?^AKDAiU) ^ , atrirv?a?0rir,t The Waynesville Mountaineer 1 new*. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park n q 68th YEAR NO. 26 Hi PAGES Associated Press WAYNHSVlLLEi nTcTtIH KSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH ?t, 1S53 83.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Kdelights iOt The I News j I {d Springtime ? Thoni ? i he .sweet H pleasant ? .o:d writ ? have ? Spring. H. what ? p. Is ? a i" Spring. ? - beauti ? ilorful with I happen* ? mind you, H \nd tem I I nipped below ? ' nis' about H ean be Hi nil before Hd a a ranee in Hi! No one re H 'Pits from Hp ;??? little girl ?an.1 ?! it wasn't I old too much H Ins and enjoy Ht looking forward to the B a more pernia udgc : a few women 'la, .Mountaineer of . ..i.-,.Lit the mistake , ? Recipe of the Week" ,i 111? ci last week, n,, which was given some t? Mr- Hugh Campbell, Ii..!'.;e. It pioduc ?? fudge and was con ,,i the best recipes c to a bit of trouble and so did some women the fudge> v ilie recipe was ? ? ated O.UItC a Stif I-r lnvw nothing s all the women who :? rt.i. it.i er had sev iuc-n to un it again, and t ?i','" ? requests last r, a line was left !f, ? i: a no sugar Btwned. men made the . , r v hat should have 8..; . . without sugar. a ticks goo, un it . i ,i mighty sorry look is. .?:i? reiate the : ? "i<h all the women I: | ,ii ? i lie tudge ' 1 all of the r ? , cised very fav tor: nt ?? remind sou . . . next Hi , i recipe for fudge tun , lion ugar, call us. ey Support imum 46.6c ' i' part inenl an- 1 ! it w ill upport the 1 (miles tobacco 11 ? i,I tt? fi cents. ' ? i reflects the man- j ?" <>l parity price i '.,sc the price is ! 11 'I beginning of the mar-1 111 I the support !"? changed accordingly, hurley crop was sup- ; cents. j tarday Is Last Day r Beer Registration lay on which ? ' j\ register to : ? . n u beer elec- j ''*??? which will he have been Saturdays at t Aliens Creek l wo voting he homes of ;he week. In ,i!i unusually Miters have . ,n the regis _j. | tration books. Officials said today that new voters may also register at the homes of the registrars tomorrow 'Fridayi. Following the closing of the books Saturday afternoon, the books will be cfosed. Saturday. April 4, has been set aside for Challenge Day. The regis trars will be at Aliens Creek School * - ?* ' ? "? i J..11 t 1, v ana ai inr iuwn nou on vRSi from 9 o'clock until 3 o'clock. Registrar for Ward One (Town Hall)' Is Mrs. Rutii Kellv. Mrs. Denton Browning is registrar tor Ward Two (Aliens Creek1. Qualified voters will vote on one of two proposals: (1 > for tile legal sale of beer, or <2* against the leg al sale of beer. Regulations governing the elec tion are as follows; No absentee ballots allowed at all. 'Qualifications of voters* Must be a resident of North Carolina for one year; must be a resident of the voting precinct of the city or town in which he offers to vote for at least four months preceding the election: must be 21 years of age: must not be an idiot or lunatic: must not be either convicted or confessor of guilt in open court up on indictment of any crime, the punishment for which was con (See Registration?Page 8) 'he other II8 MB 'id ""fair and somewhat th? W.a'Vr,en'"l? tempera ^ by the State Test j *?. Min. Rainfall , ? 50 .75 5 651 37 .13 8,1 32 .02 . - Firemen Hold District Meet Here I^m ^ S '? v,. ?t?B II - tH ? tl I Officers and hosts of the WNC Firemen's Association, which met Wednesday night here, chat in ! formally before the meeting got underway. From left are Wayne Creasmau of Canton, vice-president: Waynesville host, Chief Clem Fitzgerald: H. L. Sitzer of Canton, president; Hazelwood host. Chief George Bischoff; and Felix Stovall. assistant chief of the Waynesville Fire Department. (Mountaineer Photo'. New Fire Alarm System Will Be Installed Here A new fire alarm system is be ing installed in Waynesville. and will go into operation about the same time as the dial telephone system does. Town officials said today that the new system, which will be of the horn type, will be located 011 top of the Town Hall, about in the same place as the one now be ing used. The new system will consist of a large horn and an operating board that contains various disc that will be used for each of the various fire zones. Under the pres ent system it is necessary for the telephone operator to notify the department of a fire. The alarm is then sounded and volunteer fire men from all sections of the town are thus notified But they still must call the telephone operator to locate the fire. Under the new system a person will notify the fire department directly of a fire and its location. A dicc will then be placed in a machine which will automatically sound the alarm, giving the zone and approximate location of the Are.. Fire officials said that the town would be zoned for the new sys tem, and in each zone there would be several spots that would bo central locations. Thus the location of a fire in a given section could be determined by a series of long and short blasts on the horn. It has been estimated that the new telephone svstcm would be in effect shortlv after June 1. Offic ials said todav that the new system had already been purchased and would be installed as soon as the <Jial telephone system is put into effect. Wyrick Urges Firemen To Train For Civil Defense Red Cross Drive Lagging; Just Five Days Left Incomplete reports today In dlrated that the Waynesville area is lagging far behind in its an nual Red Cross Drive. The drive, which continues through the rest of March, is being conducted in various phas es each day. offirials said, and urged that all persons who have not contributed and wished to do so. to get in touch with one of the drive leaders. Fred .Moody and Louise Rallard arc co-chairmen of the drive. They urged all workers today to make reports as soon as pos sible so that final figures may be computed. Two From Here Attend Parking Meter Hearing Wivnc villc Town Manager G i C. Ferguson and Chief of Police (>. I. Noland attended the Legis lative committer meeting in Ral eigh Tuesday which heard argu ment- in favor of a bill making ownership of a ear prima facie evidence in overtime parking cases. The measure, introduced by Rep resentative . Richard Sanders oi Durham, is supposed to lilt the doubt which now surrounds con victions of parking meter violators. ; Ownership of a car parked over time. the .State Supreme Court has held, is not sufficient proof , to convict in overtime cases under j present law. The Supreme Court suggested I that the law lie amended to in- 1 t elude sitch. a measure. Ferguson and Noland were part j of an unusually large group oi t I interested city officials to attend ! the committee hearing, j While in Raleigh they delivered 9300,000 in water bonds to the Local Government Commission, the agency which acts as a clear ing house for all municipal and state bonds. IMSTOR RKTI RVS Rev. Broadus E Wall has re-j turned from a brief vacation and j will occupy his pulpit at the First j Baptist church for both services j on Sunday. Members of the Western North ? Carolina Firemen's Association heard Greensboro Chief C. W Wy rick urge then) lo train for civil defense because "North Carolina could become a strategic area should atomic bombs be dropped ' on this country." Wyrick is president of the N. C Firemen's Association. He address ed 150 firemen from 21 depart ments at tin? Elks club in the Masonic Building. The Wayncs ville and Hazel wood departments were hosts at the meeting "Should there be this type of . eongiagration in any of >ur ! Cities. We will need mutual aid. The i necessity of Itcuig trained in I hi capacity is of great importance because the Civil Defense Director has the authority to designate any fire department for such pur pose;;," he explained. On a local level, the speaker said there are three method* by which an efficient fire department can be developed: ill mutual agreement and understanding a mong the Departments, 12> to sell the idea of the Department to town officials, and <3> to always be ready for any call. Wyrick stressed the importance of the firemen's work, which also includes emergencies in homes tow'ns. and on the highways aside from fighting fires He was lntrbdUeed by Jim Bailey, program chairman. Bailey also gave a first-hand description of the recent Sit) million fire al (See Firemen?Page X) More Magazines Needed For Use In Hospitals Response to the appeal for magazines for patients in Moore ( General and Oteen hospitals has been good. Mrs. Felix Stovall, gen eral chairman of the drive, has reported. The Gray Ladies, a unit of the Red Cross, is sponsoring the drive. Mrs Stovall said today, how ever. that more magazines are needed for the many patients al these hospitals. The Gray Ladies will visit the hospitals April 1. and they hope to have a w ide vari-: cty of magazines?mystery, west ern. news, funnies, travel ?- lor distribution at that time, The chairman said sin- will piek up magazines anywhere and she can be reached by telephoning 338. j Donors can also leave them at the American Fruit Stand. Proposed Bill Would Designate Part 01 Central School Lot For Library I A proposed bill has been given ' to Representative Paliner, asking , that he introduce the measure in I the Genera! Assembly, to turn the Central Elementary School site 1 back to the Town, except for a lot for a new Library building, out of the block square area. Representative Palmer was hand ed a petition last week asking that he introduce a bill which would give the school property back to the town upon completion of the new school building. Rep. Palmer said he wanted to discuss the pro posal with the attorney general be ' fore Introducing the measure. I This week the proposal was .made to set aside a lot facing 7.1 feet on Haywood Street, and 100 feet along Academy Street for a site for the new proposed Library building. Under the terms of the bill, the school site would be used by the town for a recreational area and other similar purposes, the bill points out. The text of the bill reads: Section 1?that the C'lprk of the Superior Court of Haywood County be, and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to name three Trustees in lieu of the form-' er Trustees of the Waynesville Graded Schools, and that the title to the property known as the Way nesville Central Elementary School property shall he vested In said | Trustees with full power of said Trustees to convey and transfer title to the said property as here inafter designated. Section 2. That the Trustees so appointed by the Clerk of the Su perior Court shall be authorized empowered and directed to convey to Trustees for a public Haywood County library a lot at the North east corner of said Wayne.svillo Central Elementary School prop erty fronting 75 feet on Haywood Street and being a rectangular lot extending 100 feet along Academy Street in a Westerly direction from (See library?Page *> Contract Ready To Be Given For New Central Elementary Easter Union Services To Begin Wednesday Easter Union service-- in Way nesviile churches have been plan ned and will bet;in next Wednes day, April i. with services at the Presbyterian Church. Thursday. April 2, services w ill be held at the Methodist Church, and Friday, the services are sched uled to be held at the Haptist Church. Charles Isley. director of music at Waynosv tile High School will direct the combined choirs of the churches in special music ouch evening. All Union services are schedul ed to begin at 8 p. in. Easter Seals Are Being Mailed Out Foi; Needed Funds "No man stands so straight a when he leans down to give a help ing hand to a crippled child." This is the quotation being used by the North Carolina Society for Crip pled Children and Adults in its current drive for funds. Thousands of Easter Seals have been mailed to the eiii/ens of North Carolina, the purchase of which will provide help lo handi capped children and adults and give tlieni a chance for future hap piness. According to Wingatc llannaii. who is serving as treasurer for the Haywood county drive, tin- seals wefe mailed locally this week and the response has been most satis factory. Already tin- letters are being returned at the rate of twenty or thirty a day. The committee in charge of the drive has expressed the hope that everyone will mail in the money for the seals before Easter Sunday when the drive is scheduled to end The drive will be climaxed by the >ule of Easter lilies on the Saturday before Easier. This sale will be conducted by members of the Waynesv ille Business and Pro fessional Women's Club with Mr Howard Hryson serving as; chair man. Robert Ilreese. Jr. is serving a:, chairman of the drive for (be Way - nesville area. Roland Is New CDP Chairman al Satmook W W. Roland is the l!tfi:t chair- j mail pf the Saunook CDP. lie was j chosen al a recent election of of fleer's and succeeded James Me- I Clurc. Other officers are Charles Heck.' vie< -chairman: Hill Stephens, treasurer; and Mrs. Charles Heck secretary-reporter. Price Of A Haircut Goes Up April First It's going to cost more to gel clipped. Or, to be more specific, prices for haircuts in W'a\nesville and Hazelwond will be incerased April 1. Local barbershop operators said today that, due to the increased cost of supplies and operating ex penses. it has become necessary to raise the prices. The new prices, which are to be come effective April I, are posted in the windows of alt barbershops. Essay Winners A! WTHS I VVi?.rit'i's of tl\f Waynesvillo Women' Club i- ,;v eoiitest on ?'IVaci'" .ire shown Willi Mrs. R K. Jelei arltn;: chairman ol the International Relation Committee. Mrs, Jelt r appeared for Miss Anne Albright. At left is second place vvinnei Alai \ l.ou Gar-, rittger Willi Wilbmn Davis, who took first place. Both are ineni hci?s of the senior class. Others in the sp, akinft com a were Nan cy BischofT and .Miles S^uiiey. The essay-, were written tinder I lie direction of Miss Margaret Terrell, English ihslruetor. 'Mountaineer Plioto). -V ?. Jf- . County, School Officials Reply To Resolution 01 Central Parent - Teachers ! Egg From A Tree? See For Yourself Raymond SwayiiRim of Mnuii ry < iivp is one farmer who picks his f^i<s off trees?lir claims. lie was ill town the other day with a chicken e>>n with a stem that makes it look exactly like a light brown lemon. And if there was ever a person not ac quainted with ehiekeu eetis, he would swear this one was picked from a (ree. Except for the "stem" the enK is normal in appearance and presumably would taste like one. The eas Is !n The Mountain c er office and can he seen by anyone. Bloodmobile At Canton April 1 The Red (Toss Bloodmobile will he al the Champion VM( \ on Vpril I between the hours of noon 11111 .1 d) o m In order to moot the increased demand tor blood for the treat njent of polio victims, blood col lection- must bo increased i!> per cent tips year. The Canton I,ion's i tub. sponsors of this visit of the IHoodmobih", is making a deter mined drive lo increase blood col li i lions of the Canton end id Hay wood County. l-oraiito S ma the is chairman ol the I-ion's c lub blood eonitliittee has announced that all persons ih siring to donate blood should either contact a member of the I-ion's club for a definite appoint-, moid or appear at the YMC \ be tween the hours of iiooh and a 30 p m. J. (J. Hendrix is providing transportation for all who do not have a way of getting to and from the YMC A. Schoolmasters Club To Meet Next Monday The Haywood County Schoolmas ters Club will meet Monday night, March 30. at 7 o'clock at Spaldon'y Sam Cjucen. -Ir. has charge of the program, which has not been an nounced as yet. All members of the club were urged today by Bill Swift, presi dent, to be present at the meet ing. Courtly and school officials today answered the imoiutions recently I passed: by lite Central I'TA rela tive to school watte, The answer, marled today, was addressed to T.; U nix Kent, president oi the PTA.j the signatures on the answers 1 were those of C Francis, chair man of the hoard of commissioners; liavid Keltttei, chairman of the ad x isorx committee: J; W Killjan. < hairman of the hoard of educa tion: and Mr i.ticx Uoyd. secretary hoard of cducat inn . Tlie full text of the reply is as follows: "II seems fitting and proper that .hi ? nsxver lie given your Parent T.< tcl'cr ox ..nf/atioit covering the te olid inn's adopted at a meeting held I? 1VI tch ? 19.13. so that you end tlie puhtie in general may I;now what ,is being done in lite development of the school program. Suelt iitlere' i a, your group litis shown is i in port a id to tliose people who have (he responsibility of ear-' r\ int: out it I'ixMiftic task such as our (in nt. ' luiot building program. Mi-lakes will be made, but let Us hope irnl pray that bv diligence (See I' I V Keplv?I'.w.e Si Bids Are In Keeping With Estiintues On Project Bids on the proposed Central Elementary School building were op?.iKtl here Tuesday and the to tal cost of construction- -$250,311 ?is within $10,000 of the estimat ed 8280,000 made earlier. The contracts, which were to have been awarded today, will not bo done until 11 a. in. Friday when the County Board of Commission ers, Advisory Committee, Board of Education, and architect 1,1 nd ey Qudger will meet in the court house The meeting was postponed because of the death of Mr. Gud ger's mother. Usually contracts are awarded the day following the opening of the bids and go to 4ho low bidders. The new school will have eight primary classrooms, eight graded school classrooms, an auditorium and stage, and cafeteria and kitchen. Following is a list of the lo\V bidders and their bids: General construction ifour bid', considered >: William B Dillnrd, $198,600. This contractor also had the local HKA, Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.. and Beaverdam School construction jobs. Plumbing '12 bids': Presslev and Osborne, $14,318 The Bethel con tract Is also being handled by this company. Heating til bids): A1 Jennings, Inc . $22,354. Electrical "five bids': Ivester Electric Co . $15,639. If the proposal is accepted to eliminate the kitchen from the cafeteria and add a separate kitch I ell and cafeteria, the low hiris in | each ease will be Incresed bv.-Uic f following amounts: General construction, $17,000: plumbing. $500 heating. $2,337: and electrical. $4 725 for a total of $24,562 more. The site of the new building i ? on the former C. K. Ray Estate property facing on Hiywood street and Daisy Avenue This property was purchased some months ago for the new school plant It l? about a block from the present building at the corner ol Haywood and Veademv streets and Boyd Avenue. C of C Membership Drive Meeting With Success Officials today reported thai the Chamber of Commerce member hip drive, which is now heing cotiduch ed. is meet ins with success but not as much as had been hoped for. Of some .100 letters mailed to Chamber of Corfunerce members and prospective members, less than 100 have brought responses. But of those that have been answered, the funds either pledged or paid hav been most gratifying, a spoke - man said. The drive is to continue indefi nitely. but all people who have re eeived letters are urged to answer them promptly. 11. I'. McCarrol! is chairman of the drive. Natitonal Magazine Has Unusual Story Of WNC A f unify". vacation covering a -i \ -a-uay p?i tod oi hard loafing" , m llie n'i m nl tin' Blue Midge j I'ni'ku ,iv in! (In* Clival Smoky \li imlalii is featured in the April I-.mio hi 1 louhold Magazine. I which '? rvpmled In have a cileu- . LUtion of i-'C oObtl luinilies in the L'.K T , Weil prepared article, which , - ii.tpihe iloii.r and rents tuc-. ;i , ,n-i mi i i \ vai at ion trip* i< lieauiiVni ?. illustrated with three i'm cts m iu.I color in addition to a nun ti-r ot black and white photo rep odlietions. One of the striking color shots was taken at Wwfocihd CI p. The article "Was written by Doris and KaV Wiley, reporting actual ex periences on their trip, which started officially at Front Royal. Va., and concluded at Kontana Vil lage An advance Copy of the pub lication has ilist been received by Western North Carolina Highland ers, otTirials of which were granted (lie courtesy of seeing the manu script before publication, and of making several suggestions which wt re later carried out by the pub Ushers. One of thesp included mention of Waynesviile as a resort town of consequence ill the vicinity of the Parkway and Great Smokies, a ; well as Inclusion of side trios em Inacinjt the Chimney Knck-Ciko Cure area and the ?o-called Sap (See Magazine?Pane 81 Highway Record For 1953 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .... 16 Killed .... 0 ? This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol.)

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