?OUNGER SET I B)S? wouack ^?aml those continu- J Bthe next two week? i ? Brendle, ? couple of weeks 1 'i Ko>e who I ^Hiton Sht lias chos ?l c.nation spot." ;in : two weeks. lit !lo early but it's ' ? routine of < who ^Hn: so in ^Kht be called lucky 1 ? we envy all the ^?ita.lv l:\e? are now "going to college". ? 'lit II Iters of this ^H:i.a class, who. for have the ex- , ^fting and going away ?also the enjoyment ; ?with making new Hi knowing that at ^?iiy to begin a high Later I will try to give you a complete list of just who is going where to school, but right now from a few of thein I have asked lor some comment of just what it means to them individually. Lane Prevost, who will enter Stephens College in Missouri has this to say: "It will be a new ex perience and I hope I like it. 1 will be looking forward to all the good times that will be shared with me by all the others who will be going away to school for their first time." From J. C. DeWeese's point of view: "It's rough; and you study hard but, I'll have to go back and face it." He will resume his studies at Carolina in September, where he has already spent six weeks in summer school. In Lynchburg, Virginia at Ran dolph-Maeon is where Laura Woody can be found after September 15. She put it this way: "I think it will ' be a lot of fun, but it will be hard. 1 I am looking forward to all the new people 1 will meet." 1 Aileen Williams is going to ' Maryville College in Tennessee, where she will be after the seeond of September. She plans to study real hard, and is going to study a little bit of everything, during the first year. During the first two , weeks there will be rush week, freshman frolics, faculty rect-p tions, and then regular classes be- ' gin September 5. Dibe Early will enter the Uni versity of North Carolina in Sep tember. fie came up with this: "I'm not just going to have fun but I ex pect to have a lot of it. I plan to major in Business Administration and 1 hope to make the golf team, 1 as well as study hard." i Carolyn Sayer is going to be a ! little different. She will enter Mis- j sion Hospital in Asheville where | she will go into nurse's training. ( She points out: "I'll be near home ?UiBAMiiU J ?P" J EE $50.00 FREE UCTION IYHOND McCBACKEN FARM JCATED ON FINES CREEK ,v f For Highway 209 Passes Through This Property E^ILE^ROM^ARK^FER^?? Mday august bcb po A.M. Rain or Shine I ? .. _ ..... ... . t n.Ati '?> excellent Farm Contains 207 Acres, in nign ^iaie ?'on. Having 2 Houses, One Fine Home of 8 Rooms With All Hlern Conveniences, The Other Containing 6 Rooms. Oood r? and Silo. This Farm is W ell Watered, Fenced and Cross need. Sub divided. Also Valuable Timber Tra^'lo? d Farm Machinery. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED. inch To Be Served By Ladies Of The Church. 2. 3 YEARS. PLENTY OF GOOP .MLSIC^P^A(^ SALE CONDUCTED BY & Gossett Land Auction Company ? To Give Concert At Lake Friday MISS PORTER MISS MURRAY MISS STUART These three young ladies will be featured in ?I solo numbers at 8 p.m. Friday during the annual summer concert of the "Junaluska Quartet" at the Lake Junaluska Methodist Assembly. Miss Mary Porter, soprano, and Miss Charlotte Stuart, contralto, arc members of the quartet, and Miss ltuth Murray, assistant organist at the assem bly, will play at intermission. The program will be directed by Prof. Cyrus Daniel, who Is in charge of the assembly's music department. Plans Discussed At Beaverdam For Community Tour By MRS. GEORGE WORLEY Community Correspondent Beaverdam will be host to Al len's Creek Saturday at a field day. Those wishing to go on the tour are asked to meet at the Beaverdam School at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. A | large crowd is expected to be pres ent from this community and every one is asked to bring a basket din-, nor, which will be served at the school. The two weeks' Bible School, which the Baptist and Methodist churches enjoyed together, ended Friday with a picnic at the Canton recreation park. The closing pro gram was at the Methodist Cnurch Sunday night.' After the program, I he Rev. Coman Brown delivered the sermon. There wag a large al :endance each day at the school and Fine cooperation was extended from both churches. The Rev. Mr. Brown will siari a revival ai me wiemoaisi Church on Sept. 7 and has invited the Baptist congregation to join with his group. The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Church met with Mrs. Mae Robin son Friday night. Mrs. Marvin Mann presided and Mrs. Bill Boone was in charge of the pro gram. Plans were made during the business session for the stand the women will have on the ground at the Labor Day activities and everyone is asked to furnish cakes, pies, and sandwiches. The W. M. U. of the North Can ton Baptist Church had Its meeting at the home of Mrs. M. tlaney last Thursday night. Mrs. Haywood Mackey was in charge of the pro gram with the topic "Considering Europe" and the theme "Mission ary Commands of Jesus.'' Those taking part were Mrs. Troy Davis. Mrs. Haney, Mrs. Paul Clark, Mrs. George Eller, Mrd. Dewey Fletcher, and Mrs. Nellie Moore. The September meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fur man Keener and all members are urged to tie present for the elec so I'll be able to come home more often than a lot of those who are going farther away from home." Carolyn also knows a few of the girls that are now going to Mis sion and that will also be a big help. < Phil Lowe plans to spend his time this fall at Stat* College along with Mark Girard. Kenneth Kee num and several other boys from the '52 gradating class. There are many others going off to school and they all could put it into different expressions but it would all mean exactly the same thing. They are all happy about it and no matter where they go they will all share the very same experi ences and it will mean the same thing. We will be thinking about them and wish them load* of luck. Man 'Rides' Manhole Cover LOS ANGELES (API ? Warren W. Camplin had a weird ride on a manhole cover recently. Camplin was standing on the cover while tending to a small weed fire. Police said the flames must have touched off a small pocket of natural gaa in the man hole because Camplin was blown about 4 feet into the air. He was treated for burns and injuries. ? ion of now officers. Decoration Day will be observed at the Hoaverdam cemetery near the Methodist Church on Sunday. Everyone is urged to bring a bas ket and enjoy the day together. Mr .and Mrs. Noel Williamson and baby, Sylvia, from New York, visited Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Worley and Eva Jane. Mrs. John Worley and children, wha have been visiting Mr. Wor ley s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Worley, left Wednesday for their home in California. Elbert Wor ley, another son of Mr. and Mrs. Worley, from Tennessee, visited them during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robinson and Theresa are vacationing in ? Florida for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smathers from Texas are visiting relatives in this community. Charles Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rice, is recovering rapid ly after a recent tonsil operation. Miss Annie Dee Smathers, sister of Marvin Smathers, is a patient in the Haywood County Hospital. Mrs.Wendell is a patient at St. Joseph Hospital in Asheville. The daughter of Mrs. D. L. Wright, who lives on the farm of Fred Rice, still continues to be in a critical condition. Thomas Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Parker. Is at home after surgery at Victoria Hospital in j Asheville. The condition of Corner Wilson still remains critical. CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS ARE Ol!R SPECIALTY Yard Prices 4" 12c 12" 26c j 6" 15c 8" 18c Bevel Sidinc _ 18c Chimney Block 55c Silo Blocks 22c Concrete Briek. per M 821 CONNOR. ..BULLNOSE SASH or most any other special you want GILBERT CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Seventh Ave. E. ' Dial 4463 Hendersonville. N. C. Bookmobile Schedule Friday. August 13th FINES CREEK dark Ferguson's Store 10:00-10:15 j drs Frances Rogers 10:30-11:50 1 tarley Rathbone 11:30-11:45 : Jaul Ferguson 12 00-12:30 1 lain Ledford 1:15- 2.00 i -loyd Messer 2:15- 2:30 drs. Ann Slielton 3:00- 3:30 ( Monday. August 18th IRON DUFF, CKABTKEE. HYDEK MT. frog Level 9:25- 9:40 Mrs. Fannie Davis 9:50-10:00 Willie Green 10:10-10:30 silas Smart 10:45-11:00 C. H. Hill 11:15-11:30 Willie Smith iBald Cr.) 1:00- 1:15 rroy McCracken 1:30- 1:45 Mrs Willis Smith (Hyder Ml.i 2:00- 2:15 C. T. Ferguson's Store 2:30- 2:45 Mrs. Jack Long 3:00- 3:15 Tuesday. August 19th BETHEL Mrs. Weaver Cathey 10:00-10:15 Mrs. Hugh Terrell 10:20-10:35 John M. Rigdon 10:40-11:00 j Mrs. Welch Singleton 11:15-11:30 Mrs, Carter Parham (Mur ray Rd.) 11:45-12:00 Mrs. Roy Suttles (Murray Rd.) 12:05-12:20 Ed. Blalock's Grocery 12:30- 1:00 At Training Center Orea Jenkins, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Manson Jenkins of Cove Creek, is undergoing training at the Military Police Kcplaeetucnl Training Center at Camp Gordon, Ga. He will spend 16 weeks re ceiving instruction that will quali fy him to become a member of the Military Police Corps. Basic military and technical subjects are stressed to produce a well quali fied soldier and to enhance train ees experience and knowledge for use in civilian life after his tour of duty has been completed. Shell Explosioni Hurts Canton Girl ? JnfcJi Joan Powell, 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J N. Powell, of Canton, was painfully injurq^a few days ago by the explosion of a pistol cartridge. She was burning some papers and trash in which someone had carelessly placed the shell which exploded, striking :fier in the left side. She is Improving at her home af ter having medical attention.* Other incidents of this kind'have been reported, and attention has been called to carlessness or nbg lect in handling explosives, as some serious damage can result from such practices. 5 Haywood Men Enlist In AF ^ Five Haywood County young men enlisted for military service |i?r ing the month of July, according to i Sgt. Clark, recruiting officer for this area. Charles Stamey, Bruce Sellers, Harold Theodore Lewis (Beaver), Joel Gilreath. and Edwiji McCluro enlisted on July 30. for four years in the Air Force. The primitive name for Stras bourg. Germany, was "Stratisbur gum" which means "Town-on-the Wes" ^ItM BOY# Armour's 12 oz. Can Kitz Lb. Box Armour's 16 oz. TREET 43c CRACKERS JJc Pork & Beans 2 21* I 1 i I - Sealtest Peach swut s jewel ICE CREAM Pint 25= SWIFTNING 3-lb Can ftc Grape Fruit Libby's No. 2 Crushed IUICE 2 - 46-oz Cans 35c PINEAPPLE 27c Sugar 101bs97c ?"?^? ^ m U. S. Good MINUTE STEAKS lb 95* Jars ! Doz93c Sclccto All Meat I _______ FRANKS Lb Pkg 49c Sue Jell 2 ~25c Canadian I BACON 8-oz Pkg 59c Cerio " Bol25c Fresh Ground I ? BEEF lb 59c Golden Ripe BABY FOOD "? 9% ^^^^2,bs27c - ?-f2 Fancv BeH SYRUP U lb O PEPPER lb 23c ? For Mtibics CELERY r. 17c ORANGE JUICE Can 0c ' ? . OLEO Lb 2 J0 PINK SALMON Tall Can 49? Bath Size Lux Soap 3/20C LIPTON TEA j lb Pkg 35c I Armour's Potted MEAT Can 10c CLO-WHITE BLEACH Qt. 13c : Armour's Star \ >ure Lard ORANGE JUICE 46-oz Can 24^ sweetheart' SOAP 4 Reg Jgc .n,t ??UiiiiiMiiliiiiilMirilMa^^^MiHidiijll^U^^^I ?