j' Bore People Than ITC^I "T" A HE W AYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER w *> i : !?.>? $J.(K) In Advance In Haywood andT^k^T^nti^ ^Survey Suggests County Schools Get $244,000 3E FIRST HEAVY SNOW of the season in the Waynesville area ked this way on the courthouse lawn. Lighter snows were re ported at Clyde and Bethel. Snow came down from 10 a.m. until 1:30. By 2:15 the sun broke throush the clouds. Ihools Dismissed Early, iy Close Tomorrow ^fcnesville schools were dis at 1 p.m. today because of but schools in other ^^^Hunities closed later in the Hv ause the snowfall was not ^^?cp in those areas. ^?nley Livingstone, principal Hlyde School, reported only ^Bich of snow had fallen there Waynesville was covered ^ftore than two inches. C. C. Hiexter at Bethel also report ? lighter fall there this morn Salvation Army Citadel re ^^?<1 that snow started falling ? about 9:30 this morning and Hated the depth at three |H at 1 p.m. ^^HWayncsvilJe the sun made its flrstlppearance of the day at 2:15 Whether schools will close to m0Hw depends on the conditions of ffcds in the morning, Lawrence Len?crwood, county superintend ent, Announced. Inters Club Will ft Thursday Night t monthly meeting of the! ers Club will be held at the j wood Presbyterian church on ;day night, at seven o'clock, sill be a regular dinner meet hard Barber is president and S. Wright is secretary. imber of Commerce rd To Meet Tuesday I directors of the Chamber of ncrce will meet Tuesday night tieir first meeting of the year, dent Johnny Johnson will an te proposed plans for the year, kommittees will be named for rarious projects of the orga lon P meeting is set for 7:30. eather Imday, snow, probably ending afternoon. Tuesday, partly ly and rather cold. Tlcial Waynesvillc temperature omptled by the State Test te Max. Min. Rainfall 8 ..... 57 18 9 . 59 39 ? 10 .... 80 43 .08 I ? March Of Dimes Benefit Show Seeks Talent Four acts or groups are now being sought here to represent the Waynesville area at Arthur Smith's TV Talent Show to be held in the Canton High School auditorium February 13 as a bene fit for the March of Dimes. All performers interested in participating in the program are requested to contact R. G. Gunn or "Boots" Gunn at Gunn's Corner for an audition. The deadline on application for the program is January 20th. ac cording to Yoder Clark, chairman of the March of Dimes in the Can ton area. Canton's "March" will continue throughout the month; the Way nesville area campaign will be conducted during the last two weeks of January. Dr. Hammett At Duke Dr. Frank Hammett was to leave today to attend a special course in electro-cardiography at Duke University. He will return here late Thursday. M. T. Bridges Heads W.N.C. Press Group Marion T Bridges, co-publishcr of The Mountaineer was named president of the Western North Carolina Press Association, at the, meeting Saturday night in Ashe ville. He succeeds Johnny Ander son. of Brevard. The W.N.C. Press is an affiliate of the N. C. Press Association. Miss Frances Walker, Brevard, was named secretary and Bob Sloan. Franklin, is vice president. Mr. Bridges served as vice presi dent during 1953, John I'arris, recently named pro fessor of journalism at Western Carolina College, was the speaker at the meeting, and pointed to the need of increasing interest and fac tual teaching of modern journa lism in the high schools of the state He cited the absence of adequate text books on the subject?"most of them were written 20 years ago and are out of date; many were written by people who did not have | actual newspaper experience." Mr. Parris said he was encourag ed at the interest and prospects of the journalism courses at the col lege, and believes many capable writers will come from the depart ment in the years to come. Jaycees Set To Honor Blue Ridge Champions (See Picture?Page 6) All persons who plan to at tend .the football banquet Wed nesday night have been asked to cotie early so that the program ran begin promptly at 7 p.m., Jayceos announced today. It is necessary that the ban quet begin on time due to the fact that a portion of the pro gram will be broadcast, the Jun ior Chamber disclosed. Doors at Hazelwood School will be open at 6:45. Final plans have been completed for the Jaycee football banquet Wednesday night at Hazelwood school, honoring the 1953 Blue Ridge champion Mountaineers, their coaches and cheerleaders. Doors will be open at 6:30 p m rn that the program can begin promptly at 7 o'clock to permit broadcasting of a portion of the proceedings by radio station WHCC. Voting was held by the Waynes vllle gridders Friday to name the "Mountaineer Queen" and the team's "most valuable" player, but the results will not be disclosed until the banquet. The program will also include a t;:lk bv Jonathan Woody on "Moun taineer Spirit," presentation of the I Rlue Ridge Conference trophy hy a representative of the Asheville Army Store* awarding of letters to varsity players, short talks by Coaches Woatherby. Jaynes and Swift, and special music by the WTHS Girls Trio. A football game him will also be shown if it is made available at the time of the ban quet. The banquet's principal speaker will be Kex Enright. head football coach at the University of South Carolina, who was named "Coach of the Year" in the Atlantic Coast Conference last fall, and who is now serving as acting commis sioner of the ACC. Coach Knright, who was once an All-Midwestern fullback under Knute Rockne at Notre Dame, is now in his 16th year as head coach and athletic director at USC. After playing two years of pro hall with the Green Bay Packers. Enright began his coaching career as an assistant at the University of North Carolina in 1B28. In 1031 he became assistant football coach and head basketball coach at the University of Georgia, where he remained until he went to South Carolina in 103B. His 10-years at (See Jaycees?Page 3) I Red Cross To Step Up Programs For Blood I The hoard of directors of the local Red Cross Chapter, this morning, voted to instruct the three delegates from here to favor the new blood bank program of the Red Cross, when the question comes to a vote at a district meet ing Thursday. Mrs. Dave Hyatt, chapter chair man. Johnny Edwards, in charge of ; the blood program, and Mrs. Ethel McDarris. Red Cross worker here, will attend the meeting Thursday. The details of the new program were explained and discussed here 1 Ei ida.v night at a district meeting The new program will mean the continuation of the blood program, with the quota of this chapter be ing about S00 pints. It is under stood that the local hospital uses about fiOO pints per year. The new program. Mrs. Hyatt I said, is one designed to get an ?[ increase in blood donations. In the ; past few years, medical science has ; found a greater need for blood than ever before, and with the in creasing demands, the Red Cross is having to adopt plans and formu late a program for meeting the in crease. she explained. The details \ and mechanics of the new program I will be given later. The board of directors also out lined plans for the annual mem bership drive, and will announce ; soon the personnel to head the j campaign, which l>egins the fiast of j March. The quota this year is ex- ' pected to be about $5,000, Mrs. ; Hyatt said. Mrs. Hyatt also expressed the j belief that perhaps next year, this community would operate on the United Fund plan, and that the Red Cross would be a participant, and it would not be necessary to have a separate drive for the orga- ! niznlion A substantial part of the | money raised here is spent on the j operation of the bloodmobile. which ' is one phase of the work of the j Red Cross, j Mrs McDarris said that the work load of aiding service men was show ing an increase, as she pointed out. "I helped nine with varied problems before noon Saturday." ' 13 Haywood Men Leave For Induction Thirteen Haywood County young men left the courthouse this morning for Knoxville, Tenn. an<l induction into the armed forces in the group were: Pa?iTn HU*o Massip Chestnut vtl Ih WaynesviUe. Tommy S- ,rr",w; Bou,e 2' N"lle. Robert Lee Gentry. Route 4. Uaynesv'lle Newton Riehard ThadCT , Tf, '? WaynesviUe: rhad Tate Mcdford. Route 4. Way nesviUe; Edward I *. n,,.,I at a i.ee Messer Hdo M'^ayneSVi"e; 1)avid Kld ndge McCracken. R?ute 2, Wav nesville; Cecil Ray VounR. Route ? Canton. William Guy Arring ton, Jr., Roote 1 II- "'Og Willi ' nou,e 1, WaynesviUe William Douglas Cody. R?uie 3 WaynH((bbv (;<w ^3. Smashers" RUSk?; F?"W.n omatners. Route I, Wavnesvilio and Lloyd Frady, Route 2 Way nesville. ' KnoxvUR. me" to nnoxville for pre-induction nhvsi I aCnnouXnc"r,i0nS- draf? " E. A. Williamson Retires After 41 Years In Insurance aper of JIi,ll?n,"on- dis,ri<,t ma"" Per of the Imperial Life Insnr firsT 5,0n,pan-v- rp"red January ' years with 1^0"* for alm"s' ? years with the firm. Mr. William 1 son Fame here in 1Q4? an i ?ho district office. ?Pened Iife'easy fdl0daV P'ans 'a^ Mrs WUhaml flSh",R' and help Mr. Sir ?? Mr. Williamson started with ?h company ?n March i J th* ?V insfon-Salem a 1 * ? .vears later was mart ' a"d two of 'here until he came to * 7*a,n'"d ville in May 1942. Waynes The company house organ t? Riving an account of Mr Willi ions retirement, said ?m i h- been to retire "ith at ,T foTcemand0na0rthnarV insura?<e duMrial dehR ?"Zt ?V"L been realized " ' e Fli? rv""yam,0n 8 na"vp of the leek area of Haywood and ?lX'eC.t,Ve C'ViC and chu" h fairs since coming hack here )n Newspapers Give Big Play Up To Grover C. Davis The announcement of Grover C. Davis as 'candidate for solicitor of the 20th district, received a big play up in the newspapers of the state as the first candidate to file. The Haleigh News and Observer played the story up under a two column headline on page one: Asheville used a picture, and the Associated Press story from Ral eigh, as other state papers used the story from Raleigh. Mr. Davis told The Mountaineer, in announcing, and in giving this newspaper the original story, "I decided there was nothing to be gained in waiting, so I just wrote out my check for $71.20 and mailed it in with my application to the ( secretary of the state board of elections." I Solicitor Thad Bryson. Jr., has ( not formally filed for office, but , it is understood he is definitely planning to be in the race seeking i re-election. J } , a E. A .WILLIAMSON |j LEADING CAMPAIGN in Ihr Canton area for the annual March 1 of Dimes are two civic leaders?Walter Clark, left, chairman, and ' Voder Clark, right, associate, in charge of Beaverdam, llominy and Thickety sections. The organization in the Canton area, under j < the direction of these two, is already at work. The campaign in this : | end of the county will be pushed the last two weeks in January, according to Dave Felmet, and I.eo Weill, co-chairmen here. 1 i T ? me# ?? ? ? ? ? joint fctiort Under Way For March Of Dimes Hazel wood Motorists Warned To Purchase Their Town License Persons living in Hazelwood and owning motor vehicles were warned today by Chief Hoy Stevens of the necessity of hav ing a city tag on the vehicle on or before February first. Chief Stevens said the tags were available at the city hall at one dollar each. Motorists fail ing to comply with the ordinance will be subject to additional costs. Shooting Believed Try At Suicide Waynesville police are continu ing their investigation of a shoot-1 ing Friday night, which may have been attempted suicide. The man involved in the case James Ruff, about 33, sustained scalp wounds inflicted by a 32 caliber automatic. Ruff claims that the shooting was accidental, but Police Chief Orvitle Noland said that, from all appearances. Ruff attempted to like his own life. Chief Noland said that someone called Tony Davis at the Crawford Funeral Home, urging that an am bulance be sent to "pick up a dead man." When Davis arrived at the scene off Killian Ave., near the Waynes ville Ice and Storage Co.. he went next door to ask where Ruff lived While there, he heard a shot and phoned the police. Police arrived and found Ruff lying on a bed. with his head bleeding. They took him to the Haywood County hospital, but the wounded man refused to let doctors there treat him, demanding to be taken to his own doctor in Sylva. Police complied with his wishes, and took him to Jackson County. His wounds were found to be not serious, so he was returned here and put in the Haywood County Jail. He was later released on $500 bond. The shot was fired from the back of his head, which police at-1 tributed to Ruff's being left hand sel. Hospital Care Enrollment To End Thursday The present enrollment of mom >ers of the CUP hospital insurance irogram will close Thursday even- i ng. Mrs. C. T. Wanzer, Hospital are Association representative. J aid today. Enrollment of new members will 1 ie conducted this week in the ounty, and for old members who isve not renewed their policy. ( The campaign to enroll old mem- > ers in the new program has been i very good", and nearly all have ecided to continue their cover ge. Mrs. Wanzer said. Meetings scheduled in the rotin- ] y this week in connection with be hospital insurance will be held unight at Allen's Creek School < nd at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the ( dethodlst Church in Iron Duff. 11 Tho annual March of Dimes cam-11 paign in Haywood will feature sev- ! rial programs this week, as work- | ers hegin their work for collecting funds to fight polio. The Canton and Waynesville area leaders are working together on joint programs in behalf of the campaign. Dave Fellnet and Leo Weill and leaders of the campaign in the Waynesville area, while Walter Clark and Yoder Clark are leading the work in the Canton area. The annual singing which has proven so popular for many years, will be held at the com i house Sun day afternoon at 2 o'etock. Kev. Kay >Mkn. W T. Queen and Ray Darker have been in charge of the program for a number of years, and expect another capacity crowd al the program this coming Sunday afternoon Details of the program will he given in the Thursday edi- , lion of this newspaper. Three programs are scheduled lo he broadcast from WHCC this week, according to Kenneth D. Fry, manager: One program will he Tuesday, the 12th. at 7:15; another Thursday the 14th. also at 7:15. The station will announce later the time of broadcast of the Sunday singing program. All committees have been named for the'entire county, and plans arc being made for a complete ' coverage of the county during the campaign this month. This weekend will see the in- ' angulation of the dime hoard here. ' w ith the Rotary Club as sponsor of ' the campaign in this area, in charge. The dime board will be ' operated only on the weekend, and ' according lo Leo Weill, in charge of that phase of the campaign, a ' dime hoard will also be operated in Ha/etwood on the same davs. I < Clark Reelected By Thickety CDP .1 II Clark was re-elected chair man of the Thickety CDP at a meeting last week at the Oak j Grove Baptist Church, Other officers chosen were: Mrs Gladys Burrell, vice chair man: Miss Dura Wright, secretary and reporter, and Mrs. Gaston Rhinehart. ! ] CDP members also voted to . sponsor some project to raise : * money for the March of Dimes lat- f er this month. . f Man Is Charged [ With Assaulting Wife .lohn C'line. Jr, of Hyatt's Creek. whs hound over to Superior Court this morning after a hearing by;" fust ice of the Peace J. J. Fergu son on charges of assaulting his1 wife with a 22 rifle. lie is now being held in the "ounty jail, Ratcliffe Cove CDP Will Meet Tuesday i A meeting of the Ratcliffe Cove Community Development Program nil he held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. n the REA building. leffcries To Give Program At Church If. (i. JelTeries will be in charge if the prayer meeting at Elizabeth I L'hapel Methodist j Church Wed-j tesday night at 7:30 p m, ? County Due To Receive More Later Haywood County Board of Edu cation will meet tonight and hear a tentative report of a state survey committee, whereby this county' will net atx>ut a quarter of a mil lion dollars for school buildit . The report of the survey com mittee was due several weeks ago, but due to technical difficulties. the report was delayed in Haleigh. ac cording to officials in s telephone conversation from there this morn ing with Lawrence Leatherwood, county superintendent. The sur rey was made on December 14-15 iy a special state committee of hretf. It is upon the basis of their report as to how much will bo illocated this county out of the lifty million voted by North Caro linians last October. There is Iventy-five more mililon to be al located. No indication has been made as to Haywood's share of that, but it is estimated at about SI 50.000. The four major projects which Haywood plans to use their 70 par rent of the quarter of a million? $171,000. with the Canton district getting $73,000?is as follows: Some to complete the gym and cafeteria at Crabtree-Iron Duff school, and also some? for use on the Fines Creek project, where a new cafeteria and general repairs are being made. Both these pro jects, the board hopes, will be ready by next September. The new projects to come under the October state-wide bond issue includes East Waynesville ? two clas - rooms, new heating plant, and new restroom fixtures. llazelwood?4 to 6 classrooms., and some minor repair woik Cruso?a heating plant, small cafeteria, lighting and restroom fa cilities. Colored school?Waynesville a new structure. No size yet detenu Several schools are due to got some general repair work, school oilicials said, hut those projects will probably he delayed until after the contracts are let for the above projects, in order to determine their costs. Under the terms of the state orders, no money will tie permitted to be spent on repairing old build ings. The Haywood board of education favors this plan, and it is expected I hat engineers and architects w ill )egin work at once on blueprints, wi contracts can be let at an early late. Mr Leatherwood .in commenting in the other school projects, said re felt that the new building at iVaynesville high. Bethel elemen ar.v, and the Clyde gym. would be "It now looks like each of the najor projects will be ready for iccupancy by September first," he >aid. Special Program To Be Given At Church of God "At The Great Judgment Morn* ng," will be presented in pahto nime at the Church of God Wed* lesday at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited. Friday Is Deadline 3n Performance Reports Haywood County farmers who lave not yet signed performance cports for materials they received luring 1953 from the ASC 1PMA1 iffice, must do so by Friday, or be ilaced on a federal register of in lebtedness for double the amount hey received. A. W. Ferguson. ASC 'fTice manager, announced today. I Highway Record For 1954 In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed .; I; 0 Injured..,. 0 (Thb Information com piled from Records of Stat. Highway Patrol.) ;now

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