?A*DA*n rn c , The Waynesville Mountaineer and keep my statistic-* to my ' self ** Published Twicc-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ' ? ? q 67th YEAR NO. 88 14 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C? MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 3, 1952 *3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiea Blights 1 F i stories to come election is the s)ie ?anted to asked why she to vote early. iulh about the vote deciding . election, that want to east al Players peared in the Thursday: showed Coach at the meet ht. All of the :ed upon him o know what (nesville last ed coach was n answer for a team when n the field?"! ) one query, plain: "Every of the game ' you on that ht back with ting me out'. | tm up, there | every play itarians that or four of ?rs Brevard ilayed more Id than the I 5 ' The State, laskets, and Waynesville in showing it a foot d paid $35. I Id won first prize at It double woven, col ?gether an article to Irticular Indian pro le first nor the last [has others at home |d an order for wtiat |t the world's largest |t will stand some five pi Ifavcte'Wemp-"' Ive years, he claims. ? experience in news nine work can read [ the advantages of prle Like other edi Mistantly getting ma ll use right away, is fc can print it at all, throw it away. The (ditor's piled-up desk. 1 will mean a neat State editor and free istantly making decl fhat to do with such lory. If he can't use right away, into the go, and from then let is full five years as to do when he ain story is burrow basket a couple of , of course, a life ive-foot waste basket ed to become stand t In editors' offices untry. Record Vote Predicted For Haywood Getting Ready For The Election Election officials have been working Ions hours preparing for the presidential election Tuesday. With the distribution of ballots to the various precincts most of the behind-the-scenes-work is out of the way until the votes are counted. Mrs. Charles Duckett. registrar of Aliens Creek receives bal lots from Glenn W. Brown, center, chairman of the county Board of Elections. Others are. from left, Mrs. J. B. Siler, Board secretary; C. B. Hawkins. Republican member of the Board; and Prank Medford, Democratic member. (Mountaineer Photoi. Sale 01 Beer And Wine Will End At Midnight Midnight tonight will bring the, end of the legal sale of beer and wine in Haywood County. Nineteen years ago the people voted in favor of selling the two beverages and that was how the matter stood until a little more than a year ago when the Minis terial Association started the movement that finally resulted in an election Sept. 2. On that date, Haywood voters put an end to beer and wine sale by a better than three to one margin. But sales did not stop on that date because the law gives dealers 60 davs to get rid of their stocks. That 60-day period ends at midnight. Buncombe will be the only western North Carolina county where beer and wine may be pur chased legally. Wine apparently never has en joyed much popularity in the county and few if any deilers have any on hand. Quiet Halloween Observed Here Friday Night Waynesville experienced one of the quietest Halloween evenings in its history Friday night. Police reported just one arrest, and that one completely removed from the I hnliHsv felehratinn Police Chief O. L. Noland said Saturday morning that it was "the quietest Halloween night I have ever known. We were prepared to cope with any vandalism, and I am quite pleased to say it, there was none of any major importance. Store owners and others who are usually subject to the greatest part ?of" ttle vandalism that occurs ca. Halloween night were almost un animous in their report that the children of Waynesville were con tent with harmless actions in the celebration." It was reported from one group that some children were following another group, repairing the little damage that had been done. There were a few fire crackers shot off at the football game but no one was reported injured as a result | _____________ All County Schools To Be Closed Tuesday All public schools in Haywood County will be closed tomorrow ? Tuesday* for election day, the County Board of Election said today. The children will be given a holiday in accordance with estab lished practice generally carried out all over the state. ? | Killing Of Park . Bear Creates A Flurry Of News Never in modern times, has the death of one War created so much news, as has the one killed by ranchmen in the Smokies last spring. 1'he reading and listening public of America have "eaten up" the story, and beguing for more. A radio station sn Los Angeles even went to the trouble of get ting a 15-minute interview with Tom Alexander on the incident. The interview was recorded and broadcast later. Newspaper from coast to I coast, in addition to nationally distributed magazines have car ried the story. Mr. Alexander has been cit ed to Federal court in Asheville. The term of court begins Mon day. A group of hunters went into the Park and killed a bear that had been slaying cattle in a pasture adjoining the Park. Lake Trustees To Hold Annual Meeting Thursday Twelve North Carolinians arc members of the Lake Junalu.ska Methodist Assembly's board of trustees which will hold its an nual meeting Thursday in Atlanta. Ga. Edwin L. Jones, Charlotte, is president ' morning, iineer news staff will tabulate the vote, s of the Board of broadcast the re f'nutes before each h half hour over radio staff will dc If in Diir>r* 1 M lldllUIItll ? minutes out of each f" "ip other three J??dcast coming di J Mountaineer news fc'M judges of all ? "Ping urged to tele I >. / n phone, or have it done, as soon as any ballot is completely count ed. The number which should be called is 764. Due to the fact that there are Ave ballots to be counted in each precinct, it is expected that the counting will require many hours. Election officials have requested (See Election?Page 8) \SuNNYj Smoky, sunny and 1 cooler tomorrow. I yaesville weather as I State Test Farm): I Max. Mln. 68 14 72 25 73 23 .... 75 261 Hopes Of The Democrats STEVENSON -% -- ?? . . . SPARKMAN Cataloochee Is Again In The National News Cataloochee precinct it again in i the news, and there is a possibility | that'the precinct will be the first | in the nation to make an official ! report on Tuesday morn inc. In the 1948 general election. Cataloochee reported early in the 1 morning, and was just a few min | utes behind a precinct from New | England. The Associated Press and Unit j ed Press are both anxiously awail J ing the early vote of the small precinct in the Park. There arc 7 voters there. In 1948 all 7 votes were cast for | Truman. Shuford Will Speak Here November 11 George A. Shuford, Democratic nominee for Congress in the 10th District, will deliver the main ad dress at the Armistice Day pro gram here Nov. 11. This announcement comes from J. T. Russell, commander of the American Legion Post, which will be host to Mr. Shuford. Gold Star parents will be spe cial guests during the day's cere- i monies. ? Officials Urge Care In Use Oi Wafer, As Reserve ?? J ? : Continues To Get Lower The water situation in Waynesville and community became more acute this morning, and officials today are cutting off all street fountains, and urging citizens to conserve water. "As a rule the reservoir gains over the week-end," G. C. Ferguson, town manager said. "But this week-end we failed to make the usual gains, and are having to take every precaution to conserve water." Mr. Ferguson said that he hoped the restrictions imposed last summer would not have to be repeated, but added: "the present situation is serious, and our supply is gradually dwindling." "We urge every patron to use water sparingly; and | in doing so, we hope to avoid rigid restrictions," Mr. Ferguson said. Bradford Mehaffey, water superintendent, pointed out that even with a heavy rain, the filtering plant would not show too much gain. The lowering of the water level on the mountain reduces the pressure to send it through the 8-inch pipe i line to the filtering plant, the officials said. 13,000 Votes Seen For This County In Election Tuesday : . Banks, Court House To Be Closed On Tuesday The First National Bank. Way nesvtlle, thr First State Bank, llaielwood. will be closed Tues I day, November 4. which is elec tion day, it was announced to day, ? I It was announced that the Court House would also be clos ed. Post office officials said that regular hours would be observ j ed there. Political Groups Hear Leaders In Final Rallies j Judge Kelix E. Alley, Democrat. | and Hugh Monleith, Kepublican, ] wound up the campaigns of their respective parties in Haywood County last week by both predict i ing victory for his party, and both giving the voters something to think about in the few days before the election. Judge Alley, speaking to a large crowd at the Court House Thurs day night, urged his listeners to vote Democratic, lie spoke at the last in a series of "old fashioned" rallies the Democrats have been conducting over the county. Mr. Monteith. Republican can didate for Congress from the 12th Congressional District, addressed a large crowd at Republican head quarters in Canton Thursday night. He reviewed the record of the Democratic Administration and out lined the program being offered by the GOP. Power To Be Off In Aliens Creek There will be a three hour in terruption of electric service Sun day, November 9. when service will be oil from 2 p.m. until 5 p. m., along US 19-A and 23 High | way from Norman's Garage to | Hyatt Greek Road. All of Aliens Creek will be affected. This time was selected with the hone that it will inconvenience a minimum number of customers. This interruption will allow the Carolina Power and Light Com pany to phase out the lines in this area. In case of inclement weather, the interruption will be postponed. Mrs. Hill Wins Second Time In Trade Jubilee Mrs. Robert Hill of Waynesville is one woman that won't need con vincing that shopping in Waynes ville, lla/.elwood and Lake Juna luska is the smart thing to do. Be cause she does her shopping in one of those places, she has won a bedroom suite this year and will use it along with the living room uite she was awarded last year in the same contest. Mrs. Hill was joined in the win-1 ners group by Mrs. Marshall Han-1 nah. also of Waynesville, who won j a vacuum cleaner, and Clifford Caldwell, who won a basket of groc eries. Mr, Caldwell is also from \ Waynesville. There will be another drawing j next Saturday afternoon on the ' high school field. With one of the most cxtcn ?ve campaigns in history behind litem. Haywood County voters are ex pected to go to tiie polls in record numbers tomorrow. Present in dications are that upwards of 13, 000 will cast their ballots. General feeling Is that a com bination of three factors is tc sponsible for the expected lar;;e* turnout?the intense interest be ing shown by the people of the county in the Presidential elec tion?the efforts of hundred who were responsible for the "Gel Out the Vote" campaign?and the heavy new registration. Approximately 2.5(H) people have registered during the pa t three weeks and everyone of them is expected to vote. In 1948 a vote of 10,200 was re corded in the county. If that num ber should reach 13.000 this > ar, it would be the largest numb* r ever to participate in an cl? :i i in Haywood. The various rallies that li..ve been conducted by both i.nic, has, in a large degree. atUh to the interest of members ol lie respective parties. The politically independents of Haywood h ive a , in most of the country, been ..co ed by both parties. They are ex pected to go to the polls in i c . rd numbers also. Say what you may, there an n't many people who are faiiii to show some sort of init < i I most every corner of the county has been invaded with p ? | buttons, automobile slicker . d j speakers, each proclaimia, the ; attributes of a favored cand< ?x.tt or slate of candidates. Blank ballots have been piinN't for Township Constable, no n ? affiliation, for precincts in Pi geon. Clyde, and Wa- t lie townships. This actum was m j when a number of #coalc si li ed their interest in runnii ? or the post. Spaces ure provided on the ballots for a write-in vote for i the particular candidates. The Board of Elections met with registrars and judge- l'rid. morning and distributed .-ill n < I terial needed for the election and also issued final instruction Elections officials called .tun ; lion to the rules governing ??' r tlons today and cautioned voter and campaigners that violator of the rules would be prosecuted. Elaborate plans have been mad ? to broadcast the returns a <>011 as they are available. The V ,i.n taineer news staff will work with staff members of WHCC and oi ficlals of the Board of Eh-efim to announce returns as soon - i - sible after they are made a*ail able. Workers in the "Oct Out the Vote" campaign reminded i-'i ible voters again today that eve vide counts. Injury Results From Accident Saturday Night An automobile was bad!, s cited for reckless driving and hav ing no operator's license, tie was placed in jail and released Sunday after posting bond for $ir>0 to pear at Superior Court during the week of Nov. 17. His companion, Annie Kthelrop Myers, was admitted to the II - wood County Hospital for treat ment of minor injuries and i ? i- ,< - ed the next day. Candidates Are Listed Following is a list of candidates representing both Democratic and Republican parties for whom the voters of Havwood County will cast ballots Tuesday. Township candidates are not included. Democrat Office Republican Adlai Stevenson President Dwight Eisenhower John Sparkman Vice-President Richard Nixon William Umstead Governor H. K. Sea well, Jr. Luther Hodges Lt. Governor Warren Pritc-hard Tliad Eure Sec. of State Frank Carr Henry Bridges State Auditor J. A. Maultsby Jr. Brandon Hodges State Treasurer S. C. Eggers Harry McMuUan Attorney Gen. Avalon Hall Charles Carroll Supt. Public Inst. fShort termi Charles Carroll Supt. Public Inst. 'Reg. term' Jeter Haynes L. Y Ballentine Comm. of Agri. Joei Johnson Waldo Check Comm. of Ins. John Day Forrest Shuford Cbrnm. of Labor W. E. Rutledge William Devin Chief Justice 'Sup. Court) C. C. Frazler, Jr. R. Hunt Parker Asso. Justice 'Short tcrmt ?? R Hunt Parker Asso. Justice 'Reg. ternn A. L. Butlei Jeff D. Johnson Jr. Asso. Justice iSun. Court' R. H. McNeill George A. Shuford Member Congress 'I2th Dis.i Hugh Monleith Robert Gash State Senate i32nd Dis.? E. S. King Jr. I W B. Hodges Same Joe Palmer 1 State Representative W. A. Bradley Mildred BryFon Tax Collector E. C. Truitt' J W Klllian iDis. li Board of Education Jack McCraeken (Dis. 2i Same Tom Leatherwood 'Dis. 3' Same ... ______ Jarvis Caldwell iDis. 4) Same "a Mark Kirkpatrick iDis. 5' Same THE POLLS OPEN AT 6:30 AJVL AND CLOSE 6:30 P.M. BE SURE TO VOTE I Officers Capture Liquor Friday A 1940 Pontiac and 120 gallons of non-lax paid whiskey were rap tured early Friday morning on Cove Creek Mountain by Cpl. Prit chard Smith of the Highway Patrol and Sheriff Fred Campbell. The driver managed to escape. i Hopes Of The Republicans EISENHOWER NIXON Highway Record For 1952 I In Haywood (To Date) Injured.... 43 Killed .... 5 (This information com piled from Records of Stat* Highway Patrol.)