L poUBT ABOUT HIS CHOICE >?? <? ? THOSE ON HAND for the Republican National Convention in is Earl Eisenhower, brother of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. He a huge button with his obvious choice on it. (International) ; YOUNGER SET By ROSE WOMACK astv brfndle ur-t Columnist ^ refrains of "Howdy 411 ,iui Ttiursday after , i:,, i.aicli awaited Den 1 Tt\a 4 Hers arrived i(i itt> i a three and one it The-e club memb f lunge trip which i.i i year, when 34 Hay i went to Denton, iiiii party was assemb ap and refreshments d tu the toed but happy into Waynesville by the atiol and cars represent ui .iin/at ions and busi the members were met ui! House by Haywood ho would be hosts to ig their stay here. David > 4-H president, Mrs. oni and Jack Champan, welcome addresses af .'-ignments to homes who made the trip out Vim was really a thrill o! "in Texas Pardners" veil a> some new faces, v "ut to show them just ! 1 t of North Carolina ?r ."ii-.oon a tour which "High all of Haywood i ined. A stop was Hoekwood Methodist lunch was served by ,i ? nonstration club, dairy farms and 'he fish hatchery Mh'le Orchard, we Camp Sehaub m for ! night was open ? i lertainment. The unities were hosts Parties, picnics, or I the 4-Hers ' 1 Aliens Creek for a with lunch serv ( reek Home Dem ih \dain in the after >? was enjoyed at the amp i:" Jonathan Woodv w>nderfu] dinner at '-uh Hterwards folk ciiation, including : 1 1 he state officials h at the beginning II tut. '111'''i1 ' church Sunday, " 1 Pnii Hope for a swim *'i( picnic. Vespers "'"'d with Betty Fel ol ceremonies. There 1 Perial olo. ' ,u,-? for Monday was ' F.st ate and on Aliiehell, and the open for eommuni to kqitipment con TRA( TORS ? I, dt WayrtesviUe will i;i- up to 4 00 p.m. July f'n the following New it Motorgrader >" Horsepower I Motor Ji I'i ive I \i jH"\imately 13,000 to pi with Deluxe enclos Iwindshield wiper, lights, 1" 00-20 front tires and p'ur tires. 10 ply tires on I H pl\ tires on rear, lean l wheels. town of Wavnesville re p tight to reject any and ^ OF W AYNF.SVILLE | O. C Ferguson iTown Manager P I ty entertainment. Tuesday, after a trip to Mile High, we will asemble at Chero kee for a tour of the village, and then have a picnic at CherokeeC Island. We will be, guest- ot Way esville civic organizations at the drama, "Unto The-e Hills." Wednesday after a tour of Lake j Junaluska, Champion Paper and Fibre Company will be host of a tour thorugh the plant and will serve lunch in the cafeteria. A farewell patry will be held in the basement of the First Meth odist church and then, we will be guests of the Jayeees at the I street dance Wednesday night. The Texas group will leave at seven o'clock Thursday morning In behalf of the Waynesville Club I would like to thank the organizations which have planned the entertainment and have fur nished the lunches for us. We hope, at the end of their visit they will have had many happy memories ? of North Carolina as we had of Texas. Cpl. Farmer Ends Leaders' School Cpl. Roy V. Farmer, v^hose wife, Martha, lives on Route 3. Canton, recently graduated from a 43rd Infantry Division Lenders School in Southern Germany.' During the month-long course, he received intensive training in field and classroom instruction to qual ify him lor the duties of a non-[ commissioned officer. He was pick ed for the school on the basis of his abilities as a soldier and his t qualities of leadership. Corporal Farmer is a section chief in the 201st Armored Field Artillery Battalion, lie entered the Army in March 1951. His parents are Mr. and Mrs.! David L. Farmer. World's Largest Trees Measured in volume, the largest trees are the giant sequoias, which grow in central California on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Hospital News , ADMITTED Will Smith. Waynesville, Rt. 3;' Ma.viue Caddi.-. Ht 3. Canton; ifrs. Joe Ma* - te, t ant on; Mi - T. K Harkins, Carton Mi Uave Brown. Rt ;! Waynesville; James IV Me Clure Ht \\ ayijesvitW Mrs F. E Lawrence. Canton: Hugh Mitchell. Wayne.-vllle; W. J Mccjure, Clyde; Mrs. Wil liam Wilson, Canton; Hershel Green, Hi. 1, Chile, Mrs Lewis] Wilson. Canton; Mr- Silas Clark, Ht I. Clyde; Annette Ledt'ord. Canton; Mr- Clyde Simpson. Canton. D1SC1I ARGKD Mrs. H. 11. Pilkington, Canton Mrs. Fred Frudy, Waynesville; Mrs. Joe Swanger. Candler; Mrs. Ray mond Caldwell, Waynesville; Ben Teague. Waynesville; Mrs. Lamar Killian. Clyde: Mrs. Coot Imnan.1 Hazelwood; Mrs. Edd Patterson and 1 baby. Hazelwood; Mrs Elizabeth I Ray. Waynesville; Mrs. Bruce Medford, Rt. 3, Waynesville; Mrs. Otis Cole. Clyde. Rt. 2; Mrs. Jerry llipps. Canton. Mis. Nancy Caldwell, Rt 1. Clyde; Mrs. Laura Gibson. Canton: Mrs. Guy Clark and baby. Rt. 3. Waynes ville; Mrs. Jess Pressley. Canton;' Janet Sl> Meld, Canton; Maxtne Gaddis Canton; Mrs. J. M. Craw ford, Waynesville; Mrs. . Elbert Morgan. Waynesville; Mrs. Joe Rios and baby. Candler; Dean Justice. Luck; J. L. Brown. Canton: Mrs. Atvin Mathis. Waynes ville; Mrs. Will Smith. Waynes ville; W J. MeClure, Clyde; Mrs. Louise Melntyre. Canton, HI It Til S Mr. and Mrs. Lowery Gaddy of Ifazelwood, a daughter, Juh 10. Mr. and Mr Joe Rios ol Cand ler. a daughter, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frederick of Canton, a -on, July 11 Mr and Alt-. Hay Pangle of Waynesville. Route 2 a son July 11. Mr. and Air- Charles Noland of lyde, Rt. 1, a daughter. July 12. Air and Alt David Green ol Wayne-ville, Ht. 2, a son. July 12. Mr. and Air- Arthur Green oi Clyde. Rt. 1, a daughter, Juh 12 j Alt . and Mr E. H Queen of Can ton. Rt. 1. a daughter, July 13. Air and Mrs J. E. Cogdill of Canton, a daughter. July 14. ? ~? 7~r~?*; ??? ? . Very Successful luly 4 Was Had, Boosters Report The Fourth of July celebration, which was held from June 30 through July 5 and which was sponsored by the llazclwood Boost ers Club, was very successful. Git Ledbetter, chairman of the cele bration committee, said today. Profits from the celebration amounted to approximately $750. uf which a small amount still must be used to pay some bills. This figure is more than last year, Led better said. *The Waynesville Township High School baad will, as has been the custom in the past, receive half the net proceeds with the remainder going to Boost ers Club sponsored activities. The American Legion and Hazel wood Fire Departerhnt made in the neighborhood of $400 from the operation of a concession stand, and the Boy Scouts made approximate ly $125 from the operation of theii concession. Lodbettei will make the report at the next meeting of the Boost ers Club. At the last regular meeting oi the club, held last Thursday night it was decided to make August 1"' "Ladies Night." American Monkeys The best known American men keys, the little capuchins, are sr called because of the peak of hair upon the head, suggestive of the hood worn by the Capuchin monks BACK IKE ON VOTING OF DELEGATES ..U.? ,, _ ? . v. , SHORTIY AFTER the key Pennsylvania delegation caucused In Chicago, Gov. John Fine (fight) answers a question put to hitn by Sen. Edward Martin (left) while Sen. James DufT listens. The delegation voted 57 to J1 to support the position taken by backers of Gen. Dwight Eisen hower that the convention rules should be revised to prevent dele gates, whose seating is in dispute, from voting on arry issues until they are formally given that right. (International Soiuulphoto) Visitors From Texas Have A * Full Day Sunday Sunday was another full day for the Texas Club members, lead ers and their hosts in Haywood county. Sunday morning the Texas guests visited the churches in the com ! munities where they are staying. Then Sunday afternoon they were the guests of Champion Paper and Fibre Company at Camp Hope for a gel-torel her. A picnic style supper with the | families of the hosts who are keep I uig the 4-H Club members was -pread at Camp Hope, with over 1 all persons present. David Noland,' president of the Haywood 4 H County Council, Wel comed the group and Frank M. Da\i-. county commissioner, gave the invocation. For the vesper program which followed the meal. Betty Felmet waL metres of ceremonies. Arthur O'Neil, on the recreation staff of Lake. Junalu ka. and Jerry Alex ander, also of the Lake, staff, gave the vesper program. Miss Ann Cathey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Catiiey. gave two musical selections G. C. Suttles and Jack Justice were both present to rep resent the Champion Paper and Fibre Company, and were thanked for the part which they are play - ing in helping to make this pro gram a success. Social Security Office Fins New Schedule The Social Security Administra tion servicing Waynesville and llavwood county, has announced i new schedule of visits effective the first of July. A represtntative from the Asheville office will he in Waynesvilte the second and fourth Monday of each month. He will be in the court house from 10:30 a. m. until noon. All persons seeking information pertaining to social security should ?ontact him at the above time. Finds Trapped Duck ROSSBURN. Manitoba <AP> ? \lex Clearsky is a muskrat trapper out in one of his traps he found a luck that had been banded by the Washington Wildlife Service. This was the first banded duck in his raps in 20 years. Excellent Salad Hint An excellent salad mayonnaise can be made by adding to regular mayonniase % cup of chili sauce and 2 tablespoons of chopped green pepper. GUARDS FREED AFTER PRISON RIOT HEAVILY-ARMED STATE TROOPERS effected the release of guards (1. to r.) William Blair, Joseph Vaseck and Bert Myron after the trio had been held hostage by rioting convicts at Southern Michigan Prison In Jack ?on. The outbreak, the second In three months at the prison, was quelled 2% hours after It started In Cell Block 9. (International) Texans Guests Saturday Night At Camp Schaub Jonathan Woody, president of the First National Bank of Waynes ville, was host to the Denton eetor of Extension, also of Ral ieaders, and Ha>wood county 4-H Club members, at a dinner at Camp Schaub last Saturday night Ju t before dinner a swimming party was held at the 4-H Cluh ( pool. David Noland. president of the 4-H Club County Council, presid ed at the dinner. Shirley Shef field gave the invocation Dinner guests included Mr and Mrs. Carl Ratrllffe, of Waynes ville; Mr. and Mrs. Dixon of Shel by; Ben P. Jenkins, district farm agent and Mrs. Jenkins, of Raleigh and R. W. Shoffner. assistant dir ector of Extension .also of Ral eigh. Mr. Shoffner officially welcomed the group to Haywood county and North Carolina and discussed some of the benefits of the 4-H Club ex change program with different states. An evening of recreation was held afterwards with T. A. Cathey, Carl Ratcliffe. Cecil Wells and Miss Jean Chllders In charge. Use Want Ads for quick results. DEWEY ENTERS CONVENTION HALL ^ ACCOMPANIED BY DEIEOATES, smiling Governor Thomas E. Dewey, of New York, enters the International Amphitheatre in Chicago. Stand ing behind him is Sen. Woynf Morse of Oregon. Shortly before. Dewey, an Eisenhower backer, curbed a revolt in the New York delegation. Belk-Hudson Puts On Sale * 24.192 PIECES FINE AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA SALE NOW ON! With Every 10c Purchase, We Offer Any Piece Of This Large I ? I And Lovely Selection of China For M xJ. . ?. / This Is Part of The Many Bargains Offered During Our July Clearance SALE Hurry In For Your Share 01 China and July Clearance Bargains! BelkiHuAson Town of Waynesville, North Carolina Summary of Annual Budget FOR THE v FISCAL YEAR ENDING IUNE 30, 1953 Totals General Street Light Water I)eht Service Budget Requirements , $368,696.00 $155,086.00 $54,200.00 $90,300.00 $36,505.00 $32,605.00 Estimated Revenue Other Than Tax Levy 306,546.00 129,236.00 .. 43,185.00 90,300.00 36,506.00 ' 7,320.00 Tax Required To Balance Budget $ 62,150.00 $ 25,850.00 $11,015.00 $25,285.00 Estimated Collections of Prior Levies 5,000.00 ? 2,000.00 .. 800.00 t 2,200.00 Estimated Collections of 1952 Tax Levy .. $ 57,150.00 ... $ 23,850.00 $10,215.00 $23,085.00 Portion of 1952 Tax Levy Reserved for Future years - - 6,350.00 2,650.00 1,135.00 2.565.00 Tax Levy, 1952-1953 " $ 63,500.00 $ 26,500.00 $11,350.00 $25,650.00 Tax Rate 1952-1953 L $ 1.40 $ .58 $ .25 $ . .57 ^ CM Tax Rate 1951-1952 ... $ 140 $ .58 $ .25 $' .57 Estimated Valuation ? $4,500,000.00 ( ^ Estimated Polls a* $1.00 Each . 500 . j Adopted: July 10, 1952 (Signed) Lois J. Gentry, Town Clerk

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