HlWtnn THTT A TTTTNT iYILLE ' MOUNT AMEEK DECEMBER 24. 1951 h n w, w a v x h SECOND SECTION T T JL i JLL JL 1 1 3 "M lrth Carolina Christmas Years Ago necalled io be m " . i tVin hctii; sniirhtti'n ihhm,,,., i. ... i the cou""' , .... . "-..iiiM-iLtinstmas trees in the homes, and Story Perklnson exueeted that New aiu'e of Not s Thanksgiving, o, Christmas: . ...mi (I rviiKWV tli"e"crfut stow ol Christmas V files be reflected in yoitf ; I ll . 1.1 t-U I ' ' 'I . .4. rw ytr with joy . -V (y J ty EAGLE'S 5c & 10c STORE "Lib" Leatherwood, Mgr. mas. Is perfectly delightful. It thrills i me more and more each year that I live through it. j My first Christmas in Dixie, now 1 over 40 years ago, was spent in the 1 country in Carolina. I missed the 1 -light's and the music to be heard i in large city churches (before the Hunk the days of radio) and I missed the ifpV M i essinqs On Christmas Day and throughout alt the (lays of the coming New Year may the blessings of Peace, Good Will and Happiness be with you and your beloved ones. Balentine's Superette Brainier Ave. Phone 814 my church, but there was a lelsure- liness. a friendliness, a warmth of hosoitalitv which was lovolv and long to be remembered. There was no tinsel, few bought, gifts but neighbors exchanged what they had. and is there any better gift than some country sausage, some old ham, or a home made cake or some home made pickles? May be some watermelon rind preserves flavored with ginger. Everybody was prepared and expected guests to walk in at any time from Christ mas Eve to New Year's Day. Preparation The preparation for the great holidays began about the 18th of December The crops were made and laid by. part of the tobacco sold, and it is time to take holiday and get ready to cat and drink and be merry. So about a week before hand the hogs were killed, weather permitting, the sausage made, the lard dried up and the fresh meat salted away except that which was to be divided among the neighbors, Next it was time to clean the house and sweep th yards, get enough Wood chopped to last a week and to begin to cook enough food to last the octave, for although the colored girl, Called "The cook was willing to help with the prep arations, very few could come back to prepare any meals after Christ mas Eve. It was the same with the wood choppers. "Cooks" worked tor five dollars a month In those days, and the price paid lor cutting wood was 10 cents an hour. One of my greatest thrills then was to be able to walk a short dis tance into the woods and gather holly and baylcaves, running cedar and other greens to my heart's con' tent. Mistletoe was hard to get for it grows in the tops of dead oaks, and one has to climb for it. I used to make wreaths of holly and cedar and send to my Yankee kin. They were much appreciated, but now the gathering of holly Is restrict cd bv law, else it would have been extinct long ago. Two Customs Two customs, then prevalent, I could not understand. One was the use of fireworks, which most chll- .4 drciUivougbt they :shui4d. haYCJil Christmas, and the otner was inc idea that Christmas was the one time in the year, when a man was privileged to get drunk. "You arc getting Christmas mix ed up with the Fourth of July," 1 used to say, for that is the day Yankees did both of these things.! Now fireworks are largely, of the. past, and I am glad, for it seemed incongruous to use, them ' on the holiest day of the year, celebrating the Birth of Our Savior. I wish I had space to. describe that hog killing, as I remember It. It began as soon as It was. light ,Jn the morning by building a huge fire and drawing many tubs of water from the well. Large rocks . were heated in the fire, then thrown Into the scalding tub, making the water hot enough to scald the hair from the hoes. I had been used to seeing New England women clean house in the .spring and fall. They did It very thoroughly, washing an wooa worn, with soap and household ammonia, polishing windows etc., but this cleaning house for Christmas was new to me and amounted almost to a ritual among my southern neighbors. They did it very well. This was the time htey purchased new curtains and a new chair or so, cleaned windows, and scrubbed floors with sand and lye until they I were almost white. 1 missed the snow very much. and Could hardjy fit Santa Claus with .his sleigh and reindeer into the picture of a green Christmas. I believe the airplane is his mod ern mode of travel which fits into any scene. Seldom did: snow prevent the yards from coming in for their share of the preparations. They were swept with a "brush broom" made-, of green dogwood branches. All refuse, such as leaves and twigs and acorns were swept into piles and burned. The "brush broom" was iTt-far greater favor than any kind uf rake. Although laborious. the results were very satisfactory and yards were clean indeed. The hogs were killed, the sausage made, and the lard put away, the house was clean and the yards were swept and the wood was chopped. idea to me. Ever try pickles and cake together? ll is a good com bination. The Southern housewife excels all others in the making of fruit The greens were put over the pic! cake. It is rich, expensive and deli- ture frames and on the mantels a ; clous. It Is usually made right af day or two before Christmas Eve, so they would dry as little as pos sible before the week was gone. Now it is time to begin the prep aration of the goodies. Right after the hog killing,. .cucumbers were taken out of the brine and put a soak to be made into pickles for the table. This was done by putting them into a brass kettle to restore their green color, then adding vino- gar and sugar and spices and bring ing them to a boil. Then they Were packed into jars ready lor use. They were usually served with Christmas cake which was a now tor Thanksgiving and put into an earthen crock or closed tin box so that it will keep moist, and a few drops of home made wine is some times poured over it from ..time to time. ' As, .many other cakes as, one coudi afford were made and wrap ped in cloths and kept in a cool place. The best cakes I ever tasted were made bv a neighbor, rich lay er cakes into which went from a half to a pound of butter each. She made coconut and devil s food and pound cake and yellow cakes and while cakes with a variety of fillings and icings. She always gave Ian oven full for the holiday!, r4 me a plate lull of her cake and it j eat them cold or candied. Tker was much appreciated ! would be so full of sugar that it Besides frcti p'ave ribs and a would run out into the stovf. ... fresh ham. everv body tried to save ; ( Memories or buy a large old ham for the noli- ... , .' . . , ah,mt that first Christmas in my own house was that I was all at sea, a or. davs. Most families raised bought a turkey as well. Chess pies were new to me. These pies arc made with butler and sug ar and egg yolks and flavored with lemon or vanilla or perhaps' some coconut, and theii poured onto a thin short crust. Ambrosia is an other holiday delight peculiar to the South, made with oranges and sugar and grated fresh coconut. Sweet potato pies were also pre pared 1 do not recall many mince pies. I had never tasted a yam and thought thev were soggy at first. Those countrv people used to bake bride of a few weeks, about what was expected of me by Way of Christmas preparations. The cook had to do what was done, and what a time I had learning to make those good hot buttermilk biscuits. , I would either get too much or too little soda in them and make thtm either too stiff or too soft, I do re member that my husband kept ask ing me how many chickens or h I wanted killed. 1 did not know, and I did not know what to do with the four or five he brought in. Just (Continued on Pate 2) -jtni ? 4 Season's Greetings To All Of You at CHRISTMAS TIME We extend to everyone our warmest wishes for a very .Merry Christmas and a New Year of good health, prosperity and the happiness of many lasting friendships. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. I 1 I S. E. CONNATSER .4- V eJf "'Nw wc ai Always at Christmas time, there comes that special delight in extending to our many friends the greetings of the Season. This year," more so than ever before ippreciate the good will and close friendship that exists between our patrons and ourselves. It is with this fine relationship in mind that we wish you the Sliest measure 'of Yulctide cheer and happiness and-rprosperpusanheai oration mencai Manufacturers of Rayon Yarns First For Defense - Always For Fine Fabrics ENKA, NORTH CAROLINA , District Manager WAYNESVILLE PHONE 705