Wtkmm MNT AD HATES t type. ! Mill per ward. cltrlt 40 cents. iuf type, 3 rents per ninimum charge 60 size type, 50c olumn inch. (nits n III he published U to deslri-d schedule eitra charge. ^Trrti?enient? should be ted Immediately. The T.,n will not be re t for more than one t insertion. UTRTISEMENTS ARE \ ADVANCE. Cash must ?T orders sent by mail | most he in office be ?. m. on day before Ken to guarantee to be I ad section. I | wish to insert a want ad Ifphone TOO. NOIENTS see Haywood fcrt Co.. rc \t to Farmers te. on Asheville Road. H. R manager. Phone 1029 [ tf biii.ESS. nilnrv septic jjr ng. call Canton 3274 PJumbing Co. J 19-tf I FURNACE ? No payment, throe years . Free estimate. Auto- | ! Ilealin? Company, I | 11W. J 17 If )RS\I.K Hard wood <5no !md Ooen Air arkrt. ( .11 004. J 26-tf I, GFonCFl before you ] or trad ? tot", bour.es. ry:- of land. Phone tf H \ 10 Recap?$5.95 ex fiTO \ 15 Recap?$6.05 p IV'.- and rowan. O K. Welders. Balsam Road. Mar 5-tf 5-C room concrete block let water heater, wired rtv .1 appliances, Gar Btwfiil * t am- of land, located h c: \i. v 19 at Lake Jun Priceil to sell. Call Syl ir 256-.1-3 after 5 p.m. Mar 9-tf. ,N WANTED ? RAW BUSINESS AVAILABLE ord County and City of d'.le. S'art immediately, experience helpful but lired. Write at once for its Ravlrieh's. Dept. ?251, Richmond. Va. M 2-5-9-12-16-19-23-26: st-lites A BOON TO HIST COURTS and DRIVE-INS RAMSEY SIGN CO. Phone 6371 shpviiic. y. r. Vour Everyday IWARE AND NEEDS Shop OWEM/S UlDWAUE Howell, Owner Main SI. 1 jsed I 1BES A,I. SIZES ? T|S1 \( TlO\ ARANTEED t ?'*sale Prices the ?MS CO. Td Sims ^'"ska R?ad LAWNS f.OLLFD Now is (he time to have vour lawns rolled. We )me the roR rs $4.00 per hour. Pall us anv Un e Phone 1134. Alli-on Condruc- on Co" M l?-19-23-2(i APARTMENT FOR RENT~H~3 I rooms and hath **ra e apart ment, kitchen equipped Wi.h r.as range and r rigerator. C 1 1 ?? j er. Call lllo-J. m ;Y;'f WOOD FOR SALE _ D-'A, S5 00 a load. All ha-dwood' Phone 318-W. p FOR SALE?Singer Sewing Ma c-hints and other make - $30 up, all guaranteed, new ma chines the famous PhatT Dial-\ Stitch, easy terms. AKo Repair service for all makes. YORK SEWING SERVICE. Waynes-, ille Phone 803, Canton 5432. I" 2-; FOR SAL !?: ?icV at1 re 1 ... camp, stream, four, mile- i.. , Weyne.-'ville, c. \V . i 23, Sjlva, N. C. Mar K5-10-22-2( WE ARE OPEN from 6:20 a. m until 9:30 p. in. with fi0l)Cj dc. pcnd.able met ha ie i , i , Sinclair, parts an.I act ,ri washing and gre. in N rman' Garage, Phone 1150 [''. - Mar 12 t! FOR SALE?Tract of land located 2 miles West of tho Bethel vt!..,y cn the Waynesvillc hi-liv.aj \Prieed for quick sale. Roe-Mr D. H. Pcnland at (he \\\ Pi 'eon Food C ntcr. Mar 9-12-16"-19-23-20-30 A 2 FOR RENT?Ursfurnished 7-rpon cottage, $40 pot month." Mr w 1. Crawford, 411 Brpnnrr \ve. At 19-23-2v SMOKy AIOCNTAIN TREE SKEV ICE?Trimming, topping, remov ing. feeding and cavity work. All workmen are experienced and fully insured. Phone 229-W. A1 2-5-9-12-10-10-23-26-30 W/C HAVE CLST< )M lilts' for .... || Dairy Farms, Pasture Laud, a, ,t small Farms. List your prop -i v.ith us at reasonable pries - n 1 we will sell 11. Liner Real Ci tato and Insurance Comp-iv. Telephones 363 and 453. M 23-2(5-30 FOR RF.YT ?Steam heated, fu wished or unfurni lied - apart ?mw4, Contimwm, hot water. electric kitchen, two room.-: ml hath. One block from Pe ;'t ofil Couple preferred. Phone after 4 p.m.'316-W. y iD-tf ?"iu-c_ .iaJ HAYWOOD ELECTRIC SERVICE -Main Street Haudv.cod RICHLAND FINANCE CO. AUTOMOC-Lfc LOANS ? IlNANCiNG REFINANCiNG Let Us Finance Your Next Car At BANK RATES! Finance At Home With Us At Lower Kates "Get Our Plan Before You Ruy" TELEPHONE II 9 Boh Iirec:;c, M inu ter Mal i Sirret Wajnesvills L0?S I WANTED j We wiil purchase any quantity merchantable Hardwood Io<;s delivered to our mill at Ilazclwood. N. C. GENNETT LUMBER CO. ~-*r ~ ^ ^ 1 LOST: A two-skin Marten fur neck i i< ? at the First Melho di-t Church; Thursday at Wo man's Club meeting. Phone 749-M. Reward. M 23-26 SALESMAN WANTED to travel Wt-Jern North Carolina for of lue eouipmcnt and supply firm. | Si i e outside selling experience r ?qu.ted Excellent opportunity- ! !i. H. Kaiser & Co., 133 Main J St., Waynesville. Mar 23-26 SALji -1951 CMC '--ton pick-up. First class condition throughout. Only 17000 miles. New tags, original owner. Call i ( 29 or see at Fai mers Ex th. :i 'c in East Waynesvllle. F 9-tf il l : im Chevrolet! Twti-Dv or Sedan, A-l Me clKtrt'oal condition. Good tires. Heater. Looks and run- !'*: ?? new. Can be seen : t Ceu'ral Cleaners. $7t0.00.' i'Ills' he xf??-n to be an-| d. Dest llarcain in Town. Mch 19. 23, 26. 30 j ' SALE Six-room house, plas-. t- M'll. electric water heater, dou 1 sink, insulated, wired for ' i, an":\ Located in a nice 1 lot, coiner of Morgan and Caro le i St.. jla/clwood. Phone 1083. M 23-26 i 'P. i U i N \\ FLOOR SERVICE S' ' '1 finishing. Cleaning ami Waxing. Floors installed C-Delivery, Brevard, N. C. M 23-26 'Oil SALE Two 'boats, weighing about 100 ltv; each. Wood row A:<? or. lft. 2, Waynesvllle. M 23-'lfi dip C?n nrs - Draperies - Furniture t Iviletery. Also Fabrics, At the Little Perorating Shop in Can ton ? oppo.i' ? Canton Motnt Company. Phone Canton 2312. Mar 20 tf 'A'IKIt VS -- We sell, trade and rent cameras. This month's ???"?i-ial: FREE exposure guide wlili ev'iv camera purr based 1month Kaiser's Book Store. 1 ' Main St.. Wa.vnesville, N. C. M 26-30 A 2-6 FISHING AT FONT AN A FQATS FOR RENT AT GREASY BRANCH BOAT DOCK Boyd, Mqr. 11:. ii Right Off Backurr Branch Road p. U I 7Z~* 2,?M.2?I 4 J M mmy \ {.?-*? / \ Dh'-KWtti ii IAST MtTHOD AUTO / ) DRIVES TIAIW9M SCKOOl, INC ( / W?fc?(rtoii, O. C. ???.???? MM??*>?*? \ For Appointments Call Collect Lewin Medford Phone Canton 5210 resti- <a?roiiM.iiNii, ??? \VATKINS CHEVROLET USED CARS 1 r v 2-dr. FU'ctline I f ii-\4-door Fill';. i Mij ppod ? c ' . olot Pick-Up *70* I 9% ?:?. I'd 4-door *7Qf Pvllo r:nil Heater '? 40 (;M!' Heavy' Duly 'i-ton Trticl 895 Extra clean "iO Ponliao, 2-dnof. Radio and I eater. Ex Ira clean ') i , <1 ( ii - i > mi. 4-door NfinC Radio, Heater llPfclf 7 c \ii.4 1 Flrotllne SIC!) Radio & IH.def n Ford r. k-up 895 47 Ford Pick-Id' 69^ 47 n ' ? Ton 5Q*i Pick-Up Watkins Chevrolet Co. SALES & SERVICE Telephone 75 YVAYNESVILLE. N. C. a YOU MAY ENJOY Sweet. Delici ous Chestnuts once again by planting the New Chinese Blight resistant Variety, affording shade for the home grounds and pro ducing prolific crops. Two 2 to 3 ft.'Early-bearing Size Trees -Of fer No. 2-1?54.95. Postpaid. Two 5 to 7 ft. Bearing Size Trees ? Offer No. 2-18?$8 75. Express Collect. Write tor Free Copy 58 page Planting Guide catalog in color, offering extensive line Fiuit Trees. Nut Trees. Berry Plants. Grane Vines and Orna mental Plant Material. Sales people w'anted W A Y N E 8* BORO NURSERIES?YVAYN'ES BORO, VIRGINIA. M 26 FOR RENT Four room and bath house, furnished complete. N'ue garden area. Couple preferred. Located on Border Street. Phone 1292. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M 26-30 A 2 FOR SALE Household furnish ings priced for immediate sale? upright piano, 9 ft. refrigerator, tables, chairs, dressers, chests, bed splines. See Helen Ray. M 26 FOR SALE Stack hay. orchard grass and Lesptdeza. 1 red marc Mule, 8 vears old. Phone 1023-J. D. V. Francis. Kt. 3. Waynesville M 26-30 FOR ItFNT Nice 5-room house. 011 heat, convenient location. For Couple, or couple with one child Phone 288-M. M 2ti KOIt SALE?1 six-room House: 1 three room Apartment. 25 cer tified apple trees, cherry trees and grapes. Nice shrubbery and creek. Also 16 acre farm, 2(111 young apple trees. large siv iwim House. For a real bargain call 1192-J or see George Rog ers on latng Street. M :'t, FOR RENT Unfurnished four rooms and bath. Second floor duplex house. Outside entrance, heat and hot water included HaYwbod St. No children. Phone 12 J. W. Hay. M 26 AIT TION Saturday. March 28. 1 2:;:o to titfl ??. m. Solid mahogany ^p;?i?'t desk. t>t large china lamps, ovt rytuffec couch. loiinee tliair small metal porch table, andiron . porcl : v. in '. mimic extension diiiim table. 4 manic <1. r. chairs. coffee table, anjiciic oioturo-,, lira; ,Tnfl coperr ni?"ei s, bixih rliefi large rocker. tapo-iiv. ft?t screen. antique high chair churn, table easel, ome linen Tolc trav. new 9 foot porcl blind, decorative pieces, mlc tables, chairs and many other household poods. KI.ONHYKi: .4CCTION 475 Montford 'end "ft Avenue. AshevWe, N. C. KAHI.Y BIRD CASH DRAWING Mar 2( WANTED? A house fur nished or nartlv furnished hv April 4th. 4 or h rooms for permanent residents in nice location. Call nOR-J. Mch 2f YOUNG MEN WANTED Here's news for young men. Pay in the National Guard equals one-sixth ?f a Regular Army soldier's base |i;iv. Investigate to day. Call TANK COMPANY 120th. INFANTRY. Phone 118. Library Notes Margaret Johnston County l ibrarian Films during February were used 33 times being shown to an audi en.e ot' 7.090 people. The funds for this program in North Caro lina are apart of the State Aid Fund for Public Libraries. It is also, being used in Haywood County to help buy books, operate the Hook- j mobile and pav the Librarian's sal ary. Incidentally, to the Slate Aid ] Fund for Public Libraries goes the : credit for our having a County , Library. It served as a stimulating 'fund for the County Commission er, and Waynesville Town Alder men to attempt county-wide serv ice back in !1>44. This year Hay wood County is receiving 1/3 of its total budget from this fund and it plaj - a big part in helping ns to give you the service you arc now getting. At present in our State Legisla ture, the Joint Appropriations con sidered the State Aid request March Mb and approved the Ad visory budget Commission's roe mviiundaliotis of $414(173 and $414.9(17 for the next liiennium. Have > ou ever expressed your ippreeiaiton to the County Coin Mission, the Town Aldermen or to he Legislator . or the Library Hoard for the Library'.' They are all . i r; anxioii to improve service, but they need your support and our thinking in order to plan fully tor nn up-to-date and ade tuatc library program. Machines Filter t he Hen House NKW YOHK (API -?More and more the machine i; getting into Ire poultry business. There are ?adl'cts which pick olT the feath >i s. tlehcak liens w hich peck each .tiller.. ami sort ecus, lieeeptly a racier device has been added vh cb pulls a ? et of long revolv 11" tee h to stir u|> the litter in a ?liii I en house. ?'OR SAI.K Practically niw Boy Set u( explorer's uniform and I'ainv iiracll suit, size 14. Call 36ft .I, M 26 KOR Itf N'T 5 room apt. Steam healed. Call 1/&4-W. Myrtle Kav Mch 26 M ?'OR SM.fi -2 Milch Cows. Price i< rnyble. Call 257-.). -Mch 26 Kilpatrick - Felmct REAL ESTATE PHONE KM) CARPENTERS Have nil of your raw* filed on our precision mnrh-ine. Mechanically accurate joint- ilSs/Tr"" Stiff. flliof ?? n d getting. 17' 1 They'll cut cleaner, truer, IJ *' Wr. t] CARL'S SHARPENING SERVICE Tel. 742 N. Main Strret Kast VVayuesville 4-11 Holds Regular .Meet The regular monthly meeting of the East Wjynesville school 4-lt Club was held last Friday Johnny Uarrell entertained the group with several songs, and l<a ' Kirkpatrick narrated a brief t y of St. Patrick. Woo Children With Color RALEIGH (APt?Color plnvs n important role in child Mm ior, says Julia Mclver. State Coll: v extension clothing specialist in selecting children's clothing, she advises choice of gay. lively colors but not harsh or gaudy combina tions. Prints w ith colored b. k ground or all-over patterns do not show girl or wrinkles as do solid or white materials. Play costumes, like coy boy suits, can made flame-resistant by lin ing three ounces of boric acid dis solved in two quarts of hoi wat Do not rinse; repeat after launder ing. PUBLIC NOTICE The public will take notice that the Boani of Aldermen of tlve Town of Ha/clwnod will on the 14 day of April. 1953. at 7 30 o'cWvk p.m., in the Town Hall, in- accord ance with the authority granted in section 153-9 (171 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, under take the consideration of .i re .o1u tion to close all of Cedar Street and that portion of Brook Street Ivine and being between Tommy ftudi sili's Nnrtlt corner, through the School Property and Lynn Street All abutting property owners are hereby notified to appear at said meeting to pre < nl any oh hctlons that they may have with respect to the closing of raid Streets. This the 12th day of March. 1953 .1 It. CARSVVr.l.L, Town Clerk. 2294 M 12-19-2(1 A 3. AuVk.BTISKMUNT 1'Olt RIDS On March 20th, 1953, Plans and Specifications will he available for distribution from the office of th \rrhitect. l.lndsey Madison (iudu r, 52 Carter Street. Asheviile. North Carolina, for the General Contract for a Sewage Disposal System for the Maggie Elementary School Building for the Bo.trrt nf Education of Haywood County. V C Plans may be received upon ippllcation by interested cm tr.t tors and upon deposit of $3.0 00 Bids will be received in the Office of Mrs. Lucy Boyd. Kir 'in tendent of Schools. Haywood C >ti ? }'ty Courthouse, Wayncsville, N C at 11:00 A.M.. on the morning of March 31st. IMS. All bids must b - .in-ompanied by a bid guaran Iro in the amount of 5T of the hiil price, in the form of a certi li d chock drawn on a bank or trust ompauy insured by the Federal D "n-it Insurance Corporation or ., bid bond executed by a Bonding l\ mpany authorized to do business n North Carolina \ completion bond will be re f[..ircd to be given by the Con ti etor* who are awarded the Con ict. to be approved by the County attorney. Bids will be opened in public at : .? time designated above. I'i;.!- - and Specifications may be os imind al the office of the Ar I'.uieet or ;.l the office of the Own. i The Board of Kducation of Hay wood Counts . County Court house. Wayncsville, N. C. The lull amount of the plan de ?i" .1 wiil he returned to Imuih fide bidders unon receipt of the plans m! specifications in good condi tion within 10 days after bids are ii \td. non-bidders will receive : the pi n deposit less the cost of y i hitiii: and mailing under the same conditions. Mi .in i BO Mil) OF EDUCATION OF HAYWOOD COUNTY It- Mi l.uc> Boyd. Secretary. ?iron M 26 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA II WttOOD COUNTY Tiie undersigned, having quali (i il a Administratrix of the estate i .1 It Hannah, deceased, late of HaywoodCuunlv, this is to notify ill pci hi having claims against ?ml cMale to present them to the SEMINOLE undersigned or or before the 36th day of March 1934. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thetr re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment to the undesign ed, at Route No. 2, Wayncsvillc. North Carolina. This the 26th day of March. 1953. MK?> DORA HANNAH Administratrix. 2301 ?M 26 A 2-9-16-23-30 ?????????????? / ATTENTION CAR OWNERS Slick Tires Are Dangerous ? Have Them RECAPPED TODAY! At WALKER ESSO SERVICE ! j~????j|???yg? I WANTED RXPI'HIKNCED, SOBER. RESPONSIBLE MAN OR s| WOMAN TO OPERATE COUNTRY CLUB SNACK t BAR ON SALARY ? APPLY IN PERSON TO G. M. KIMBALL At Country Club Office Wjhj v DOGWOOD WANTED Lengths: 20 - 40 - 00 inches. Diameter: 5 inches and up. Logs with red heart, hollow, or dote in center must have 2Vz inches or more of sound white wood. Grade: 20 inch lengths?must he free from defects. 40 in ! lengths?may have 1 defect (center of holt). (i0 i:v'i J ngths?may have 2 defects (18 inches between defects). Payment: Cash on delivery. Contact: Tom Lee, 444 N. Main St.-Tel. 97 Agent For Draper Corp. THK FLOP FAMILY By SW AN _J OH, QFfM? THE<*?"5 NOT * LEFT IKiTrte H005? TO POT TtHE^E. FLOtOEf?$ VN\ . .I N M *TtV?-v ' V. f * l ?? r WON ' r'l.m ? ^ ?/l? " ??--?-?? ? ? *- . I - \ kokqo i ouK ie?n \^> T0MI6HT-VLL 0? QOe</^L^'$ NOVO UiHEKVL THt SA HVL\_ IT f V # 7TJ7/~^?-V nt-M. ftNWIHIW& -?r\m^'?F ^ &ovouh6 MYKTIJ; KICJIIT ABOUND HOME By DUDLEY FKHEI * 1 ry?. r :? . _ 1 I " \ / J 1'.^ ? ... ' / IP IT WS7E MiNE, X - W / lA/rrtA/T^x / ID OE'.\AND T.AT \ f WOW f X I MVI?TLE "A-rS T W^'S MEAT is 1 0ACt< N T;J? KiTCHEM / H 50 TOUGH I / \ AND C00< IT , / I CA\ u -\PDlV N V 5q\^i= \\Oi?E. ) I SET AW TEET-I ) ? '?~*Js ^ t MOT OS YOLi? LIFE! f HiP 'rsrD? \ , I TRIED J ( 0 0K" 5 S TJAT idea i V TE-.o::?ir T / T~"-^K' . ______ , . . I I ? ?;? v ? i v ??- '? ' . ""

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