Lake Junaluska Baptist Church The Rev. W. S. Young, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a. m.?Sunday School, Ed ward Moody. Supt. 11:00 a.m.?Morning Worship. 6:30 P m.?Training Union. WEDNESDAY? 7:00 p m.?Prayer Service If you do not have a church home, we invite you to come and worship with us. Ninevah Baptist Church Rev. C. L. Allen. Pastor Roy Davis, Sunday School Supt. SUNDAY? 10?Sunday School. Worship service first and third Sunday evenings at 7:30, and sec ond and fourth Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock. Prayer meeting each Wednes day night at 7:30. Special singing every first and third Saturday nights. WEDNESDAY? 3:30?Cherub Choir practice. 4 15?Junior Choir practice. 6:30?Youth Choir rehearsal. 7:30?Midweek Prayer meeting. 8:15?Senior Choir rehearsal. Church Of Christ EAST WAYNESVILLE SUNDAY? 10 m?Bible Study. 11 a m.?Worship Service. SEMINOLE Cove Creek Baptist Church The Krt. Carl Cook. Pastor 10 a m.?Sunday School. 11 a m?Preaching services th? irsl and third Sundays. Church Of Ood The Rev. A. L. Gardin. Pastor 1 SUNDAY ? 10:00 a m.?Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.?Worship Service. 7:30 p.m.?Evangelistic Service WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Y.P.E. FRIDAY? 7:30 p.m.?L.W.W B. Waynesville Presby terian Church The Rev. >1. R. Williamson. Pastor Edgar N. Plott, Supt. of Sun day School. SUNDAY? Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship. 11 00 o'clock. Sermon subject; "lit The Line of March'\ Speaal Palm Sunday music by the church choir. Youth Fellowship meeting at 6 30. Sulphur Springs Free Will Baptist Church Rev. W. I? Queen. Pastor George McCall. Supt, of S.S. SUNDAY? Sunday School?10 a. m. Morning Worship?11:00 a. m. Evening Worship?7:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting?7:00 p. in. Liberty Baptist Church The Rev. D. D. Russell. Pastor SUNDAY? 10 a.m.?Sunday School, Lloyd Teague. superintendent. 11 a m.?Morning sermon by the pastor. Everyone is cordially invited. ? Want ads bring quick results. Salvation Armv MOUNTAIN MISSION DISTRICT Drawer 629 Telephone 982-M-2 WAVKESVILLE. V C. MAX PATCH ROAD Major (. ecil Brown. Diatrirl Of ficer. I.leut. Doris VrOair, Assistant Lieut. Marjoric Key. Assistant. Blanch 1-owe. Secretary. Jean Krese. TcacliPr. Barbara Stokcly , Children 's Worker. ACTIVITIES: Pieachin? services, Sunday Schools, Y- H. Legion. Bible Classes, Ladies' Home League. Home visitation, in all Centers; CHURCHES: Maple Springs ? Headquarters. Shelton Laurel. Lit tle Creek. Bonnie Hill, Sleepy Val ley, and Timbtr Ridge. North Canton Baptist Church SUNDAY? 10 a. m.?Sunday School. 11 a. m.?Worship. Sermon by pastor. 7:30 p. m.?Worship. Sermon hy pastor. WEDNESDAY? 6:30 p. m.?Training Union and I orayer services. Olivet Baptist Church MAGGIE The Rev. John Willis, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:45 a.m.?Sunday School. Cor dell Bradley, Supt. 11 a.m.?Worship Service by Pastor. 7 p.m.?BTU 8 p.m.-?Worship Service. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m.?Prayer Meeting al Ihe church. Conducted hy Iliram Caldwell. SATURDAY 7:30 p.m. Cottage Prayer .Meet ing in the homes conducted hy lames Hall. Because no satisfactory engine could be bought, the Wright broth ers had one built in their own bi cycle shop to power their fir I air plane. Morning Star Methodist Church CANTON. Route 1 The Rev. Asmond Maxwell. PuU* MORNING STAR CHURCH SUNDAY? 10.00?Church School classes. ' George W. Smathers, Supt, 11:00?Morning Worship Serv ice. 7:00?Youth Fellowhslp meets. 8 00?Sunday Evening Fellow ;hip. , Thickety CDP To Meet April 2 At Oak Grove By MRS G J WILLIAMSON Community Reporter The Thickety Community De v opment Program meeting for \pi it w ill be held at Oak Grove Bap i-t Church Thursday, April 2, at 7.30. Tiie program committee, com p d of Rev. Francis Lunsford and Mis.- Jorretta McCreary, will have charge of the program. Re f: will be served by the host church. The refreshment com-: mi!