: * CLUBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ACTIVITIES 1 Office Phone 700 ? MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor ? Home Phone 44B-J Maggie Club To Assist In T.B. Clinic The Maggie Home Demonstra tion Club was one of many Hay wood County home demonstration clubs to vote unanimously this week to assist with the T.B. Chest X^Ray Clinic. Maggie Club volun teer will work in two-hour shifts during the entity two-day period. May 22 and 23. Other business covered in the meeting Thursday at the home of its president, Mrs. Hubert Evans, included a report by Mrs. R. L. Clement, secretary, on the Craft Workshop held April 23 at the home of Mrs. Tom Graslj. Hand stenciled bibs were made as souv enir gifts for the maternity ward of the Haywood County Hospital. This project was in observance of National Home Demonstration Week. Plans were also made to co operate with the Hospital Open House May 12. Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent, gave the month's demonstration on food conservation. Mrs. Jim Plott, foods and nutrition leader, dis cussed the use of powdered milk solids for balancing a home diet. She demonstrated its delicious pos sibilities with candy made from the powdered milk. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. L. Clement. ? * * Fairview Club To Send Delegates To Camp Schaub The Fairview Home Demonstra tion Club, which met Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Allen Hyatt, will send two delegates to the Handicraft Camp, to be held June 2. 3 and 4 at Camp Schaub. Mrs. R. J. Fowler and Mrs. Thad Chafin will attend, with Mrs. Law rence Davis as alternate. Mrs. Fowler presented plans for the year's craft activities to culmin ate in Achievement Day. These were unanimously accepted. Mem bers also volunteered to assist with the X-Ray Tubercular Clinic to be held in the county. The home agent Cave a demonstration on food con servation, after which a delightful social hour was enjoyed. '"^Wffs. Alna Hyatt served as co ho-Aea.-v JEred Plott m-eM dent, ledthe meeting! JMrs.Hyatf Rave the devotional. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Kyle Campbell. * * * Mrs. Allison And Mrs. Haynes Give Program Mrs. Fred S. Allison and Mrs. Richard Haynes presented a pro gram on Conservation and Organic Gardening at a meeting of the Mountain View Garden Club, Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Joe Massie. Mrs. James E. Fender, new president, presided and reports were made on the recent flower show held by the club. Prior to the program luncheon was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Massie, Mrs. J. H. Howell, Jr., and Mrs. W. M. Cobb. Guests were Mrs. John Smathers, Jr., Miss Louise Ballard, and Mrs. Border. ? ? * Mrs. Elizabeth Meade has re turned to her home here after spending the winter in Miami and Clearwater, Florida and Sumter, South Carolina. She has as her guest a nephew, Haynsworth Sand ers of Charleston, S. C. ? * ? Robert Campbell spent the week end at his home in Charlotte. Bride - Elect ' >? ? . V-a, The engagement of Miss Agnes Irene Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Russell of Waynesville, Route 3, to David Joe Smath ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Smathers of Leicester. Route 2. has been announced by the parents of the bride. The wedding will take nlace Mav 14. Home Demonstration Clubs Name New District Officers New officers were elected at the | annual meeting Friday of District | III Federation of Home Demon-! stratioif Clubs in the First Metho-j dist Church, Hendersonville. Mrs. R. L. Cansler, Transylvania, was appointed chairman; Mrs. Mack Rogers, Henderson. 1st vice chairman; Mrs. Henry Francis, Haywood. 2nd vice chairman; Mrs. Joe Norman, Transylvania, secre Mrs. Ttrtbefl TtTlk#1e.*TTen-, derson, treasurer; Mrs. Henry Garner, Haywood, historian. They were installed by Miss Nell Ken nett, Western District Home Agent, and the meeting was conducted by, Mrs. L. J. Cannon, chairman. Arthur Stupka, Park Naturalist tor the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park, was guest speaker, in troduced by Mrs. H. L. Cansler. vice-president of the Transylvania Council. Mr. Stupka gave an il lustrated lecture on the flora and fauna of the Great Smokies. Miss Ruth Current, State Home Agent, also spoke 011 club work in the state and was introduced by Mrs. Mack Rogers of Henderson county. The meeting opened with the singing of "America, The Beauti ful." Mrs. John T. Neal, Transyl vania county, gave the devotional. Welcome was extended by Mrs. L. F. Saltz, president of the Hender son county Council of Home Dem onstration Clubs, D. W. Bennett, Henderson county Farm Agent, and E. L. Roper, president of the Cham ber of Commerce. Mrs. Logan White, Haywood county, responded. Greetings were extended by E. E. McBride, Chairman of Hender son County Board of Commission ers, A. V. Edwards, Mayor of Hen dersonville, Mrs. H. Walter Fuller, Hendersonville Woman's Club, and Mrs. Eva U. Yancey, President of the N. C. Federation of Home Dem onstration uiuds. Special music was given by the Transylvania County Chorus, with Mrs. George Yehling, director, and Mrs. Boyce Bishop, accompanist. Following luncheon in the church basement with Henderson county ladies as hostesses, county reports were given. Mrs. Henry Garner, Haywood county, served as chair man and gave 1 lay wood's report. Mtss' RtWHPna -ftoblnson, Canton, gave the 4-H Club report. All re ports were emphasized by the use of colored slides, and a quartette composed of Mrs. J. E. Burnette. Mrs. H. O. Champion, Mrs. Hoy Medford and Mrs. James 1). Mc Clure introduced the reports in skit, form. Reports of committees were heard from the chairmen: Resolutions. Mrs. Herman Rahn, Transylvania county; courtesy, Mrs Denton Browning. Haywood county, nominating, Mrs. Carl Brannon Henderson county; registration. Mrs. Anderson Banks, Henderson county. Haywood county received the gavel for having the largest per cent of club members present, 163 ladies from Haywood attended, 66 from Transylvania and 100 from Henderson county. Mrs. Carl Medford extended an invitation to the Federation to hold their 1954 meteing in Haywood county. The group adjourned by singing "Blessed Be the Tie that Binds." * * ? Long's Chapel Guild Will Meet Wednesday The Wesleyan Guild of Long's Chapel Methodist Church will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the home of Mrs. Hugh Leather wood on the Waynesville Highway. Mrs. John S. Makuata will be co hostess. The program will'be presented by Mrs. Fred Harron and Mrs. Paul Sutton. . * * * Col. Harry Crawford has return ed from a visit to friends at Camp Gordon, Georgia. ? * * LIVING ROOM LITTER ... Don't lot ovory monitor of tho family drop wrapt and | toyt oil ovor tho houto. Toach Individual tldinott. THE WAYNESVILLE f COUNTRY CLUB DINING ROOM is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC M - BUFFET ON SUNDAY NIGHT . j Call For Reservations i Dellwood Club Entertains At Afternoon Tea Members of the Dellwood Home Demonstration Club were hostess- ; es for club presidents and one in vited guest and prospective club members at a tea at the home of ! Mrs. Sam McCrary Thursday af ternoon. Receiving at the door with Mrs. McCrary were Mrs. W. D. Ketner and Mrs. T. V. Wells, chib presi dent. Assisting with serving were Mrs. Dale Ketner, Miss FSnnie Campbell, Mrs. J. A. Singleton, Mrs. Sam Potts, Mrs. Taylor Fer guson and Mrs. R. M. Ferguson. Approximately 50 guests called during the afternoon. The dining table was decorated with spring flowers carrying out the club's colors of yellow and CAR Chapter Has Meeting The Joseph Howell Society, Chil dren of the American Revolution met Monday afternoon in the home >f Carey and Harden Howell. Mrs. L. K. Barber, senior pres ident of the group, was in charge af the program. The flag ceremony was conducted by Lynn Kilpatrick, Carey Howell, ind Harden Howell. Mrs. Barber read an article on 'he White House in Washington .vhich told of additions and im provements to the building from the time of its construction to the iresent time. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. J. H. Howell. Sr., former senior president; Mrs. J. H. Kirk aatrick. Jr., and daughter, Sara Kirkpatrick. The hosts were assisted during the social hour by their mother, Mrs. J. H. Howell, Jr. * * * Key Club Will Have Banquet At Spaldon's The first annual installation ban quet and Ladies' Night will be held by the Key Club of the Way nesville High School at Spaldon's Restaurant tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The club, sponsored by the Ki wanis Club, is composed of around forty boys from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. The guest speaker tonight will he Robert Winchester, president of th Kiwanis Club, and master of ceremonies will be Wilburri Davis, outgoing president of the Key Club. New officers to be installed are Stanley Williamson, president; Donald Shaw, vice president; Prank Miller. secretary;' and Dick Boyd, treasurer. Special guests will be officers and members of the Key Club com mittee of the Kiwanis Club. M. 11. Bowles, C. K. Weatherby. and friends of the members. ( ? * ? Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Hudson, owners - managers of Parkway Knoll, have arrived for the sum mer season after spending the win ter in their home in St. Peters burg. Florida. Figure Flattery w 4-?? J - * " By VERA WINSTON NAVY sheer crrpp is used ior a dross that would be an excel lent choice for the more mature or less-than-slim figure. There is flattering bust detail in the draped encrusted bow which is accented with grosgrain ribbon. Ribbon marks the surplice clos ing that continues down to the hem in a diagonnl line that is so slenderizing. Bracelet-length cuffed sleeves and slit pockets are other feature'-. The b-lt is of grosgrain and the bullous arc lione. \ i ii ii nit liiii'i^1 Mrs. Max S. Rogers urn?r i i?TT Ati rMMirim 1K?' *?? * .iM.: . ..... .... Mrs. Rogers was married Saturday afternoon in the Antioeh Baptist Church. She is the former Miss Mary Edith Chambers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver S. Chambers of Waynesville. Miss Mary Edith Chambers Is Bride Of Max S. Rogers The marriage of Miss Mary Edith Chambers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver S. Chambers of Waynesville, to Staff Sergeant Max S. Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rogers of Clyde. Rt. 1. was solemnized in the Antioch Baptist Church, Saturday, May 9, at 5 p.m. The Rev. Lawrence Parker of Waynesville. Rt. 2, officiated. The altar was decorated with baskets of White gladioli, chrys anthemums. and snapdragon against a background of fern in terspersed with five-branched can delabra. The vows were spoken be fore an arch entwined with green ery and white blossoms. Miss Mattie Sue Meuiord, pian ist, and L. O. Ferguson, Jr., sbloist, presented the wedding music. Mr. Ferguson sang "Because." and "Entreal Me Not To Leave Thee," prior to the ceremony and "The Lord's Prayer" as a benediction. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a strap less, waltz-length gown of white lace and nylon net over satin, fash ioned with lace bodice and match ing fitted jacket with long pointed sleeves and rolled collar. The skirt was designed with wide bands of lace 'and tulle and she wore a fin gertip veil of nylon net attached to a Juliet cap of lace. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. Mrs. Hugh B. Hall, Jr. of Waynesville was matron of honor. Her gown was of light blue net over taffeta, made waltz length with strapless bodice and matching net stole. She wore a blue net bonnet and carried a nosegay of pastel flowers. MiSs Mary Dean Rogers, sister of the bridegroom, of Clyde, Rt. 1, was bridesmaid. Site wore a gown of pink net -dver taffeta identical in design to that of the matron of honor with an identical pink net bonnet and she also carried a nose | gay of mixed flowers, i Kat tu^Seay. njcce of the bride IffTBJfm Was flower gi'rf~a"nd Terry Haney of Newport News, Va., cous in of the bride,' was ring bearer. Reeves Rogers of Williamson, W. Va,, served as best man for his brother and ushers were Frank Chambers, brother of the bride, | and Ray Seay of Waynesville, brother-in-law of the bridegroom. Mrs. Chambers, mother of the bride, was attired in a rose shark skin suit with navy and white ac cessories and her corsage was of white and pink carnations. Mrs. Rogers, mother of the bridegroom wore a navy dress with navy and white accessories and a corsage of red roses. After the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip and upon their return will reside in Tampa, Fla. For traveling the bride wore a royal blue sharkskin suit with British tan and white accessories and the orchid from her Bible. Mrs. Rogers is a graduate * of Crabtree-lron Duff High School and Blanton's Business College, Asheville. For the past fourteen months she has been employed as secretary of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Rogers was graduated from the Fines Creek High School and has served in the Air Force since his enlistment in July, 1950. He has recently returned from duty in Korea and is now stationed at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. Where's ?(tner?/ ? ? ... setting IMo the swing with other smart people and dining here. i Homemakers Have Tea For National Week The Wayncsville Homemakers Club entertained with a tea at the home of Mrs. Howard Bryson Wednesday afternoon. Assisting Mrs. Bryson in receiving were Mrs. Marion Bridges, club president. Mrs. Carl Medford, president of Haywood County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs, and Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent. Guests were greeted by Mrs. Joe Cline and Mrs. H. O. Cham pion. Mrs. Milas Ferguson and Mrs. Frank Kirkpatrick presided at the register. Mrs. Ben Phillips and Mrs. Carl Ratcliffe presided at the punch bowl and assisting in serving were Mrs. Jimmie Williams. Mrs. Law rence Leather wood. Mrs. Bruce Jaynes and Mrs. Charles Isley. Invited guests were presidents of the 27 Home Demonstration Club and two other members from each club. This tea was in observance of National Home Demonstration Week. ? ? ? Mrs. Christopher Crittenden of Raleigh spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan. , ? * * Mrs. Tom Hay left yesterday to spend a few months in Columbia, , 8. C. where she has joined her i husband, who is stationed at Ft. I Jackson, k Wedding Party \ Is Honored At Cake Cutting . Mr. and Mrs. Weaver S. Cham ber* entertained with a cake cut i ting in honor of their daughter, Miss Edith Chambers, and her fiance. Max S. Rogers, and mem bers bf their bridal party, Friday evening following the wedding re hearsal. The home was decorated in the bridal motif. The bride's table was covered with a lace cloth and had a centerpiece of white gladioli flanked by white candles. Mrs. Ray Seay assisted in serving. The guests in addition to the bride and bridegroom were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seay, Kathey Seay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Haney, Terry and Ronny Haney, Reeves Rogers, Frank Chambers, the Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Parker, Miss Mat tie Sue Medford, Mrs. L. O. Fer guson, L. O. Ferguson, Jr., Mrs. Hugh Hall, Jr., Miss Mary Dean Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Mc Clure, Mrs. Grady McClure, Miss Barbara Hewitt, and Paul Smart. ? * * Mrs. R. C. Long of Lake Juna luska and her son Carol Long of Canton have returned from Richmond, Virginia where they visited the latter's son, Pat Long, at the hospital of the Medical Col lege of Virginia. Pat, who has been receiving treatment for polio, is reported to be showing marked improvement. DA' Choptel i Her Meetii 1 m^,! '' I JOt H ? ? tWbtf ' " in^l Kill ? ? ?M \ pi > - :H i ? I ? (iar^H ? |H J Can'.' - i. auB I H" H daii'.'.IH' :?'??! Mn SB rock. ? 1 ? '.i"h.TS* 11 ? ' _? \ GR*?:?Mts j \ h^wood ^WtN A NSW BUIOVi \ OR ONE OF 19 M OTHER PRIZES balkan "crcu J $4950 | Enter our clock pl Come in?registaf^B M name on the big jy| dial. Here's your j|y to win a Bulova || absolutely FREE! J Self-winding ?wotertite* p| anti-magnetic, rust proof p| sweep-second hand radium hands & dial expansion band distinction & color of natural gold $5950 r"l >7? 1 All 195.'5 IfSchool Grailn.tlrs ^re Invited In To Register For Tin 1 lflvB ? Prizes We Arc Giving Au.n June ','1, I