? ? The W aynesville Mountaineer you are talking to him. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park j ? 67th YEAR NO. 55 20 PAGES Associated Press ~ WAYNESVILLE, N. c7THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 10. 1952 *3.00 In Advance In Haywood and~Jackson Counties * i lelights ? >f The Hews Politics be best incidents hap IJy about the Republi ion. involved a Demo d intently to all the Wednesday night - I his reguis) I Hie proceedings, lee hours of the morn* ?ent to bed. In s later he awakened I wife someone was ?le front fair, led a moment, then i'k s|,,i'p ? no one fr y?M staved up so ? to the Republican J ? e away at the conven ? dreaming ? get to le lost enough over ?teen milled about the Blnnday morning and ??rge A. Shuford, and Bsbout ten days saying ?man would be our ?-now 1 can call him ? Shuford ? he's as ?shingtori." Mr. Queen Br. Shuford's most ar Brs in Haywood. Iieck P 11 N'< ? Vork hotel, ?i'h his bill, declared j ?'d to chance the sign ? from "Have you left | ft) "Have you anything r Women I new cologne being I for men that smells ?rior of a Cadillac." Delegation I ?Expected lei Boone Scouts sins enroll ?dtcI liniiDc Camp, oti I. tt w hs learned today I Colkilt, chaii innii of ?he district. I said that indications I Uiger ^ j j f' "i camp next w ek I ktve in the (m ft. including a large I tniiing halt, and bunk jni the entire Denial ftj'-'l us,, the camp Ine summer. ? W. Baucofn 3ch Twice 1 Baptist rBaucom, former pas Itust Baptist church, ?the pulpit twice On P morning and even ?in the absence of Rev. ft'all. pastor, who has P to take a sheet leavt to his health. ?aucnm served as pas pit eh for a number of ? here in 1.038. pervice To p? Sunday ifvice Will be off in f1''*' Sunday. July 13. I ""til fi p. m jn r(,r_ ?e ( arolina Power and Sri id this wcfk Feted are Dellwood | prell Mill Road. Lee I Lane, Chestnut Park plan Street I rut-off will ho peces* p for workmen to la, Ito give pdki for pR A v.i:\jf\t P'" ?f 95.00 has been fv T. Lenoir Gwyn for Pitiful flower arrange P m the annual Dower I helD bv ti,e two! BllllSu rlubs, August! ' r~ 7 f \ 4 er i i i WARMER ?Sunny and moderate lr and slightly warm /Ow of 42 this morn- J 6y i. Ifaynesville weather as the State Test Farm). Max. Min. Rainfall M2 60 \ 84 61 .04 78 62 .01 V Haywood Grand Jury Completes Work For Current Term Of Court The Mountaineer photographer made this picture of the Grand Jury shortly before they adjourned Wednesday, after completing their work for the July term of Superior court Nine of the members were named last January, and nine during this term of court, l.eft to right, seated: G. B. Howell, C. K. Mathews, J. J. Kelly. G. C. Mease, W. T. Reeves, foreman. C. H. Kuykendall. l.awson Franklin. W. C. Reece, and R. Frank Smathers. Standing, left to right: C. R. MehatTey, L. A. Cogburn. Jr.. Robert Boyd. Alvin Ford. K. 11 Downs, W. J. Francis, D. P. Pinner. C. L. Shepphard, Jr.. and L. B. Messer. On the extreme right is W. A. "Bud" Hill, officer of the group. (Mountaineer Photoi Many Cases Heard Here In Superior Court Term The .July term of Superior court until Wednesday night, had heard 12 cases of drunken driving, and seven divorce cases, plus a number of other cases, with Judge William H. Bobbitt, presiding. At noon today it was not known1 fust when court would adjourn ] this week-end?maybe today, and perhaps not until Friday. Judge ftobbltt dlH saj that^tthe1 second week of court would begin on 'luesriay morning; and that the, civil docket would not be taken up during the second week. Attendance at this term of court H^as been larger than in some pre vious July terms. Seven divorces were granted as ?itjllows: Willie B. Hunter vs llar risiin Hunter; Karl C. Hannah vs Kdna Mae Hannah; Orlena Shell Wright vs. William Wright; Gordon K. Forga vsrf Ruth Shirley Kcrga; Laura Rogers vs. L. G. Rogers; Frances S. Rogers vs. Eugene Rog ers; Joseph Smith vs. Sarah L. Smith, In a civil case of J. N. Powell, Jr.. vs. Bobby Glenn Moore, re sulting from an automobile wreck, the plaintiff was awarded $5,000. John Daley entered a plea of guilty of reckless driving, was fin (See Court?Page 8) Queen Will Be Crowned At Camp Junaluska Monday Annual coronation ceremonies will take place Monday night at Camp Junaluska when Miss Louly Fowler of Covington. Ga., will re ceive the crown. The Maid of Honor will be Miss Susan Walker of Wilmington; and i the Junior Maid. Miss Lucy Griffin I of Frostproof. Fla In the queen's court will bo Miss \ Louise Akard of Bristol, Va.: Miss Ann Cowart of Tampa, Fla.; Missj Lee Riggs of Little Rock, Ark.;| Mijs Mary Hallenberg of Little I Rock, Ark.: Miss Frances Cape-1 hart of Orlando, Fla.; and Mis1 i Raquel Solis of Santa Clara. Cuba. I Water Consumption Is Million Gallons A Day You don't have' to check the temperature to know that it's been hot in Waynesville. Water consumption has hern running; at capacity for some time now, with just a slight drop in the past few days. Officials say that water con sumption in the area served hy the Waynesville water depart ment runs about 750,000 gallons per day normally. For the past 1 few weeks though, consumption has been at the rate of just over a million gallons a day, or close to capacity. Waynesville serves, besides residents of this town, liazclwood and I.ake Junaluska, or just | about 10,000 people. Eood Freezing And Cookit\g School Set Two Nights Miss Elizabeth Parham, homo | economist for the Carolina Power & Light Company, will conduct a two-night cooking and home freez-1 or demonstration at Rogers Elec tric Company?tonight and Friday! night. Both sessions will begin at seven i o'clock. Miss Parham will give practical demonstrations on the latest meth-j ods of preparing foods for freezing, j and also some modern hints on cooking. The demonstrations are free, and will he interesting as well as enter taining. A large attendance is ex pected for both sessions of the I school at the Rogers Electric Com-1 panv on Main Street. Traffic Counters Arc Removed From Streets Those rope like affairs you've j been running across on various streets around town have been tak en up now and you can rest easy again. (Some people thought they were speeding meters.* They were counters placed by the State Highway Commission which check and record the number of j vehicles passing over that particu lar section. The commission will use the re sults to determine, among other1 things, the necessity of a truek lane w hich would bypass any area ! that is too crowded for normal ; traffic. There were about 100 of j them in various places in and I around Waynesvillr Result:, of the enunt won't be made public for | some time. Ike Likely Nominee, Poll Results Taken Here Show Con"ention fever is running fairly high in Haywood, and the 1 rrsi of the nation, since the Rep ublican National Convention got underway in Chicago on Monday.1 Citizens have stayed nearby their radios and television sets for the procedures, which have been on ? he unpredictable side on several occasions. ? Results of a poll taken by The Mountaineer Wednesday, showed that a great many people be lieve that General F.tsenhower will win the presidential nomination, with a few guesses putting Robed A. Taft as the likely winner. Fewer predicted MacArthir. Quite a few of the people ask-1 ed had no opinion on the outcome of the vice-presidential nomination Those who did guess, gave Senator! Nixon more than any other candi date. Here are a few of the guesses made by people in various parts of town, with thyir guess for the man Betting the presidential nomination: first, and the -vice president list-1 ed second: ? Mrs. C. N. Allen Ike and Nixon. John T. Shell, Ike ami Margaret Chase Smith. Mrs. W. A. Bradley?Ike and ; Taft. Robert Hall?Ike. Mrs. Noble Garrett. Sr., Taft l and MacArthur. i Mrs. Mary Oalis Ike and N'ixon. ] Ted Myers?Ike and Slassen. 1 Mrs. Frank G. Brown?Ike and < Warren. < Connie Bishop?Ike 11 (See Convention ?Page 8) Grand Jury Ask Check On Children On Welfare Rolls The Haywood Grand Jury rec ommended a public address sys-1 tcm for court witnesses; an in-1 vcstigation of children receiving support from the Welfare Depart ment; and special praise for officers in their fight against drunken drivers. These, together with a report on public buildings, were included in tlie report given the court here Wednesday afternoon The report is signed by W. Thomas Heeves, foreman. The report, in part, pointed out that "we would like to suggest to the County Commissioners that some type of amplifying system be installed which will enable any and all members of the jury to better understand all witnesses, even those who do not speak very dis tinctly." On the matter of drunken driv ing. the report pointed out: "we noticed several cases for drunken driving and want to especially com mend our State Highway Patrol men for their attention to making our highways safer. Patrolmen Smith. Wooten, Murrill. Dayton and others, as well as Sheriff Fred Campbell, his assistants, city po licemen. and all other law en torcement officers" are herein com mended by us for their excellent work Not only is the Grand Jury anxious to rid our highways of the danger of drunken drivers, but also, we believe the vast majority of citizens are willing to cooperate in this matter." The Grand Jury went on further in their report to point out that. we have noticed an unusual num ber of cases for non-support of children. Perhaps, we?the public ?are too prone to allow this res ponsibility to pass from its propel place to add to the burden of our local, state and federal govern ments. Thus, we would like for the general public, and others, to bring all such cases to the atten tion of the Grand Jury so that im (See Grand Jury?Page 81 Texas 4-H Club Group Arriving At 3:30 p.m today a group of 4-H Club members and their lead ers from Denton County, Texas, are scheduled to arrive at Soco Gap where they will be met by representatives of Waynesville civic organizations. Thirty-two youngsters?16 boys and 16 girls?and 10 loaders are making the trip from Texas to j spend a week with Haywood 4-Her's Last year club members from Haywood went to the Lone Star state, and the Texans are re paying the visit. The official welcome will In made at the court house by county and town officials: Mayors J. H. Way of Waynesville. Lawrence Davis of Hazelwood. Bill Stone of Canton, aiSrl Gerald Fish of Clyde; county manager C. C. Francis.! David C. Noland. president of the Haywood County 4-H Club Coun cil: Mrs. Carl Medford. president if the Haywood County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs; and ltf? Terns?Parr 8) Delinquent Tax List For County Being Prepared Taxpayers are being reminded this week that the time is short to pay 1951 taxes, as prepara tions are being made to advertise property for delinquent taxes. Mrs. Mildred II Bryson. tax col- ! lertor and tax supervisor of the county, is today giving notice i that the delinquent list is being prepared and liens will he sold against property which 1051 taxes have not been paid. Town To Receive Funds For Streets From State Waynesville will receive in Ibe neighborhood of $17,000 in Powell Bill funds for the coming year. G. C. Ferguson, town manager, said | today. These funds, which are allotted! On a basis Of so much per mile of streets that are not maintained by the State Highway Commission, may be used only for specified pur poses within the town. The estim ate was made by Ferguson on aj lias is of 20 89 miles of cither hard surfaced, unsurfaced. or gravel roads, for which the Powell Hill allows between $500 and $000 per mile- And to thai figure >s also added a flat rate ot $1 50 per inhab itant within the town Mr, Ferguson is preparing the report which is required by the! state, and will forward it to Ha-1 leigh this week. Hazelwood Proposing Bonds For Tow n-Wide Street Paving Plans Board Formally Sets New County Tax Rate At $1.65 The county commissioners have j formally decided on the 1952 tax j rate of $1.65 per $100 valuation. I This was the tentative rate as set I several weeks ago, and announced by the commissioners. The board spent the greater part | ol Monday and Tuesday, going over the vast details of the 15 different funds comprising the budget. James Kirkpatrick. auditor, said | this morning that all the funds in the budget have been decided up on. and are now being compiled for the formal signatures of the board, and publication on Monday in Ibis newspaper. The new rate is fifteen cents per $100 valuation higher than last year. Trucks Receive Minor Damage In Collision . * ? J Two trucks met on a narrow road i between White Oak and Fines Creek about 2:30 p. m Wednesday ! and if both had been on the right side of the road nothing would have, happened. As it was. a truck from the Way-1 nesvllle Wholesale Company was, t?n the left side, according to Pa-' the man Joe M-urrlll, hi.' the two1 trucks collided. The damage has been estimated at $250 each, al though the other truck, which was carrying soft drinks, did not lose a single bottle. Charges of driving on the left , side ot the road have been filed a galnst the wholesale company's truck, Patrolman Murrill said. Cows Are Safest In Their Pasture Even livestock is not safe from the menace of the highways. Thursday morning about 9:30 a cow was struck by an automobile that had to cross to the wrong side of the highway'to hit the animal. The cow belonged to Charles llaynes and the accident occurred on the Dellwood Hoad. Damage to (he automobile amounted to about $100. according to Patrolman Joe Murrill. The only thing thai could he said about the cow by press time was that it had not died. The driver of the car. Thomas H. Calcs. has been indicted on a charge of driving on the left side of the highway. New Street Signs w The Town of Waynesville started putting ui> the first of a hundred new street signs this Week Sim ilar to the N. Main-Depot street sign shown here, the markers are a definite improvement over the previous practice of tagging street names on the curbs. i Mountaineer Photot. * ?- - Mr and Mrs. C. .1 Reece have as guests Mr. and Mrs Perry Moore and two chidden ot Clinton. S. C. Mrs. Moore is a ni>*ce of Mrs. Reece. Hazelwood officials are preparing for a town-wide street paving pro gram. it was announced this morn ing by Mayor Lawrence C. Davis. The action was taken by the board of a Mermen at a recent meeting, in which they have set a tentative program for paving all streets at one time, in order to get a better price per square yard, rather than be penalized for small er projects. Mayor Davis said the board de rided against any paving at this time, and sometime later this fall, would present a plan to the citi zens of the town for a bond i sue to supplement state money for fi nancing the program. The Town of Hazelwood now has about $5,800 from the State, under the terms of the Powell bill, for street work, and indications are a similar sum will lie granted the town this fall. "With this much to start with, the town board feels that a bond issue could be called for paying for a complete paving program, and ttius save the town considerable money," the mayor explained Mayor Davis said that about three tourth of the streets are al ready paved, and the board now has John Taylor, engineer, working on a survey to determine the extent of further paving needs. Several delegations have appear.' ed before the hoard in recent weeks urging that certain streel be paved, and the official announc ed today that since the demand for I paving was far In excess of funds ! on hand, that their action of defer ment until all streets would be pav ed at one time was taken The board of ntdermen is oom poned of tobn li. Smith. Bryson. and Frank Underwood. Four School Projects To Be Ready For Fall Term June Was Busy Month In Town Police Court June was a busy month in VVaynrsville Police Court. A total of S2.XH1.25 was collected in court costs and fines, of which $1,375. the amount of the fines, goes to the school fund. The remainder goes in the town's general fund, where it is ear marked for certain purposes. The lines were paid h.v 95 peo ple, and amounted to one of the largest totals in recent years. Mrs. Carl Mundy and son, Carl Mundy, Jr.. left today for Albany, j Ga.r to attend the wedding of the i former's niece. Miss Patricia Hig-| ginbotham. Four school projects arc expect ed to be ready for the opening of the 1952-53 term. It was learned from J. W. Killian. chairman of tlie hoard of education. Contracts for improvement; to tour schools were let some wc< k back, and Mr Killian said the work on all projects is going forward satisfactorily. Jerry Liner is the general contractor for making the improvements. The four schools include Lake Junaluska. Hock Hill. Aliens Creek and Maggie. The projects are part of the county-wide school betterment tiro gram. coming under the two mil lion school bond program approved by Haywood voters last December. Stovall Announces Sale Of Local Store This Week G D Stovall announced tn: .. the sale of Stovall's 5. 10 an.-! 25 cent store to A. 1) Harrison. Jr., and J. R. Stovall. Mr. Harrison will be manager of the Waynesville store, while J R. Stovall. his associate, is the o ? ? ?r and operator of Stovall's in Syl Mr. Harrison has been m ?" 'gee of Kagles Stores Company in King; Mountain Waynesville. and ( ni ton for a number of years Htfnr taking over Stovall's lie wa.; em ployed with Belk-Hudson Company here in Waynesville. ? V ? Highway Record For 1952 I In Haywood (To Data) Injured .... 30 Killed 4 (Thla Information rom piled from Record* of State Hihway Patrol.) * Car Makes 1000-Foot Plunge Down Soco Mountain This Ford rolled and tumbled 1,000 feet down a steep mountain, three miles west of Soco Gap Mon day night. No one was injured. The ear. owned by Burlin "Red ' Henry. Hazetwood. was giving trouble, and Mr. Henry got out to make repairs, as the car started to roll and wen! off the highway. Allen Smathers. of Smathers Garage, together with three other men. began work at 10 p.m.. and finally pulled the Wreck oul at 9 a.in Smathers said the poison oak was not too had. but the wreck ing crew had In .fighl snakes up and down the steep mountain side during the 7-hour operation One snake almost bit Smathers just at daylight. This picture was made after the car was brought to town Smathers is on the right. Mountaineer PhotjOi.