jidelight Of The News nn Waynesyille M D- TODAY'S SMILE ! Scottish football yell: "Get i that quarterback!" 1 I..L-11I I .. ,, from church Sun- Jw"i' .. i ..n WsvnpKville talked of an 'afternoon of t W o.irl lifPSfimO Utsbaiul "iade 8 casual re" lhoUt the big roast beet din- nd then a mucn uyeuvu ,n unusual sounu m k L.r nt pacn ouiei, uivu iuvi''" r . . . ;,, froze, They reauzea cr. The Pipes upstairs iwu L-w the night, burst and !was several inches deep in Ce o'clock they finished the w mopping- ana sai ouwu iu t.it H tiner 100 uieu iu ecu. Cv as the wife was relating Udent to a friend, sne sua Lned her conversation and L "nh: no." she exclaimed. Vibe, it just can't but it ...inrt familiar - r enough, the pipes had burst and water was trickling a tho reilina. h In a composed tone, after .ir.ri pall for a plumber, the marked: ' - vr.ii haDDcn to know of a lit use somewhere with a good in the yard?" ; ' Published Tvvice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky fountains National Park uuwi :u. 1U2 16 I'AGLS - Associated Press WAYNESYILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 20, 1951 $3.00 In Advance. In Haywood and Jackson CouatiM Mayor Urges Water GctlWway Officers warned By 1 Hew Board ! Heads Commerce To Head Chamber of Commerce Program In 1952 hi sDone It Again author of the Mountaineer h, "Rcmbling 'Round", Fran- ilbert Frazier, again achieved iinn In the latest issue of State," a magazine devoted in Carolina. An item from lilumH was selected for re turn in "The State." It was: igs that equal the same thing f-aual each other. Yet its ne week between Christmas cw Year's Day but 51 weeks n New Year s Day and was. we can give another ex It is the same distance be Wavnesville and Raleigh as Mween Raleigh and Waynes- hot The State knew of Mrs. Ir s item when it was Dublish- jvaynesvilie, but Mrs, rrazier t know about The State pub. tt In Raleigh. . indecision of Youth mid never; do - to cat)., his because, lie is. '' "popular man Jiere in .Waynesviile b ideals today are far from o! several years ago. small boy. he enjoyed build ps and bridges', across small He got so much fun out of lie decided he wanted to hi contractor when he grew day a group of convicts were b 411 the road in front of hi." lie hunc '.bit: the fence I dav watching with keen in- as the convicts improved the night he calmly announced supper table he had decided a convict when he grew up, 'uid build roads and bridges. parents explained what the Jonvict' meant and he agreed would have to modify his ions. - next day ' he suddenly an l he had decided to be a doctor, since the family had just bought a new car. Parents agreed that his deci- fas worthy of continued con- lion, and the profession met w approval. lit two rlavc Intpr hp was wait his mother in the family car visited in the hospital. A in Daln wiis lpMlne nut one fio loud moan after another Pened InipnMv i . !l his mother got back to the calmly announced: "This being a doctor is out too too much noise." M O Gallowav. owner Wavnesvillp Lumher Comnanv jinrl Graceland Farms, was named pres ident of the Chamber of Commerce here Tuesday night by the board of directors. Mr. Galloway succeeds David Felmet. who will serve for the coming year as a member of the executive committee. The directors named three vice presidents, designating each to be in charge of one of the three ma jor chases of the Chamber of Com merce program. Jonathan Woody was named to head the industrial program; Ed Sims heads the agri cultural program, and James Mur ray the tourist phase of the program. M. R. Whisenhunt was re-elected as treasurer. The directors adopted a resolu tion of the nominating committee regarding the duties of the three vice presidents. The nominating committee, com posed of H. S. Ward, Wayne Corp ening. and Paul Davis, recommend' ed in their report: We realize mat if all the duties and responsibilities as president is performed properly that a great deal of time should be spent by our president in the per formance of his duties. 1 here are few men. in our community who have unlimited time to spend away from their business - and we teet hat. a .distribution of, rwpbnsilrtt. Hps should be made through tHiH other officers of the organization. "We recommend that the vice presidents head the three major projects for the year. "We further recommend that Uie treasurer be in charge of finance and membership, while the imme diate past president be a member Df the executive committee. The directors discussed A tenta (Sce Galloway Page 8) 9swpwmww w f" jyy. i- -"i y I' ' i" hit N - ' I, I 1 U' ?J '' M",l""l I I r mii-.M iilliiiiMil ; Officers for the year were named Tuesday night by the Chamber of Commerce, with M. O. Galloway center, being named as president. Seated on the left is M. R. Whisenhunt, treasurer, a.ul on the Hght is David Felmet, retiring president, who will serve on the executive committee. Standing left, is bd Sims vice president in charge of the agricultural program, and on the right is James Murray, vice president in charge of the tourist program. Jonathan Woody, vice president in chaw of he industrial-program of the Chamber of Commerce,; was out of town when the directors met, and this pic ture was 'made.- (Mountaineer Photo). -; ' . State Asked ?o OK Bond Election The l.nrnl nnvprnment Coiiimis- sion has been asked to give clear ance for the Town of Waynesviile to call for a bond election of $325,- uuo for expansion or tne waier system. Ma.vor J. 11. Wav said today that he had reauested Mr. Easterline of tht Loral Oovernment Commission to issue a ruling at once, In order that the election machinery can be gotten underway ' Mayor Way pointed out the ne cessity of "doing something at once to prevent a serious situation here in the water supply. "We have an ample supply of water up on the mountain, it is Just a matter of getting tt down Into town, and filtered. Our 40 year old filtering plant is Just going to take so much of an overload, and then". The mayor did not finish the statement, as he ponder ed at what could be the 'ultimate result In a complete breakdown of the system, which supplies all of Wavnrsvllle. Huzclwood. Lake Jun- aluska, and surrounding territory. Engineers have been here during the past few weeks making a fur ther survey and studv of the needs of Improving and enlarging the water system. . , System Santa Has Come To This Little Girl IS - Z-M BEik Trucks Dr. I.E. Fender Heads Haywood Medical Society Lions Have Clothed 113 Children Stores To Stay Open Santa Claus is getting extra help from nature and from man. The sleet storm Thursday will help his sleigh glide along, and the tact, as announced by the Merchants Asso ciation, that stores in' Wayncsviue will remain open Friday night un til 9 p.m. should relieve him oi some gift responsibility. It has also been announeea inai on the day before Christmas, next Monday, stores will stay open un til 6 p.m. SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS Annual Christmas Tree Will Be Held Saturday The 'annual Community Christ mas Tree, sponsored by ne vv ay- Stlo Wnman'e fMUD WI UC liuiu Saturday afternoon at 2 o clock: ai the Court House. . t,. of rhristmag candies, fruii ..j f' . ,ni hp distributed to the alio nuts " ... ... children but no additional gilts will i. i.,on this vear. A short program, including carol iir. ha hpen arranged by Mrs. n CtnmPV MISS Dnwi jb- .'..i ,in road the Christmas story as told by Matthew and Luke and Miss Nancy Francis will sing a Christmas solo. ... Mrs. N. W. Garretf. welfare chairman of the club is general chairman for the unr- "As of noon Wednesday, 113 Hay wood County Children had been supplied with complete outfits of new clothing at a cost of almost $1600.00 according to Jerry Rogers, chairman of the committee pusning the drive for the.-sponsoring Lions Club. ' , "Other children are being brought in all the time," said Rog- i ill U ers "and the tmai nuniDer win uc much higher." However, "Collec tions are not what they were this time last year. We are hoping that the combination box supper and talent show at the courtnouse Thursday night will make up the difference. Tho i.vi.nt described was planned for the Armory but a shift in plans made it impossible to secure those facilities .according to Kogers. um- r v f crouos are parucipannis. he added, and "the talent snow will be directed by Wayne corpe i- ng and Turner uamey wnu u" !UCh a good Job during tne festival." .'....;, - The public is invited to uie ai- fair Thursday, stressed Kogei. It'll mean a good time lor au .m ii rf ft,n fnr a Worthy cause. Tvionnuhiic. anyone with oiq clothes or toys may leave them at thp nolice station, or the courthouse for distribution to the needy. . , The P sather T Maintenance of the REA's powe Pfinlnmcnt in this area was improv ed considerably this week with Ihe ... i i 1 1 . l ... Installatloiv, ,ot ..two-way ruoios jh the Wayncsviue h&a on ice auu in live service trucks and a car. R. C, ShelTleld, R EA manager here, said that the new equipment will permit communication between Hip Wavnesville office and all the firm's service area, which includes Havwood. Buncombe. Jackson, Transylvania and Macon counties in North Carolina, and part of Ra bun County In Georgia. The new equipment, installed ai a cost of $10,000, Includes a receiv er-transmitter here, and two re ceivers and two transmitters atop nhamhers Mountain near Clyde and Mt. Toxaway near Toxaway. Fifty-foot power poles also have been erected at the site of the mountain transmitter receiver units. The five trucks and a car carry mobile two-way radios which per mit communication with the KEA office or with each other, Mr. Shef field explained. 5iv shilinn licenses and three radio operators' permits were granted by the Federal Communi cations Commission in Washington in normit operation of the equip ment here. Call letters of K1J76 were granted to the station. " Mr, Sheffield asserted inai in? .... ...ill new communications system win provide better service and cut down transportation costs Dy spceu ing up restoration of fallen lines and installation of new meters. 13 Person Appbinted As Tax Listers Thirteen tax listers for the 1 952 j tax survey of Haywood County were appointed, today by bebe Bry son, county lax collector and super visor. . Named were: Heaverdam, Mrs. Wade Rhea and Vaughn Byers; Cataloochee, Mack Caldwell; Cecil, Jerry Francis; Clyde, William Os borne; t'rahlree, Gilbert Sanford; Fast Fork, Ken liurnelte; Fines' Creek, F. M. Rogers; Iron DulT, Mrs. Roy Medford; Ivy Hill, Eugene Howell; Jonathan Cheek, iroy Lcatherwood; Pigeon, Gaston Bur- nelte' Waynesviile. Hugh JolJey, and White Oak. George Boring. Listing will start January 1. and will include nenis . sucii us .iw estate, manufacturing .property. merctiandi.se, manufacturing ma terials, personal property, live stock, and motor vehicles Mr'. Bryson asserted thai the county has lost considerable money in revenue in recent years from the public's failure to list automobiles and dogs, He said a special effort will be made this year to colled all those levies which are due. Dr. 1. E.. Fender of Waynesviile u):iU rleeteil president of the Hay wood County Medical Society at Hk.l..)... I- il..k -.4 it rueeijng juttsun Btiiv m v 1 I,n..,n nl tia mmtv ItftR- pilal, --:- Also 'chosen were Dr. H. A. Mat thews of Canton, vice-president; and Dr. W. O. Kearse of Canton, secretary -treasurer. Dr. W. Boyd! fWn tif Wavnesville was selected as the medical society's delegate to the state meeting In May at Pinp hurst. Dr. V. H. Duckett of Can ton was named alternate' to Dr. Owen. Tim main Kueakcr of the even ing was an Asheville physician. Dr. Llltlcjohn, who discussed the use of adrenal hormones, ACHT and cortisone. The legs she holds are cam.y, unn her own are Of healthy nr-li, but a year ago a sudden attack of Polio made little Nancy doubt, if she would ever walk. Her letter to Santa asking for "strong !c." touched the heartstrings of millions, and apparently brought le- suits for today Nancy Is well. , . Sleet Slows County Dovn; But Things Keep woving CAR To Meet Tomorrow Masons To Hold Stated Assembly Doric Council No. 20, Royal and Select Masters, will hold their Stated Assembly Friday night. Dec. ot hn i hp First National Bank. Purpose is the transaction of rou tine business and the election of officers for the coining 'year. II luslrious CompanlonrThomas Har- r in charge. Robert Chapman Arrives Home On Furlough First Baptists To Give Special Musical Sunday ! A special Christmas musical pro igiam will be given by a combined j choir of 50 voices at the ursi uap I list, church Sunday evening at 7:30. ' u .... The program will be under me Sgt. Robert Chapman, who re- . 1 Charks ,,lt.y. director cently completed his fourth opera- J ' Mm,.ow al the tion for frozen feet suffered in Ko- 01 ' 'US,L; dllu i u. Ti.hl uu in cnpnrf . ft""- a '?n.Hav furloueh with his wife . .. i m i tl hnin in il and tnree cnuurtn. nc u h unmv .innps HoRDital in Bat- nn; - " ry Kent, Illustrious Master, will be tj; Contracts Awarded For Equipment At Hospital Michcigan for more than tie Creek a year.., Set. Chapman arrived by plane in what is known as "Operation Santa Cftus". When his furlough expires he will return to. the hos pital as a' wheel chair patient for an indefinite period. irwlnrliwl in I lip DldgraUl Will be ui-lt't'lioti iroin Handel's Messiah, and also features of the. works of J. S. Bach. The Joseph Howell Society, Children of the ..American Revolu tion will meet tomorrow afternoon al 3:30 o'clock with Patience Ray as hostess In the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray. Early Out, Early In: Can't Win The old sayln oe. "He who laughs last laugh best." so con trol yourselves fellows and girls and hear this. Due t the sleet storm there will be no school Friday as there was none Thurs day. In other Words your Christ mas vacation has begun. But don't start laughlnc Vou will re turn to school a day earlier than was planned, on Jan, 2nd Instead of Jan. 3rd. But that's almost two weeks away, so don't let it spoil your Christmas. CLOUDY FMiav. Dpcember 20 Occa ,rain and mild. Slightly warm- may, - j - 'wal Wavnpsvllle tempera- Is recorded by the staff of the iest Farm): : 1 Max. Min. Rainfall 7 40 10 47 22 1.02 42 13 V. '.'" .'. Contracts for nine types of equip ment for the new addition at the Haywood County. Hosp. a awarded Tucsaay ing of the hospital board of trus tees and the county commission ers. . ,wl..rl Six of the nine nrms contracts were low bidders equipment at a meeuns " - -tees and commissioners at tne court house last Friday. Contracts awarded were: . Office equipment -Tallman Of. fice Supply Co., Asnevnie, o,uu. Medical - surgical - laboratory equipment-Massie Surgical Co., ;1lo M10Ail. . .. ..... Housekeeping-januoriai Bu, -Aspden Associates, Greensboro, ?uTm - Mills Hospital Supply Co.. Chicago, $5,415.80. Maintenance-shop equipment L. & B. Hardware w ntttrv pouioment - Asheville iu- " L unH Fixture Co., $2,895. x.Ray G. E. Electric Corp. Charlotte, $7,579.95. t- Patients' room furniture Mas .... c.inai r.n . $18,286.15. rl-tm tables - American Sterilizer Co., Erie, Pa., $3,540. Tobacco Sales Bring Average Of 66 Cents A hieh average of C6 cents on i i iniurm sales was reported this week by Wayne McElroy of Crabtree community. I ne crop was grown by Mr. Mcfciroy ana ms son. Edgar. , The Crabtree grower saiu uiul u ,m toLal of 2.560 pounds of V. tJVlU - burley for $1,693.92 at riameis Warehouse No. I at Asnevmc n listed these unit sales: A total of 500 pounds at 70 cents 910 pounds at 69 cents. 280 pounds at 67 cents, 304 pounds at 63 cents, and 470 pounds at 57 cents. , Havwood County Ranks High In State In Percentage 01 'Homejvmed Faras Thursday morning brought Hay- , wood County the promise of a white ,. Christmas: but tn ittiiu'iies 4 nni itimoosed of the traditional soft stuff that so readily lends it self to the formation of snowmen and snowballs. Sleet began falling long before daylight, and many people who went to bed wilh ineino- leS of a brilliant sunset, filling their dreams with, beauty, awoke to find reality as cold as Ihe ice , thai draped the trees and covered streets and roads. A thee oy The 'Mountaineer in dicated that conditions were very similar throughout the county. Roads were generally open, but traffic was light ami slow, VVotfc buses were running from various illr.a hul Hi.. I'limlun rial buses headed to ami from Ashe ville through the county were ilth er delayed or stopped entirely No accidents were reported as of earlv In the afternoon by either the Stale Highway Patrol, the police department or the slierifii otrtee. Cpl. Prilchard Smith ot the HigU- way Patrol said, "The roads are In , pretty bad shauc everywhere. They are scraping the Soco Gap road and this side of the -mountain and putting sand down, but I doubt If they'll do it on the other side! Bal sam Gap is open bul very ley ' From the Waynesviile Bus Sta tion came this report "Buses have gone by on the way-to Atlanta. Chattanooga, and Knoxville. but we have had none come' in f'iu those tities. No bus in from Frank lin vet, Chances are. that everything will he operating, but will be niight y slow." '.'' 1 From individual communities the reports were very similar. Mr. C. O Newell, of Crabtree said: "Awfully icy here and terribly slick. Koads are open. I think, but 1 haven't seen any traffic." From Mis. J. Edgar Burnette. of Cecil: "Several people tried -to , to work and had to turn back, hut Lt Polly the worn mis ui uaiuo" "i'wi , T in t i I,.-,,, 1'iese through, . ine roans are a , wuu and ltul?.v Prcsnell . - 4 ,-a , Mrs-Letr ttelgcrrarthe Balsam Fish Hatchery: "The smftv plow (See Slee't Page 8' - - Poards To Hold Joint Session About Jan. 1 Willi two commissioners on the sick list, it appeared today that tin. lolnl meeting of the commis sioners and school board would be sometime about January first. The two boards are due to meet mrl name an advisory committee of five to work with the boards on the execution of the county-wide school program. in view nf the fact that Mr. Alii son suffered injuries in a fall, and ..nimtuKioiM'i- Frank Davis is suller. ing from llu. It was felt that about .lanunrv first would be as early as i i,p ininl session would be held Th.. r.iiinmissioners do not have another regular scheduled meeting until January 71b Salvation Army Will Distribute Baskets And Gifts Food baskets for 15 families and Christmas gifts for 5H5 persons are on the Yuletlde agenda for the Sal vation Army Citadel al Max Patch, according to Major Cecil mown. Salvation Army .commander in Uie cuunty. f-.ti Vlll he distributed around fi.rwlm.'is trees during special pro grams at churches at Shelloti Laur el Little Creek, Maple Mnngs, Bonnie Hill, and Sleepy Valley. Major Brown expressed her grat itude at public '-sonlributions for the Salvation Army's Christmas ln . lt:ic lll'l' illlltu 111 ,H. ...... .r,llii-tiiiu donations by Hay wootl County ranks 25th among North Carolina's 100 farms in the percentage of farms opcr iw full or nart owners of the farm land, according to the U. S. Agricultural Census oi ifJ", " reported in the University of North Carolina News Letter. The report discloses that tenant farming in North Carolina has been ! . iiwirli- ilpeline since 1930. iia..i,iri rmintv farms were listed .u 7i 1 ner cent operated by full or nart owners in 1940, per t in 1940 -and 85.7 last year The county has a total 2,784 farms. Western North Carolina farms (See Ilaywrntd Farm Page 8 Christmas Edition Will Be Published Saturday lished Saturday. Distribution oi me vv" -' ';";; -stssst- to oermlt employees to enjoy the holidays with their families, v l PThe .S wl return to work on Thursday, and publication of Ihe Mountaineer will be resumed Monday, December 31. Mountaineer wia. oe rhrisimas edition is at noon Satur- The deadline ior news , , day. This edition will be marked by an unusual number ot local Christmas features. In Highway Record For 1951 Haywood (To Date) Injured . . 51 Killed .... 5 information com from Records of Hihwiy Patrol.) 1 I (This piled State 'V

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