STANDARD Pro Co S?P-204!30 S vim '.' delight Of The News all A World 13 WAYNES TTTTTTT TT TPt TTTTTrm A ttt " V UAM IVIO U N T AITO 66th YEAR NO. 92 20 PAGES Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "You think m much of jronr old golf game that you dont even remember when we were married." "Yes. I do, dear. It was the day I sank that 30-foot putt." Associated Press . . nrf i,f Waynesboro Va., Thp Mountaineer for Robert Stretcher, ,1 and H. Robert Stret- ll for Bui -which to o in Waynesboro, Va A has a naDii oi iaiu5 inltrcsi in uo.ys and wutu i'K same of Robert and no He was from Waynesville, t immediately invitea ivod- ilionie lur " 1 jb evening of talking Way So you see you never can Vre an aamuci mu f .'..111 ... Mountaineer wui w!uu K regardless of the location. Mne Logic school girls came into lithe other day and were homework was a problem. w replied with some heat. dn't have so much nome i could get time to date d aet married just to avoid work. '.: de Man Is eman Of nd Jury Steer of Clyde Rt. 1 ;is' Iwnan of the grand jury Elected for the fall crimin- of the U. S. District Court ipened Monday in Asheville Wilson Warlick presid- Icr Haywood County man, Ketncr of Waynesville, Rt. the graud jury which was bills for indictment upon o act. The grand jury is lor this district in that for time it includes three wo- WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 15, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties i-my Tbbaccb: Festival Program .. ' : ' i ' , 1 ' i I ; . : i i 1 i , , . ' . l. Paving Project At Junaluska Completed 168 Cases On ISayuood Court Socket Administration Building Work Will Start Soon OPS Chairman lord Scruggs Wring From 5 1? wUliWid The paving program of several major streets and drives at Lake Junaluska were completed this week. This is part of the general improvement program of the Meth odist Assembly, according to Dr. H. G, Allen, superintendent. Among the roadways paved were Colonial Drive, Sequoia Drive, At kins Loop, half of Lake Shore Drive, and Hay good Road, as well as the area at the base of the cross. Dr. Allen said plans were ready to start work on a modern rock administration building on the lot opposite the auditorium. The ten tative plans are to have the build ing completed by next season. Excavations are underway in making a parking lot for 20o cars back of the Terrace Hotel. This lot will be used for both the hotel and auditorium. . Work of cutting timber from 200 acres of the Assembly property is also underway, and white pine seedlings will be planted on 150 acres, Dr, Allen pointed out. All this work is part of the pro gram of expanding Lake Junaluska, which began several years ago. 7 iiiiSiit ..nil (hi 1 lilil. iimiii t jBawaat v Christmas Seal Workers Carry Their Load V Word R. Scruggs, son of L. is, of Waynesville, is ,re- tfrom battle wounds in the us Hospital at Camp Atter- !B. rifleman with the 24th "iviMun in Korea..' urns W mortar fire; as h" was an enemy position;near We of Waynesville High t'ass of 1937, Scruees has fitid the Order of the Hurt. .-' ' ' . 1 Roy Parkman, local business man, and chairman of OPS, an nounced today that an office for OPS would open here December 4. Roy Parkman To Head OPS Office Here On Dec. 4th To Be Off wnty Areas uc an interruption of wice Sunday from 1:30 fers livi"e in the Lake ""I", up Highway 19A rt Uve, and a Dart of Covc has been askod M to dn nilh., : I1" period - - ""eruption will all h fireplace a pole at Lake n'ch is in dangerous Jaycees Win Attendance Prize At State Meeting The Waynesville Jaycees were a- warded a $50.00 attendance prize at the second quarterly board meet ing of the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce held in Raleigh last week-end. The prize was based on the larg est percentage of members travel ing the longest distance to the meeting. Attending the meeting from here were Robert C. Hall, Dwight Beaty, Raymond Caldwell, and Cecil Blanton. Beginning Dec. 4th the Office of Price Stabilization, better known as the OPS, will set up an office at the City HalL In -Waynesville, ac cording . to word today from Roy Parkman. local chairman of ups. The office here will be one of 60 established in the Charlotte OPS District which covers western North Carolina and Eastern Ten nessee. It will be open on Tuesday from 9 a. m. until noon, and on every alternate Tuesday thereafter. Mr. Parkman pointed out that the expanded service will carry the OPS to the people, and will do it at no increase in cost since the of fices will be staffed with, existing personnel. Forty-five cases of drunk driving are most numerous among 168 cas es now on the docket for hearing In the November term of Superior Court, which convenes Monday with Judge J. C. Rudisill of New ton on the bench. The most serious charge to be heard is one of manslaughter against Billy A. Jenkins, 18, who lives between Blltmore and Arden. He is charged with manslaughter and failure to stop at the scene of an accident in the death of a pe destrian, Keith Henson, 31. Candler Route 1. on the Canton-Ashevillc highway Oct. 27. Also to be heard are 10 charges of assault with a deadly weapon, 12 charges of non-support, 6 cases of abandonment and 9 charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Among other cases listed for action are those charging: Assault, illegal possession of whUkey,,.robbery, larceny, driving without an operator's license, dam. aging property, breaking and en tering, seduction, trespassing, is suing worthless checks, fraud, vio lation of probation, assault with Intent Jo kill, burglary, forgery and carrying a concealed weapon. Fifty-seven of the cases on the docket are new; the remainder have been continued from the July term of Superior Court, N 1 New Feature A new feature in today's Mount aineer, and one which will appear in future issues is a report on ad mission and dismissals at Haywood County Hospital. v Only medical and surgical pa tients will be listed. Births will be listed separately. ssia's Secret Weapon' bile Exhibit Halted Here. ed To Leave Carolina llle Pfoved to h. th "6 this Week fnr a mnWlo lurrying a disDlav of "Riis. ct Weapon.'' orS Of tho U!u:I 0 P'ude authorities in a "es m several states, 'ailed to get by an alert 01 roreien Wan Tiioi "ton O 'OIID it ' 1 l Wlb" by CoIp rihrn f Z f"re'gn -Wars with 7' J he Mountaineer, ntaincer conversation reporter con- er cernine the exhibit which was to show in Canton Sunday and Way nesville Monday, Mr. Cogburn be came suspicious and called national V.F.W. headquarters'in Kansas City to check on the trailer unit. Although the exhibit carried the insignia of the V.F.W. and its ope rator claimed to have the endorse ment of the veterans organization, Mr. Cogburn was told that the ex hibit was in no way. supported by thi. . v.F.W and displayed the ErouD's insignia illegally. Mr. Cogburn contacted aherin Fred Campbell and told him mat he had applied in Asheville for a fpriprnl tnlunction against tne (See Rocket Page 8) CLOUDY la; November 1 15. Sunny "uy, cloudy and mild "dvnDcuiM. A ;wv.j ""e lempera- i crded hv n, x. rst if. ' ",c s1"11 OI lne I ' ' arm Max. Min. Rainfall Local V.F.W. Post To Be Reorganized Reorganization of Waynesville's Haywood Memorial Post, 6767, of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be undertaken at a meeting at 7:30 n. m. Tuesday in the large court room at the court house. The meeting" will be under the direction of the V. F. W. state com. mander. Cole Cogburn, of Canton Mr. Cogburn asserted that way nesville should have an active post sinro about 2.000 potential mem hers reside in this area. Edwards Named I ', ' t ' I More Gifts On Deck Saturday More valuable gifts will be diH tributed at the Trade Jubilee meet ihg in the football stadium Satur day at 2 p.m. A large crowd is ex oected to be on hand as a frozen turkey, an all-steel stcpladder stool and chair combination, a 7 way floor lamp, and a Crosley con sole radio-phonograph are given away. A pen and pencil set was given last week to Ollie Roberts. Jo Ann Rowe received a punohbowl com plete with dipper and 12 glasses. Sam Kelly obtained an electric waffle iron, and Walter Rathbone secured a bedroom suite. Bearing arinfuls of Christmas seals to be sold to aid in the flght against tuberculosis are officers and members of the Waynesville Tuberculosis Committee (left to right) Mrs. Alma McCrackcn, seal sale chairman; Mrs. C. F, Klrkpatrick; Miss Amelia MacFadycn, publicity chairman; Mrs. C. O. Newell; Mrs. Raymond Lane; C. G. Thompson, committee chairman; A. J. Fancher, treasurer; Mrs. A. J. Fancher, and Mrs. O. W Shelton, secretary.' This group met with other workers at the court h6use Monday night to prepare Christmas seals for mailing. . ' ' Waynesville And Ilazelwood Are Urged To waintam il Bird bancluary Mere Health Department To Close Four Days The county health department will be closed four days next week, starting with Thanksgiving on Thursday, according to Dr. I. M. woir honrf nf the department, me department is regularly closed Sat urday and Sunday. ,)h Telephone numbers of health department personnel who will be in town during the weekend wil be available at the county Dr. Weir said Registration Dan K. Edwards, former Way nesville resident, recently resign ed his post as assistant secretary of defense to become vice deputy on the North Atlantic Defense Council, with headquarters in London. In a letter to Edwards, President Truman wrote: "Your outstanding service in the mili tary service in the military forc es during World War II and re cently as assistant secretary of defense have contributed great ly to strengthening the security of our nation." Edwards is the brother of Charles Edwards of Waynesville and Mrs. John Klopp of Lake Junaluska Poll Books To Be Open On Saturday Haywood's poll books will be open Saturday for citizens to regis ter for the school bond election, set for December 15th. All persons who are registered for a county election do not have to register again. This is not new registration, but merely an ooDortunity. - afforded for three K;itnr(lavs. for those who are not already on the books. The work of gutting the books into thr hands of registrars was underway today, with Johnny Fer guson being named to deliver the hooks, and administer the oath of office to the registrars. The books will be open Novem ber 17, 24 and December 1, wfth the Bth nf December set aside as challenge day, and the election to be held on the 15th. Waynesville and Haz,clwood will ' become bird sanctuaries, If a rec ommendation of the Chamber of Commerce hoard of directors Is accepted by officials of the two towns, ; i The directors went on record Tuesday evening favoring the movement, and a committee com posed of James Kilpalrick, and Dave Felment, president, were nnm- ed to appear before the Waynes ville board, and Johnny Cuddeback and A. P, Ledbetter will appear before the Hazelwood board. The board discussed 'plans for the annual election of directors, with the balloting closing on Tues day, December 4th. Eleven mem- (See Bird Sanctuary Page 8) North Pole's No. 1 Citizen Is Here Again 'Ready Exhibits To Open Friday lit Armory A new experiment a two-day Tobacco and Home Demonstration Exhibition will be opened to the public at 3 p.m. Friday, and will continue through Saturday nigtrt. In past years the tobacco festi val has gone on for five days. This year festival events are being con centrated In two days to make it easier on participants and make the affair less subject to whims of th weather which often has ranged from bad to worse. Tobacco displays and home dem onstration booths at the Waynes ville Armory must be ready by I p.m. Friday and will be judged at that time. Tobacco judges will b a Mr. McKlnney, tobacco specialist from Kentucky, and R. R. Bennett, North Carolina State College to bacco specialist. Home demonstration exhibit s which will include food production,' food conservation, clothing, handi crafts, house furnishings, homo management, family life and citi zenship will be Judged by Miss Nell Kennett, western district home agent; Mrs. Mamie Sue Evans, Bun combe county home agent, and Miss Barbara Brown, Macon county as sistant home agent. '. Exhibits will be prepared by each of the county's 25 home demonstra tion clubs according to Mary Cornwell, county home demonstra tion agent. Displays will be dis mantled after 4 p.m.. Saturday. Scheduled for Friday night at the armory are two of the festival's main events the talent show at 7:30 p.m. by entertainers represent ing communities and 4-H clubs, and the presentation of 21 community queens at 9 p.m. Talent show entries listed by Turner Cathey, who will aet as master of ceremonies, include: Fines Creek, Allen's string band; West Pigeon, Stewart Scntclle, dancer, and Stanley Swaynglm. mountain songs; Cant -eaior 4-11, (See Tobacco Page 8) Complete Tobacco Festival Program 2 Inductees Leave John Richard Goodson of Fran cis Cove and Jack Edward Deaver of Bethel left Waynesville Wednes day for Charlotte to be inducted in to the armed forces. The two represented Haywood County's draft quota for November. The December quotas has not been announced yet., - ,, r ' '" . .Heads Campaign Don't look now but that man is here again. The man in the red and white suit, we mean. This famous once-a-year globe trotter usually travels on the night of December 25, but he's so busy that night he can't stay very long at any one place. Wanting to do some sightseeing a year ago, he paid a prc-Yulotide visit to Way nesville and had such a good time he's coming back again. North Pole's No. 1 citizen arrived in town last night ,and is now rest ing up alter his long trip from his frozen Arctic kingdom. But by Fri day he'll he ready to go and will make his first local appearance at (See Santa Page 8) FRIDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAM, WAYNESVILLE ARMORY (1) All tobacco In the Haywood County Tobacco and Home Dem onstration Exhibition must be entered by 1 p.m. at tne waynesvuu; Armory. Judging will follow immediately; (2) All home demonstration club booths will Ue compieieu uy 1 p.m. Friday for judging. , ' (3) Home demonstration booths and tohacco oispiays win ue i to the public at 3 p.m. Friday, and will remain open until 7 p.m. , FRIDAY NIGHT PROGRAM, HAYWOOD COUNTY COURT HOUSE 7:30 Talent show 4-H clubs and community Hevelopment orga nizations. ' 9:00 Presentation of community beauty queen -contestants'.-, i SATURDAY MORNING PROGRAM 9:00 Vi6wing of booths and tobacco displays at Waynesville Ar mory. ; . 10:30 Parade, led by outstanding agricultural and public officials, starting at Waynesville Township High School. 11:00 Presentation of "Green Pastures" pennant in front of court house by state agricultural officials. ', 11:30 Address by Dr. C. B. Ratchford, North Carolina State Col lege farm management specialist. SATIIRDAV AFTERNOON PROGRAM, WAYNESVILLL. ABMOKi i-nn .. d.nnvipwine of home demonstration booths and tobacco displays. SATURDAY NIGHT PROGRAM, COUNTY COURT HOUSE 7:30 Announcement of awards and certificates, home demonstra tion achievements and exhibits, community tobacco contest, tobacco ehnui o.n AHHroce Wflvnp Freeman, editor of Greenville. S. C. Pied- V- W iwut VDWf "'J-- - - i - mont. ' 9:00 Selection of 1951 Haywood County tobacco queen. lf- - . Y t ' ' ; j III Mil I IIIIH1 Police, Sheriff, Patrol Say: 'Weather's Fine' This week's bad weather has been especially good for Waynetsvlllc po lice, the sheriff's office and the highway patrol. Police have arrested only two persons since Monday both for being drunk. - Highway patrolmen have made no arrests or Investi gated any wrecks, The sheriff's office has reported "all quiet,'.' E. C. MOODY IN HOSPITAL E. C. Moody is a patient at tlve Haywood County Hospital where ho Is reported to be "doing fine." Kiwanis Club Supports School Expansion After Hearing Jonathan Woody David Hyatt has been named chairman of the annual polio campaign for the . Waynesville area. Mr. Hyatt served as gen eral chairman for four years, and is vitally interested in the Polio Foundation jvork. ' The quotas will be assigned on November 29th, at a regional meeting of all the area west of Buncombe. The meeting will be at the Townc House. Hugh Rogers is general chairman of the program. The fund raising campaign will begin in January. Last year Haywood exceeded the $15,000 quota by $7,000. Without a dissenting vote the Waynesville Kiwanis Club voted to support the school expansion pro gram alter hearing Jonathan Woody, well-known banker, discuss the subject at the weekly dinner meeting the group Tuesday night. Guest 'speaker Mr. Woody told the. Kiwanians that "Children can't wait; they are one crop that never falls!" '.'' ; ' :v V At , the beginning of his talk which, was introduced by Bob Win chester and which took place in the Pine Room of Patrick's Cafe, Mr. Woody allowed himself a mom ent to congratulate the newly formed Kiwanis Club and pledged the support of the Rotary of which he is a member "in the achieve ment of our common goal." Then, without further delay he plunged into his talk about "our most ur gent common goal a decent school system." Most of his time was devoted to proving with figures the ability of i the people of the county to should- j cr the burden of the necessary bonds. He' predicted that the aver-' age interest rate' of the bonds vot-l ed would range from 2.5 to 2.6 per- j cent from beginning to maturity. He stated: "Haywood County and Waynesville are considered good investments because of the diver- ' sified industry here. The addition al tax burden imposed by thesn bonds would scarcely be noticed." From a discussion of the financ ial feastibility of the project, Mr. Woody turned to a brief but pow erful word picture of the over whelming need of immediate im provements.' "We brag about our tobacco crop," he said, "but we never men lion the fact that Bethel school has onlv one drinking fountain and it is in the basement of a three story building. "We boast about the fact that our (See Kiwanis Page 8) Books Will Open In County Saturday For School Bond Election Highway . Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .... 50 Killed.... 5 (This piled State information ' com from Records of Hlhway PatroL) -57 27 65 4i ,02 66 55 .43

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