ant ad rates ?ZtVAr,"* lioinium ?* size typ?? 50c olumn inch. ?nt, he PtbH"1** t in desired achedule extra rharee. ??nnlfl h* ,,d Immediately. The ?er will not be re t for more thaw *?ne yvflTIKFMVCNTA ARF s *nv*N< k. r?sh m"V ..rd. r. ?ent hT mall must be ?n ?. m n? before to marantee to be section. .!.?? Insert a want ad , 6-5301. rial Notices U MKNTS sen Haywood ?nt Co. next to Farmers ,e. on AdiPviRe Road. II. ?1 manager. Dial (ID fi tr IPI.F.SS sanitary sentir call Canton 3274 Plumbing Co. J 19-tf K FHBVATE ? No iviment three venrs F-ce "stiilWe. Allr>"n v II, 6-5291." J 17 tf rs - Deaneries - Furniture arv. A'so Fabrics At the )eeor;>t:ng Sbnn In Pan oonnsite Canton Motor iv. Phone Canton 2312 Mar. 20-tf 0\S?Comoletcly equip n shnn For free pstim II CI. C,-5r?13 Sales and H-M Neon. Waynesvllle. A 3-tf V CFORCF, before yotl 11 or trade lots bouses. ?art1: of land. Dial OI. fl-; tf 40UNTMN TRKE SFRV r;mmin<7 tunning. remov ding"and cavity worlc. Alt | n ar? I'xnerienepd and Hired. Dial GL G-3296. Jy 2-tf I OFFFIt. We will allow >.00 Trade-in on your old ratnr and $25 00 on anv lashing machine toward frhase of any of the fail s'or ge anolianees: elec inges. refrigerators and t machines. Come in to lavwnnd Furniture Co.. Justice, owner. Main St.. iville. A 3 lung men wanted ews for young men. Pay National Guard for a drill is the same as the J full day in the Rerular "ii also earn 75 retlro ints each y-?ar. ? In'-esti ,v Call T WK COM |1n,h INFANTRY. Dial 12. to loans o? Are Planning Buy A New Car * Late Model fd Cat Or Want finance Your Far Direct pr SCRF TO 'NVFSTtC.ATR 1 At'TO I.OAN PI.AN 0 Financing nr Information that, GL 6-5395 lrv LOCALLY ,l'RF LOCALLY xn'FE LOCALLY * ichi.and iance co. '21 Main St. Wanted WANTED: A colored Maid. Appl) Hugh J. Sloan. Blink Bonny Dial GL 6-4659 Aug ; WANTED ?NEW OR RKNEWAI 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SATUR DAY EVENING POST. The K1 wanis Club is raising; funds U build a Seoul Hut by selling sub scriptions to the Saturday Even ing Post. If you care to eon tribute to the building fund b] subscribing, please cull Molting er Motor Co.. Moody Rulanr Waynesville Auto Parte, or anj member of the Kiwanis Club , Jy 20-u WANTED TO RENT ? Unfurnlshei 5 or 6 room house outside city limits. Ed Patterson, Jr., N. C Wildlife Protector, Box 58 #Waynesville. A 3_t Male Help Wanted HELP WANTED?Young man tt learn business machines. Musi have neat appearance and be me chanically inclined. Apply in person at Haywood Typewrite! Company, BaLsam lload at 5 Points. ? jy 27 tl For Rent FOR RENT?Business building on Depot Street. 1600 square .feet floor space. Apply Darnell's Cleaners and Launderers. _ Jy 2-tl FOR RENT?5-room apartment at 211 Hazel St. Dial GL 6-4764 Jy 27-30 A 3-C FOR RENT?Completely furnished house for rent August and Sep tember. All electric kitchen. Beautiful view, 121 Johnson llill Street. Jy 30 A 3-G FOR RENT ? 4-room furnished apartment, with water. Suitable for couple. Phone GL 6-3026. Jy 30 A 3 FOR RENT?Four room cottage on Hammer St. Wired for electric range. Dial GL 6-4064. A 3 FOR RENT?Unfurnished 4-room 2nd floor apt. on Boundary St. Just redecorated. Heat furnished. Rent $55.00 per month. Dial GL 6-3543 A 3-6 For Sale FOR SALE ? PIGS & SHOATS? See Robert McKay on Sulphur Springs Rd. or Dial GL 6-3146. Aug 3 to 31 WOOD FOR SALE ? Hard wood lust C"t *5 00 load Onen Air Curb Market. Dial GL 6-5021? J 26-tf FOR SALE?Low priced portable typewriter. Sold on terms. Kaiser's Book Store, 133 Main Street. Waynesville. M 7-tf WOOD FOR SALE ? Delivered. One load?$5.00; 2 loads?$9.00, All hardwood. Dial GI, 6-4356. Jn 8-tf FOR SALE ? Oil cook stoves. Cheap for quick disposal. Dial GL 6-5718 Soco Gap Rd J 27-tf The Best Buy On Earth ? Haywood County Real Estate Contact W. A, Bradley Dial GL 6 ? 3181 ?' LOGS WANTED i We will purchase any {iiantity merchantable rlardwood logs delivered to our mill at Ilazelwood, *. C. GENNETT LUMBER CO. For Sale FOR SALE?Six-room brick house near town, schools and churches. Conveniently located in desirable neighborhood. Write "House." Box 511( Waynesville. Jn 25-tf ? _ VoR SALE ? "49 Pontiac, radio, heater, whitewall tires. Excep tionally clean. A-l condition. Must sell immediately, can fin ance half. Can be seen after six at 111 Haywood St., behind Ray's Store. See Willis Beck. Jy 23 tf r FOR SALE?Hemlock framing and boards. Fire wood: Cut slabs and f strips. Free: Saw Dust. Warner Lumber Co.'s Saw Mill Lake Lo 1 gan Road. Jy 16-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE ? Four room house with bath. Two acres I of land on paved street. Price $4,100. Dial GL 6-4010 Jy 30-A 3 , FOR SALE?Apartment house, con ' sisting of three completely furn ? istied units: located on an acre of ground. Beautiful view. Price $10,500. Excellent terms. Liner i Heal Estate. Dial GL 6-4331 or GL 6-6083. Jy 30 A 3 , FOR SALE?Patrick's Cafe and Cafeteria, located on Main Street; in Waynesville. opposite the1 First National Rank. This is the best equipped cafe west of Ashe-, ville. The business has been operating in the same location for the past 32 years. For fur ther information call or see W R. Francis. Attorney of Waynes ville, or George C. Patrick. Jy 30 A 3-6-10-13-17, CAMERAS AND PHOTOGRAPH IC SUPPLIES For Rent, Trade or Sale. See Photo Department of Kaiser's Rook Store. Jn 1-tf Stop, Look, Listen MONTEREY PARK. Calif. lAPl ?A local resident who was up in arms when the city councjl did not inslall a stop sign a1 an intersec tion now wonders if It was worth I all the fuss. The unidentified citizen demand ed the sign be erected. He said those who do not heed stop signs' should* be cited, and he took the' council to task for not recogniz ing the need for the sign earlier. The sign finally was erected. One of the first violators: The man who wanted it up in the first plkce. WILL SWAP 1917 Ford pick up truck and a 1917 Mercury Coupe far lots, acreage, saw timber or cattle anywhere in Hay wood County. Call or see H. L. LINER 131 Main GL 6-4331 1 GILBERT Concrete Products Co. Seventh Ave. E. Dial 4463 4" i2c 12" 26c 6" 15c 8" 18c Bevel Siding ? 18c Chimney Blocks ? 55c Silo Blocks .. 22c Hendersonvillr, N. C. For Your Everyday HARDWARE AND PAINT NEEDS Shop HOWELL'S HARDWARE Joe Ilowell, Owner Dial GL 6-5221 Main St. f USED I TIRES ALL SIZES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Wholesale Prices 1 - THE - I SIMS CO. Ed Sims Junaluska Road DIAL GL 6-4921 By CARL GOERCH Mr. J. L. Memory is In a quand ary. - Mr. Memory is connected with Wake Forest College. He is a man who has received a college educa \ tion. who has been in contact with highly learned men for a number of years, and who has a mind which runs to scientiflc things. But Mr. Memory is puzzled. He has come across something which conflicts with his scientiflc thoughts and he doesn't know what to make of it, He has a white mare which, at times, is inclined to be rather wild. Now any person. With any intel ligence whatsoever, knows that witches have a preference for white inares. That's a facl Which is well established, regardless of what .-dentists may say about it. One morning, as Mr. Memory was taking the mare out of the stable, a neighbor happened to be passing by. He glanced at the mare and commented sort of casual like: "Well, Mr. Memory, I see the witches have been working your mare again." Mr. Memory said: "What do you mean by thai?" And the man said: "Don't you see that she's all eoverod with sweat1 That means that the witehes have been working her all night. They'll do it every time when the moon is full." Mr. Memory scoffed at the very idea. He continued to scoff, despite the (act that every morning, after a full moon, he would find the mare covered with sweat He mentioned the matter jokingly to some other people and was surprised to dis cover that the other people didn't take it as a joke at all. As a mat ter of fact, they were surprised it his ignorance about the sub ject. The mare?like all other mares ?has a mane. One day, not lone ago. Mr Memory noticed that a part of the mane was plaited and that there was a knot tied in it lie unlangled the hairs, brushed the mane smooth, and thought nothing more of it. The next morning, he noticed that the mane was plaited and knotted again The same thing hap pened on each succeeding morning. Hp mentioned it to an old farm er with whom he happened to be In conversation on the streets of Wake Forest one day The old man looked at him in mild amusement "You mean to tell me." he said, "that you don't know what causes that1" lV.'r. Memory confessed bis ig norance. "The witches have been plaiting that mare's mane." said the farm er. "They'll do it every time 'Long as I can remember, it has alvvavs been a well-known fact that witches are fond of white mares. 'Most every white mare is be witched. Does your mare act kind er wild at times?" Mr Memory admitted that she lid The man nodded his head sagely. "That proves It," he said. "But you don't need to worry about it, be cause practically every white mare !s bewitched." A couple of weeks ago. Mr. Memory took his mare around to i man who shoes. The mare arted awfully contrary-like and Mr. Memory apologized to the man for the way she was cutting up The man waved the apology aside. "You don't have to tell me any thing about this mare," he said. "I! THE* ? A resident of rural Choctaw, charg ed with running a red light, pictur ed herself today as the victim of the complex hig city traffic light' system. "There's six traffic lights at that intersection," Mrs. Kuby Vern Lovell, 35. told the court. "1 Couldn't tell which was mine." "All you have to do is follow the one 'in front of you." advised Judge James Demopoios, and fined her $10. REDUCED SUMMER PRICES Now In Effect! Order Now and SAVE On EGO - LUMP - STOKER COAL ] DIAL GL 6 - 4061 For Prompt Delivery WAYNESVILLE COAL COMPANY REPORTS from New Hampshire Indicate that Gov. Hugh Gregg (above), 35, may succeed the late ' Sen. Charles W. Tobey, who died of a heart attack. This could be done by Gregg's resigning as Gov* ernor and being succeeded by New Hampshire Senate President 1 Lane Dwinell, who then would | name Gregg to the Senate post , Smart Soreheads If you suffer from headaches you may find some consolation in the fact that you're in distinguished company. An investigation has turned up the information that head aches are far commoner among edu cated people than among their dull er-witted brothers. - The farthest faint star which can be seen by the Palomar tele scope is believed to bo seen by j tight which has been traveling to ward the earth for two billion' ytars at the rate of about ltMI.OOt) nilles a second. I 1 / I JOHNSON MOTORS . II AH Models In Stock |i SYLVA COAL & LUMBER CO. Phone 71 Sylva, N. C. Schedule - \ Bookmobile A?|. 4 BETHEL - CENTER PIGEON - | HENSON COVE Rickman's Store 8:15- 9:30 Abie s Grocery % 9:45-10:00 I Morrow's Grocery 10:10-10:40 Roy Suttles 10:50-11:15 John Blalock 11:20-11:35 Robert Clark 11:40-12:30 Lonnie Green 12:45- 1:05 T. W. Cathey 1:15- 130 Hugh Terrell 1:45- 2 00 John M Rlgdon 2:05- 2:30 Aug. 5 CECIL - BETHEL Parris Store 9:1V10:15 ' J. P. Ledbetter 10:20-10:30 James Reeves 10:35-10:50 W. R. Hargrove 11:35-11:50 John Johnson 12:00-12:15 Harrison Henson 12:30- 1:00 Wright's Self Service 1:15- 1:3d Southern School Service 1:35- 2:00 Jack McCracken 2:15- 2:40 West Pigeon Food Ctr. 2:50- 3:15 Aug. 7 CRUSO - FRANCIS COVE Mrs. Lorrie Mann 9:15- 9 30 Robert Freeman 9:45-10:15 Cruso Grocery ' 10:30-11:00 Deavers Grocery 11:05-11:25 Dosha Burress 11 30-11:4f, Springdale School and Camp 11:55-12:15 Burl Henderson 12:30- 1:00 Burnett's Cash Grocery 1:10- 2:30 Don't buy misshapen strawber ries even if they seem a bargain.' They often have a small hard green area that affects their flavor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as ancillary Ad ministrator C.T.A. of the Estate of Thomas Church Brownell, de ceased late of Dade County, Flor ida, this is lo notify all persons FOR SALE The William Holsten prop erty in the heart of Mag gie. Has been successfully operated as a Craft Shop for several years. Has five rooms and bath for living and a nice store, space of 18 x 28, native rock con struction. Has 302' front age on highway and fronts on both Jonathan and Campbell Creeks. Offered for sale at only $13,050. We have homes in every price range from the top to a low of $2,750. For full information you have only to Dial GL 0-3501 1 THE ! L. N. DAVIS CO. having claims against the Estate at said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wayi.aevilla, North Carolina, on or before June It. 1954 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 18th day of June. IMS. . WILLIAM MEDFORD Ancillary Administrator C.T.A. of the Estate, of Thomas Church Brownetl 2341?Jy 13-20-27 A 3-10-17 NOTICE OF SALE On Friday. August 14, 1953. at eleven o'clock A M. at the court house door in Waynesville. the Town of Waynesville will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynes ville. the following parcel or lot of land in the Town of Waynes ville adjoining the said Town's Al ter plant und reservoir, more par ticularly described and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in a line parallel with the fence line and Ave feet therefrom, in >the property line of J. W. Kay, and runs thence parallel with and (We feet from said fence line South 38" West about 55 feet to a stake: Ihence due South about 5 feet *to a stake in the Northerly margin of said 15-foot roadway: thence running with said roadway Nurth 88' East about 100 feet to a stake in the J. W. Ray line: thence with said line North 55" West about 80 feet to the BEGINNING, as shown on the map made by John P. W. Taylor. Engineer. This 10th day of July 1953. LOIS J. GENTRY. Town Clerk. 2347?J 13-20-27 A 3 For Athletes Foot Cue T-4-L for 3 to 5 days. It actually Deels off the outer skin, expos"* burl d fungi and KILLS , ON CONTACT. If not nleas?d with . instant-drying T-4-L, your 49c bark at any drug store. Today at [ Smith's Drug Store. Phone for^your... v J ? POLIO INSURANCE Protects parents, children under 18. Pays expenses ? up to $9000. Two year family policy $10, individ ual $5. , Dial GL 6-4331 HARRY LINER. SR. 131 Main Street U.. WW AM May Succeed Tobey PrtiLfcWEf?-! - I'll ee. 006ft KT f\oT*E.?'4 f\ FEwJ OPvM^ -'jHCS NOT U6.U. OTmT^ i^rfM |\/OlLL UOO Gf\T*?AE street, P\ eonOLe OF , S - . - ^? 7 V COULWT TvAt rS~?i?7^?i h :-LH-i OF "WIS OLD*"\ f FJPMlTuCE i5 BESinmiMS A V^O LOOK Pf?ETTV SHABBY, 7 v Sus e !y-^ # SL WHY NOT GET RiD OF ALL THE OLD WORN-OUT THINGS AT -? ' ONCE, FREDDIE-AND START / +HAT \ OVER WITH BRANO KEW,? y SOUNDS' I ?-"A sooo ; i <& RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FKHEI 1