THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER I [flESDAY, NOV. 5, 1953 right J. Thomson Address S.W.A. Canton lith UH; v-iia^ttr OX juuctj ^uy?uccAueiu at ltd IncCUil* uli li " t#*?l#Ul ?|. A.UOUI IttX-fHWuCUt ail a i/ucttur muainai oAiu ruuuf XVcAotiOiio ?c xaf/vi ana jlaoac w fluua w, Uuwl i^cifcUooio, ^uuw a tour ox me caxauipioxi fault A Witt CO. pidllt dt call* ilia AIM/ uinuer dt me pidHi efuu * tuar will begin shortly after jj.iu. n is lemoned tiidi uie puy jinn. lue snowing ui luj ,t uuou uusincs*' aiitr usun a suitress. i. luuuisuu ? uiiice is hi Hara , uiiiu iarh founber'e ? I GBRT1FIG?TE | o?Ao Aojcontributed withe At ? Purchase and Promotion Fund *3f Great Smoky Mountains National Park m S is hereby acknowledged to be S A NATIONAL PARK FOUNDER ? S and as such is entitled to the particular respect and Jgfc gratitude of visitors who through the years and m ages will benefit by the vision and generosity of 8 those who have made possible the preservation of $3 iffl| the virgin forests and varied flora of the choicest <0| ? ? section of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. ** - ? 1 g The Interstate National Park Committee jg | || fs\ f.OS^bv- g fs .? chairman sccrvtarv ^iy -HM- thV yt jr i&Me jig -* ? BACK IN 1926, Mrs. W, T. Crawford, along with many others, made a cash contribution towards the purchase of land for the tireat Smoky Moun tains National Hark, to be turned over to the National Park Service for development. This certificate is the one issued to Mrs. Crawford at the time ot the contribution. The certificate is, signed by D. J. Chapman, chairman, and P. D. Ebbs, secretary. This week, representatives of Western North Carolina are in Washington try * _ _ ? ing to persuade the federal government of the urgent need of fuller development of the Park. Twenty-seven years have passed, and very little has been done towards developing the Park. It was hundreds of people like Mrs. Crawford who put their cash into the project, who are still wait ing. In addition, the states of North Carolina and Tennessee made sizeable appropriations for the purchase of the land* for the Park. ? . ? w? Trouble On The Lawn TOLEDO, Ohio (AP>?A taxpay er telephoned police and said he | wanted written permission to mow his lawn in his underwear. i I Sorry, said Desk Sgt. Vincent I Kwapich, you'd better wear a I swimming suit. |io. answered the j nature lover. lt^ a free country j and it's shorts i?r au>. 5 The sergeant's phone rang again.1 (Ik- man was wearing his abbrevi. teds and the neighbors didn't Jit* it. A police squad scurried to tt scene. They made a short case o* of it. They " ordered htm in something longer than shorts. At the police have had no complain since. ' Dm Want Ada for quick resul Women School Police BEVERLY, Mass. (API ? Police ic Jt Chief Edward Aucone wants six (q new special olficers?all women? id to handle school traffic. ls He told Mayor Clarence S. Wil kinson that he hasn't enough mer to provide protection for childret "* going to school. Fugate Brothers Traveling Far In Services Robert D. Fugatefi H/N. with a Naval medical group, la presently on a Mediterranean cruise of six months. He has already completed cruises which took him to Africa, and Turkey, and he also spent a year in Korean waters. His brother, Pfc. James H. Fu gate has just completed training at a Marine supply school at Camp Lejeuene and is spending a fur lough with his parents at their home on Dellwood Road. Later he is to report to Cdmp Pendleton, Calif. Pfc. Fugate took his basic training at Parris Island, S. C. Both men are the sons of the Rev. and Mrs, B. C. Fugate. - . Marrying Justice Ousted 1 ELIZABETH. N. J. I*I