r ^ ? Morning Devotions Next week Morning Devotions will be under the direction of the Itev. L. E. Mabry. pastor of the First Methodist Church of Canton. These programs are heard each week-day morning from 8:00 to 8:15 o'clock over station WHCC. The Haywood County Ministers Asso ciation are sponsors for the sej y ices. You are invited to tune in each morning for inspiration and guidance. Kocky Branch Baptist Church The Krv. W. C. U'eaver, Pastor SUNDAY? 10 a.in.--Sunday School. Carl Dills, superintendent. 11:Q0 a.m.?Worship. 7:00 p. m.?BTU. Mrs. W. C Weaver, Director. 8:00 p. in.?Worship. MONDAY? 4.00 p. in Junior O. A s. meet. 7 .'<0 Teachers' meeting. TUESDAY ? i .?*? WMS and Sunbeams niaet. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.in Prayer meeting. West Canton Baptist Church CANTON, KOUTE 3 The Rev. Otto I'arliam, Pastor SUNDAY? Sunday School 10.00 a.m.?Mal colm Crisp, Supt. Morning Worship ? 11:00 a.m. Training Union ? 8:45 p. m. Vaughn Hall. Director. Evening Worship?7:45 pin. WEDNESDAY 8 45 p. in. Teacher's meeting. 7:30 p. in Prayer' meeting. THURSDAY? 7:00 p. ni. Choir rehearsal. 7.30 WMS meets at church. Crahtree Baptist Church CLYDE, Kt. I The Jtev. M. II. Kaby, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. M. M. Yarbrough, Superintendent. 7.3U p.m.?Singing by choir and sermon by pastor. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Prayer meeting at the church. First Methodist Church WAYNES VILLE Corner Haywood and Academy The Krv. J. E. Yvunts. Minister SUNDAY? Churoh School meets at 9:45 o'clock. Francis Massie, General Superintendent. Classes and De partments for all ages. ' Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. Sermon by the Rev. A. P. Brantley, pastor at St. Paul's Methodist Church. Goldsboro. Sermon topis: "Born Again." Special music by the Choir under the direction of Mrs. Fred Martin. The MYF meets each Sunday evening at (1.30 o'clock for a Fel lowship supper and worship. Spe cial programs have been arranged for the summer period. Evening Service at 8:00 p. m.. Sermon Typic: "God's Invasion of the World." , Special music by Youth Choir. liethcl Methodist Church The Kev. Clyde L. Collins, Pastor SUNDAY. AUGUST 10? 10:00?Sunday School, M. C. Nix, Superintendent. Mrs. Johnnie Teague and the In termediate Class will have charge of the Opening Devotions. 11:00? Bethel Methodist Congre gation will attend the Bethel Pres byterian Church Service as they commemorate their 117th anniver sary. We congratulate the Presby terian Church for the fine work they are doing in the community. We pledge them our prayers and our cooperation as we endeavor to minister for Christ and His Church in the Bethel Community. 7:00 Methodist Youth Fellow ship meets. Senior and Intermedi ate Depts. MONDAY, AUGUST 11? 5:00?The Haywood County In termediate M. Y. F. Subdistrict will have a picnic at Bethel. The pro gram begins at the Bethel Athletic Field with a recreation program. Followed by a picnic supper at the Bethel church. Then a very inter esting program is planned. TUESDAY ? 6:30?Bethel Troop 12 meets at the church. WEDNESDAY? 7:30?Choir Practice. ^nnd|>^|^hooD The Beginning of the Kingdom SAMTTEL ANOINTED SAUL TO BE FIRST KING OF ISRAEL > Scripture?I Samuel 9-11. * ny NEWMAN CAMTBELL "Some are born groat; snmr achieve greatness; anil somo have greatness t h r u s t upon them," wrote William Shakespeare. As we look about us. t e realize how tni'- that saving of the great dramatist is. We reeall the men w ho have achieved greatness after stiuggle, and those who have had it thrust upoh them. How many of these la't named have justified their position in the world? We ran think of men like the late Adolf Hitler and fienito Mus solini, who achieved great power ir> their countries only to wreck those who trusted them, and came themselves to a tragic end. There have been many others through out history. An'l there was Saul, who truly had greatness "thrust upon him." hut Who, through self-will and tli..oliediener to .Jehovah's com mands, also came to a s:uj end. Our ler.on today is the story of his rise. Saul was the son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin. He was "a of oil upon Saul's head, kissed him, and told him he did it "be nause the Lord hath anointed thee to be captain over His inheri tance." Then Samuel told Saul what to expect on his homeward journey, of the men he would meet, what they would all do and say, and that Saul "shall be turned into another man." It all happened as Samuel had prophesied, and it is too bad that there is not space to relate it all, but it may be read in the Bible. When Samuel had first told Saul of the honor coming to him. he, like Gideon, in a previous lesson, protested that he was of an hum ble family and a small tribe, ao why was he chosen before others ? "And Samuel called the people unto the Lord at Mizpeh. He re minded them again of how Jeho vah had saved them from the harsh but mighty Egyptians, and had brought them to a land of plenty, and how they had insisted that they have a king, so, said | Samuel, "Sec ye him whom the ? MEMORY VERSE "Jehovah will nnt forsake His people for His great name's sole, hi cause it liath pleased Jehovah to make you a people unto Himself?I Samuel 12 22. , choice young man, and a goodly; and there was not among the chil dren of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people." A fine, tall, strong man is al ways admired in every age. Kisli's asses were lost, so he sent this fine son with a servant ' to find them The two wandered through the land, but did not find tjiat Which they sought Finally, Saul Suggested that they go home, or his father would be wor rying about them. The servant, however, said that a seer lived in Itamah. and as they were near that city, it would be a good idea to consult, him Saul said it was customary to takfc a serr a gift and he had none. However, the servant pro duced a silver roin, so they went to the city and asked for Samuel They were told where to find film* and when Samuel saw Saul, Jehovah told him that here was the man lie was to make the first king of Israel. Samuel took the men into the house, had them seated at. dinner, and gave Saul the choicest of the food Samuel told Saul that the two werp to stay there that night, and not to worry about the asses be cause thr,y had been found. In the morning, he would let them go. and tell Saul what "is in thine heart." Morning came and the three started out, but when they came , near the end of the city, Samuel told Saul to scud his servant ' ahead. Then Samuel poured a vial Lord hath chosen, that there is none like him among all the peo- ? pie? And all the people shouted, aa^i said, God save the king." Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom and wrote it in a book, and then he sent all the people home, and Saul - also returned to Gtbeah, "with a band of men whose hearts God I had touched." There were, of course, some "children of Belial" who said, 'Plow shall this man save us? And they despised him, and brought him no presents. But he held his peace." Wise Saul. Samuel, now that he had given the people a king, made a speech in which he reminded them of his years of work for their good, and ended by giving them a word Of hope, saying, "Gnly fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things He hath done for you. "But if ye shall still do wicked ly. ye shall he consumed, both ye and your king." After Saul had reigned for on* year, the Philistines again mobi lized to launch an attack on the Israelites Saul gathered his peo ple about him, but they had no shuths in the land because the Philistines were afraid to have " them make swords or speara However, every man sharpened his share, and his coulters (a cut ter on a plow), and his forks and axes and goads to guide the oxen. For the account of the battle ( we must wait for next week's les son. ? *ta.?cd mi cof>> 11~liI. .1 o lUi"' < produrril hy In* Division of Christian Rdimtina, I fcaliobtl Cuuaui ui the CIiiim hi? of ChrUt in tlio U S A . and u.seil by pyimueioiL ?* lil.tiibut.d by King Feature* Syndicate. '" SYMBOL OF SAFEfy You never mistake the meaning of a Church spire. Even to those who are cold to the ideals for which the Church stands, that finger of faith always points to . something that is comforting, reassur ing, safe. The very presence of a Church, whether in a crowded city street or on a quiet country road, is a benediction to all, including those who are not con scious of worship. Such an influence, with what it means to those who open their hearts to truth, is worthy of a second'thought. It merits acceptance as a refuge. It commands confidence as a port in time of storm. The Church deserves your sup port?your membership?because it affords real protection for the family whose welfare it is your duty to de fend and whose proper upbringing is your solemn obligation. A I THE CHURCH^FOR ALL ... I ? ALL FOR THE CHURCH | B The Church is the greatest factor on earth for ^ B the building of character and good citizenship. If Bj It is a storehouse of spiritual values Without a fil ? strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization B B| rem survive "There are four sound reasons why B Bp every person should attend services regularly B ? and support the Church They are (1) For his E B own sake (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the B B sake of his community and nation. (4) For the . B B sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral B B and material support Plan t0 go to church regu- ^B B Jarly and read your Bible daily. B ? Book Chapter Ver ^^B 1 Sunday Psalms as I Monday Psalma 1M 1-12 Bfl I Tuesday Psalms ljo 13-24 Bl I Wadnasday Isaiah 60 1-4 B I Thursday John 14 6-16 B I Friday II Corinthian* 1 1-7 B Saturday Phllippian* 3 ? " * Allison & Duncan Suppliers of Sinclair Products Phone 172 Hardwood, N. Branson Motor Company Dodge and Plymouth Passenger Cars ?Trucks? 42 Main St. Canton, N. C. Burgin's Dept. Store General Merchandise ? Fresh Meats Depot St. Phone 334 Cagle furniture Co. "Your Hotpoint - Phllco - Maytag Dealer" ?smu Free Delivery Clyde. N. C. Dial 3379 Canton Motor Company Hoick and Willys Jeep Sales & Service 191 Park Street, Canton Phone 2920 The Champion Paper and Fibre Company Canton, N. C. Charlie's Lunch Room' & Texaco Service Owners?Charlie and Claude Woodard Complete 24-Hour Service Central cleaners / "Superior Cleaning and Pressing" i :hurch St Montgomery Sts., Phone 113 Waynesvitle, N. C. Farmers Exchange Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizers, Insectirides Asheville Road Phone 130 Farmer's Federation "You Always Get Quality When You Trade With lis" Feeds, Seeds, Feltilizers. Spray Materials Phone 344 Firestone Home & Auto Supply Store Bill Cobb Waynesvllle Phone 534 Garrett Furniture Co., Inc. Phone - 1 Haywood Builders Supply Co. "Where There Is A Material Difference" Depot Street Phone 82 Haywood County Farmers Cooperative "Hatching-Egg Headquarters for Haywood County" Feeds, Seeds and Fertiliser 216 Depot St. Phone 722* Haywood Monument Co. "A Tribute of Respect and Honor to The Dead" A constant source of inspiration to the living" Asheville Road Phone 1029 Howell Motor Company DeSoto . Plymouth -.CMC Trucks Sales - Service Phone 190 Waynesvllle Junaluska Supply Company General Merchandise?Building Supplies Lake Junaluska Phone 88 R. R. Kibbe, Jr. Consignee Distributor of Texaco Product* Telephone 632 or 105-R "It Costs No More To Use The Best" ' Lake Junaluska Methodist Assembly Outstanding Programs ? June 1 to September 1 E. J. Lilius Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry Watch and Jewelry Repairing JF.WF.LF.R Main St. Waynesville, N. C. Phone 98 ' I Liner Motor Sales, Inc. Ford Sales A Service - 24-Hour Wrecker Ser. Miller & Haywood Sts., Waynesville Phone: Day?52; Night?794 Liner and Sheehan Laundry and Cleaners Phone 772 ? Massie Furniture Company "Better Values In Furniture Since 1920" W. R. McCracken Distributor of Pure Oil Product* ?Be Sure With Pure" Fuel OH. Kerosene, Gasoline Phone 300 Moody Rulane, Inc. Complete Gas Service 902 N. Main Phone 930 \ Parkman's Hardwwl Main St. fl Potts Motor Compaifl Sales . WILLYS - Srr* 205 Haywood St. Clyde Ray's Flower Flowers For All OcreJ 414 S. Main Street "I Ready-Mix Concrete C?? Mixed Concrete A Concrete C^R Phones 385-R A 16 1&jk Rogers Electric Comp^H Sales and Service of All FtctrkdH 437 Main St. Waynesville ^ Underwood Supply Co^M Builders Supplies - Hard""* 'I Depot St. I Waynesville Au'o'J Wholesalers of Standard Pf4* "'l Waynesville fh? Waynesville Laundrf?B Fred Sheehan A "Particular Cleaners for Waynesville IT "" Waynesville Purr Oil 4 "Be Sure With P**"B Opposite/ ourt House Waynesville Radio SdJ 116 Miller Street Waynesville'* Leading Radio ?*?