* rUBLISHF.D EVERY MONDAY PA UK SIX The Pigeon Valley News -= i \roas West Pieeon East Pigeon, Center Pigeon, Stanley Cove, Cruso an Monday Amu, News .t Six Community Deve.opmen, Area,^ ___ Students Present Easter . Play At Bethel School Members of Mrs. Delma Phoe nix- homeroom at Bethel School presented a program on the Cruci fixion and Resurrection of Christ last week. The pageant, "Were vou there When they Crucified My Lord," was accompanied with music furnished by members of the class. Among those taking part were Ray Johnson, Wade Inman, Law rence Trull, Hex Harkins, Phillip Gibbs, Gerald Owens and Carl Chastain. # Rosemayr West and James Wil son sang a duet, and "The Lord's Prayer" was sung by Mr. Painter. Rosemary also presented a read ing from Ben Hur entitled "The Crucifixion." The pageant is an interpreta tion from the New Testament of the events of Passion Week and of persons whose lives were last touched by Christ as He was sent to Calvary. Howard Trull was narrator and Pauline Sheppard was pianist. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Tuesday, April 7?Baseball, Hen dersonville, there. Wednesday, April 8?Home Eco nomics fashion show. Thursday. April 9?School Tal ent Show. Friday. April 10 ? Beta Club meeting in Asheville. Monday, April 13?Movie on top ie( "Law as Profession". SACRED PROGRAM Friday, April 3. Miss Moody and Mr. Calloway's 6th grades gave a sacred program. Rev. C. L. Bisselt. pastor of the Bethel Baptist church, was in charge of the sacred - music. Mrs, Bissett played the ; piano for the sixth grade. Carl Painter sang "The Lord's Prayer" and James Wilson and . Rosemary West sang a duet. The sixth grade used the Bethel Baptist church to practice their tnusic. PICNIC PLANNED Mr. Juno E. Pratt high school teacher at Bethel, and his home t imni junior _group. is. planning. a picnic to be held at the Pink Beds in Pisgah Forest. The group will meet together and leave bv cars at four o'clock Wednesday evening. Mr. Pratt will be chaperone. SPRING HILL PROGRAM The intermediates of the Spring Hill Church were ill charge of ser vices Sunday night. The main speaker was Jerry Foster. This week the church will start a study course. The topic of which the study course will be built a round is "Winning Others to Christ." KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS WASTE When kidney function slows down, MMUkJf folks complain of nagging backache, loss of B-p and energy, headaches and dizziness. on't suffer longer vyith these discomforts if reduced kidney functidn is getting you down?due to such common causes as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pills?a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. While often otherwise caused, it's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts?nelp the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today! Doan s Pills /. ????? Announce Honor Roll For Sixth Month Of School By FRANCES ROBINSON Persons making the A honor roll at Bethel during the sixth month of school are as follows; 12th grade; Jimmy Lee McLem ore, Jean Kelly, Frances Robinson, Bobby Mease, and Thomas Rhod armer. Uth grade: Jimmy Campbell and Rosemary West. 10th grade; Oleen Massie and Wilson Chambers. 9th grade; Christopher Bram lette, Max Shepherd. Ava Jean Flenson, and Neal Kelly. 8th grade: Robert Fleming, Hil da Grogan, and Martha Pleinmoiv 7th grade: Aurelia Morgan, Re becca Shuler ,and Bruce Singleton. 6th grade: Joan Russell, Janice Frady, Carolyn Sue Wilson, Jer ry Wells, Jean Burke, Sandra West, Bruce Haynes, Lucy Ann Russell, Annette Cooke, and Lorna Norris, 5th grade: Kenneth Cathey, Bil ly Rhodarmer. Joy Wells, Larry Chambers, Patsy Kuykendal), Bar bara Jean Nix. Linda Lee Phillips, and Sandra Sheffield. 4th gride; Mary Sue Pessley. 3th grade: Rebecca Henson, Lin da Games, and Johnny Burnettc. 2nd grade: Jean Burnettc. Lin da Heaver, Ilazel Frizzell, and Di ana Smathers. 1st grade: Darrell Fore Jeff Deitz, Gerald Games, Mike Os borne. Allen Rogers, Evelyn Iluff j man, Evelyn Rose McCcit, Helena : Rogers, Mike Buchanan, Barbara Black. Judy Pressley. Berry Rig don, Melissa Clarke, Rita Holland. Evelyn Edwards. David Wells, Ron ny West, and Ronald Free, LEARNER'S CLASS The Learners Class of the Bethel Presbyterian Chureh will meet j each afternoon of this week at 3:15 p. m. in Mrs. Cathey's room in the Bethel School. The class is for the puroose of preparing people for full church membership. Rides home will be provided after the cla?s. The director of the class is Archie C. Graham, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. . IMPROVING Michael Osborne, who was in an uitoniobile accident, has returned home and is doing nicely. He is a member of the first grade class at Bethel. CAPITOL TRIP The Beta Club and The Student Council are planning a trip to Washington. They plan to go the second week of April. Miss McEl hannon and Mr. Pratt are going with the group as supervisors. If not enougti members go, there will be an invitation to the seniors. NINTH GRADE A play, "Betty's Paris Hat," was presented by members of Mr. Wilson's homeroom recently. Those taking part were Ruth Ellen Hensen, Barbara Recce, Neal Kelley, Hubert Pressley, Christy Bramlett, jPatrieia Teague, Margaret Sherrill, Martha Press ley. Ava Jean Hcnsori, Joan Shef field, and Vida Lee Green. HONOR STUDENTS The four honor students who were chosen in Mrs. Shipman's room this month were: Libby Mes ser, Joan Green, Thomas Shipman and Caroll Haney. They were re warded with theater passes for this week. Student Of The Week ?- . By IMO J K AN POWELL Billy Joe Shytle. a senior at Bethel i the son of Mr. and Mrs. ' C. I. Shytle of Canton, itoute 2. He ha; attended P.ethel Sehool sev en of hi twelve vears in school. During his four years of high school, lie ha -belonged to the fol lowing clubs: Journalism Club '2 years); Dramatic- Club fl year): 4-M Club 2 year >; and the Student Patrol it year). After graduation, Billy plans to pursue work in a nearby factory. Horticultural Specialist Is HDC Speaker H\ FRANCES ROBINSON John Harris, Horticulture Spec ialist from North Carolina State College, spent Thursday, March 2t>lh with the Home Demonstra tion Club of Center Pigeon, and at 1:30 he gave a demonstration with, Ijde.e and a lecture on "Land scaping and Making Our Lawns and Yards Beautiful." The meeting was held in the basement 'of the First Baptist Church in Canton. Center Pigeon was represented at the meeting bv four Home] Demon1 trartfm Club women. They were Mrs. Hay ties Henson, Mrs. H. F Presslev, Mrs. Ray Haynes, and Mrs. H. L. Foster. Bethel Safety Club Plans First Aid Room Ry G \IL REVIS and JANE SMATHERS The Safety Club of Bethel High School, under the direction of Mor ris Humgarner. club sponsor, has J been planning the requirements of I a First Aid room. They selected one i member of the club who took the First Aid Course to stay in the room one hour each day when they have a free period. Some of the things they planned for the room were as follows: Alcohol, band aids, cotton, gauze, tape, iodine, scissors, triangle band ages, and petroleum jelly. RF.THF.I, STUDENTS HAVE VARIED EASTER EVENTS By SARAH RFF.CF, ! Friday, April 3. was a big day | for grammar grades of Bethel. Following the parties, there were several egg-hunts. The entire school enjoyed a wonderful Easter play Friday morning. The play was given by Mrs. Dellma Phoenix's homeroom. j .?A- V,' SIXTH GRADE Mr. Calloway's sixth grade room enjoyed a hike Friday. The stu dents enjoyed studying and look ! ing at all the beautiful things ! which nature has made possible. The group returned to the school house in time to catch theii I buses to go home. There are about 100 kinds ol j toads. EVERY BUSINESS CAN . . . 'fenituj &tn . . . With The New Radiant Outdoor POST - LITES For Complete Information Contact Joe Ramsey RAMSEY SIGN CO. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS Center Pigeon News Events By FRANCES ROBINSON The residents of Evans Road were happy to learn that their road will be included in the Llacktopping program. Mrs. Turner Russell, Sr. of Asheville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gregory, of Evans Road, from tiie 15th .to' the 28th of March. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Price will start the building of their new home on the site where their past home was standing in the near future. 1 ?? Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mathls are adding new rooms to their home, which is on the Pigeon River Koad. The Rev. Jack Huneycutt, who is the District Superintendent of the Waynesville District, delivered the sermon at Long's Methodist Church, on Sunday, March 29. Mrs. Ora Shiprnan is recovering from a surgical operation in the Haywood County Hospital. Mrs. Willy Grant, who under went an operation at the Haywood County Hospital, has recovered. On Tuesday, March 24, a baby ! shower was given to Mrs. Carl Henson. The hostess at the shower was Mrs. Woodrow Stapleton. Mrs. Bill Kinsland and Mrs. Ralph Evans were in charge of the Easter Program for Long's Metho dist Church. The program was pre sented Easter morning at the church. Mrs. Hascue Kinsland. who is a resident of Murray Road, has un dergone an operation at Victoria Hospital in Asheville. Mrs*. E. J. Penner. who has been ill at her home with an anemic condition is recovering. Dickie Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jones, who live on the Henson Cove Road, is recover ing from a lengthy illness. Mike .Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne of Evans Road, who was injured Tuesday, ] March 24, when he fell from the back door of the family automo bile, has been brought from the hospital and placed in the care of his grandmother, who is a prac tical nurse. He will be able to attend school j in about 10 days. David Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Henderson, and a former student at Bethel, is home on leave from service for twenty days. He has served in the Navy for five years. During his five years in the Navv he has made two trips to Korea, one of which he stayed eight months. After his leave of absence is uf> he will ro to Rhode Island to at tend Torpedoman School. Mrs. Cnnnie Murray underwent an operation at Mission Hospital in Asheville on April 2. Mrs. Harry Singleton is recup erating from her illness at home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smathers have just returned from their va cation in Florida, where they were i visiting friends. Since the motion of the earth is ' changed by the influence of the noon and by the other planets, it does not follow the same orbit ; around the sun in one year that it did in the previous year. BiXmi It s something to think about!" I Yes, growing up nnd getting started in life is quite a job. Mommy and Daddy nre making it easy for me . . . they've opened an insured savings account for me and are adding to it regularly. By the time I'm grown, my savings will be a pretty big sum ready for college or business. It's something to think about!" Deposits To 10th Will F.arn From 1st HAYWOOD HOME BUILDING <S LOAN ASSN. L. N. Davis, Sec.-Treas. Phone 17 /? ; i*| ??? I Main St. I Personal Mention <? Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bovell of At-j lantic Beach, Fla and son. Gerald, of Charlotte, spent the weekend in | Waynesville visiting friends. ? * * Charles Messer is here from Riv erside Military Academy to spend the Easter holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messer. * * * Joe Liner, Jr., student at Fish burne Military Academy, Waynes boro. Va., is spending the Easter vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Liner. ? ? * Miss Betsey Lane Quinlan. who has spent the past three months in Florida, returned to her home last week. ? ? * Lt. and Mrs. Jack Hogan and children, Sylvia and Sara, of Columbus, Georgia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hogan for the Easter weekend. ? * ? George Dewey Stovall was here from Davidson College to spend the Easter weekend with hi' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Stovall. * * * I Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Harrison of High Point and their son, Nat Harrison, Jr., who is stationed at Sumter, S. C., spent the weekend at their home at Lake Junaluska. ? ? * Miss Nadine Clark of Evanston, Illinois is spending a few daysiat Lake Junaluska with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Clark. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Michaels and son, Jimmy Michaels, and Johnny Carter, all of Durham were week end guests of Mrs. Michaels' moth er, Mrs. R. II. Blaekwell. Mrs. Michaels is remaining for a long er visit. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fowler, who have spent the winter months in St. Petersburg, Fla., have returned to their home on the Eagle's Nest Road. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Way of Raleigh spent the Easter weekend ; with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. i H. Way and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie. I * * * Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shelton and little daughter, Karen, have re turned to their home in Marietta. Ga., after spending a week with the former's mother, Mrs. O. H. Shelton. * * * Miss Alda Lee Boyd of New York City is here to spend this' week with her aunt, Mrs. Oliver Shelton. * * * Jerome Boyd. Joe Howell, and Phil Lowe, all students at State Baptist Circles Plan Meetings Circles of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. as follows: Fannie E. S. Heck Circle with Mrs. Grace Thoirfas. Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle with Mrs. O. C. James. Annie Armstrong Circle with Miss Mamie Clayton. Ann Hasseltine .Unison Circle with Mrs. R. S. Roberson. Lottie Moon Circle with Mrs. J. E. Riggins. Eliza Yates Circle with Miss Maude Howell. College, spent the Easter week end with their parents. ? * * Mrs. Ralph Prevost and her daughters, Lane and Joan Prevost, left this morning to spend a few days with relatives in Atlanta.: They were accompanied by Jimmy] Swift, who will return to his studies at Georgia Tech after visit-! ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Swift. * * ? Miss Joan Morris is here from Brenau College to spend the Eas ter vacation with her parents, Mr ! and Mrs. Ronald Morris. ,? ? ? Walter Taliaferro, who is attend ing Lees-McRae College at Banner Elk. spent the Easter weekend withi his mother, Mrs. Janie Love Talia ferro. * ? * Malcolm Williamson, Jr., student! at Davidson College, spent Easter with his parents. * * ? Miss Rosemary Herman left this, morning for Mary Washington Col-, lege in Fredericksburg, Va. where she is a member of the faculty. Miss Herman spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Her man. * * * Letter To Editor (Continued from Page 2) that the citizens of the country hope that you in the Town of: Waynesville will not vote back! again beer. Respectfully yours, J. BRACK JAMES, Clyde. APPRECIATION FOR CHERO KEE EDITORIAL Editor The Mountaineer: On behalf of the Board of Trus-j tees of the Cherokee Historical As sociation. Inc., I want to thank you personally for your interest and1 opinions expressed in your Editori-I al of the March 30th issue. As you know, there is a wide dif ference of opinion, but few people! of the general public appreciate the! expense of preparing and distribut ing tourist information and litera ture. The issue has become con fused by reason of our using this! service as a credit to wipe out an! existing obligation. Perhaps it would have been bet-i ter to pay the debt and ask for an appropriation from the State for] operating the information service.: It all amounts to the same thing,! but we would not have been ac i tused of establishing a precedent. Yours sincerely, J. L. Kilpatrick. Trustee. ? ' AGAINST BEER Editor's note?The Mountaineer acknowledges a lengthy letter to the editor from Mrs. A. L. Yar-j t borough, of Lake Junaluska. The letter exceeds the 300-word; j limit, as set up under the policyi of this newspaper, and therefore' i is not being published. One state-j | ment, in our opinion, was also libelous. Mrs. Yarborough discussed at; length the evils of strong drink. Fines Creek CDP iTo Meet Thursday The Fines Creek CDP will meet at 3 p.m. Thursday at the school. WSCS At Long's Chapel Elects New Officers By FRANCES ROBINSON On April 2, at Long's Methodist Church. Mrs. Millard Ferguson who is the District Secretary of Spiritual Life of the W. S. C. S. was the guest speaker at the April meeting of Long's W. S. C. S. Her tfllt on Spiritual Life was enpoyed by everyone. Following the interesting talk, the business session of the meet : ing was held and new officers were I elected. The following are the new ex ecutive officers: Mrs. Bill Kins land, president; Mrs. Jess Smath ers, vice-president; Mrs. Robert j Pruett, secretary and treasurer; and Mrs. James Cook, Mrs. John Blaylock and Mrs. Bob Pruett, j hostesses. MORE ABOUT Rollman (Continued from page 2) one-world government will come, ' probably in the normal course of a progressing world civilization, without any bloodshed. But to put a tremendous amount of energy now into a one-world government would be a grave mistake. At present we have to channel our energy into establishing a firm foundation for broader internation 1 al cooperation. We must first raise the standard of living, of health, of education, of fellowship, all over the world to the standard known in the United States, contain Com munism to the places where it is now, and even hope to stamp out Communism in Russia. Then, in a few years from now, let's start talking about one-world govern ment and then ag^in, let's not just talk about it, let's take the neces sary action. At that time the mem bers of the popular movement can start a one-world government in a very, very short time. A world government to promote 1 the mutual interests of the various nations, as our own national gov 1 ernment promotes the mutual in I terests of the individual States. No congress or administration i can go further or faster than we, I the people, want to go. We want to ; go fast and we want to go far. We ! want to make better people out of ourselves and we want to improve the lives of 2 billion other people. It can be done and. it will be done if we. the people, are ready to start living. The road to hell and war is pav ed with nothing but good inten I tions. The road to peace is paved with nothing but sacrifices and | good works. (To be continued) I ? ' ? If you wish to find out more about the Popular Movement ol WORLD CONSTRUCTION or wish to take an active part in this or ganization, please phone Waynes ville 600 anytime between 8:36 A. M. and 5 P. M. on weekdays. Or write to WORLD CONSTRUC TION, Box 140, Waynesville. Regu lar study groups are being held evenings at 8 P.M. at 403 Church St., Waynesville. Virginia has enough coal reserves to last 500 years at the present rate of consumption. A duck-billed platypus in captiv ity will eat 800 angleworms a day I besides other food. Gift Shop WiU Open In C. Pig Community Mrs. W c. Murriy ? on Henson Cove Kuad ? ter Pigeon Communitj , her Gift Shop Tuesdat Mrs. Murray has a ll of gifts to be purch2 them being crociZJ pieces, aprons, po, hol7 pillow cases, different i shower gifts, and ' cards. Mrs Murray is the py. the Home Demonstratm the Community. an(1 tk( er also She has uun m In the fairs which ha)f i at Bethel High School a has entered her maa? crafts. She expressed her a?a all of her friends at tne, her Gift Shop L. R. Arrington N Serving In Koreai WITH THE 2D INFANT IN KOREA?Army M >5 R. Arrington. whose lives at 3341 N. Mullen Si Wash., recently arrived i and is now serving with tl fantry Division The 2d Division captim break Ridge in October took "Old Baldv las: Arrington was station^ Lewis. Wash:, before hs assignment. A veteran of World I wears the Bronze Star 1 European - African-Middle Theater Medal and (he A cific Theate Medal His mot hi. Mrs If 1 ton, lives on Route 1. Many raindrops cany charges, most of which h shown to be positive ... the letters stsrt. Th all over the free world ta comments as these Iroa of THE CHRISTIAN K MONITOR, an internatiaat newspaper: "The Monitor is maa i ing lor stroigkidm people. . . "I returned to ukeoli lapse o) IS fears. I ad my degree from ike d but my education f from the Monitor... "The Monitor gives an for my work.... "I truly enjoy ps pony. . . You, too, will find tl* informative, with rorapl* news. You will disrora atructive viewpoint in ere story. Use the coupon b?lo? h cial Introductory subseitl 3 months for only 13 Th? Christian Science Moni'f^ One. Norway Si.. 8e?ic" Please lend me ?n lutredertrfl lien to The Chri.iun 7* ksuei. 1 encloie 13. (name) (addrtu) (oily) His pEfiSQ/Ajr Telephone. Only little Tommy hai a telephone of his **1 own. Mom, Dad, Sister and Brother all use d# . one Southern Bell provides, t That's a different way of saying they get1 family size value in the telephone. It serves tfc whole family at one reasonable price. Southern Bell _ Telephone and Telegraph

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