Cove, Lake Junaluska, Howell Mill Road, RatclllTe Cove, Francis Cove (See Post Office Pace 8 WelDco Em Give Hosp)itco lovees WilB Pretty soon, every patient in the H.ivwood County Hosoital will have ?a,4l9;f,ac tng made possible by"the 310 em ployees of Wellco Shoe Corpora tion who have pledged themselves tfl pay for the $5000 installation. The suggestion was ' made ty Heinz Rollman at the Labor Day picnic here Monday, and by Tues day afternoon, every employee had signed to take part in the program. "The response was 100 per cent, Mr. Rollman said joyfully, as he thumbed through the sheaf of pledges from the employees, The wards and semi - private rooms rooms will be equipped with special built radio receivers In the sponge rubber pillows, thus mak ing it only possible for the pati ent to hear. The patients nearby cannot hear the programs unless their pillow set is turned on, ... The private rooms will have ra dio sets, but will have a volume control which will make them heard only in the confines of the one room. Plans are to begin work at once of installing the sets and pillows, and then add to the new wing of the building when ready. ViilalVlli lVUVUW0 VVVU 7oial For School System New and complete figures, as of this morning, indicate that the total drop in school enrollment this year is not quite as large as earlier reported. The decrease now stands at 567, and the total enrollment is 5952. More Seats Made Available for Fans More than 500 additional seats in the concrete stands will be avail able to football fans Saturday night. The officials are moving the 90 piece band, and some 450 members of the student body to the wooden seats across the field. Coach Weatherby said that the band across the field could be heard to a much better advantage than when seated in the concrete stands. Meeting Tuesday Night Will Plan Campaign For 'Nickels For Know - How' James Kirkpatrick, temporary chairman, and Mrs. Mark Fergu son, temporary vice-chairman of the "Nickels for Know How" cam paign have called a meeting at the courthouse in Waynesville on Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 8:00 p.n). At this meeting "Nickels for Know How" will be explained and an organization set up to handle the campaign in Haywood County. The research which is being done will mean much to agriculture, not only In Haywood County but in North Carolina. The "Nickels for Know How" campaign applies to both the farm men and women and the chair men hope that all persons interest ed will be at , the meeting Tues day night. The following local organizations are going all out to promote the campaign: The County Officers of the Com munity Development Program Or ganization, the Directors of the Community Development Program Organization, County and Home Agents, Vocational Agriculture teachers, F.H.A. personnel, County and Community officers of the P.M.A., R.ElA. officers and per sonnel, Home Economics teachers. County Commissioners, Feed and Seed dealers, Representatives of all the Newspapers, representatives from Radio Station. WWNC, rep resentatives from all the banks in . (See Tuesday Meetinf Pare 8) Waynesville High still leads the list with 531 in Junior High and 713 in Senior High, for a combin ed total of 1244. Bethel Is second with 906, and Hazelwood Is third with 706. Clyde now has 587. Other schools in order, of size are: Fines Creek, 376; Crabtree, 370; Central, 366; East Waynes ville, 248; Lake Junaluska, 200; Rock Hill, 199; Cruso, 180; Maggie, 176; Cecil, 102; Saunook, 82; Al iens Creek, 76; Spring Hill, 58; Pigeon Street Colored School,. 52; Mt. Sterling, 28; and Cataloochee, 6. The total enrollment last spring in the schools reported was 6519. It is expected, however that the present figure of 5952 will build up during the year and by the end of the term next spring may not be far below last year's total. Hazelwood Board Changes Hog And Poultry Town Laws Two ordinances were passed Tuesday by the Hazelwood board of aldermen. One makes it unlaw ful to keep hogs within the town limits after January 1, 1952; and the other relates to keeping poul try. , ' i He ordinance sets out that no person shall keep, or maintain chickens, dicks, geese, or turkeys within the town unless they are kept In an inclosed poultry house or poultry yard. No person shall, after January 1, 1952, butld or maintain a poultry house or poul- Queen Of N. C. Apple Festival PATROLMAN BASDEN ON NEW ASSIGNMENT Patrolman Bryan Basden, sta tioned here for the past nine months with the Highway Patrol, assumed his duties at Chimney Rock, Sept. 1. He plans to move his family there sometime In October. Never Take A Chance On A Patrolman Being Asleep "We thought the patrolmen were asleep," commented a defendant after being hailed into court, and fined $100 and cost In mayor's court for driving drunk. Along with the driver were two friends, charged with being drunk, who also were about as surprised to find them selves under the arm of the law lnte the other night. The celebrants were on the highway near the Hospital driving at a high rate of speed, and also dangerously, when Cpl. Prilehard Smith and P. R. Kitchen of the S.D.I, saw them, A few minutes later the officers were joined by Sheriff Campbell in a routine matter, and the speeding car was found, and the arrests made. The first words of the occupants were; "We thought the patrolmen were all asleep, and not out at this time of night." The three drunk men were told that It was people like them that kept officers from getting full night's rest. Canton Labor Day Queens Are Named ttf ".: f T 4 '. . - ,'35,' VC C , ..." 0 4 . 1 'U v : :- ,y:' S -4 ill ( ;i ' :v ; C' : - " ' ' p . r i-(ii-iirt-i' -aiii-r.ifv,-rii.l1lMia .,i rf -t"e -rtvrwwvw 'r ' ' " mmmkmmmm9mmtimmm mwtw Queen Of Labor Day Misit Haywood County Miss Sylvia Camlin, of ' Waynesville, was crowned "Miss Haywood County" at the Labor Day pro gram in Canton. On the right is Miss Velma Morse, who was crowned Jueeu of Labor Day at the 45th annual event staged at Cartpn, : 'Photos by Teagiie-Hawkins, CantonV. v . 1 - " T i r i , If , ' 1 1 p I i s'x" ' , 1 Pretty Kulhryn Hyatt of Hazelwood, is shown as she was crowned queen of the North Carolina Apple Festival in Hendersonville Monday night', climaxing a full week's program. The crown is shown being placed on Miss Hyatt's head by Miss Karlyne Eck hardt, "queen of the 1951 Seaside Fiesta held in New Smyrna Beaeh, Fla. The ceremonies were held In the football stadium at half-time of the Hendersonvllle-Marion game. The 90-picce . Waynesville High School Band participated In the parade and game festivities. (Staff Photo). ' . ' Hazelwood Girl Crowned Queen Of Apple Festival Beer-Wine Petitions Due Monday The Moral and Civic Welfare Committee of the Haywood County Ministerial. Associatioh has issued a notice that all copies of the beer wine petitions now being circulated must bp turned in to the Commit tee by Monday noon. A meeting of the Association will be held at. the Salvation Army Mission on the Max Patch Road on Monday. All petitions still in circulation must be turned in at that time. Petitions may also be turned over to the Hcv. M, R. Williamson Jn the Waynesville area, and to Rev. L. E, Mabry at Canton. Police Plan To Curb Speeding On Aliens Creek Police are out to put a stop to speeding on the Aliens Creek road. They have cited three to court, and plan to make a concerted drive in patroling that road, which they termed as being turned into a race track. The officers are placing men at each of the schools each morning, and thus far, have reported no ar rests of speeding during the open ing hours of school. Highway patrol said some motor ists had failed to observe warnings about the dangers of driving fast through school zones. Officers are making a concerted drive to arrest ! such Violators, Miss Kathryn Hyatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt of Hazelwood, was crowned queen of the 1951 North . Carolina Apple Festival before a capacity crowd in the Hendersonville High School football stadium Monday night. - Miss Hyatt is an 18-year old runctte, 5 feet 4b inches tall, weighs 116 pounds and has brown hair and eyes. She graduated from Waynesville High School in 1950 where she was voted the . most beautiful in her class. While in school she was also a majorette in the. band. In 1950 she represented Waynes ville at the Festival. In the Inter vening year, she fought a winning fight against a mild attack of polio. The 'disease confined her to bed for three months, but, beauty un impaired, she came back to Hen dersonville to win her crown. The coronation ceremony was held at the half-time of the" Festi val footabll game between the Hen dersonville High Bearcats and the Marion High Rippers. Attendance at the coronation was said bv of ficials to have brought the total attendance at Festival events to an all time record. Miss Hyatt was sponsored by the (See Queen Page 8 Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed .... 2 Injured .... 37 (This information com piled from' Records of State Hlhway Patrol.)