bights f The I m* awakened last I m ? about 12:19 by I ? lUa ot a woman I I :n come on down I I with .hi acci-1 I ,(riuN a wrecker I I jumped in-1 I ami burned on I - we don t know H- told bin) she was I re him and would I .trout her I krnrd out run in-1 I big and needed I ? to get her car I I > glad I ?help be dm AH he I ? pull out his towing I Mar onto it Not much I I . she had run I lg Band fcy Week ?Of Them La promises to be a ?or the WayneavHle Bung band. ?noon they go to ? Pigeon Valley Fair iogram. ?at eight o'clock, they Me Waynesville-Ander ?ternoon thcv go to Ire they will repre luan Stale Teachers ?at school plays WC ?!. The Waynesville Kian colors are the I local band will per il of the college from iNew To Be IWed. abtr of bids for con be Waynesville High anal Building arc ex opencd at 11 a.m. Mrs. Lucy Johta, it of Haywood Is. :aid last week, said that because of on. she expects the air a "very satisfac i the building. At the ire opened she said munce the time when received on the new (sville Vocational contain nine class (vmnasium and cafe clas-ev only - -science, its, and others?will the new school, and ?gh school will con for regular e building will start > fill, oid Mrs. Jones hone it will be ready thool year. 1 Lions To lephone In tampaign ?phones will bo jing le and 23 with re ?*i The Canton Lions ?: the calls to en-1 W It visit the Blood- j ?nate a pint of blood. I lathers, who is direct-1 wen. has divided the 1 ?wo hook into sec-1 ?red each section to 1> cluh. l>rp expect ins to se- I ? number of pints on I ?ib members have 1 ?t every other pro-j ?has undertaken dur-1 ?a* been hi rhly sue-1 ?e BtoodmobUe visit I ?" exception. ?he phone ring, citl-1 ? the Bloodmobile. I L T \ CLOUDY cloudiness and raa few Ufiht lght rain likely - ^ille weather i 15 "* Slate Test *'*? Min. Rainfall 78 4? i8 6. i : 8 S7 74 43 49 _ The W a ynesville Mountaineer = "Hot" your brr&th" | ? Sh'too strong ** Published Twice-A-\Veck In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ? 1 Q 67th YEAK NO. 76 16 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLfc, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 22, 1952 (3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countfcs County Agent Gets Farewell Gilt The citizens of Haywood County showed their appreciation to Wayne Corpening when they present- 1 ed him with a new automobile Saturday noon shortly before Corpening left as county agent to be come district supervisor of 12 counties. Jonathan Woody, who made the presentation, said that Corpening's work had increased the value of Haywood County "several million dollars". Mrs. Corp ening and infant son appraise the surprise gift as the county agent receives congratulations from Mr. Woody. (Mountaineer i'hotoi. Corpening Says People Have Made County Advance In a formal farewell letter ad dressed to the people of Haywood county. Wayne Corpening emphas ized that the cooperation of the citizens he has worked with has been resannsiblc for the great progress of 'fw county. . ? He fcjrtaj^ftWmaking tj}?ji?< txhwi to resign 'as county agent here curt become supervisor of the 12-county western district has been the hard est he has ever made. The complete letter follows: ? To The People of Haywood County; ? The hardest decision I ever had to make was when I decided to accept work which would take me, for only part of the time, out of Haywood county. This decision was hard because of the wonderful people here, their fine spirit of cooperation, and the progress they arc making. Numer ous times 1 have heard outsiders aks. "How can Haywood county do so many things and make all this progress?" Truthfully I would say that this county is made of some of the best people in the world, and they are responsible for its progress. Haywood county has just start ed on its road to success, and through the Community Develop ment Program, with all its possi bihties, there is no limit to what the people can and will do. I am sure the spirit of coopera tion which has existed here dur ing the past few years will carry on into the future and that by working together Haywood county will show the .world what can be done when people cooperate and work together for the improvement of their community and county. It has been a great privilege to work with you. and it is my earn est hope that the samfe type of people will be found in my work throughout the Western District. Please remember that you will always have my very best wishes and grateful thanks. Campaign Underway To Urge Haywood Citizens To 'Get Out and Vote' i Ballots Mailed ~ To Haywood Men In The Service Glenn W. Brown, chairman of (he C'ountv Board of Elections, said last week that he has mailrd about 82 absentee ballots to i servicemen in order that they ran vote in the presidential elec ! tion. Mr, Brown said most of the ballots, which were all sent air mail, had APO addresses and the remainder were mailed to serv- | icemen in the U, S. The chair man said lie expects to receive more applications from service men within the next few weeks. Ninety-eight per cent of the : servicemen applied for the bal lots themselves, Mr. Brown said, but added that close members of a serviceman's family may ap j ply for him if they wish. North Carolina is one of the few states that allowrs absentee balloting for servicemen. j H. VV. Roll man Leaves Wednesday For 3-Weeks In South America Heinz W. Hollman, president of VVelleo Shoe Corporation, leaves Wednesday for a three-week busi ness trip to South America. Mr. Rollman is also president of Ro-Search Corporation, which has business interests in every conti nent of the globe. Jimmy Galloway has returned to Duke University where he is a member of the junior class. The initial actum toward launch ing an Intensive "(jet-Out-The Vote" campaign throughout May wood County wa.s taken Friday in ! Canton at a luncheon meeting at tended by publje spirited citizens of Waynesville. Canton, ilazelwood. tlethei and Clyde. At this meeting a planning com inittee wa.s selected, co-ordinating . sponsorship was established, pre- , liminary plans and suggestions were discussed, and Thursda\ night. Sept. 25, 7:30 p. m . was set as the time for a county-wide citi zen's rally at the Canton Town Mall for the purpose of completing a working organization for carrying out the campaign. The Canton-Ifet hM Clyde Cham-' her of Commerce. I he Waynesville I Junior Chamber of Commerce, and fhe Haywood County Community Development Program jointly ac cepted the responsibility of eo-or- i dinating the movement. Representatives of these three J groups immediately announced : their intention of soliciting the co operation of every club and organ ized group in the county. The meeting was called by the: Canton-Bothcl-Clyde Chamber of Commerce and J. Bruce Morford. president of that body, appointed I and presented F. I. Newman, Can ton business man. as chairman of a planning committee to initiate def inite action. In his opening remarks to the (Sec Vote?Page 6) Several Cases Tried Here Thursday; Heavy Docket Is Listed For This Week i ' Several cases were tried Thur - day at civil Superior Court before court adjourned in the afternoon for the week-end. Judge William H. Bobbitt of Charlotte is presid ing during the two-week term. The docket this week is expected to be heavy and lists in addition, several cases that will take con siderable time to dispose of. The following were tried Thurs day: Haywood Builders Supply Com pany vs. Richard E. Haynes and wife, Margaret Haynes. and Way Ratcliffe. The Haywood Builders Supply Company was ordered to recover from Way HatclifTe $141.05 with interest plus the court costs. Medford Leatherwood vs. T. H.( Caldwell, administrator in the erfate of the latr Frank Caldwell. It was ruled that the plaintiff re cover $800 from the defendant, that the defendant recover nothing in his counter-claim, and the de fendant pay court costs. Thurman C. Davis, administra tor of the estate of Thomas Cald well, Jr. vs. T. H. Caldwell, ad ministrator in the estate of the late Frank Caldwell. The court ruled that the plaintiff recover $500 from the defendant, who is also to pay costs of court. Two divorces were granted, both on the basis of two-year separation. They were Ida Lee Henry vs. Ray mond Henry, and Judson M. Pax ton, Jr. vs. Erma Lee Naxton. (See Court?Page 6) I Pigeon Valley Fair To Draw Record Crowd To Bethel Local Motorcade Io Attend Pigeon Valley Fair 26th One of the largest motorcades ?ver to leave Way ties vi He is ex pected to get underway Friday at i:30. as members of the Chamber >f Commerce and Merchants Asso ciation go It) the l'igeon Valley Fair at Bethel. The two groups will carry the Hl-piece Waynesville band to the 'air for a program, starting at two o'clock Charles Isley. director of the sand, said that a program of march 's will be given, with the band u arching on the football field. In Ihe event of rain, the 60-piece con cert band will go and give a con cert in the school auditorium. C. I). Ketner, president of the Merchants Association .and H. P. McCarrol. president of the Cham ber of Commerce, said that all cars in the motorcade would form at the high school, and carry members of the hand. The motorcade, with patrol and police escort, will leave the high school at f:30. Bids On Wagon Road Gap, Beech Gap Are Asked The U. S. Bureau of Public Koaris has asked for bids on con struction of the four-mile link of the Blue Kicige Parkway west of Wagon Koad Gap, an Associated Press dispatch from Kalcigh said Friday. This summer the National Park Service announced $r>Ot),<)(M) of a congressional appropriation had been"* Whetted for this work. It. Gcily Browning. State High way and Public Works Commis sion's chief locating engineer, was (tjce.Contract?I'aec (it Pick The Winner Football Contest Starts This Week The Mountaineer's "Pick the Winner" football contest which proved so |>opular with llaywood foe.thall fans last year will he held again this year, starting in today's paper. 1 here's a complete set of rules on page X and an olTieial blank elsewhere in the paper. Just till out the blank, be sure it's in tile Mountaineer office bv Fri day. and read the following Mon day's paper for the winner. A weekly prize of S10 will be awarded the person who has the largest number of winners. In ease of ties, the prize will he split between the winners. The same will hold true for the grand prizes. At the end of the season, which is 10 weeks from this weekrnd. grand prizes totaling $1 Id will he awarded. Contestants who wish to he eligible for the grand prizes must enter each week. Cheek the dopsters' choices, chee k your own, and send* in the blank. Will Never Be Sold | ?htrolman J. C. Sides of Sylva and Cpl. Prltkhard Smith place the last of 312 gallons of non-tax paid whiskey they helped cap ture Thursday under lock at the courthouse The capture was made at Clyde at a routine checking station! Driver of the truck containing the whiskey was Herman G. Kelly of High Point who was tried at police court in Clyde. He was fined $500 and costs, had his driver's license taken away for ?one year, and had his truck confiscated. Total cost to him amounted to about $2,0)10 Other INitrolmen at the checking station were Joe Murrill, W. it Wool en, and R. A, Queen and license inspector J. C. Kong. i Mountaineer Photo). ! :s/ " V ????? ? ?' Haywood Democrats Make! Plans For Nov. Election ; Hand To Perform At Football Game Saturday The Waynesvllle Township High 1 School hand will perforin at the Western Carolina Teachers Col lege-Appalachian State Teachers; College football game Saturday night at Memorial Stadium in Asheville. Charles Isley, band di rector, aid today. The HO-pioco band will perform instead of the Appaliehian band Tickets for the game, which is I being sponsored by the Cosmos Club of Asheville, are in sale at Charlie's Place. Game time is H o'clock. rums mm inc rrimirt! presinent-[ ? election were made Saturday j I when the Haywood County Demo-i 1 cratic Executive Committee and; I precinct chairmen named two I ' working committees to make prep-J stations for raising money and } 1 securing speakers. A large attendance was present ' at the meeting which was held in j the courthouse. Eleven members were appoint ed to thi' finance committee whose responsibility wilt he to raise N money lor radio newspaper, and J poster advertising. Named to thej public speaking committee were I ^ W (I. Myers, cbalrmran. Fred j 1 Campbell, and l.oran/o Smathers j1 This group will obtain local j speakers for a number of engage- , menf s lii?Ffir<? c>lf>f lifin rlnv - ? I < Judge Felix Alley has been! j. selected lo make the final speech nf (he campaign in Haywood i f County. Chairman Charles 15 McCreary j v I emphasized the Importance for all i s members of the Democratic party ( to attend the Twelfth District I w i Rally Sept. 30 at Murphy and sup- j. port th?- party to the fullest extent (j possible. A motorcade to Murphy "j | will slart in liimcombe County and p j pick up various representatives a- v I long the route Speaking at the , . , District rally will ??tart al 10:30 a m. and the meeting will close with a barbecue dinner. CJov. Kerr1 Scot: oid ? \ ? i .iI S' do .etialor. are expected at (hi rally. A plea was made h> Chairman McCreary for the Young Demo crats to give their full support to i the party When you d? 'troy \oiii 'party.' he aid, "You destroy ; democracy." Mr. Rvers addri -ed the meeting on "Faith in the Democratic Party" Mr. and Mrs Bryon Medfnrril returned to their home Sunday I night after a vaeatlon In Florida I They have as their cucsts Mr*. I Medford's brother-in-law and sister, I Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Defravio of I Charlotte, who accompanied them | 1 to Florida. , Many Exhibits To Be Shown Friday, Saturday The Pigeon Valley Fair. sched uled Thursday. Friday, and Satur lay at the Bethel School, will re ceive recognition beyond the six communities that will participate in the event. Plans are being made for a motorcade from Waynesville that will include the Waynesville High School band. The band will per form during the Fair on the foot ball field. In case of bad weather the performance will be given In the auditorium. The Town of Waynesville. at special ceremonies, will present a key to the town to each of the six Pigeon Valley com munities: West Pigeon. Center Pi geon, East Pigeon. Cecil, Cruso, and Stamey Cove. Entries for the various exhibits and shows will be accepted all day rhursday and the Fair will start in the evening at 8 o'clock with a talent show, secret beauty contest, and cake walk. A pet show is scheduled for 1 p.m. Friday and the judging of exhibits and livestock will start at the same time. At noon field day activities will get underway with races and volley ball games under Principal C. C. Poindcxter. For the evening entertainment a movie will be shown in the auditorium On Sntnrdnv th? hniwn khnu will start at 1 p.m. with Carl Green In charge. All exhibits will bo on display until 4 p.m. Saturday. Refreshments can be purchased at any time at booths sponsored by the Future Farmers of Amer ica. The following ruteu* will apply to the Fair: 1. The doors will he opened for the admission of visitors Friday, September 26 at 11:30 a m 2. Every reasonable effort Will be made by the officers of the Fair and those in charge of the fair grounds to protect the prop erty on exhibition from loss or damage, but those in charge of the fair will not hold themselves responsible should any such loss :>r damage occur. 3. Drunkenness, quarreling or the use of profane or obscetie language will not he allowed on the grounds. 4. No article or animal will be sntitled to space until the proper entry has been made. After an irticle has been entered for a premium it cannot be removed un til Saturday, September 27. at 4 00 [>.m., without permission from the Vtanagcr. Dairy cows may be entered up to 9 a.m. and withdrawn at 4pm m Friday, September 28. Also Baby Beef calves. If any person removes an article without such permission he for (Continued on Page 1. Section 2) Poultry Show And Sale Set For Sept. 24 Prizes amounting to $100 will be warded at a poultry show and sale >ept. 24 at 3:30 p m. at the rourt louse as part of the 4-H Club irogram for promoting the raising f pullets in the county. In April, nine 4-H Club hoys vere given a hundred New Hamp hirc production strain pullets by he Farmers Federation. These /ere Farmers Federation. These ?oys are to return 12 of their lest pullefs for the show and ale 'he birds have been vaccinated for lewcastle and Fowl Pox. There /ill be 84 for sale. Highway |j Record For 1952 In Haywood (To Date) Injured.... 38 Killed .... 5 (This Information j com piled from Records of State Hihway Patrol.) I ' Officers Of Fair view CDP ' ? ** ?'mm-. ? mm ? ?? -w - . , T . Elected as the first offfeer* of the Fairvlew CDP which was organized Wednesday ni?ht are. from left. Mrs W. F. Swift, secretary; Mrs. Fred Plott, reporter; Freed Morgan, vice-chairman; Thad Chafin, chairman; and Hunter Worsham, Jr., treasurer. 'Mountaineer Photoi.

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