BLAZING BATTLE POR THF. .NORTHEAST is depicted in Cm Pictures' new Natural Vision 3-D enle of America. "Port H" at the Park Theatre in color by Technicolor Sunday. Mon day and Tuesday. George Montgomery, left, stars. MOBS ABOUT Churches C?*tlned from Pale 1> Si / church, which they were ffaallv able to do in Andrews even though scarcity of war materials made the going very rough. "Within 4 months we were in our own love ly new church, which Bishop Fair bairn in visiting, called the miracle church"' In Waynesville the Band started "in an ex-governor's mansion?1900 model ? fa the fall of 1948 when the Waynesvdlle Free Methodist Sogety was organized " The fall of 1930 saw ground broken and the foundation laid for a new church on the corner of Assembl;. and Oak Sts A contractor donated his serv ices, and in spite of many obstacles and severe winter weather, the opening service was held in Janu ary, 1951. Perhaps these women's woyt has been most outstanding in their re generation of several men whose lives seemed hopelessly lost. They also have an active group of young people, for whom a Youth Center in a large old building on Fast St has been donated for "clean, whole some recreation". One end of this Center has been fitted up as a min iature ehapel with pulpit and altar wherg different members of the Youtti Group themselves conduct ^servBtes. This Center opened May , >2 with a covered-dish supper, and ! ^religious film with about 100 peo "ple present. Sunday School attend ance averages about 90. In leaving Waynesville this Thursday. Miss Bbhop and Miss Gruber made this statement: "Af ter 11 years of pioneer work in these beautiful mountains, we most regretfully terminate our services on doctor's orders. It is our earnest desire to return to this kind of work when our bodies are rested." A farewell party was given Wed nesday night by members of the church and other friends who are devoted to these fine women. Want Ada bring quick results MORE ABOUT Howell (Contfaued from Page 1) "An average of two families uses one box, sometimes more." Colonel Howell was especially anxious to express his appreciation to the people of the area "for their support and for the confidence shown in me during my public career." He was equally enthusiastic a bout the Post Office personnel who / have worked with him. "I never considered that I was what people call 'boss' in the office?although of course the final responsibility was mine?but to those folks who have been my co-workers I want to express my appreciation for their cooperation and their efforts to carry out my wishes." He turn ed wistfully. "You know, I'm going to miss the folks here." Colonel Howell's career in pub lic life has included a number of honors. He has been chairman of the Haywood County Library Board "pretty nearly since it be gan." He served ten years as Mayor of Waynesville, two years as Town attorney and "about seven" as clerk and treasurer of the town. He is a former member of the North Carolina Assembly and also served as Supervisor of Taxes for the Western North Carolina dis trict. He was on active duty with the U. S. Army for several years. Whipped-Cream Shave SAN DIEGO, Calif (AP)?Har old Ramm said It worked fine when the kitchen ready-whipped j cream (ribbon squeeze kind) got mixed with his bathroom ready | shave kind. Never had a smoother shave, said Ramm. But, Mrs. Ramm re jected the idea of trying the ready shave cream on the strawberries. Harvey Haddix, southpaw pitch er for the St. Louis Cardinals, was accidentally hit by a shotgun blast when five years old and still car | ries two pellets in his body. THE OLD HOME TOWN. By STANLEY A GHOST ?j fnOPBy Sne-AN&ER-THE ONLYTIME^ Tfc>L> SEB A LI6HT/AI A HOUSE ^ROUMOHE^E IS WHEN THERE'S AT-V COAVAERCIAL ON AS THE Sy FOLKS 00 TO THE KITCHEN TO ) L( GET A PRINK OF WATER- . S I MARSHAL OTEY WALKER MEETS THE AIK3HT TRAIN J LIST TO EX PL AIM THIM&S rtanmra iVNoie*rr w- Would mckt* rmrrved 7-JP4 LAFF-A-DAY ^ , . _ cm. !?( KIM VK4TUKKK ?mKCAT*. W. MMB KUHTI mill *Thi? Mtmi a little obvione?too bad the waiter didn't bring the ? check while the band wa? playing!" i w|V?' ? Cannery Opens In Fines Creek By MRS SAM FERGUSON Community Reporter The community cannery opened last week under management of Mr J. C. Carpenter with Mrs.1 Vance Holbrook assisting A Revival meeting ia being con ducted this week at Fines Creek Memorial Baptist Church. The Rev. J. Baswell Mull, pas- : tor, is in charge with the Rev Crump assisting him. Mrs. Mary Fergdson has return ed home after spending several days with her sister. Mrs. Varnel Swanger, in South Carolina. She was accompanied home by Mrs Swanger and family. Sympathy is extended the rela tives of Herman E. Green who died Sunday. We are also very sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr. C. Z. Noland, who is a patient at Haywood County Hospital. Others in the community on the sick list are Mrs. Jessie Moore, Wayne Kirkpatrick and Gaither Rathbone Delegates from the Fines Creek 4-H Club exchange trip to Massa chusetts are James. Jerry and Bernard Ferguson Also Patsy Davisr Vacation Bible School closed at Lower Fines Creek Methodist Church with a picnic lunch and then a program Friday evening. Thdy had a good attendance and all children seemed to enjoy it a lot. Evelyn Holbrook is spending a week in Macon County with her grandmother. W. A. Springs of South Caro lina. is spending the summer with his daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Holbrook on Fines Creek. Mr. Furman Noland and Mrs. Hiram Green, members of the group on the farm tour, were called home from St. Louis, Mo., on ac count of the serious illness of their father, Mr. C. Z. Noland. Green Brothers are digging a well on the Fines Creek School property. Miss Hilda James is visiting her sister Mrs. Mark Ferguson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ferguson are also Fines Creek visitors. New arrivals here art a boy. Wendal Ferguson, born July 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson, and I a girl. Vicki Elizabeth Fish, born July 16th to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fish. Mr. Johnny Kirkpatrick and fam ily have been visiting in New Jer I *ey. Mrs. Harley Clark has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Brown. Mrs. Robert Plott and children have returned to Marietta, Ga. af I 'er spending some time with her oarents, Mr. and Mrs C. B Mc Creary. Pvt. J. David Rathbone of Ft. I Jackson, S. C., spent last week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. I N. Rathbone. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carpenter I ind son Mike spent the week end I In Rutherfordton with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greene and I -hlldren, Vivian and Gayle, Miss I Inez Hatley and Miss Peggy Ann I Irannock have returned to Bur I Mngton after spending several days [here with Mr. and Mrs. Joe I Mooney. While here they motored I 'hrough the Smokies and various I oarts of Tennessee. Miss Lura Mae Greene has as I her guests this week Mr. and Mrs. I Fred Bowman and son, of Burllng | ton. DON'T DAWDLE . . . After >M hav? to id goodnight, don't liMp vm hott and hottest standing In fkt door far prolonged shatter. TRUCE SIGNER LEAVES PANMUNJOM PEACE PAGODA' ! GEN. WILLIAM R. HARRISON, senior Allied truce negotiator, is followed by Ma] Gen Pinch and other members of the truce team from the "Peace Pagoda" after he signed an armistice agreement with the Com munis ti Twelve hours later, the shooting war In Korea was over The next move is a political confer ence to work out details for a permanent peace for the war-torn nation. (International Radiophoto) Cecil Resident Suffers Accident By MRS. J EDGAR BURNETT E? Community Reporter Elmer Inman suffered a broken leg on Monday when a log rolled cn him while he was on the job at the saw mill in the community. He is recuperating at the home of his mother. Mrs. Mae Inman. The Rev. Heatherly, of Enka, der livered the sermon on Sunday morning at the Laurel Grove Bap tist Church on Little East Fork Road. The Rev. V. B. Wise of Canton, was in charge of the worship ser vice on Sunday evening. A capacity audience filled the church at the Wednesday evening prayer meeting and hymn sing at Laurel Grove Church. / The revival at the Riverside Bap tist Church will continue through Wednesday night of next week. The message is delivered each evening by the Rev. John J. Kizer, of Hazelwood Baptist Church. Ser vices are well attended and visitors i are welcome. The Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Prater, and Miss Sallie Outlaw, of Out law's Bridge, and Mrs. Lillie Belle Brummitt, of Rose Hill, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Warren and family. The guests and Mrs. Warren at tended the Cherokee Drama on Friday evening. Pvt. Donald Mintz, stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. C? spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mintz and family. % Mrs. F,dna Ruckman. of Balti more, Md? is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorrells for two weeks. She will return to her home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Butler and family, of Gastonia, spent the week end at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Lockie Grooms and son, Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeee moved into their new home at Retreat last week. The Young People's Training Union group of the Rlversiae Bap tist Church held a social last Fri day evening at the picnic grounds above Lake Logan, with fourteen present. Mrs. Lizzie Singleton celebrated her 86th birthday on Sunday when a picnic dinner was served at noon. Many friends and relatives attend ed and the Howard family held a sing in the afternoon. Mrs. Elsie Blaylock was the guest of her son. Robert Blaylock > and Mrs. Blaylock and children, on Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Coward, of Columbia, S. C? and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Saxton of Greenwood, S. C? will arrive on Friday to spend a week at the Pressley cabin. Mrs. Blanche Harkins and Clay ton Rhodarmer were married at the home of the Rev. Thomas Erwtn on Wednesday evening. Know how to mince an onion? First peel the onion and cut It In half. Then cut the surface of one of the halves into tiny squares. Now hold the onion half firmly on your chopping board, and cut off slices that are about one-eighth inch thick. The tiny squares of onion will drop off as you slice. Don't over-cook your puffy omelets or they'll be tough and shrinkl , South Clyde CDP Plans Exchange Visits And Other Comm. Projects By MRS KYLE LINDSEY Community Reporter The CDP had their regular meet ing Monday night. The Misses Iva Deaver and Grace Jones had charge of the devotion. The group sang two hymns. Mrs. Sam Jack son, who made the out-of-state farm tour, gave a report of the trip and the interesting things that she saw on the trip. A good time was reported by everyone from the community who went. The chairmap, Loyde Justice, led the business meeting during which plans for the community tour were discussed. West Pigeon group will visit our South Clyde community Saturday, August 8. Everyone is asked to cooperate in entertaining our guests, and to make plans for this event. Places to be visited were brought up and will be worked out by the chairman and co-chairman, and county agent. August 22nd the South Clyde group will go to Francis Cove, and everyone is looking forward to that special event. The men made plans to work on the community house.this week and next week, also work on the ceme tery, which still is one of our main projects. Picnic tables are being made and places have beenjchosen for three. One is completed and will be set at one of the chosen spots. The women are in charge of this work and Joe Rhodarmer and Roy Swanger are building the tables The tables will be distributed in each cove. The scrapbook committee met at the home of Mrs. Curtis Rogers Tuesday night to work on the book. The next meeting will be the sec ond Monday night of August, and Mrs. Curtis Rogers will be in charge of the devotional part of the program The CDP group of women will have a supper for the benefit of the building Saturday evening from 5:30 till 8:30 on the lawn of Mrs Robert Lindsey. Everyone who would like to come, and help out is welcome. The plates will be only 75c. Mr. Bruce Brown is building a new home in the com'munity, and ; Mr. Glen Brown has repaired his house that he rents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Justice are having some remodeling done on | their house inside. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsey, i and Mrs Kenneth Lindsey and son \psited relatives in Shelby Monday. Tony Rogers, who has been mak ing his home with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rogers, has gone to Hamilton, O., to stay with his father, Mr. Davis Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. James Willard of Pendltnton. S. C. have come after their son Stanley, who has spent the summer with his grandmother. Mrs. Sidney Willard. Three Haywood County Servicemen Promoted Three Haywood County service men have recently received promo tions. They are Robert T Murray of Canton and Robert C. Sheehan and Ted Hampton of Waynesville. Murray, son of O. F. Murray of Route 2, Canton, executive officer of the 15th Anti-Aircraft Artillery AW Battalion (SP), was promoted recently to the rank of first lieu tenant. He entered the Army in 1951 and was last stationed at Fort Bliss, Tex. Sheehan and Hampton both re ceived promotions to private first class. Sheehan, son of Mrs. Ilobert Sheehan, is with the 45th Infantry Division in Korea. He is a truck mechanic in Service Company of the 279th Regiment. He holds the Korean and U.N. service ribbons. Hampton is a switchboard oper ator in Service Battery of the 171st Field Artillery Battalion in Korea. He is the husband of Mrs. Mildred Hampton and son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hampton. / MORE ABOUT Teachers I (Continued from P?*e ?> Rogers ?nd Edna P. Bright The Fines Creek list is headed by Perry W Plemaaons. On his staff are Charles W. Koss, Elma M. Donnahde, Joe R. Turner, James C. Carpenter. Margaret G.. Carpenter. Fannie B. Noland, Carl Painter, Jr., Elisabeth R. Seay, Charles H. Duckett, Catherine J. Francis, Hugh Rogers. Bonnie D. Verastko and Pearl J Brummitt. With Stanley Livingston as prtn- 1 cipal Clyde has the following: teachers: Hazel M. Clayton, Lura Mae Greene, Donald E. McLeod. j 'Jlalre Howell. Mary M. Soesbee, | Fulton F. Roper, Margaret H. ! Davidson, Hattie S. Freeman, El en H. Havnes, Edythe T. Cannon, j Pauline S. Goodson, Sara Ann [ Long. Velma Morrow, Bonie F. Shook. Alice H. Haynes, Carroll Morrow .Mary B. Brooks, Benja min T. Price, Angela A. Hardin ind Nell C. Matthews. At Crahtree-Iron Duff Principal Fred L. Safford's staff consists of Kathryn G. Kirkpatrick. Frances P. Yates, Nancy Hannah, Bearl F. Nesbltt. Edna J. Noland. Louie M, Noland, William G. Noland, W. Frank Kirkpatrick. Betty B. Ter -elL Jeanette S. Chase, Helen B. Caldwell and Edna Boyd. The Bethel staff, headed by C. C. Poindexter, comprises Nicholas ' Bonarrigo, Bernice McEIhannon, Dellma H. Phoenix. Irene C. Swift, M. B Madison, June E. Pratt, Alice R. Cathey. Sam B. Wilson. Joe A. Morrow. M. C. Nix, Mary Jane Leatherwood, Louisa B Cagle, Maggie C. Davis. Margaret Ward. Arthur W. Callaway. Lela K. Messer, Evelyn D. George, Grovene C. Russell. And Nellie W. McCracken, Vel ma K. McEIhannon. Azalee H. Shepherd, Margaret T h e 1 m a Moody, W. H. Crawford, Willie Kephart, Rex. G. Meadows, Ruth D. Shipman, James Roy Moody, Dorothy Y. Calhoun. Margaret M. Gregory, Alva Jo M. Carver, Gay Chambers, Theodore M. Jervis, Nelle J. Ledford, Paul Grogan, Es sie Sellers, Charlene R. Somos, John W. Sloan, Blanche Mehaffey, Lillian A. Himes. Gladys Henson, Jimmie Lee Blanton, Garrett Smathers and Evelyn G. Chambers. Elsie J. Osborne is the only col ored teacher appointed so far. James Coleman To Lead Revival In Ratcliffe Cove Beginning Sunday The Rev. James H. Coleman, pastor of the Shady Grove Metho dist .Charge, will be. the speaker for a Revival at Elizabeth Chapel Methodist Church in Ratcliffe Cove beginning Sunday night. August 1. | Services will be held at 7:45 each evening through August 8. The Rev. Mr. A. B. Dennis is minister at Elizabeth Chapel. Air conditioning in a modern of fice is like giving every worker a third of a ton of ice each day to keep him cool. More than 75.000 persons work 'n the production of dairy products in North Carolina. t To Visit | J TOM BIAZH4A, of ChicJ served as EiseuhowtrV'M geant" in 1916 witep the pJ was a lieutenant on the 3 border, is. shown in wJj Biazina was invited to Chief Executive to talk o^l times." MORE ABOUT Record Crowd! (Continued from P^H Buchanan Cemetery wit fl lowed by a look at Cradyl^H Brahma cattle, seldom this area. Lunch at noon at the grounds will be follow^! afternoon's recreational The field day schedule! may be added to before community tours are roii|^| as follows: August 1. tH Star visits Aliens Creet^B 5, Francis Cove visits August 6, Thicketv visits! Duff; August 7, Saunooil Morning Star: Aueust Pigeon visits South Clyde fl 11, Hominy visits Upper Ct^B August 11 Jonathan CrniH East Pigeon; August 15. H Creek visits White Oak; 15, Beaverdam visits August 18. Upper CrabtmH West Pigeon; August 19. H visits Jonathan Creek- AmH East Pieeon visits Thicket*! u?t 22 South Clyde visits iH Cove; August 29. White (nH Cruso. CARD OF THANKS I We wish to express ourSH ation for the symna'hv aiH I nesses shown us during o*H bereavement. tffrs. C. M. Hinkky nH WANT M FOR SALE OR TRADE - room house with bath, Tw of land on paved strwt $4,100. Dial GL 6-4010 Jyl Stsva+id DIAL GL 6-4551 LAST DAY ? JULY 30 "STAR OF TEXAS" ? WITH WAYNE MORRIS NEWS ? CARTOON FRI. A SAT.. JULY 31 - AUG. 1 "MARSHALL'S DAUGHTER" WITH KEN MURRAY CH. NO. < "JUNGLE DRUMS" CARTOON SUN. A MON.. AUG 2 - 3 RIP ROARING ACTION "TALLTEXAN" WITH LLOYD BRIDGES MARIE WINDSOR CARTOON ? NEWS PARK Theatre Program THURS. & FRI. JULY 30 - 31 "She's Back On Broadway" (In Color) Starring VIRGINIA MAYO GENE NELSON ? SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 DOUBLE FEATURE "Trail Of The Arrow" Starring GUY MADISON ANDY DEVINE Plus "The First Legion" Starring CHARLES BOYER ? SUN., MON. & TUES., AUGUST 2, 3 & 4 THE FIRST GREAT OUTDOOR EPIC OF AMERICA IN 3 DIMENSIONS! "Fort Ti" (In Color) Starring GEORGE MONTGOMERY Smoky Mtn. DRIVE-IN THEATRE lalsam Rd. Dial GL 6-5446 "Western North Carolina's Newest." Children Under 12 Admitted FREE Show Starts At Dusk TIIURS. & FRL, JULY 30 & 31 "The Merry Widow" (In Color) Starring LANA TURNER FERNANDO LAMAS ? SATURDAY, AUG. 1 DOUBLE FEATURE "Inside Straight" Starring. DAVID BRIAN ARLENE DAHL BARRY SULLIVAN ?ALSO? "Lone Star" Starring . CLARK GABLE AVA GARDNER BRODER1CK CRAWFORD ? SUN. & MON., AUG. 2 & 3 "The Stars Are Singing" (In Color) Starring ROSEMARY CLOONEY LAURITZ MELCHIOR Waynesvil DRIVE I THEATHI Children Under U Admitted FREE Show Starts At 8:15 f. THURSDAY. JUU "Sudden Fe? Starring JOAN CRAWFOI GLORIA GRAHAl ? FRIDAY, JULY 1 "Savage Mutil Starring JOHNNY WEISSMtU AS JUNGLE Jlf Five Color Cartoe* SATURDAY. Al'Gj DOUBLE FEATll* "Northwest Trt (In Color) Starring JOHN LITF.L ? BOB STEELE ?ALSO "The Well". TERRIFIC SUSPE>? TERRIFIC FINAL* SUN. & MON., AUG J "Abbott and Costello Go T Mars" With MARI BLANC HAP AND THE MISS USJJ] CONTEST BFAlTH News ? Selected S* Subjects ? Color Can"

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