J J i ;delight Of The News s - Welcome, Pal .i intpnsp desire of i n'nunoSVl IP' Ke- L. halflime activities and me i ..i,.W Then you nave V Brevard Annual had .. fur the Homeconv 'P06 ,, ..;;. tnli-An nt and where did he the Waynesville IX WW. From U of cour. uM Be desk addressed . jik; if nr lie M ciui, an l ie uv- - - . . The Waynes ville m AINEER 66th YEAR NO. 94 Published Twicc-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 11 PAGES TODAY'S SMILE Some people just sit around and wait for their ship to come In, even though they never sent one oak - Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 22, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Lawrence Davis Sworn In As New Mayor Of Hazelwood l Jane w L GiUw. co the Jail. 1 1L..1 1 .. , unusual about tnai, oe- il to prisoners passes L sheriff's office. On the the envelope, wmcn nao. Li hv a rengious eiuuy, in large pom r.Mi i,itii ,- - . , .J kt morning noot-iv wuu t judge in tne coun, room red a sentence of 25 to 30 shooting a white man late Jmer. : Duckett Dies "fcT Mpon lNews ipn Duckett, 51. of New- Virainia, died Saturday idc Hospital after a long a native of Waynesville, of the late E. T. Duckett sa Surrett Duckett. He employed for the past ars by the Newport News king and Dry Dock Com- services were held Mon- fcnoon.. in me reninsuia Home with the Rev. L, G. pastor ."of Parkview Baptist officiating. Burial was in Cemetery, Newport ng arc the widow, Mrs Duckett; one son, Guy mckctt. Jr. of Newport o daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Erie. Pa., and Miss June Duckett of Newport id one granddaughter. . fie step-mother, Mrs. E. T. ,oi Waynesviller two broth'' J PwlWtt of Waynesville k Duckett of Tulelake, and four sisters Mrs. utheruood .-; of Candler; fburn DeHart of Bryson r. Leslie Rogers of Horse Mrs. Ben Teague. of T r : vb? P) S ft) fs) TS i M . fc M I fJ: o i k v. 1VJL ;f:: p (III Lawrence Davis New ay or Of Hazelwood Hazelwood aldermen look on as J. B. Siler, Clerk of Court, gave the oath of office to Lawrence C. Davis, new mayor of llaaelwood, on Tuesday night. Mayor Davis succeeds Mayor Clyde Fisher, second from left, who resigned, since he is moving Saturday to Nash ville. Left to right: Alderman John Smith, former Mayor Fisher, Clerk of .Court Siler, Mayor Davis, Alderman Frank Underwood and Alderman Howell Bryson. (Mountaineer Photo.) ' Expansions ill Lake Is Unproved pis Club sDr.Groce d we have to be grateful manded the Rev. W. H itor of the Central Meth- reh of Canton. His ques- directod toward the Way- wwanis Club a8 he ad "em at their regular week- Tuesday night. Groce. having asked his Proceeded to answer it Piring pre-Thanksgiving wyday should' be a i"g Day," he said, "for wchave our homes and ur God." , , 8 out that Thanksgiving 'l n the Christian calen- IU?M to be." the Rev. Mr. "t'oned that Thanksgiving day that has retained N glory without being UP wit, commercialism." a'ned that if Thanksg,iv-I and Independence Day, ione and the same thing al tre faithfully observed in Id in thought, "little more needed to preserve this anton pastor traced the he earlv settlers nn this Md expressed preat. nd- for their couraee. "Some fay wonder what thev had '"Mul for," he pointed out, lad exactly what they lve today; faith in them- Pe in the future; and the save them the faith and I1 took for something to be lur. concluded tha. Rev. A new $30,000 office building and other improvements at the Methodist Church's southeastern summer assembly, Lake Junaluska, have been approved by the orga nization's Board of Trustees. I Program highlights of the 1952 season also were announced at the trustees' annual meeting in At-i kntwj).jto.EdwU)J-r,Joties., Chw letie chairman of the board. The board authorized immediate construction of the administration building in the hope of having it ready by June 1. Measuring 39 by 69 feet and built of native cut stone, it will be located opposite the auditorium On Lakeshore prive. The one-story building will serve as headquarters for the assembly, comprising offices, meeting rooms and parlors. , The Aboard also approved plans! for construction later of a museum-! type" building as headquarters ofi the . Methodist Historical Society., Southeastern Jurisdiction. It will. house a library and , serve as a depository for church records and relics. New Gifts Are Ready For Saturday Thanksgiving will not be over for the lucky people who are awarded Saturday's gifts of the Merchants Association in the big Jubilee pro gram in the stadium at 2:30 p. m. Indications are that the gifts will include a drop leaf end table of mahogany, a reading lamp, a G. E. electric clock, and a Maytag Wash ing machine, i.' ' Buick, will be given in just a little more than three Weeks on Dec. 15th. Rev. L. E. E'labry Again To Head District Scout Work Succeeds Clyde Fisher, Who Has Served 10 Years In Office Will Snavely Stay At UNC? Will Coach Carl Snavely re main at Chapel Hill? James It. Pou Bailey, Kaleigh correspondent for The Mountain eer, gives the answer today in his Ralelsh column on the edi torial page. Mr. Bailey's pre diction of thins to eomn The' Rev; L. E. Mabry, Pastor of the Canton First Methodist Church, was re-elected for. the third consec utive year the Chairman of the Pigeon River District, Daniel Boone Council, Boy Scouts of Am erica, at the regular monthly meet ing of the District Committee Mon day evening at the Bethel Metho dist Church. W. Curtis Russ, edi tor of the Waynesville Mountain r.i.i ukw' nli-cteil ' Viee Chairman. .r , - about land. Robert J I. Gibson, Sr., also of Wtfrkfm&SWt him&Mrbhf!i mum Commit tremely accurate, id ije ' has j sioner. been weeks ahead with much of the biff news. Two Wars Two Too Many, Gove Greek Soldier Finds By CHARLES EDWARDS Enough is enough, and two wars in one lifetime are more than enough. That is the considered opinion of Pic. Rubin J. Kirkpatrick, who re turned recently to his home on The District 'Committee meeting followed the Court of Honoi ses sion, over which the Rev. Clyde Collins, Pastor of the Bethel Meth odist Church presided. Field -Executive, Robert M. Gar ner had charge of the Tenderfoot investiture, lie -'presented certifi cates to Billy W. Conner of Bethel ' Troop 12, and to Jimmy Casabella, ! Waller Galloway, Andrew Gilliland, I Lucius Liner, David C. Moody, Jack Nicholls, Edgar Rhea, James i Ruir and Joel E. Rothermel, all of I Waynesville Troop 2. ; ! L. K. Callahan, member of the 'District Committee from Waynes- - . e .. I'M...... tors of the Chamber of Commerce vine, awuiut-u uil- o...u.. went into the mails veslerdav. ac- K to Kennel n nooper oi naze eordlnc to Mrs. David Boyd, secre-' "" T, 00l tary. Members received a ballot for each membership maintained in the organization.' - "'--"' C. Of C. Ballots Sent To Members Ballots for the election of dircc- fi Ronald Dot son of Clyde Troop 9, and Hugh Campbell. Ted Caldwell. Bruce Davis, Neddie Tucker and Jimmy Todd, all of Cove Creek after an airplane ride Costs of the new administration I from an Army hospital in Japan. building Will be met by the sale. pie. Kirkpatrick served as an in of timber in the assembly's fores- fantryman with the 28th Division in trv Drocram now under way. Trees Europe, and has just finished do- being cut on several aero w u..- ing a -miuiary eia-o.e w.... i . oo,, ,f,m-ned hv : Waynesville Troop 2 used ground are being replaced by I ruck Battalion in Korea. Tuesday December 4th it was ex-1 Sam lloey of Canton Troop 1 and white Pine seedlings. Although a member of a service ' y" uect ,ln' . j Sammy Um ot Ha.elwood Tr.op 5 The Rev, H. G Alien, assembly ! Unit. which ordinarily operates be-i P'-""' ". -- --- - i m,r0 promoted to the First Class superintendent.. reported that eight hjnd the front lines. Pfc. Kirkpat-l " ! rank by District Vice Chairman miles 'of streets have been pavea,rK.k found that he olien nan to en-i T:,,rL, M-.., this fall, and that additional fa-i sage in close combat with the ene- j I lOrSt injures iudll .miioc avo heinn nrepared fori mv iust as if he were still in the. autornobile parking. infantry. The buildings and grounds com-t Chinese Communists troops Lawrence C. Davis, well known Hazelwood business man, and civic leader, became mayor of Hazel wood Tuesday night, succeeding Clyde Fisher, who resigned after holding the office for more than ten years. Former Mayor Fisher, and family, leave Saturday to make their home in Nashville, where Mr. Fisher will be consult ing engineer for the General Shoe Corporation, During the space of less than an hour, Hazelwood had three mayors on Tuesday night. When the spec ial meeting began, Mayor Fisher tendered his resignation. Accep tance by the board automatically put Mayor pro tcm Howell Bryson in charge. The board of aldermen then went into executive session and named Mr. Davis as mayor, Cleric of Court J, B. Slier was called, and the oath of office ad ministered, and Mayor Davis offl dally installed into office. The new mayor served as tow clerk from April 1944 to June 1946, while Rudolph Carswell was service. For the past 23 years Mayor Davis has been with the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company, and is assistant office manager. He is active in church and civic af' fairs of the town. "1 highly appreciate the confi dence the officials of the Town of Hazelwood have placed In me, and I shall strive to perform the many duties a mayor to the best of my ability. I do not propose any changes In policies, or personnel at thin time, but shall endeavor to carry on the progressive program aU'tilrefldy" tsderway,''' " hevJtew mayor stated this morning. Former Mayor fisher, until No vember first, was assistant produc tion manager of Dayton Rubber Company, having been with the firm since It opened here In 1941. He began his fourth term as mayor of Hazelwood In July of this year. He began his public office in 1941. Many progressive changes have been made during his J0-year ad ministration, including the erection of the city hall, purchase of the fire truck, and extensive paving nroarnm. and extension of water and sewer lines. He is to assume his new duties in Nashville on December first. He had planned to remain here until late in December, but the need to get his new work underway necessi tated being in Nashville on -December first. Mayor Davis was named to fill the unexpired term of Mayor Fish er, which Is until May 1955. Quiet Thanksgiving In Prospect For ESayvood Unified Thanksgiving services I have been scheduled by churches In Waynesville, Hazelwood, Clyde and Canton. Waynesville services will be Thursday morning; those in Hazelwood, Cylde and Canton will be tonight. The First Baptist Church will be the site of union services at 9 a m. Thursday, with Rev. M. R. William son of the Presbyterian Church as speaker. The combined choirs of the town, under the direction of Charles Isley. will provide special music for the services. Rev. Broadus E, Wall, pastor of the First Baptist Church wil preside and Rev. J. E Yountz, pastor of the Methodist Church will read the scriptures, Hazelwood services will be at 7:30 tonight at the Church of God with Rev. M, B. Lee, Hazelwood Methodist Church pastor, as speak er.'- ..-' . Rev. Mj-. Bishop, pastor of the Church of God, will be in charge of the services, with Rev. M. L, Lewis, pastor of the Baptist Church, read ino the scrmtures and leading in n - prayer. General theme of the services will be 'Genuine Thanksgiving." Rev. L. E. Mabry, pastor of Can ton's First Methodist Church, will be the speaker at the unified ser vices In Canton which will be hold nt the First Baptist Church at 7:30 p. m. tonight. Combined choirs of the 'participating churches will New Doctors To Practice In This Area The Waynesville area is to have two new doctors. Offices for Dr. Frank Hammett and his wife. Dr. Doris B. Hammett, have been set up at 211 East Street in Waynea ville. - Dr. Frank plans a general prac tice; Dr. Doris will specialize in. pediatrics. The two doctors met at the State University of Iowa where Frank was undergoing hospital training and Doris was doing her Intern ship. Before that their paths had never come close. Frank had ob tained a BS degree from the Uni versity of Georgia, while Doris wa getting a BA at the University of Kansas. Frank got his MD at Bow man Gray in 1947; Doris got hcra at the U. of Kansas in 1948. They were married In 1949 at Iowa. Dr. Frank volunteered for two years with the Army Medical Corps, immediately after marriage and served at Station Sandia Base in Albuquerque, N. M. until October of 1950. He was then assigned ui the 10th Station Hospital in Korea, and remained there until last July when he was released from service: Dr. Doris, was i t..i. ii.- ,.,ui. SM...,.L llivti I fT 1.11)10 fit " Presbyterian Church; Rev. Ben L. Ray of Calvary -Churcn. ana nev. W. H. Groce of Central Methodist. Baptist and Methodisi etiuren congregations at Clyde win nave union services at fho central iviein odist Church at 7:15 p. m. tonight. Rev. D. D. Gross, pastor of the Clyde Baptist Church, will deliver a sermon on the theme, "The Fel lowship of Thanksgiving". Special music wil be provided by the Meth odist choir. We decided to take our time in finding a place to settle down, said the handsome Dr. Frank, "and we think we've found it. We like the mountains, and the people and doctors are all friendly." Dr. Frank expects to begin prac tice shortly, as quickly as his equipment can arrive and be set up. However, his wile must wail until the first of the new year in order to secure a North Carolina license, I Frank Henry. 20, of Balsam com-aS-l munitv 'was Injured today when mittee was instructed to .survey an, snult m great masses.. scieoimiiK extensive Wooded area on me soum ; "banzai ' at tne top ot ineir void-, side of the lake to be opened as j and keep coming without regard to building sites for summer cottages i losses from the fire of Allied artil and permanent residences. Several j i.ry, machine guns and small arms, acres at the highest elevation are ; Kirkpatrick stated, to be reserved as the site for a newj when asked to compare war in hotel in the future. I Korea with that he knew as an in- A total of $529,000 has been ! fantryman in Europe. Pfc. Kirkpal- Dledeed toward the SoOU.uuu goaiil ltk replica mat me usiiunK -;-of the Greater Junaluska Fund ! tirrly different "just different . Campaign; it was announced by Ironically, he received his "mij t. ..i... w W..1U. Richmond. Va., j lion-dollar wound" (the. G. Ls' director 'to date. $332,000 has . name for a wound or injury which been paid on the pledges .The , au?s hm to be brought back to pledges were obtained at u u'!tne v. &. m a w .iv. ncr meetings neia ii" iuica, 4-.4hiK Wells said that tne cam-; wnen ne was sciu -. second phase calls for im-i country. Pfc. Kirkpatrick" had 47 . . . u minis. 1 ..;, ko,i nn his service in nimiMc in Inra cnuicii-a u.v n.. ,inn " phasis in locai l m . .ort,,,.nia ; ',..., mnrp dan the 32 requir- J rflUll'WT KIIIJl.'! IHlutv..." !.'' v. c ' the horse he was riding slipped on frozen ground and fell on him. The mishap occurred at Barber's or chard. Mr. Henry was X-rayed at Hay wood County Hospital. Dave Felmet of Waynesville, Commissioner Boh Gibson pre sented Merit Badge certificates to Ernest Stepp and Ashley Ncal of Canton Troop 1. Frank II. Miller, Lunelle Davis, David Felmet, Aaron Gibson, David Jeter, Bill Provost, Dewey Slovall, Maurice Styles, George. Williamson, Steve Woody (See Scouts Page 8' Senior High Students Fill 45 Food Baskets For Needy you will have no Wing u." rther WARMER Novemher 21 lair -Wed and slightly warmer, Wly cloudy and warm' VaVnnSuill ! . , 1C VC111JJCA orded by the staff of the South. paign's Haywood Republicans To Endorse Taft; Will Meet Senator For Talk Tuesday Haywood GOP Choice tere on the assemblysneeus Grass Fire Reported a fi.-o alarm turned in at , i Kr, n crrHSS p.m. Tuesaay pioveu " "t, fire at the residence ui v ... tv, Ailnnc rreek tcoaa. pr tin niu ....' Cause of the fire was unknown, - " cd for rotation. . ... ... t He wears the Combat Infantry i Badge, the ETO rihbon with one I battle star, South Paficic Occupa- I . . rrt 1 . rt 1:301 Hon ribbon, American iiifdw;r Operations ribbon, Oooa uonauci Medal, American Defense ribbon. U N. ribbon, Korean Campaign (See Two ttars rage o Holiday Hours Set Up By Local Merchants Local merchants set up holiday store hours this morning, with the first major change coming Wed nodnv December 12th. It was de cided by the committee to remain the on until Inaugurating a new plan, stores will also remain open Kridav night, December 21, nine o'clock. Closing time on Saturday, Dec, will be six ociock . .... ,.fl.Ann nf'22 and 24th nuvci.iuv. n,;9th ann zoin. Business as usual on January and resume the closing at the com-! noon on -Wednesday, January Znrt, i the group decided. i . . .,,.,o .jrirl also the er Bowl looiuau - f rtnmhfr 5th. - aiternoou - - Hav first. Stores will remain w"" ' r ". ran nuiiuau .., . j inih -.31 it December 12th and 19th The Haywood Republican exec utive committee are expected to unanimously endorse Robert A Taflj as . the . party's presidential nominee between now and Tuesday morning. A delegation of some titty Hay wood Republicans plan to meet Senator Taft in Ashevilie Tuesday morning', and are scheduled to hold a 15-minute conference with him at 10:15. Senator Taft is to ar rive at Biltmore at nine, and meet with Western Carolina Republicans at the. Battery Park Hotel. At 11 o'clock the senator is scheduled to address the group. Gudger Duckett is chairman of the Haywood Republican executive committee, and will 'lead the dele cation to meet Mr. Taft. Glenn A, Boyd, a leader of the Republican party in Haywood, said . that a group of fifty are expected to be on hand to meet and talk wun i Senator Taft. There are 22 on the Haywood committee, Mr. Boyd said, and the date and place of the com- j mittee meeting had not been set this morning. .-'""'''!.'"'- :';.--''''';- i .;'.:.--:-x , ' ' - - o i ' "f ' v J 1 m. ' ::a Bethel and Clyde Fight Scoreless Tie (BULLETIN) . ' The Clyde Cardinals won a moral victory Wednesday afternoon as they fought the Blue Demons of Bethel High to a.O to 0 deadlock. It was a moral victory considering the earlier 30 to 6 trouncing given the Cardinals by the Demons plus the fact Max Snyder, star Clyde hack, was unable to play due to a broken arm sustained in practice Tuesday. Bethel dominated the first half, keeping the play largely in Clyde territory, but the. Cardinals con trolled the second half. A long dash by Ted Joilcy-over the goal line was called back to the fight where he had stepped out of boundsbut Clyde was penalized for holding a moment later and the threat ended. (See picture on Pane 8) The students of Senior High School in Waynesville decided re cently that Thanksgiving should not be all take and no give. Under the direction of their Student Council they arranged for each home room to furnish a bushel bas ket of food for distribution. Wednesday, the County Welfare Department marshaled five cars and began the task of delivering 45 bushels of food. "It was student conceived and student carried out," said Buck Bowles, Superintendent of Waynes ville Township Schools, "and it snowballed. They really caught the Thasksgiving spirit. Instead of fillirie one basket, each room filled two or three, and some even filled four." rnnMniiinir. Bowles said: "It sneaks mighty well for the school and the county when young people can stop in -the middle of their activities and think of others less fortunate. I'm very proud of what they have done." The baskets were formally pre sented by Clark Hinkley. Presidetit of the Student Council, to Mrs. Sam Queen; Superintendent or the County Welfare Department. In accepting the gifts, Mrs. Queen said; "It is a mighty fine gesture on the part of all you students to Coin Arrives Here For Week's Leave Robert LI Coin, Jr.. EMC. will arrive tnilUv to spend a weeks leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coin. Young Coin, who has been sta tioned aboard the USS Corregictoi, has just returned from a Mediter ranean Cruise and is en route to San Diego, Calif., where he will attend Recruiter's School. While on the recent cruise, the Corregidor docked at Casablanca and Coin had a visit with his broth er, Jack Coin, RM2. who is sta tioned at French Morocco. Misses Betty Franklin, Margaret Ree.se,. and Elaine Francis, who are attending the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, will spend the Thanksgiving holi days ut their homes here. Beaverdam Group Pushing School Bond Program Senator Robert A, Talt will be met by a delegation 'from Hay wood as he arrives in Ashevilie Tuesday morning. The Haywood group plan to unanimously en dorse the Ohio senator as presi dential nominee of the Republi can party, - ,' Fred Ferguson was named chair man of the School Betterment Or ganization which was established in Canton, after a general discus sion of the school bond issue. Mrs. J. R. Westmoreland and F. E. Shull, vice chairman, and Norman Freel, secretary. Beekman Huger presided over the meeting which was held in the YMCA. Representatives from many nrennizations DarticiDated in the general discussion pointed out the cost of the propos ed bond issue, and the present abil ity of Haywood to meet the obliga tions. A. J. Hutchins, superintendent of the Canton schools, and Mrs. Lucy Jones, county superintendent, spoke on the needs for school im provements throughout the county. Mr. Hutchins dealt more with the specific needs and recommenda tions of the Beaverdam area, list ing the improvement which would I be made under the terms ot tne Joe Davis, Waynesville banker, bond issn share and divide what you have with your needy friends. In' doing so'you" have made ThanKSgiving more than just a goodmeal and an escape from classes." 'Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood ' (To Date) Injured . ... 50 Killed .... 5 (This piled State information com from 'Records of llihway Patrol.) 43 8 1 mittec reported