I?es To Aid tmas Fund vine jaycees will parti A/^laiuW tlUiSUluif, 1 u iuuU 10 oeiicut aipuan uuuer lue juuu spouaoi c twrtii tmoniia Junior oi c ouimerce ana uie r jn.e at rope Air rorce ,? ttiiiuuiiCcti touay. 10 aij ua tuna wui be ??t .taiievine Armory li. several local jay o utlciiil una nance im iiiirici meeting ox uie miner ai niaca Mouu )uts' Barents Limcrgo Training K firsi ol three training ses i ior patents ot prospective scouts in i ne paca to De iorm ii Leiinai r-icintiuary scnooi. oe touuueiea at b p.m. 'inurs wun v. c. Mccurry of uie vine buy scout oitice in !?? 1 interested adults have been Ml to aiimid mis training ses boys ?, u, ana 1U years oid ?ugioie 10 tit'couie Cud scouts. PARK leatre urogram IHtKS. & FR1., MlV. 5 6t tt Story Of Three Loves" (in Cuior) Marring PIER ANGELI KIRK DOUGLAS Also Short Subjects ? SATURDAY, NOV. 7 "Riders Of Black River" Marring HARLES STARRETT ? iUXDAY & MONDAY, NOV. 8 & 9 "White Witch Doctor" (In Coior) Starring SUSAN HAYWARD ROBERT MITCHUM moky Mtn. WIVE-IN theatre "am Rd. Dial GL 6-5446 Astern North Carolina's Newest." Children Under 12 Admitted free ?* Starts At 7:00 P. M. thitrs. & fri., NOV. 5 & 6 he Great Sioux Uprising" (In Colott Starring JEFF C HANDLER faith domergue < olor Cartoon saturday, nov. 7 double feature "The Last Outpost" (In Color) Starring r,nald reagan rH0xi)a fleming ?also? "Best Of The Badmen" On Color) Starring Robert ryan " aire trevor six & mon., nov. 8 & 9 She's Back On Broadway" (In Color) Starring yroinia mayo rene nelson to|or Cartoon 'The Veils of Bagdad' Exotic And Exciting The high adventure of the 15th Century Ottoman tsinpire and tne giory and intrigue 01 naguad are re-created in breathtaking action ana oiazing Tecnmcoior 111 iniver sai-ihtei national s production of "The Vtns ot Uaguaa,' starring Victor Mature ana Man Blancnaru, whicn opens sunaay at the strand tneatre. Maiuie?tall, tanned and terrific in a turoan?tills to the tun the dimensions ot tne reckless, and romantic Antar, who scourged the plotters against Suleiman the Mag-1 niticent's rule. And Miss Blanchard, his provocative partner 111 deliver ing Arabian Nights retribution. 1 matches Victor's virility with the ' molt generous allotment ot allure 1 tne screen ha? given us in many seasons, iter sinuous dances ai the suury benma win sureiy send audi ences out sighing. And a fine group of performers have Deen cast in leaiured roies. Virginia rieid is all ice and nre as tuc amorous wue oi the chiei pioner. Leon Askin is excellent as the eccentric Pasha, Guy tvoUe leaves noUiuig to ue desired as the cniel vinain, ana Luawig Do nain delivers as tne leader of re volt. Howard Peine, James Arness, the athletic Nick Cravat, Palmer : Lee and Jackie Loughery all regis ter solidly. Speaker Asserts Church Keeps Democracy Alive ucmuiiavji ? now jn a ueatn grip with a hostile ideology?will not survive without the aiu of the cnurch." This was the theme of a talk by Rupert McGregor, president of Montreat College and the Montreat Assembly, at a meeting of the Way nesville Kiwanis Club Tuesday lught. "We in America tend to forget," Mr. McGregor said, "that democ racy in this country rests on three things: 1. Faith in the capacity of the common man. 2. Self-evident powers of truth. 3. The Universe is on the side of the society which aims at the brotherhood of man." Mr. McGregor also asaerted: "Modern democracy has not'gone' where the I'rotestarlt church has not gone before." The program was arranged by a I visiting group of Asheville Kiwanis members. Waynesville Kiwanians will journey to Asheville in De cember to put on an exchange pro Puts Bee On Neighbors Vv EST HARTFORD, Conn. <AP) |?Neigsbors complained about the bees Otto Swenson kept in his yard and had him arrested. He quickly brushed up on the law. The judge ! dropped the case. Swenson had learned that the ! law says that neighbors or no neighbors, all he had to do to keep the bees legally is get a permit from the town clerk. The permit I cost him twenty-five cents. ? Keep your muffin pans in a handy place. Besides using them for muffins and cup-cakes, they're fine for rolls and tart shells. If you are buying new muffin pans, jmu may find it useful to acquire two pans with six cups in each, rather than one twelve-cup pan. gram at the Kiwanis Club there. It was announced at the meet ing that the Waynesville club will buy a beef animal at the Fat Stock Show at Asheville, and will also sponsor a turkey shoot before Thanksgiving. A new Kiwanis member, Bob Conway, was introduced at the meeting which was presided over by President Bob Winchester. Waynesville DRIVE-IN THEATRE Children Under 12 Admitted FREE Show Starts At 7:00 P. M. THURSDAY, NOV. 5 "Jamaica Run" (In Color) Starring RAY MILLAND ARLENE DAHL ? FRIDAY, NOV. 6 "Voodoo Tiger" Starring JOHNNY WEISMULLER ? ALSO ? * 5 Color Cartoons ? SATURDAY, NOV. 7 DOUBLE FEATURE "Allegheny Uprising" Starring CLAIRE TREVOR JOHN WAYNE ?ALSO? "Code Two" Starring ELAINE STEWART SALLY FORREST Color Cartoon ? SUN. & MON., NOV. 8 & 9 "Pick Up On South Street" Starring RICHARD WIDMARK JEAN PETERS THELMA RITTER News and Cartoon Stnand ^Ueatne THURS. & FRI., NOV. 5 & 6 "NO ESCAPE" WITH LEW A'YRES ? AND MARJORIE STEELE SATURDAY ONLY. NOV. 7 H' 1| M Cartoon & "Secret Code" No. 8 SUN. & MON., NOV. 8 & 9 VMMHFIBO MTMVE A IWE?$AI INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Cartoon ? Shorts And News Draft Board's Procedure Specified By Regulations 'thousands of young men in Hay wout. v.uuUi; u??e ?uc4U) leu uie ?uuucui.e u> Luc urn 1 ooara auu uieie are many more aim to come, out, aiuiou*u tne purpose 01 uie lkmuQ u near enougu, many peo ple ate uuiaiuutar wuh iu uieuioa 01 operation. 'ft ciear up any misunderstand ings, nere s lite way your araii uoaid vtoras?as requueu oy lea si ai taw: Young men first become ac quaiuteu wnu tne ooaro soon alter itieir ioin uirtuuay. 1 ue law re quires an mates to register wttn tn to aays alter tney oecome is years 01 age. And tnere are legal penalties lor^tanure to register. Alter registration, however, men Kan "rest easy" tor anotner year anu a nail oecause questionnaires are not sent out now unul a regis trant is itfVi years old. Wuesiionnaires must be returned witnin 10 dayg. When questionnaires are return ed, men are put into one of the lonowing categories: 1-A; avauaoie lor induction. 1-AO: conscientious objector, available for non-combat service (none has been sent in this county in recent years). 1-C: members of the armed forces, enlisted or inducted, and (alter discharge) armed lorces dis charged or reserve. 1-D: members of reserve com ponents or students taking military training. l-O: conscientious objector, available lor civilian work con tributing to maintenance of the na tional health, safety, or interest. 1-S: student deferred by statute (this class is divided into 1-SH for high school students and 1-SC for college students). 1-W; onscientious objector per forming civilian work contributing to the national health, safety, or interest. 2-A: registrant deferred because of civilian occupation ? such as those men in key scientific or med ical work who are difficult to re place, or men in certain types of apprentice training. 2-C: registrants deferred because of agricultral occupation (only a few such deferments have been granted by the local board in re cent years). 2-S: registrants deferred be cause of study in college tto re latU uus CiaMulCailon, a man WUM uave a certain r#uog in uia ciassi. l-?; mairieo m?u ?iiii i cnua or cnuaren, averred tor reasons 01 exacine narusmp or privatum to uepgnuetns. launnea men stun cnuuien must nave auomittea cvtuente on or beiure Au?usl xo, i?oj, iu#l ue nas a cdua or cnu uiau wun wnom ne maintains a oona tine lanuiy reiationsnip.i sin gle men are aiso cias&ineo in tius category wnen tneir mother or iatuer is ncpenuent upon ttiem ?or support. 4-a; tnose who completed 90 days of active service Deiween De ceinner V, 1941 ana, heptemoer 2, laso, It months or more between September lb, 1940, apa June 24, 1940, or were hononbiy discharg ed aiter three years of active duty duty after June 24, 1940. Soie surviving tons also come under this classification. 4-11: officials deferred by law. 4-C; alien. 4-D: minister of religion or div inity school student. 4-F; physically, mentally, or mor ally unfit tfewer such determents are granted In this category now than during World War 11). 5-A: registrant over-age (this may be 20 for some men, 35 for | others). Whenever a man is classified in 1-A, he may appeal this classifica tion by filing a written notice with-' in 10 days, and may also ask to appear before the board to plead his case. After notice of his classification, a man can be ordered to report for pre-induction examination within 10 days. After this examination, he can be called for induction with in 21 days. Men who fall to respond iu the i summons for the draft board are reported to the FBI. One way in which a man can get into trouble with the government is failure to report a change of address to the draft board. Haywood County's draft board is currently comprised of Way Mease of Canton, chairman; Col. J. H.! Howell of Waynesville, and Harley j Bryson of Iron Duff. Board Clerk is Miss fidna McCracken of j Waynesville. Rufus Siler of Waynesville recently resigned as draft board chairman after serv ing for four years. Haywood Schools Prepare Education Week Programs i TIoifUifkA/l eiiKnnlc urtll I i Zoo Furnishes War Bonnets DALLAS (AP)?Eagles are get ting scarce in these parts or In dians aren't the eagle-eyed marks men they used to be. So says' Dal las zoo man Laurence Curtis. Ten Indians from Anadarko, Oklahoma, reservation visited the zoo to gath er cast-off tail feathers from the floors of the eagle cages. They use them to make war bonnets. Tax Discrimination ' HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) ? There's discrinmation between sexes under the new Pennsylvania sales tax. If a woman buys a gar ter belt for herself, it's exempt from the tax. But if a man buys garters for himself, he must pay the one per cent levy. Revenue Department officials won't give a reason for the dis tinction between the gadget used to hold up wodien's stockings and the gadget used by men. SMassie Furniture Lo. Main Street a*ajnuvu cviiwio tt kn ui/ovi tv American Education week ? No vember 8-14( with varied programs, and some schools will stage open house during the week, inviting friends and patrons to visit the schools and see the work that is being done. Other schools will put on special P. T. A. Programs, and some oth ers will use window displays and radio talks. Mrs. M. G. Stamey, and Mrs. 1 Carl Ratcllffe, supervisors, said | that every Haywood school would make some recognition of the oc casion. There are 19 schools in the Haywood system, and Miss Alma Browning, supervisor of Canton schools, plans similar ob servances in the six schools there. Basic Weapons HADDAM. Conn. (AP) ? Gas ton 6chreiber, a Wbrld War I army captain with a reputation for marksmanship, took three shots re cently at a fox raiding his chicken farm here. He missed each time. The fox was less fortunate when it returned to Schreiber's farm two days later. Mrs. Schreiber hit It squarely between the eyes with a stone, knocking it cold, and kill ed it with a club. In Santiago, Chile, the owner or manager of a building which catches fire is arrested and must prove that the Are was an accident. | Your OLD WATCH ? 1 Is Worth Up To $20.00 ? || If You Trade With Us If For A Modern I NEW WATCH % 14 Make Your Selection From Our p Stocks Of ? ||. BULOVA ELGIN P HAMILTON ?? H ' ' WYLER gf Come In And Trade With P 1 KURT GANS / JEWELER f|j Surrrmnr To E. J. LitUlft '?? Jf Main Street Dial <*L 6-6087 P fa) "Stop And Shop In Vaneirl lit"' ? JJJMIIUHlL 72 x 84 5% Wool ^*0B^& First Quality. Satin m.V^&9kJ&Vr Bound, Solid Colored. ^Ul BLANKETS wS Green ? Blue ? Rust ? Rose IflHjLt fl ??( Cedar 1st Quality Cannon Muslin i SHEETS 5 , ^ Double $177 -g 81 x 99 ? 72 x 108 ? 72 x 99 HOY'S SHU COATS AND JACKETS . . $575 r: ? ? ? With or without moulton collars ? Wool filled Alpaca Rayon quilted linings ? Blue, green, wine and brown. Sizes 10 to 20. 1st Quality ? Regular $9.95 value! N i COAjfU f*? ?" ? "? #< f t-??*?.11 ? ?Ul ' #M/ H SIZES 10 TO 20 fl* dfl gM FIRST QUALITY GREY ? TAN ? BLUE " SMALL CHECKS Hoy's 8 oz. Western OVERALL PANTS . $150 $ Double Knee ? Copper Riveted Sizes 6-12 ? 1st Quality | Ladies' Wool Gabardine & Corduroy SKIRTS . $180 All Sizes and Colors ? Keg. $2.98 Over 10 Doz. To Choose From. First Quality I 51 Gauge ? U 15 Denier ) NYLON HOSE Men's 8 oz. < OVERALL COATS \ ? and JACKETS All Sizes 36 to 44 $J95 ? 3 FLOORS OF BARGAINS AWAIT YOU AT BELK'S ? ^ _ SHOP ?? 6gc and ww SAVE 1 Sizes 8Vi to 11 ? All AT - ?: ? New Fall Shades ? Regular BELK'S And Dark Seam ? Values to $1.00. q ^ WtHudson ? - y

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