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TV )t*>?snc ??..J Mt i> nwrafe ts* ysaas ijf m ajr aa? ?acre: nj-i ana t? tarr? in a. vter iaaCa to* ta* * SLI-D CT>V 3T?ltT5'? Jt-.'.tatf-K ma? MT ?> UA? a f w m? sorem ii* ? ? v. ~xrrj :a tic ??*-* Mf .-.24 zi ?5r*a*ry T"w-t ^ lit rtfiesa- ?acetj?e. m. tc .u; .-?c at is.; tar* lac sic ?r i :?. -it jcrt u! ae? re pawn OcTta a* are 4> j?C "?: <-? i-*co2 2.2x24 tkr "are 2 ascrc? :-*ot .1 a tads v. _?/1 are at -asarwraC _r acre>j 42 ataer k*cfc rasas w?i oap^ rejtt ?? proWeM Xcr s* 2 iit* ? JCC-e.y "j:I afccoC i_. tit ilis aad ?_?e>ke?2 *?C-:4 tins cacti V ?- a 22: W c?? "li tfitat a a 2;? a ti-a a _> aijv" Ax4 tict yx ?22C ia titcasc 3 tea a tic r&aei a* iSmU tw aiif.24 aad d Ua a tic js?. wfejei *? ace fc- ex ta react . ??? da a?s aezzu^r V I'jrx-. sr* Tw mamf Ma ur?* k? it.: sr 'j>\ sue} brviltast pwfi earnag tit* reader sa_f sssgrr be ?.*? ise? ia? ao sore tiaa et tie ^Ctts, offer a 'ieflre* .?i mwjk i*jc dui sor. .?*;??* ? -j? ?z** -?.e utatraetiocs tor zett.r_^ tie .e.c WORLD CON STRUCTION wia tb>yv >c? tie ??;> to aetwaiij do Koe(hiE< taewr it To be (d?tteacc< If yo? rais to ted Mt mct a Vat*. the pojsalar Mo-retsefct of WORLD CONSTRUCTION or wub to take as aetnte part in this o: p.eate phoce W?joes ' rff!e WOO anytime between V Jt A. M and a P V on weekday Or write to WORLD CONSTRUC TION. HOT 140 W*yi?emUe. Be** Carolinian To Adopt Korean Boy s? top prenc i . onr itoeir .essce m Sqnarteri C^ficj Korean CoeBuucaiioM Zone And m *-e boCT'-? p-r.?*n Larry Firiey. Los Arjeio disc jnefcey who Is r.r.z K:r i ury-mtinl? as. :rrtotot witk 9-year-old "Mike Ejx: S?t Ellsott listen* ir. -VP Pfcotoe1. Heater Strikes Back IXDIA.X APOLIS KP ? AT* >tar-o;i ? . r.i- ??? uifr. to Get- 1 era: ai frr treatment of KTfrt berry recently after she backed uu? a gaa heater lr. her here Ps*:osn attempt ed to mother the ftarrse* with bed cbxre? which aiv> bunt us to Bar.* Ht- ? ' -iard her vrrean:. and 'ucceederf tn btaUi( oat the b'zzt ? r , lar study groupi are he;rig held ever.r-j: at it P M at 403 Church St . Wr> uemiJC I . S. Aids Standardization NEW YORK ? AP degree of participation ic international standards work, says the American Standards Asso ciation The United States holds secre tariats of eight technical commit tees. The group coordinates na tional standards in etectneal and mechanical fields, the rubber, plas ties and building industries and ? others ^All the ? Family^ Agrees - } Its the']%j?^Family Car! America's Most Practical and Economical Station Wagon See the car that lit* every family need?a deluxe model of America's favorite all-steel station wagon. It's a smooth, comfortable passenger car with room for six on soft seats upholstered in two tone washable plastic. With seats removed, it's a practical cargo carrier. Extra strong tailgate can be left open for bulky loads. It's economical to operate with either the Hurricane 6 or the Hurricam.' 4 Engine, both ad vanced F-head design. Practical for Business. Too The Willys Station Wagon, with its extra large load space, does double duty as a car for many kinds of business, as well as a family car. DE LUXE Station llkgon mtr SUWDAT, Wihyt brings r?u fhe N.Y Flflienwnic. ? CBS ? Radio . . . end "One*w~, CBS ? Tol?"iiiow POTTS MOTOB CO. 205 Haywood Street Waynesville, N. C. IT'S NEW! FOR l l\ ViP 1 COME VISIT 1 WAYNESVILLE'S I NEW A & P I SUPER MARKET I 304 S. MAIN ST. I It's Beautiful I WITH PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ? jjfll'ifJ-lM Super Right?Freshly Ground Beef - 45c Choice Western Beef?Chuck Blade Pot Roast - 49c Fresh Center Cut Rib , Pork Chops ------- 55c Wilson's Corn King Sliced Bacon ^ 49c Nice Thick Fat Backs - 13c Standard Sealed Oysters 79c DRIED FRUITS AitP Large Prunes - - - - - - ? n* 24c Seedless A&P Raisins 17c Sultana Medium Prunes 23c Dried Annies Vw 93c ; '|V''|VyvvMyT^M ANN PAGE FANCY TOMATO KETCHUP1 ; 2 35c \ ANN PAGE CREAMY MAYONNAISE 1 I; r 29c 49\ iAi^*n*ii *?'? vn ??'?"?vn-xiiV'niVi ?~>r*vwjjj M ANN PAGE FANCY ^ TOMATO SOUP \ 3'^29c \ ANN PAGE PURE A GRAPE JELLY \ 'io?i IQc \ COME SEE! AT A&P! THESE WONDERFUL food vol us SJwtemng?Swift s 1 JEWEL e 4 Scarry field Se'f-Rcing ^ FLOUR 7! Poc*ers Looel Stondord P&ck TOMATOES - 2 2 M 'd Ar^encrr, CHEESE 4! 5 A?rP Fn/rt _ i COCKTAIL - - - - 2 lono Git _ I GREEN beans -. 2