STAND Rp rxo CG mi' -2-0-230 S Fir . . . I : ' T . ... ..i.-,. i i ' O y I rT "v- - - n I- "' rj It ) r H 111 1 lil v- 1 ... . .. :. . . ... ., . ........... .. - -v -. m uA fr w.., J . . - : ! Sidelights Of The News ESVILLElW The Waynj OUNTAINEEM 1 '-- Ia n V, P ...i., Plans UskMr.Isley. Les IsU-y U a firm believer C morning he received the U, news that a tire on his ibcvond repair. That meant P, "uf, ho onnlH make a are uciuic - see relatives auring ine ho riiH not know when he died to be a guest at Rotary was that a gltt awauea jut me civil- uie""""""""1 rift which was enough w br a tire. j the mcraoers in singing bl Christmas numDers, oui ere quite as nappy as tne W music director. prise f Waynesvllle husband, in do neighbor a good deed, will larger gift Tuesday morning. . neighbor wanted to hide a ge from his wile. He arranged re the package next door un ralay night. the meantime, the wife at the hcre the package was "stor ieeped in the box, and al h surprised, was delighted, she felt it must be hers. :n she got to thinking about itt she had bought for her nid an insignificant one as jred with what she had just in the box. , ' ',. ; rriedly she started on another ling tour and supplemented riginal gift. ' just goes to show that Christ Is full of a lot of surprises. Published Mth YliAK NO Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 103 24 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESV1LLE N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 24,1931 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiei Lions Still Planning Box Supp . 1 '0 er lays An Angle reporter wrote headline after iiie for The Local Yokel. that job was done he wrote ks story about its publication. tut task was completed, tie W the" school publication' iis mind and turned to other But he was ia little hasty. editor jippeared, told him m nis Headlines were Jin a copy Of the paper for IS cents." i he writes a Sidelight, and Mi his respect. . intormation operator at the Nile telephone exchange Med this question by. a small He other day: "What is Santa phone number at the North k sour mother: she knows Nck-thinking operator replied. Tiber Please The box supper and talent show! planned by the Lions Club for last 1 Thursday nigh t at the court house ' and cancelled hi'mns,. nr .,.,,4 : cold weather, will be held around1 me nrst of January, according to ! Jerry Rogers, general chairman of! the Lions committee in charge of ! helping the. needy at Christ nuis "Our work is going on," said ! Rogers, "but we'll still have to I pay for it. So far, while no exact figures are available, we have sup- plied more than 130 children with complete outfits of new clothing. ! The cost is near $2,000.00." . Cold weather has also nit down receipts at the Dime Board operat-i ed by the Club on Main street. 1 "There were two days," said Rog ers, "when, collections were almost nil." Reports were more favorable on collections sponsored by the Lions of used clothing and toys. "Peo ple have been very generaus." said Rogers, "but of course we can use all they will give us and we will continue to accept anything and everything." Clothes and toys may be left at the police station, at the radio .station, and at the sheriff s office. ... 1 The box supper was cancelled! at the last minute because ot the 1 weather, and it was not possible to convey the information to all con-; cerned. "We were : delighted by; the number who appeared despite the sleet." said Rogers, "and we feel, sure, that the event will be a big success later." The talent show was designed to be similar to the one put on during the recent To bacco Festival, ayne corpenmg and Turner Cathey were to oe. and will lie, in charge- Other civic clubs are aiding mci Lions in their work. The Mwanis Club turned over almost $30.00 to the Lions to aid them in the pur chase nf new clothing, and all V. 4 1 .wa fctoAaiKiS "l 1951 1 t hi Jitli v is . "'''-siKssii i- . VfA Skepbrdt tud it dufrtt i LUKf. 1 f twing you m Dm m pat joy which will come to ill the peopM; - M tt you m bom thu day in the city of DvkJ tSavnr, wh it Chriat the Lord. "And thii will be a iii (or you: you wilt find babe wrapped in twaddling clotlu and lying in a marif er.H " And tuddenly there waa with the angel multitude of the heavenly hott praiiing Cod and Glory to Cod in the higheit, and on earth peace among men widi whom he ii , Dleatedl"' icpherda Mid to one another. LctT"vp ctyqJiBctlr ind ttt this thing that ha happenofc- t i f known to ui. " And they wen , Vy and JoKaJv, V' V I Wit v wh i SBf:!SiW. W 4 ('ii- ia itw? fm ha i;li eM ;; W !m m t wl . 1 trn ( ) I .1 V J1 ftt itv n ami? Irti 'm tit Tffwwlr L )' ,' v r ' County Set For Long Holiday Most Haywood countlans today were preparing to enjoy a four-day Christmas holiday. Stores will close at b p. m. Monday and remain clos. ed until Thursday mornine. In (iustital plants closed Friday night and will remain closed several davs, gfopenlng on staggered sched ules, . Wavnesville merchants have re ported holldav business as un usually Bd". Sleet and rain kept most shoppers home Thursday, but Friday and today brought oaeK Rill seekers with a rush. Holldav schedules of various of I ices about town vary considerably Some wilt be closed four days, oth i ers only two, I The bad weather Thursday add I ed two davs to the Christmas holi I day In t he county school system ! Students will return to their class es January 2. J II. Howell. Waynesvllle post- 1 master, said that postal business I this year has been heavier than ! usual. A slight letup usually de I velops in the flow of mail a day or I two before Christmas, but activity I at the postofflce continues to be I hoavv, Mr. Howell said. I Farmers Homo Administration i Closed Monday and Tuesday Christ -I mas week and Monday and Tuesday ! of New Year's week. . ! Holiday sschedules were an 1 11 ou need by n numlN.'!1 of city, I county, federol, and utility olTtces i (See Holldajk Pire S) 'Wish I Had A Stocking' n - ft, 11 , ; . imium 1 111 MM itwHiffciiMft iiT v n irntwai mnni mrir r Mrt-iarmnrn try 1 1 '4 (V -1 .. Dreaming 'ot a canine Christmas with visions of a new red collar mid 11 fat bone is Clamor Boy, a Great Dane,' surviving 'm the stoekinj situation with three small friends. v Two Die After Car -Truck Crash Near Canton Friday . The Christmas Story Arid it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Gaesar Augus tus, that all the world should be taxed.: AnH this taxing was first made when groups are doing much, according: was UOvernor of Syria.) to Roaers, in manng iw ' , , . cbthing drive a success. And all went to be taxed, every one into "A lot of children and grown-ups J nis own City, too are going 10 hve a much hP- d h a,sQ went up from Galilee;out nier Christmas as a result ot int. r 1 ,l generosity of the people of this of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the community," said Rogers. "The ; city o rjavid, which is called Bethlehem; (be "?ttZri SlShSicause he was of the- house and lineage of an i""r,u"u" And there were in the same country shep herds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lei the angel of the Lord came upon Daytott Rubber Staging Annual 1 Christmas Party The annual Christmas party for 'the ()(! employee of Dayton mil) her Comounv and their families ! ti.tiu i,vtfi(liiri la n cftilu jiffnit' Sat them, and the glory of the Lord shone round ur(iv night, as festivities got un about them: and they were sore atra.d. , W '. ". scnw" "m" And the angel said unto them, Fear not: An elaborate program, including f.!... Unlwl,l 1 Utlv,if frrml tirliniiu (if l'roiit : a special troupe of entertainers 1 VI 1 "wt ... tj m - ' ' joy, which shall be to all people 'Monday's Paper Actually Printed Late Saturday v This annual Christmas edition Is beinic printed Saturday after noon, although dated Monday, DHCmWf2...:' ",.:.--.--- Sulisci ihers who get their pap er by carrier here In Waynesvllle and Haelwood will receive the paper Saturday afternoon; those who gel the paper throueh the boxes at the post office will ct it Sunday, and those on the rural routes will Ret It Monday. This explanation Is made, be cause of the time element which was envolved In editing the news in today's issue. Question $M Question in the county agent's office Friday was tiT the red garment Turner !' was wearing was a sport or the upper part of his red Jimer Resident " kin Florida C. Walsh miinmpr resident pm, died at his home in Fort Florida last Monday. He fttirerl insiirnnw aoent. fivors include the widow and f. Bill Walsh.. . ((ral services and burial were 'Pierce Wednesday. and we feel sure that such coopera tion will continue. Salvation Army Striving Hard To Answer Appeals 'Mager Brov.11 - " "We have a large family an my husbon is very old. wouici ou pleas bring us a Christmas box. We sure do think you very much. The above is one of many let lore rifpi't'd bv Maior Cecil Brown of the Salvation Army. Now on the list of the Army s Mission ai mi r,...u 1st families and more ru11.11. p'i n than 565 personsMore than .100. garments will be given by. the Army in addition to toys, iood baskets, and other gifts. Major Brown expiaiucu umi are attempting to serve those that others can't reach." "An example of this was given when she told of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, 1 being great with child. I And so it was, that, while they were there, I the days were accomplished that she should' be' delivered. And she brought iorth.her iirst-born son, For 'into you is-born this day in the Uiy of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger I !',-,,, AtlutilN huvn KePn entfufTprl !lo give h special show, in addition to the music by the famous band of Grant Held. Activities are scheduled to begin ut seven, with Harry Bourne, fac tory manager, making a brief ad dress of welcome, and then follow 1 Inu the vHiletv orofiram, which will And suddenly there Vas with tl multitudeof the heavenly host praising (.iOd,,Charkis inri savine 1 , . The professional "entertainers And she brought lorin.ner m"- y Q hij?hc!5t, and on earth and wrapped him m swaddling clothes,, and y'y ;., u; i n mnntfPr' hpraiiSG there was no FCf,uc . ICllU lliiii- ""bv Father Of Ralph Minnick Dies In Bristol 'A T ' ' 'Mr and Mrs. Ralph Minnick left Ki-irlnv ' for Bristol.-Tenn.. where Minnick in addition to the son, Mr. Min nick Is survived by the widow: , rhmahlrr. Mrs. W. M. Carver of Bristol: and 12 grandchildren. Funeral services and burial were In Bristol. tljey were called on account of the deSth of the former's fathe Sam room for them in the inn. - St. Luke 2:1-14' ; Our Wish For You and Yours. 1CT SHOPPING "DATi U1 TO CHRISTMAS 1 f H.-ivine 77 miles Thursday one way the pasior. uie nc. t rt fve, a basket to a family j lev. on "The First Christmas." tte?St- 3, ! invited., Churches Plan Christmas pgpants Music Programs Special ''Christmas music, pag- ,.... ....J nlavs are scneuun-u Cdrii-n auu 1 . .,,.,.1,,, several Waynesvllle area chutchts ki ilia next few aa. .h first Baptist Church 42 Families Will Receive Holiday Aid Some 42 needy families Will benelit from holiday aid provided by church and civic groups work ing through the county welfare de partment. Mrs. Sam Queen, welfare de partment head, said that organiza i.m Kiieh as the Lions, Jaycees. (Business and Professional Women. Girl Scouts and church circles and Sunday school classes will dis tribute baskets of food and clotli- !tnu thrnuchoul the county. . i Mrs. Queen said that the number ,.r f..,iii..e ah., h:ive asked for t,l lam , ...... - -rtu-lstmas-Tellef-IS about - aver- ... ...... - , , r sr. ... . ... 111 . .u,. iH 111.' LllS. 1 ....." Vh.l VJIlfl Iin HVfl MKf ,1' CnllO win uc "' , ukc . Ray Pleiness; Musical numbers will : naVe received aid in past years be 'directed by Mrs. J. L. Kiloat-: rick, choir director, witn M r i Richland Church To Have Program Sunday Night A play. "This is Christmas," will be presented at Richland Baptist Church Sunday night at o'clock. Members of the Beginners, Primary, and Intermediate Depart ments of the Sunday School will be in the cast. . ' A brief address will be given o.v Santa Claus On Receiving End Of Christmas Gift Cinof each vear. the publishers of The Mountaineer are per- ! mitted to lay aside their usual duties and have a personal jchat with our many friends-some ' of ' them close by. some I of them miles away. i WritinL' a oersonal message at this time of year virtually composes', itself,- sprinKin('as it does from a full awareness and deep appreciation of the important part that each of these friends has in the continued growth and expanding service of this newspaper. The only difficulty with such a message is holding it to reasonable length. ai thiu i.viiii Christmas season, we think -warmly and at- A Haywood County family has two members dead and two others in a serious condition at the Mik- jslori Hospital in Asheil!e as a re sult of a collision Friday morning between the car in which they were riding and a Gulf oil truck. Dead are Mrs, Rachel Swauger and ' daughter. Jean, of Canton; hurt are Robert -Swanmr and son, Bill. The accident ..occurred .ju0-().. list 201) hundred feet west of the new bridge on Highway 19 east of Canton. .The car, a UH7 Dodge sedan which was driven by Hubert Swa'nger. was headed east tuwurd Ashcville. InvestlHating officers. Patrolman Wotlcn and Cpl. Smith, said that the car apparently skidded on a patch of ice and swung around in front of the oil truck which was driven bv Jack Searcy of Ashevillc. Searcy was unhurt, hut officers stressed the fact that, the investi gation was incomplete due to Swanger's serious condition. Dr. J. ii. Cherry of the Mission Hospital in Ashevillc reported to the Mountaineer Saturday morning that Robert Swanger is suffering from a fractured hip, broken ribs, and a broken shin bone. He wa operated upon late Friday and "is doing fine", According to Dr. Cherry, the son, Hill Swanger. has a broken Uiiiih bone and broken jaw. He was also operated upon Friday and "is doing all right". , Jean was dead by the time a doe tor could be reached in Canton, and Mrs. Swanger died "en ruutc to the I hospital. Mrs.- Swanger died from internal and external hemorrhage (See 2 Killed Pate 3) Wellco Shoe Has Party For Their 500 Employees t ie I'airicK ai me The First Methodist uiurcn ' a musical program wi 1 oe . christmag pageant at 7:30 -- i, p ,.h :mrt m Minoav. wmie i- WINDY Nav nrtoomlAni O '1 Fair " I "VHIIUVl mdm4 ' t - 'Hiitti winuy oaiui ua? pday, ; Recorded by the staff of the Test Farm); : , Max. Min. Rainfall 37 23 1.42 59 36 1.40 I' ' -v .. Kineri choir of 30 m Sunday. The program WS So u,ulerhet direction of Charles Ishy. director of music. ;"th Joe Morrow at the organ. Tm-luded in Profi,'am W.".i, b.L' ' ..Alitsil inn from Hancie -Mes- Baptist Church win piesei.t Christmas play at the same time A special Yuletide program is also scheduled at 7:30 p. m. Sunday at Long's Chapel. Christmas Tree Blaze Ends 'No-Fire. Record VVaynesville's record of no fires for two weeks was broken at 5:10 yesterday at the home of Henry 1 nnnstrrf On Smathers when a The Waynesvme Mercnan s as- , ana aeep apFiauu,. u. ... k- I Smm. 50 empl0m of Wellco sociatiou has nirneo me y fr ends has in the continued Rrowui aim tAH.,..u.., .,v... cornoratton ' enioved their Santa Claus. Usually on the giv- npW!!IWO(ir' The onlv difficulty with such a message anmiil Christmas party Friday. ing end of Christmas gills, mi ' ( , ! with Hein Kollman, president, in Fridav was on, the reeeivinn end. , is holding it to reasonable length. ...... , it iiappened aliont-10 a.m. yes-! At this joyous Christmas season, we think warmly and al- j emplovee received as a gift terday al the Chamber of Com-1 . . i f . I of the firm a year's subscription to merce ollice when Santa Claus was ,'"ik ' 3 ' :... 1)n,.,jim of our thought Header's Digest. In about fifty presented a brand-new red and Our readers, to whom the majoi poilion ol ou lliougni thtf m,sband and while outfit by Mrs. Robert. M. Hoyd , .An( enerLiV is directed: for whom we strive constantly to pio- , . .. emolm.,d bv u. nierchanis--secretary. . ! duce an ever better newspaper which .will fultill, as best we c.niu'.. new lnys include a Illicit . .... ...... wlndproof. waterproof, poplin suirf j are able to make it fulfil, the great obligations oi a iree p e, (lnwim! white whiskers and nan and black boots. )wnct and Rimnort. It is deenlv gratifying that the number shown in the party ... 1 . II.. I.. ,1 .I.rini, mu: IK ""ri ' purchased by the Merchants' Asso-! of readers-of this newspaper is steadily increasing c. ' dalioirrrbm-Tf flnrtnnatt firm top- Ourad'vertisers, whose" friendship and good will make H j replace the present outlit which j for lhe newspaper to put out a better and better pap- j Santa -has-worn for the last seven ' ' . ore readers.The relationship of a newspaper I . S The old death. I firm, the wife received a Unit eakt?. and the husband the subscription. . I f llnll . . - ' v : ('","' ' ' an annum rrui t n i I uoon whom we depend for advice and counsel and loyal m- ( ; shoe and much interest was ... I I i ; i' .: . U Un nuttiUnt- t 1 ' I.. 1. . Mali" and music by Bacn. .1,,, P.rsbvtenan cnuicn T lilt, Christmas Peant will he .'-jn will mg s cnapti. , . . i (.n.,stmas trce became ignited by a ; At Grace episcopal i.uM ,r.; - : i i .. Ol Ii,. he ri at 1 l.oU u-' vy eoiiiiiiun,uii I ,i m Christmas Eve.; Communion The f in. Was extiiiuuished wnn 11 a m.ionly the loss oi me w"'"""- .' iu. u.iH a small ruC. accord- yZU 35 persons par.ici-1 ChHstmas day, with a enure-, Clem f ItzseraUl. be held at ' t "..Dphold This i school festival piannea iuj2Jli ' gJ-bTe Th Millionth mUc Viclim ,.,y was tickled to i an(j jts advertisers- is- basically' a co-operative business enter- j l...r:;l .inA nrnf fahP to- Vlth.-Hllt it OU us stroiiK - orise. iuiici.h.ici iiva v..v. w ... personal ties and it further benefits the community, and in creases the scope of merchandising. We esteem very highly the cordial association of the past, and we anticipate the same pleasant relationship in the year vvhkh lies ahead. Our employees, with diversified talents..- anu smus, combine their ability in producing the newspaper,- and in the final analysis, are responsible for its success. To produce a newspaper requires ingenuity and plain hard. work.. . And so to all three groups - readers, advertisers, and em ployees, it is a joy and pleasure to sincerely say - may the best of the season, and the days to follow be yours: : , THE runLISHERS Decoration Contest Winners Announced Winners have been announced for the Christinas Decoration Con test, sponsored by the Richland Garden Club. Mrs. Ralph Prevost won first place for the most attractive yard decoration and Mrs. Uoy Parkman (See Decorations Page 3) Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .. . . 53 Killed.... 7 (This piled State information com from Records of Hihway Patrol.)

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