CLUBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN A ^ T ^ ^ ITIES ^ _ ' . - Office Phone GL 6-5301 - Eleanor B. Sloan, Editor - Home Phone GL 6-4952 ' * 1 ' v ? Richland Garden Club \VilI Meet Thursday The Richland Garden Club will hold a lupcheon meeting Thurs day, October 22, at 12:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. J. A. Green on Greenvlew Drive. Other hostesses will be Miss Lou Elva Filer and Mrs. VV'iJliam Medford Mrs. J. P. Dicus will have the program on "Planting Fall Bulbs." ? ? ? Donald A. Grooms, son of Mrs. Lockic Grooms, Route 3, Canton, has enrolled as a freshman at ^Florida Southern College. A form er student at Bethel High School and Crossnore High School Busi ness Department, he will major hi journalism. ? i Tje. -^4. ^ *j jT^5 HBBBH|H|HHH||^^^|HH^|HBI I rmtoro* ofter opening for servicing. Lay A Way Now For 1 Christmas I I f J H'IT' tipMI .y " ITS tAST TO PW THt RtllARlt WAV "Jj MRS. BURLIN QUEEN was married Sunday, October II in Green ville, S. C. She is the former Miss Alleen Fulbright, daughter of Mrs. tiardy Fulbright and the late Mr. Fulbright of Waynesville. Methodists ? Hold Reception Thursday Night A reception was held Thursday evening in the dining room of the First Methodist Church to honor the church's new pastor, the Rev. Earl H. Brendall, Mrs. Brendall, and their daughter, Brenda Ware Brendall. Also honored were the Rev. and ? Mrs. J. W. Fowler, the former the new superintendent of the Lake Junaluska Assembly. Mrs. Hugh Massie greeted the guests and Mrs. Hilliard Atkins in troduced them to the receiving line, which was composed of the honor guests ahd Mrs. Lawrence Leatherwood, vice president .of the Woman's Society of the Church. Mrs. Jonathan Woody and Mrs. Ben Sloan presided at the coffee table which was covered with a hand made cloth and centered with an arrangement of mixed autumn flowers, flanked by green candles in silver holders. Others assisting were Mrs. C. C. White. Mrs. Henry Tuttle, Mrs. C. G. Thompson. Miss Frances Ray, Mrs. .Leon Killian. Jr., Mrs. Ned Howell. Miss Kathleen Calhoun, Mrs. Charles Way, Mrs. J. H. How ell. Jr., Mrs. Barbara Haviland Weiler, Mrs. W M. Cobb. Mrs. James Strinefleld. Mrs. Joe Boone. Mrs. Erwin Burgin and Mrs. Bruce Jaynes. v , * Arrangements of chrysanthe mums were used throughout the dining room in decorating. Plans for the event were under the direction of Mrs. C. C. White. ? ? ? Mrs. Philip Young has return ed to Chapel Hill after a visit with her brother-in-law and sister, the Rev. and Mrs. Edgar H. Goold. Queen-F ulbright Marriage Is Announced Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Aileen Fulbright, daughter of Mrs. Hardy Fulbright of Waynesville and the late Mr. Fulbright, to Burlin Queen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Queen, also of Waynesville. The ceremony was performed in Greenville, S. C. Sunday, October 11. Mrs. Queen is a graduatae of the L Waynesville High Scholl and is TflTfliTttyi'fr by the Southern Bell Telephone Company here. Mr. Queen also attended the Waynesville scholl and served In the Army. He is now employed by Wellco Shoe Corp. The couple is residing in Way | nesville. * ? * The Fowlers Are Honored At Lake lunaluska The Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Fowler and their children, Jimmy, Mar garet, and Nina Fowler, were hon ored at a tea given Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leach and Mrs. C. S. Adams as hosts at Sunset Cottage at Lake Junaluska. Mr. Fowler is the new superintendent of the Lake Juna luska Assembly. Mrs. C. N. Clark and Mrs. W. N. Thomas presided at the tea table and others assisting were Miss Ray Ballard .Miss Louise Ballard. Mrs. Roy Floyd, Miss Mary Reed Moore, Mrs. Dick Moody, Mrs. Leland Gar nett. and Miss Kathy Boyd. The table was arranged with a Madeira cloth and a centerpiece of mixed pastel flowers, flanked by ivory candles in silver holders. Around one hundred and fifty residents of the Assembly grounds called during the afternoon. * ? * Grace Church Ladies Attend District Meeting In Highlands Eleven Members of the Grace Church Woman's Auxiliary attend ed a meeting of the District One section of the Diocese of Western North Carolina last Wednesday in Highlands. Special guests at this fall gatjt-. ering were the Rt. Rev. M- George Henry. Bishop of this Diocese, and the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, mission ary to the southwest. The meet ing began with a communion ser vice at which they officiated. Mrs. May New of Asheville. president of the Diocese Auxiliary, outlined Auxiliary plans for" the coming year. Among many reports were thoae by Waynesville mem bers. Mrs. Roy Campbell on the recent Synod meeting she attended in Lexington, Ky.. and Mrs. John Taylor on her work for the Diocese as chairman of Christian Social Relations. > Those attending from here In addition to Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. taylor were Mrs. J. R. McCracken, president of Grace Church Auxil iary. Mrs. M. C. Green, Mrs. E. H. Goold and her guest, Mft. Philip Young of Chapel Iflll, Mr?. John A. Ferguson. Mrs. W. F. Ronald. Mrs. C Y. Klrkpatrlck, and Mrs. Louise Dock And Mrs. 6. G. Mc Kenxie, both of-BMMmv Auxiliary To Medical Society Has Meeting The Initial fall rheetlng of the Auxiliary to the Haywood County Medical Society was held in the form of a luncheon Thursday in the home of Mrs. R. S. Roberson In Grimban Park. Mrs. V. H. Duckett of Canton was co-hostess. The program was presented by Mrs. J. R. McCracken, who showed a film, "Southern Folklore". Mrs. Roberson, president, pre sided an0 plans were made for the member* to visit a physician who is a patient at %Black Mountain Sanitorium. Plans were also made for the annual Christmas party, which will be a bridge luncheon. Mrs. James Stringfield was wel comed as a new member. The Medical Auxiliary was or ganized last winter with the follow ing officers, in addition to Mrs. Roberson: Mrs. Ducket, vice pres ident; Mrs. J. E. Fender, secre tary; and Mrs. Boyd Owen, treas urer. WTHS Graduates Continue In Music Fields Much natural talent, plus train ing with Charles Isley and Robert Campbell in Waynesville High School's top-ranking band and chorus, is paying dividends for a number of the high school's 19S3 graduates. News* releases from various colleges and training cen ters indicate that the music stu dents are continuing to rate top places in their fields. Charles Alley, who is majoring in music at Oklahoma City Uni versity, has been given fii'st chair as oboist in the University band and orchestra. He also is a mem bar of the woodwind quintet and the University choir. ( Stanford Massle is playing the saxaphone in the concert band of Duke University and is a member of the Duke Glee Club. Emmett Balentine Is playing in the Marine Corps Band at Parris Island and Harold Scruggs is a member 'of the Marine Corps Band j at Quantico, Va. Others participating are as fol lows? ;Joe Boyd. Mat* Hill COlWgfc Chorus; Patsy Brendle, Maryville College Orchestra and Band; Sylvia Camlin, Western Carolina Glee Club; Nancy David. Great "Lakes Naval Station WAVES choir; Betty Ann Howell, Western Carolina Col lege Band; Richard Hipps, Berea College Banfl and Chorus; Dot Liner, Greensboro College Glee Club; Dale Ratcliffe, Western Caro lina College Band; Jeff Reece, Oak. Ridge Military Institute Glee Club; and Julia Ann Stovall and Sally Stovall, Sullins College Glee Club. ? * ? Mrs. Massie Is Honored At Bridge Dinner Mrs. Harold Massie of Flagler Beach. Florida, formerly of Way nesvllle, was honored at a bridge dinner given Thursday evening by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Roy Park man. The group playing was the orig inal bridge club formed while Mrs. Massie resided in Waynes yille. High score prize went to Mrs. J. W. Reed. Jr. and the low score prize to Mrs. L. R. Barber. The honor guest was presented a gift. Arrangements of autumn flow ers were used in decorating the home. The guests were Mrs. Massie, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Felix Stovalil, Mrs. Howard Hyatt, Mrs. David Hyatt, Mrs. Carlton Weath erby, and Mrs. Tom Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Massie left Sat urday morning to return to their home. ? * * Classroom Teachers To Meet Monday Nite The first business session of the Haywood County Classroom Teach ers for the current school term will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the East Waynesville school auditorium. Miss Alma Jackson, president, baa asked that all building rep resentatives be present to give their membership reports. ? ? ? Music Club Will Meet With Mrs. Ellen Way The Waynesville Music Club will meet Tuedsay, October^ 20, at 8 p.m. .in the home of Mrs. Ellen Fox Way. The program will be presented by Mrs Hugh Love. ? * ? Bob Setzer. who is in training at Fort Jacfcson. s. C., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Estelle Setzer Allison. Setzer entered the army on September 15 and wgs gjven a long weekend pass as an awkrd In Physical Training. He .was owe of three winners. . ? AN ARRANGEMENT of outstanding specimens of the Peace rose is presented to the Haywood County Library by Miss Ray Ballard of Lake Junaluska. The roses, grown by Miss Ballard's sister. Miss Louise Ballard, are approximately six inches in diameter and are a cream-yellow shade with a pink tint at the edge of the petals. Originating in France, the Peace rose was ? brought to this country several years ago and has become popular with all flower growers. It is unique In that no two blossoms are ever alike and the colors vary with the season. It blooms from spring until late fall and is partic ularly resistant to black spot. Miss Ballard has had the bush, from which these blossoms were cut, about four years. (Mountaineer Photo). Legion Auxiliary * To Sponsor Square Dance Plans are being made by the American Legion Auxiliary for a square dance to be held in the American Legion Hall Saturday night, October 24, from 8 p.m. until 12 p.m. A special feature of the evening will be an amateur hour from 8 until 9 o'clock, for which cash prizes will be awarded. There will also be door prizes and a food bar with homemade cookies and candies for sale. Mrs Raymond Caldwell is serv ing as chairman for the event with the following tfomgiittees: Mrs. Neeson Smith and Mrs. Rob ert Hall, posters; Mrs. Herman Francis, amateur hour; Mrs. Fraqkie Hoyle, prizes; Mrs. Don-1 aid Morrow, decorations; and ! Mrs. BUI Mehaffey Tickets are on sale at 75 cents per person at Slack's Joan's i Beauty Shop and from all mem | bers of the committee. The amateur hour is open to the j public. Those wishing to partici I pate are asked to contact Mrs. Raymond Caldwell at GL 6-6806, ' Mra. Hergian Francis at GL 6-3675, .' or Mrs. J. T. Russell, president of the Auxiliary. * * * Crabtree Club Has Meeting The Crabtree Home Demonstra tion Club met Friday at the home of Mrs. F. L. Safford. Mrs. Joe Palmer presided and the devo tional was given by Mrs. Joe Smart. During the business ses sion final plans were made for Achievement Day. Leaders reports were given on Food Conservation by Mrs, B. F. Nesbitt, and Foods and Nutrition by Mrs. F. L. Safford. The demonstration on Home Safety was given by Miss Mary: Cornwell. Plans were made for' the joint November and Decem ber meeting to be held on No vember 20 as an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. B. F. Nes bitt. i Mrs. Mary Pope was a guest. ? ? ? Methodist Young Adults To Have Supper Meeting The Haywood County Young Adult Fellowship of the Methodist Church will have a supper meet ing at the First Methodist Church In Waynesvllle, Monday. October 26. at 6:30 p.m. . Supper will be served by the Waynesvllle group. ? ? ? Practical Nurses Will See Picture Wednesday Licensed Practical Nurses will meet Wednesday, October 21, at 7:30 In the office of Dr. Boyd Owen. Mr. Lee Davis will show a picture on "House of Mercy." All members are urged to be present. ? ? * ROBERT F. LANCASTER GETS PROMOTION Robert F. Lancaster, son of Dr. and Mrs. "N. F. Lancaster, has been promoted to the grade of Sergeant at Riverside Military Acamedy. according to a news re lease from Riverside. Promotions are based on the academic, mili tary. and conduct record of pre vious years along with a rigorous tryout period thia fall. Sgt Lan caster {is a member of the junior ? Mrs. Dooley, Mrs. Liner Are Club Hostesses Mrs. W. I. Dooley and Mrs. Joe Liner were hostesses for a lunch eon meeting of the Skyland Gar den Club Thursday afternoon in the home of the former at Lake I Junaluska. Mrs. Wayne Dietz pre sided. Mrs. Frank Worthington was in charge of the program and spoke on "DriecJ Flower Arrangements". The members exchanged potted plants at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Allison Is Hostess For Dellwood Club Mrs. Hugh AHisor. n for a meeting ut nlt. ljf!. Home Demon t. . iiotl ciuo jh day afternoon. Mrs. S. i: Met .try pre-uka. Mrs. W. D. Kt'int r , \pia;ntni club's participai in in ihe Bureau Membe -m;j drne j Lee Evans comme u-d the m tlons. 3,1 Project leader r. porting ?, Mrs. R. M. Ferguson, cloth, leader, who discie-ed Fall F, Ions; Mrs. Taylor Ferguson. |g and nutrition leader; and A. Singleton, who di ,un Freezing Turkeys. Miss Jean C'liild.-i a.^ home agent, gave the demom tion on "Shoes.' Mrs. Archie Sale wa- vvektm as a new member and Mr c Ketner was a guest. * ? ? Nancy Evans Heads Junaluska 4-11 Club The Junaluska 4-11 Club i Monday, October 19 and olfio were elected for the year T1 were as follows: Nanev Lei Ft, president; ? Dicky Shehan. i president; Carolyn Rher- sm tary-treasurer; Sammy Lou B ress, reporter; Phillis Teagua I Charles Hipps. song leaders Mrs. Lew is Burress is the ad leader. Plans were discussed at i meeting for the projects for corning year. * * ? Beta Sigma Phi Will Meet Thursday Night A meeting of the lieta Sigma sorority will be held Thursday 7:30 p.m. in the commissi* room at the Court House. RAY'S WORK PANT SALi $2.79 Red Fox OVERALL PANT SALE $2-59 Sizes 29 - 42 8-oz. Sanforized $3.39 Red Fox TWILL PANTS SALE $2-99 Khaki and Gray Sizes 29 ? 42 ANVIL BRAND MATCHED SUIT Medium Weight Twill Choice of GREEN OR OLIVE DRAB $3.79 PANT $3.33 $2.79 SHIRT $2-44 ? Sizes 29 to 42 ? Genuine Army Twill Choice Of KHAKI OR GRAY $4.69 PANT S3.99 $3.98 SHIRT S3.44 ? Sizes 29 to I- ? WHEN IT'S ANVIL ? IT'S GOO| DUXBAK PANTS I ? Tops for hunting I ,? Tops for farming I SJ.00 OFF RegularPriJ As Naerly Waterproof ? I As A I'ant Can IK- Made M Sweet Orr's TUG - O - WAR PANT "The Toughest Pant Made" $5.50 VALUE ? $4.95 In A Dark Olive Drab Color They Won't Rip WE FEATURE PUXBAK HUNTING CLO^j| Chippewa Plaid WOOL SHIRTS $7.95 Value SALE - $5.95 Richie Plaid WOOL SHIRTS $8.95 Value SALE - $y.95 Cotton PI?1 Flannel Shirt $1.98 Value SALE-S^ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS 1 RAY'SfTopSHOPPING CEHTEI Ray's Department Store And Super Market! Sflje ?J}Cpljeril J| Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871) "That singeth songs to an heavy heart." Prov. 25:20 B None suffered pain as much ^ ^ . '"'m as she . . . "Just as I am with 0*\ out one plea" . . . Went Char- m flT3pEx|1Jx lotte Elliott's plaintive song . . . That to the ages will be l?nK ? ? ? One of the great - /m- J!&%- Commuiiion lays ... To those who suffer she portrays . . . The hqpe and trust although cast down . . . And prays that Heaven's mercies crown . . . Their |lives of pain as they succumb ... And sing, "0 Lamb of God, I come!" JULIEN C. HYER HI WELLS FUNERAL HOME Dial 2371 Canton, N. C.

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