CLUBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ACTIVITIES 1 ' Office Phone GL 6-5301 - Eleanor B. Sloan, Editor - Home Phone GL 6-4952 , ' * ' . j ? HDC Schedule Meetings have been set for Home iKuionsuation ciubs as fol low*; luesday, Oct. 6?Beaverdam ? Mrs. oiiLiun Jimison uvirs. T. T. Aiurray ?j.uo p.m. Weonesaay, uci. 7?Fairview - Aliens crees.?joint Copper work shop?Aits. C'. C. itayie?y,3U a.m. laursuay, oci. b?rines creea? Copper uorksnop?Airs. Sam Fer guson?9:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. y?Iron Hull?Mrs. Kay Aiuuer?2:U0 p.m. Alonaay, Oct. 12?Canton Hume makers?airs. W. H. Aienaell talis. Jonn Aioigan, Mrs. James Hyaiu ? i JO p.m. Tuesuay, Oct. 13 ? Upper Crab tree?Ails. Albert Ferguson?2:Ull p.m.?Lakeside?KEA Kitchen ? 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14?White Oak ?Mrs. Joe Liavis?1:00 p.m. tcop , per workshop*.?Francis Cove ? Airs. Cash towards?7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15?Dellwood ? Airs. Hugh Allison?2:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10?Crabtree-Hyd er Mt.?Mrs. Fred Sa fiord ? 2:00 p.m. Alonday, Oct. 19?Rogers Cove? Mrs. Horace Crawford?2:00 p.m. ?Uatclift'e Cove?Mrs. Carl Jones, tAlrs. Woodie Jones!?7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20?South Clyde ?Mrs. Walter Rhodarmer ? 2:00 P.m.?Waynesville Homemakers? Mrs. Joe Cathey?7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23 ? Junaluska? Mrs. Grover Leatherwood?10:30 a m.?all day meet?Book Reports. Monday, Oct. 26?McKimmon ? Airs. t. J. Galliene (Mrs. Roy Smathers, Mrs. Eugene Worley!? 1:00 p.m.. Book reports.?Saunook ?Mrs. James Garrett (Mrs. Her sliel Stephens)?7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27?Clyde ? Mrs. C. L. Darnell (Mrs. Ralph Miller) ?10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28 ? Cecil ? Mrs. Frank Sorrells ? 9:30 a.m. (copper workshop) ?Bethel?Mrs. Horace Peek (Mrs. Homer West)? 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29?West Canton ?Mrs. Alarshall Cooper?2:00 p.m. * * * Club Members To Make Reservations For District Garden Meet HMOBri (iflinrp.v o* ??| r? . ,?..?/ y??? f . Alembers of the Richland Gar den Club who plan to attend the district meeting In Franklin on " October 20, are asked to contact Mrs. T. L. Gwyn by Saturday. Oc tober 10, for luncheon reserva tions. The meeting will open at 9:30 a.m. at the Franklin Presbyterian . Church and luncheon will be at 1 p.m. at the Panorama Court. * ? * Mrs. Bill Prevost, Mrs. Aaron Prevost, and Mrs. H. P. McCarroll left this morning for Greensboro where they will attend a workshop of the State Parent-Teacher Asso ciation at Woman's College. Mrs. Bill Prevost is president of the Hazelwood PTA. The workshop will continue through Thursday. My Favorite Recipe MRS. DEE CLARK BUTTER SCOTCH SQUARES V* pound butter blended with 1 cup flour 2 tablespoons sugar, also blended in flour and butter Press into 10-inch square pan. Bake until light brown. DRESSING lVa cups brown sugar Va cup nut meats (black 2 eggs walnuts preferred) Vii cup cocoanut, shredded 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat eggs until light. Combine with other ingredients. Mix well. Pour over crust. Bake in moderate oven about 30 minutes. Cut in squares while warm. Mountain View Garden | Club Has Meeting A luncheon meeting of the 1 Mountain View Garden Club was held Thursday in the home of Mrs. | J. H. Howell. Jr. with Mrs. Boyd Owen and Mrs. Joe Massle as as sociate hostesses. Mrs. Bill Morris presented the program, using as her subject, "What Vou Can Do With Spring Bulbs." Mrs. Fred Allison, vice presi dent, presided during the business hour. Guests for the meeting were Mrs. Weaver Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. H. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Mrs. J. W. Ray, and Mrs. J. H. Howell. * * * Old Friends Spend Day In Iron Duff An all day get-together of old friends was held last Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Lee Noland at Iron Duff. Mrs. K. L. Palmer was co-hostess for the event. Those present were Mrs. John Howell, Mrs. W. C. Welch of Enka, Mrs Aney Smathers and Mrs. Ed Harkins of Canton, Mrs. W. C. Sutton, .Mrs. R. L. Davis, Mrs Hobart Franklin of Cove Creek, I Mrs. James Harrell of Waynes ! ville, and Mrs. Clinton McElroy of Iron Duff. ?? UDC Chapter Meets With Mrs. Ferguson | Mrs. J. J. Ferguson*' and Mrs. F. G. Rippetoe were hostesses for a meeting of the Haywood Chapter, United Daughters of the Confed eracy, Friday afternoon in the home of -Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt presented the program on the, United States Flag. Mrs. Roy Compbell presided dur ing the business session and Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. J. H. Howell were named delagates to the state convention of the UDC to be held in Greensboro October 10.12. Plans were made for a benefit card party to be held Monday night, October 12 with Mrs. Kirk patrick serving as general chair man. Mrs. George A. Nilesf of Griffin, Georgia was a guest for the after noon. ? ? * Johnny Hill Returns To U. S. From Korea Johnny Hill, EM 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hill of Charles Street, has arrived in California after a year's duty on the L.S.T. 855 in Japanese and Korean waters. He also served in Opera tion Biff Switch for 30 days. Hill, who was formerly employ ed bv Bryson Construction Co., entered the Navy in December, 1950. He expects to arrive home around December 1 to spend a 30-day leave. ? ? ? Charles Alley Is Member Of OCU Choir Charles Alley, student at the Oklahoma City University, is one of 82 vocalists who have been ac cepted as members of the OCU Choir for this term. The initial performance of the year was given by the choir lad week in Oklahoma City at a con vention of Chamber of Commerce officials from all over the nation. The most widely traveled Unit of the University, the choir already has an extensive schedule for this year. Charles, a member of the fresh man class, is the son of Mrs. Doyle Alley of Waynesville. At OCU he is a member of the Lambda Chi Al pha social fraternity, Band, Or chestra, Woodwind Quintet, and he sings baritone in the Choir. ? ? ? ? Mrs. George A. Niles left this morning for her honrje on Griffin, Georgia after a visit with her sis ters, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, and Miss Robina Miller. Methodist Circles Plan October Meetings Circles of the Woman's Society of cnristian Service ot the f irst Metnodisl Church have announced meetings tor Tuesday, OctoDer b, as lonows: Circie 1 will meet in the home of Mrs. Tom Lee witn Mrs. As oury tiowen as co-hostess, at 3:30 p.m. ' Circle 2 will meet in the home of Mrs. Ed Giavich with Mrs. { jarvis Painter as cq-Jiostess, at 3:30 p.m. Circle 3 will meet in the home of Mrs. Kreo Allison with Mrs. 11. C. Mctluigan as co-nostess, at 3:30 p.m. Circle 4 will meet in the home of Mrs. Dewey Stovall with Mrs. Erancis Massie and Mrs. John .Nes uill as associate hostesses, at 7:30 p. m. Circle 5 will meet In the home of Mr. Joe Davis with Mrs. Bill Dover as co-hostess, at 7:30 p.m. of Mrs. Robert Walker with Miss Circle 6 will meet in the home Betty Jo Crocker as co-hostess, at 7:30 p.m. Circie 7 will meet in the home of Mrs. W. A. Hector with Miss Hufina Bright as co-hostess, at 7:30 p.m. * ? ? Division Meeting Is Planned By Baptist WMU The Woman's Missionary Union of Asheville Division, auxiliary to the North Carolina Baptist State Convention will meet at the First Baptist Church, Canton, October 8, beginning at 9:50 a.m. Members of the WMS of the Canton church will be hostesses and will serve luncheon. All wo men, pastors, and Royal Ambasa d o r counselors from Baptist Churches in the division are in vited. Mrs. J. R. Morgan of Waynesville, division president, will preside and Mrs. E. R. Elmore of Mars Hill will serve as secretary. Speakers will include Dr. W. C. Taylor, missionary to Brazil; Mrs. Gordon Maddrey of Ahoskie, N. C., president of t^?e WMU; and the Rev. B. W. Jackson, Royil Ambas sador secretary of the N. C. Wo man's Missionary Union. Inspirational worship periods, special music, and reports will con tribute to the day's program and ,a love offering will be taken for linens for the Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem. The Asheville Division is com posed of the following Associations: Buncombe, Carolina, French Broad, Haywood, Mitchell, Transylvania, New Found and Yancey. ? * ? Miss Green, Bride-Elect, Is Honored Mrs. Alna Hyatt and her mother. Mrs. Lowery Ferguson, entertained at a linen shower Friday afternoon in the home of the former, as a courtesy to Miss Mary Jo Green, bride-elect of Freeman Springer. I The bridal motif was carried out and decorations in the living room featured a tree of wedding bells. The guests included Miss Green, Mrs. Lawrence Green, Mrs. Era mett Green, Mrs. Joe Jack Atkins. Mrs. Mack Green, Miss Olive Jane Green, Mrs. James Atkins, Mrs. Emmett Balentine. Loraine Balen tine, Mrs. Owen Meredith of Enid. Okla.. Mrs. Walter Francis, Miss Frangie Noland. Mrs. Grace Camp. Miss Peggy Camp, Mrs. Hessie Terrell, Mrs. Leonard Dotson. Mrs. Hufus Hyatt, Mrs. Lucius Alien. Mrs. Allen Hyatt, Mrs. Miriam Funderburk, Mrs. Carl Ferguson, and Mrs. Dee Crawford. * * * Wesleyan Guild To Meet Wednesday Night The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p,.n in the home of Mrs. Homer Plot* on Maple Street. Hostesses with Mrs. Plott will be Mrs. Oliver Yount, Jr., and Mrs. Fred Vaughn. ? * ? Sgt. David Wells Enroute From Korea Sgt. David L. Wells, son of Wil liam Wells, of Canton is enroute to the U. S. after 11 months' duty in Korea with the 2nd Infantry Division. The 2nd Division took part in two of the Korean conflict's most historic battles. It captured'Heart break Ridge after weeks of bitter fighting in October, 1B91, and took Old Baldy in July, 1952. A radio repairman in the 72nd Tank Battalion. Wells entered the Army In January, 1952, and com pleted basic training at Camp Gordon, Ga. ? ? ? i.l Want Ads brine quick resulted] Miss Queen Is Married To Walton Willett Miss Eddie Rust Queen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Queen of Candler Heights, became the bride of Walton W. Willett, Jr., son of Mrs. W. W. Willett and the late Mr. Willett of Waynesvllle, Sunday, September 27, at 2 p.m. in the home of the bride. The Rev. M. D. Smith perform ed the ceremony and Mrs. Thelma Morgan presented a program of wedding music. The home was decorated with arrangements of summer flowers. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an afternoon dress of navy blue faille with a navy blue velvet hat. She carried a nosegay of red roses. Miss Margaret Willett, sister of the bridegroom, was maid ot honor. She wore a navy blue gabardine suit with navy accessories and her corsage was of red roses. William C. Willett of Waynes ville, twin brother of the bride groom, served as best man. The bride's mother wore an after noon dress of navy and pink silk print and a corsage of pink rose Duds. The bridegroom's mother wore a black suit and white rose Duds. A reception followed the cere mony. Those assisting were Mrs. E. H. Revis of Asheville, aunt of the bride; Mrs. Albert Bridges J ftaywoou, Granam, toacot? swain counties and mum, I following: Konnaheeta 01 AM? Bryson City Vt oman s Ciuo I ton Woman s Club. Clyde Hq? Club, Cullowhee W ornan<. i? Tne Graham County w?? Club of hobbinsMlle. The W? ville Woman s Club and thret? of Sylva?the Sylva Womana? the Halcyon Club, and the ? tieth Century Club. Junior? from Andrews, Cullowhee, fl tin, Murphy, Sylva. and fa? ville will also be represented? Mrs. Lane is serving as man ol arrangements lor the? ing with commillee chairmen? she Waynesville Club ud? Mrs. Charles Hay. reserve? Mrs. J. ?. Howell, menu; Mrs? Liner, coffee hour; Mrs c f.|H Patrick, table arrangements? Jesse Lamar, telephone; and? H. L. Baughman, publicity. I Serving as pages will be Alexander and Betty Jo Sha^? DAR To Meet With I 1 Mrs. Moore In Sylva? The Dorcas Bell Love Daughters of the American^? lution, will meet in the he^| Mrs. Dan K. Moore in Sjiva^J day, October 9, at 3:30 p.m.^? Mrs. Ramsey Buchanan. i^? Sylva, will be co-hostess ai^| present the program. The zine will be reviewed'by MrcH The members are asked to? small noise-makers to be ui^| prizes for the annual Hali^J party at Moore General Ho^H ? ADDING MACHINES ? CASH REGISTERS ? TYPEWRITERS Kaiser's Book Store "The Easy Payment Store" Dial GL 6-3691 Main St. : Act now! Save now! ? [n n i 11H lU'OT'H \ JHWmROGERS* / M SILVERPLATE \ M By ROGERS SILVERSMITHS In Connttlitut Sine* H?J \ 50 Piece I ?] *1 1 1.1 '1H OMT V Sercke For ?? 1 6 Beautiful P|T4TTj J I j Pattern* To | Choose From. DR. W. M. NANCE OPTOMETRIST 112 Main Street Dial GL 6-3211 ? h MASSIE'S [DEPT. STORE "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" j wpiig you want in a shoe best-fitting the shoe with the beautiful fit no slip, no gap, no pinch heel-hugging, toe-free lasts looks good from every angle soft toes, amazing flexibility cork cushioned heel to toe fit parade Thru Oct. 1 ?l\dtwuXtyM0 THI SHOK WITH THI BEAUTIFUL FIT As adverli* in McCAU the treasure chest collection gives you flexibility...soft toes...heel-hugging beaut)? In your busy life a well-fitted shoe is all important... that s V/hy women love Naturalizer's famous heel-hugging toe-free It gives perfect fit with no slip, no gap, no pinch ever. Just everything you want in a shoe is in Naturalizers. See the Treasure Chest collection for fall. I "* ' j a