Lmencement pert Set ktfext Week I i ncenient Con I . ille High I I i liorus will be : t. -8, at 8 p. m. P" Mum, Director j L has anni .meed. ? I i he concert will j t nil should the I I unlavorable it I to the I I will consist of I V tl> marches and W,kK, Mr Isley said. The j E ot the program will con P marching and! E,. combined to a i hey will give at P i iition July 8 Ego Mr Isley said 200 E. part in the I 1.,. . : mi sale by the f I ale prices are 1 els. At the gate I: and 75 cents, i Li hip Holiday" Lid At Camp Why was held I i i ed Campbell's | ck Camp Gap | I b> meniliers of Brownie i I elr leaders. I uii n. executive Kr : uii Girl Scout K ll EUC'.t, ?tr ed of Mariet ?ph''1. ?I.'"e League, I Krady. Marj B Tnnw' Ihilin, Alice F;t\ I Burgin, Susan I Carey Howell, Linda Kay ; Sharon Henry, Charlotte 1 s Mart ha Jo Chambers, are Gre< ri. Sandra Bradley, un Di'itz Heinz Rnllman and Mrs. Pizzuto are leaders. lohn's Parents To ft Last Meeting ?PjM'i Club of St. John's I I its 11 no I meeting I. tonight at 7:45 I i> :c IhiiiI hall. ? v ' ? 1 "ill preside I 1 hour "ill fol'ow the H i Ion Hefreshments I burn up before Huh tin' I'.'ii Hi. ?mi l til NT TOR BIDS Ibv< )P >3. Plans and Spe ? ill be available for dis Hn from Hie office of the He Lmdsey Madison Gudg H i Slreet. Asheville, I ilina. for the General, Bs. Heating and Electrical Hbfm ;tir Clyde Gymnasium Kin' the Hoard of Educa H Haywood County, N. C. Kit be received upon appli ^kiaterested contractors and Bfx>'i! el $50.00 for the Gen ii mechanical. ?till be received in the Of g' Lucy Boyd, Superinten ISchools. Haywood County Bui' it ivnesyille, N. C., at Ht! on the morning of June V \U bids must be ac B*d b.v a bid guarantee in B"nl of 5r} of (he bid price, ? form of a certified check B*> a bank or trust company ? by the Federal Deposit ?? Corporation or a bid ?rruiwi by a Bonding Com ?thon/i'd to do business iir ?jfotion bond, will be re ? to be given by the Con ? who are awarded the Con approved by the Coun ?*'"opened in public at '^natcd above, deifications may be B"at ,hc office of the Archl ? office of the Owner, of Education of Hay Bo! ?' Courthouse. ?j" amount of the plan de " 'elurned to bona fide ? T" receipt of the plans H c?""" m good condition 11 aV; aft<'r bids are re 'dders will receive the ? mLi tlle cosl ot Pr'nt ^ 1 ing under the same K, EDUCATION Hr ^VtlOD COUNTY !!' v, B?yd. Secretary June I Crabtree-Iron Duii Honor Students MATTIE SUE MEDFORD WILMA JOLLEY 1 EMEEYN McCRACKEN MAXINK MKDKORI) Honor Students have been chosen from the senior class of the Crabtree-Iron Duff High School. They are: Mattie Sue Medford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Medford, Waynesville, Route 2; Maxine Medford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Medford, Waynesville, Route 2; Emelyn McCracken. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Claud McCracken. Clyde, Route 1: and Wilma Jolley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Jolley. Cove Creek. All of the girls have been active in extra-curricular activities in the school during the past four years. THE YOUNGER SET By ROSE WOMACK "It's all over but the memories " Yes, after a week of cleaning, dee orating. and of course, enthusiasm, the senior class of W.T.li.S, held their banquet. The dining room of the Balsam Mountain Sprinfes hotel was the setting for the glori ous (once in a lifetime) event. A color scheme of red and white was used, built around a theme of "The Coronation Ball". A very inspiring invocation was given by Bobby Compton. after which dinner was served by the Junior representatives. Chosen to rule over the royal festivities by secret ballot Were King Ted Owen, and Queen Mary I Lou Ferguson. Mr. Weatherby crowned them, and they certainly looked natural seated on their thrones. Dressed as court jesters were the Junior rcpresetatives, who pro Garden Club To Meet Thursday The Richland Garden Club will hold a regular luncheon meeting in the home of the Misses. Ray and Louise Ballard, at Lake Junaluska. Thursday,? May 28, at 12:30 p.m. The program will include reports of the state Garden Club meeting. Miss Lou Elva Ellcr will preside. * ? * FIELD LIBRARIAN VISITS HAYWOOD Miss Elaine Von Oesen. state field librarian, has returned to Ral eigh after spending last week in conlerence with Miss Margaret Johnston, Haywood County librari an. * * * Mrs. Glenn McClure has return ed to her home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Edwards in San Diego. Calif. She was accompanied i to California by her son and daugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. YV. R. Mc Clure of Liberty. I vided entertainment. They danced the Minuet and (fid individual en tertaining. Aaron Gibson gave a toast to the teachers, and Miss Margaret Ter rell, Senior English teacher, re sponded. The Kev. James Coleman was introduced then, and toid a number of jokes with reference to Mr. Bowles, Mr. Weatherby and members of the class. His speech was short and very concise. He told the seniors to "always look up at the stars and not down at the mud." One of the most thrilling mo ments of the evening was when the Seniors received their class an nuals. They certainly were proud of Kenny Underwood, who as co editor. was responsible for the publication of a masterpiece. Mr. Bowles gave the farewell speech and John Calhoun sang "Through the Years". Personals Donald Dunham, owner-manager of the Dunham House, has arrived from Florida for the summer sea son. ? ? ? Miss Itulh Coffey, who is a mem ber of the elementary school facul ty at Klon College, N.C., has re turned to her home here for the summer and will assist her sisters at the Waynesville Hardware Com pany. * ? * Waiter Taliaferro, who has been attending Lees-McHea College, ar rived Saturday to spend his vaca tion with his mother, Mrs. Janie Love Taliaterro. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Koy Martin arriv ed Saturday Irom Warner Robins, Ga. Mr. Martin will spend a week here before returning to his work in Georgia and Mrs. Martin will spend the summer. They were join ed today by their daughter, Mrs. Ldward 11. Harrison, of Detroit. ? ? ? Mrs. T. W. Stevenson of San Diego, Cahl., is visiting relative* and friends in Waynesville and Canton. Mrs. Stevenson is the former Miss Roberta Haynes of Waynesville. * * * Mrs. G. C. Plott has returned from a visit to her son-ih-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bat tle, inJ Andrews. * * * Dr. and Mrs W. K. Wuillian of i Atlanta arrived today to open their home at Lake Junaluska. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee of Birmingham. Ala., were weekend guests of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lee. * * ? If ari electric current iDC) is passed through water, oxygen will rise from one terminal'and hydro gen from the other. PJIARITY STANDINGS OF THE 4 LEADING CIGARETTES I as shown by lataat published figuraa ?*?? ??? rnmrV, \rni n, rr^^J'V"'r """^4?% f ?mil i;,, sbbhmSmmbiiiibSPl"r Band 54%/ Hj ni'r CnmrVn Irad over }th Placr "^144%! M '" - : rrfha. IMS .*?v I lcamels 7%. ii t"4TlM0RE PE?P"-E h- - I Myrna Miller Entertains With Dance Miss Myrna Miller entertained tfith a dance Thursday evening In it. John 's Hall in celebration of her ifteen'.h birthday. She was avsist fd in receiving b> dier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. The jr. ests included Use Feich !er. I'at Reeves. Judy Harrell, Mary inn Fisher. Elizabeth Sununerrow, Marilyn McCloud Salinda Ui us. Martha Howell, Billie Jo Stanelli, Sara Ann Judy. Hex Feichter. David Jeter, Roy Walker. Gene Duekett, Johnny Holt/claw. David Moody. Hugh Campbell. Johnnny Edwards. Arnold Hannah, David Henry. Freddie Muse, arttt Danny ~ross. I * ? ? l'HF MAKI.F.YS ARRIVE KROM GERMANY Capt. and Mrs . Wallace Marley j and two small daughters. Rebecca I and Rcgina, arrived Friday after- i noon from Karlsruhe, Germany and are visiting Capt. Marle.v"s mother. Mrs. F. If. Marley. Capt. Marley has been stationed with the C?ntral Film Exchange in Germany for the past three years He will report to Signal Corps Headquarters in New York after iis visit here. ? ? * Three Canton Men In Special Navy Training In Pacific Pacific Fleet ? Taking part in "Operation Seajump", a lame scale amphibious training exercise off the coast of Southern California, are John \\. I.ovin. fireman. USN. '' son of Mr. and Mrs W. W. Lovin. j serving aboard the high speed transport USS Diachenko: John \V. Smathers, fireman. USN, -on of Mr. and Mrs. K W. Smathers, | serving aboard the minesweeper USS Zeal, and Kobert E. Devlin, ladioman seaman. USN. son of Mr and Mrs. E. N. Devlin, serving a hoard the fleet oiler USS Passunip .sic, all of Canton. The climax of the exercise will be a full scalp laud assault by amphibious forces supported by air units and helicopter landing attack forces, against an "enemy" entrenched at Camp Pendleton, Ocean side, Calif. Naval units taking part in Sea jump include aircraft carriers and air squadrons, destroyers, sub marines. minesweepers and vari ous types of amphibious ships", landing craft and units. The exercise is designed as a means for providing advance am phibious and land warfare train ing and improving the readiness of Naval and Marine forces of the Pacific Fleet. Even though many of the parti cipating units arc veteran of Ko rea. they constantly engage in training exercises to maintain maximum proficiency in the use of combat tactics and special weapons. The Laughing Ilorsc LOUISVILLE 'AIM ? Laffan ago got his name because of his disposition. "After we bought him as a yearling." says Abe Uiddins, one of the stable owners, "the colt acted like he was laughing. When he was taken on the track he always wanted to go. That's how he got the name." % Feminine Frock V By VERA WINSTON BACK agsln with lis and very welcome too Is the soft, feminine, one-piece frock, a nice choice for dressy occasions during the | months ahead. Gray sheer \v1?h white lace is used for this one, which would be nice in navy with pink as well. The low, round neck is slashed a little at one side where a string bow is perched. The skirt consists of tier upon tier of pleats edged in lace, criss crossed curtain fashion. The sil houette bells towards the hem. This is a good wedding guest j choice. My Favorite Recipe MRS. T. C. NOKKIS IKKNK'S HULLS Scald 1 cup of milk, cool to Juke warm, add 1 pkg. dry yeast (or 1 yeast cakei that lias been di solved in !'j cup warm water. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 heaping tablespoons Crisco (allow Crisco to melt in warm niilkt then add 2 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon of salt. Beat together and add 2 more cups of flour and the stiffly beaten white of one egg Pour into a greased bowl and put in a warm place until it doubles in quantitj (about 2 hours). Pour out on floured board, roll rather thin and cut out, then fold over: place in greased bread pan. Again put in warm place and let rise about 1 hour. Bake in rather hot oven (450?i for about 16 or 20 minutes. Shull Continues As Recreation Head In Canton F. K. (Hill) Sluill was' re-ap |)oliit<'d chairman of the Hecreat lon Commission for Mi* Town of Canton at tho regular meeting of the official board held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. James Wells and Frank W'ykle were also named to the hoard to serve with Mr. Shull. their terms expiring In 1958, and l)r. V. II. Duekett became a mem ber of the group as a represents live of the Board of Health. Other business transacted at the meeting included granting of building permits, the re-appoint nient of J. M, Tate, member of Champion's Police staff, as a mem ber of the local Police Department also. Guyle Fielder of the St. Louis Flyers was the only rookie ever to lie selected to the American | Hockey League All-Star team. ? llank llauer, outfielder for the New York Yankees, was a pitcher lor Oshkosh in the Wisconsin State League in 1941. Rotarians Hear Doctors Tell Of Hospital Growth Dr. R. II. Stretcher, Waynesville physician. addressed the Hotary Club here Friday, on the progress of the Haywood County Hospital. Dr. Stretcher reviewed the early lays of the institution, and brought it up to today, hy describing in detail some of ttie newer additions to the Hospital during the expan sion program. Dr. Stretcher introduced Dr. S. S. Hindman. in charge of pathology it the hospital. Dr. Hindman ex plained the function of the clinical laboratory, of which he is in charge Tissues from all operations are examined by his department, ana irompt reports given the physician in charge. Often these reports are made within an hour or two. as compared with several weeks being ?equired when the reports are sent o out-of-town laboratories. I.ee Davis, administrator of the hospital. Was a visitor for the meet ing Friday. . Lake Official Is Better Following Serious Operation l)r. F-dfjar H. Neitf, executive secretary of the Methodist Church's Southeastern Jurisdictional Coun cil. is gradually recovering from severe injuries lie sustained in an nulo collision last December. Recently. he underwent surgery at Piedmont Hospital. Atlanta, fol lowing extended hospitalization and medical treatment in Seneca. S. C.. and Asheville. Dr. Nease was superintendent of tiie Charlotte Methodist district prior to a tuning the jurisdictional post last October 1. During Dr. Nease's convalescence Ills administrative duties are being handled by the council's other ex ecutive secretary, the R v. James W. Sells, Atlanat. It is believed that pheasants were first taken to England by Hie Romans. Queen Jlalote of Tonga in the Friendly Islands traces her royal line hark 1,000 years. Cup For a 'Queen' . BRITAIN and America are in closa harmony here as Eddie Fisher, American singer, presents a cup to Sheila Handsley. 18. after she was crowned queen at the Batter sea Gardens Festival in London. WNC Traffic Club Holds Annual Meeting Here The Western North fnrolina Traffic Club will hold its annual meeting Tuesday at the Waynes ville Country Club. There will be a golf tournament for members during the day and the annual banquet will Ite held at 7 30 p.m. Election of officers will follow. President R. D. Wettach of Ashe ' ville will -preside. GRANITE BLOCKS on ? yard 8 x 12 x 16 ...... ' 30c I! x R x 16 . 20c a x i> x ig i . , Jk ...... .*1 jL .-j4 .vm* jUjl. xa IU mm- 16c 4 x a x 16 I2^c PLEMMONS CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. 1'lionc 6247 Canton, fs'. C. CONGRATULATIONS / Graduates ? r ^ You Have Our Best Wishes, Always , ' f Give The Graduates Gifts From 1 BELK HUDSON'S , m ?? ? They Will Appreciate It All The More. Many Lovely Things For The Young Lady or The Young Man. BelkHudson ~,in 1 .? ? i i

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