men's Creek ?Just Church M?tr' ,MW l^undav School. Lu *%d ?'">?? Supts ^ Worsmp. ?fBTL Kenneth Cald [^Worship. rgaptist Church p p. Kussell, Ftthr Sunday School. Lloyd -jfjjitendent. Uorning sermon by the p cordially invited. iWaynesville ?tist Church I Shope, Pastor ^..-Sunday School. Earl a Supt ^Worship service. Ser tv pastor (,?Evening Worship. [JAY % - Midweek prayer irview Baptist Church MjOl'ls CREEK m. Carl Cook, Pastor "school?10 a.m. Blaine Supt. by the pastor?2nd and y mornings. [Union?7:00 p.m. DAY B-Prayer meeting. kd Baptist Church Er. Edgar Willi*. Pastor L ? VMU meets at Mr Everett Cutshaw, t m charge. I s-Sunday School. Allie Soft pjB _ Training Union, jbe Gibson, Director. ia-Evening Worship. Ser r pastor. s Methodist Church In. J. B. Golden, Pastor il l-Sunday School, ? ji-Morning Worship first i Sundays. i-Youth Fellowship. I-Worship second and todays. is?Choir practice. First Methodist Church WAYNESVILLE Carner Haywood and Academy The Rev. J. E. Younta, Minister SUNDAY? The Church School meets each Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock. Wayne Franklin, General Super intendent. Classes and Depart ments for all ages. Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Sermou by the minister. Subject: "Christ's Use of What We Have." Special music by the Choir under the direction of Mrs. Fred Martin. Nursery for small children op erated from 9:45 to 12:00 o'clock for benefit of mothers who wish to attend worship and classes. The Senior and Intermediate MYF's meets e?ch Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock for worship and in spiration. All young people urged to be present. No evening worship. Central Methodist Church CLYDE George C. Starr, Jr. Minister SUNDAY? 10:00?Sunday School. Roland Leatherwood, Supt. Classes for all age groups. 11:00?Worship Service. Sermon by the pastor. 7:00?MYF. 7:00?Adult Fellowship WEDNESDAY? 7:00?Bible Study. 8:00?Choir Rehearsal. ' ? Pigeon Valley Methodist Charge Rev. W. L. Broome, Pastor BEAVERDAM SUNDAY? Sunday School?10 a.m. A. M. Worley, general superintendent. Sermon by the pastor, 11 o'clock second and fourth Sundays. Sermon by the pastor, 7:30 P-m. every First Sunday. M.Y.F. 6:30 p.m. each Sunday evening. Miss Evelyn Robinson, president. SUSAN INMAN MEMORIAL SUNDAY? Sunday School?10 a.m. P. G. Allen, general superintendent. Sermon by the pastor 11 a.m. Haywood Methodist Circuit The Rev. C. N. Clark, pastor Louisa Chapel, n a. m. each first and third Sunday. Plney Grove, 11 a. m. each sec ond and fourth Sunday. lie Practice of Christian Liberty ft WRITES; "THE LAW IS FULFILLED IN THIS; THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF." Scripture?Galatians 5-6. I XtWMAN CAMPBELL, IRE ARE so many .fine les lo be learned in the two I chapters which bring to a Paul's epistle to the Gala I Doubtless many fine help Boons have been preached ttom, and more will be. ttyisa word which is much to ibout in the world today. Idesire liberty for ourselves wetically for all humanity. | or, when we have it, do we 1 Me it for our good or | ?food of others? Liberty bcense. Children whose 1 five them a great deal ty may use it for doing 1 and destructive acts, and often fall into the same I writes to the Galatians: ?" been called unto lib ?ty use not liberty for an ? to the flesh, but by love * mother. For all the law W in one word, even this: **lt love thy neighbor as * in the Spirit," Paul urges fctuns, ' and ye shall not * Inst of the flesh." 'childhood to old age hu Sfi ?re in constant war pin themselves?between Pw to do what ts right P urge to do what pleases P? purely physical sense. I'"is a large number of M the flesh": which we !acid if v,e would inherit 1 yow of God: Among them ! Pjtry, witchcraft, hatred, ^emulations, wrath. IWuctions, heresies, envy pers, drunkenness, revel- I jnch like. But the fruit ?Pirit is love, joy, peace, ?ering, gentleness, good "wt, meekness, temper 1*inst such, there Is no J touch more appealing Is itkvlrtues f we can only I?*?- The man, woman or i lives as Paul (and '*ouid have us, would ex P liberty and happiness. J* a successful life, if .''titer just a common r' * world-famous one. Ending the fifth chapter to his friends in Galatia, Paul writes: "Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, en vying one another." Many of my readers have probably had my ex perience of feeling rather envious of some one, only to find, when I knew that person better, that his lot was less to be envied than mine. Beginning chapter six, Paul ad-' vises that "if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." How easy it is to condemn those who do wrong. What does Shake speare say: "I will chide no breather in the world but my self, 'gainst whom I know most faults." Jesus forgave sinners and He Himself was sinless. We, who are full of faults, surely should be expected to be gentle with others who slip. "Bear ye one another"! burdens,"' writes Paul, "and so fulfil the law of Christ." "For if a man think himself | to be something, when he is noth ing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have re joicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every mtfi shall bear his own burden." "And let us not be weary In well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. "As we have therefore opportu nity, let us do good unto all men. especially unto them who are of the household of faith." We find this motto in our note book boxed and in large type: "A Christian is a Mind through which Christ thinks; a Heart through which Christ loves: a Voice through which Christ speaks; a Hand through which Christ helps." Are you a Chris tian? Few can qualify?at least all the time. This Sunday, June 21, is Fa ther's Day. Hail to all good fa thers and may they have a happy day. Following St. Paul's advice to the Galatians should help a I man to be a good father Indeed. MEMORY VERSE ye brethren, were called for freedom; only use not your J*1 lor iin occasion to the flesh, but through love be see to another. ??Qalatians 5:13. ?CSwftftS 0?lln? produced by the Division "I the Churches of ChrUt in the U.S.A.. ?nil used by permission. Distributed by King Features Syndicate . . ? . ?? GOD'S MASTERPIECE ? The rose comes very close to man's standard of perfection. Its delicate beauty seems to mock every effort of the artist or camera to capture it. But is the rose really God's masterpiece? Hardly! For its beauty is passive. It brightens life only for those who seek it out and gaze upon it. And in but a few days it withers and is ugly. God's masterpiece is MAN. For with all his waywardness and selfishness, Man is capable of reflecting the love of God. When he lets God touch his life he is able to bring happiness and faith to others. He doesn't have to wait until he is noticed. He can actively bring spiritual blessings to his fellow men. As the gardener cultivates the rose, the Church cultivates the lives of men. Always it strives to help us become all that God wants us to be. J THE CHURCH FOR ALL.'.. ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship ft is a storehouse of spiritual values Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why i every person should attend services regularly 1 and support the Church. They are: (I) For his 1 own sake. (2) For his children's sake (3) For the 1 sake of his community and nation. (4) For the 1 sake ol the Church itself, which needs his moral ? and material support Plan to go to church regu- ? larly and read your Bible daily. 1 ' Book Chipttr Verses ? Sunday Psalms J7 27-40 1 Monday Cencaia 1 24-31 1 Tuesday Matthew S 43-4S 1 Wednesday I Timothy 6 1-10 ? Thursday I Timothy 6 11-21 1 Friday Hebrews S 1-5 Saturday ...Hebrews 12 l-? ~ ' ? * Alii sou & Duncan Suppliers of Sinclair Products Dial GL 6-3921 llazciwood Cagle- Furniture Co. "Tour Hotpoint - Philco - Maytag Dealer" Clyde, N. C. Dial 3379 Free Delivery The Champion Paper and Fibre Company | Canton, N. C. I | Charlie's Lunch Room & Texaco Service Owners?Charlie and Claude Wnodard Complete 24-Hour Service Central Cleaners "Superior Cleaning and Pressing" Church St Montgomery Sts.. Dial GL 6-3671 Waynesville, N, C. I Farmers Exchange Feeds, Seeds, Fertilisers, Insecticides Asheville Road Dial GL 6-5335 Farmer's Federation "You Always Get Quality When You Trade With Us" Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizers. Spray Materials Dial GL 6-5361 t Firestone Home & Auto Supply Store Bill Cobb Waynesville Dial GL 6-3071 Garrett Furniture Co., Inc. Dial GL 6.5325 ? Haywood Builders Supply Co. "Where There Is A Material Difference" Depot Strpct Dial GL 6-6051 Haywood County Farmers Cooperative "Hatching-Egg Headquarters for Haywood County" Feeds, Seeds and Fertilizer 216 Depot St. Dial GL 6-4621 Haywood Typewriter Company Typewriters ? Adding Machines Cash Registers ? Sales & Service Dial GL 6-4630 5 Points, Hazel wood Junaluska Supply Company General Merchandise?Building Supplies Lake Junaluska Dial GL 6-5341 Kctncr's Farm Supplies and Equipment Dial GL 6-6005 Lake Junaluska R. R. Kibbe, Jr., Consignee1 Distributor of Texaco Products Dial GL 6-4591 Prompt, Courteous Attention To Your Motoring Needs Kaiser's Book Store Books ? Gifts ? Office, Artists and Photo Supplies. Main Street Waynesville Lake Junaluska Methodist Assembly Outstanding Programs June 1 - September 1 E. J. Lilius JEWELER Diamonds - Watrhes - Jewelry Watch and Jewelry Repairing Main St. Waynesville Dial GL 6-6087 Liner and Shechan Laundry and Cleaners Dial GL 6-4251 Massie Furniture Company Dial GL 6-3311 Main Street Moody Rulane, Inc. "Complete Gas Service and Appliances" 902 N. Main Street Dial GL 6-5071 Mottinger Motor Co. Ford Sales Se Service - 24-Hour Wrecker Ser, Miller Si Haywood Sts.. Waynesville Dial GL 6.4685 W. R. McCracken Distributor of Pure Oil Products "Be Sure With Pure" Fuel Oil, Kerosene. Gasoline Dial GL 6-4022 Penland Brothers Refrigeration Co. Sales and Service "Everything in Commercial Refrigeration" Dial GL 6-5233 Wall Street Potts Motor Company Sales ? WILLYS - Service 205 Haywood St. Dial GL 6*3001 Rogers Electric Company Sales and Service of All EHetrieal Appliances 437 Main St. Waynesville Dial GL 6*6351 ?)!