CLUBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ACT1VITIES s , Office Phone GL 6-5301 - Eleanor B. Sloan, Editor - Home Phone GL 6-4952 ^0 ? : ~ ;? HDC Schedule ? . The schedule of home demons ? (ration c ib meeting* tor 'he stc "ond vseek in February in an follow.-. f.b. 9- 2:00 p.m.? Lpper C'rab "l.?i Airs. Ha> Best. ? Feb. 9?7:30 p in.?Lakeside ? Mrs. Harry WhMenhunt 'Mrs. ? J'rKchard Smith, Mrs. Joe Davis'. ? feb 10?10:00 a.m.?White Oak Mis. Georgi Boring ? Wood ? nates ? Feb. 10?7:30 p.m. ? Francis ? Cove -Mrs. K. H. Francis. Feb. 11 ? 10:30 a.m. ? -Fines . I. : eek- Mrs. Frances lionet s Feb. 12?2:00 pin lion llntT *.\i: - J. H. Caldwell ? ? * ? Mrs. Ratcliffe Wishes ; Facts On Early Schools Mrs. Carl Ratcliffe Is seeking in .formal.on on the early schools in ? this area to bt used in a research ' paper w hich she is doing at West ? c-n Carolina College on the His. Morv of Education in llavwood a. .County. Mrs. Ratcliffe wishes to learn the < xaet location of schools, and facts ? concerning the curriculum, equip ment. reports minutes of meetings, .natives, letters, teaching tech 'niques. and the sources of financial support. Air Rafeliffe reqursts that aii\ Jone having information of interest ?Contact her at her hoint or at the ?oilice of the Hoard of Education: ? * * From about 300 A 1). to after 1350 most Europeans considered that liding in a vehicle instead of /in horseback was unmanly. 11KE tin- Hluiie iiiaiitcns of her nil* live 'ieriti iii.v. Yvonne Kir Icrick, 22, of Hair.luiiu, arrariRcs her hair In tiic sun as she vacations at Mi ami Yvonne was runner-up in the 1U5 2 "Miss fjertnany" bathing beauty contest. < Intrnialionai) Miami 'Lorelei' Miss Johnston Will Begin Special Study In Ohio Miss Taylor Is Bride Of Charles Milner Milt Shirley Ernestine Taylor, .laughter of Mr and Vlr*. Sherlie ' I'afior "f New (roil News. Vu bo- < anie the bride of Charles Thomas t Milne. al*o of Newoort News. I Saturday. January 110, at 4 p.m. n the Cooeland Hark Method>1 * hmch at Newport News. 1 The bridegroom it the son of C \lr. and Mrs. Sam Milner of Way* s nesville. 1 s The ceremenv wa? performed by ( the Kev. C. L. Stlllwell and the i ?? Vorthwest American coast [ in about a quarter of their origi- I "ual number. . .. .. ^ Mfcs Margaret Johnston. Ha> wood County librarian, is ltavins Saturday for Cleveland. Ohit where she will begin a 14-weei itudy of adult education methods which will take her lo a numbei jf libraries over the ountry. Miss Johnston is making tin study under a $3 200 special gran Tom the Fund for Adult Educa ion. a fund established by the ?*ord Foundation She will spend the first two veeks at the Cuyahoga County I.i jrary and the third week at the Cleveland Public Library, after vhich she will go lo Akron to ob ;erve the Adult Education Test Center. one of seven such center n the nation. From Akron she will to to Denver, Colo., for I wo weeks ind from there to Salt Lake City 0 observe television at the Uni versity. Tentative plans include ibraries in California and Miss Johnston will conclude her special tudy in Baltimore. Md. Miss Johnston ha- been givan a eave of ab-ence of three and a lalf months to pi milt her to take dvantage of the grant. During her bsence, Mrs. Mariorie Bcal. form r director of the North Carolina library Association, will act as ibrarian. Miss Johnston was one of 71 men nd women (including only five ibrarianst granted awards total ing $199,930 "to improve their ef ectivtncss as volunteers and pro essionals eone/rned with The lib ral education of' adults." Miss Johnston came to Waynes ille ten years e n this month hen the I lav wood County Library as established, and has rendered (valuable service to the county luring the ten-year period the em ulation hook- el the library h.i icreased from 11000 a year to 3.000 and the number of book* u the shelves has grown front -ound 4,000 to approximately 21. X). It was also through Miss Johns m's efforts that the Bookmobile as acquired a ft w years ago. giv ig residents of the rural eommun ies full advantages of library ?rviee. Other addition- have included a iiisic library with fine recordings hich at e elrculaie't. in tie -ame 1 an nan a* book* ;t?t+ ?i collect ioir f t ducational films. Miss Johnston, who has also tak i an active part in other civic fairs since romm ' io Wavnesville. president of the Wavnesville usiness and ProT'ssional Women's lub and has held office- in the 'aynesville Woman's Club. Shi is member of the council of the merifan Library Association, rop senling the Public Library Diyi Oll. * * *. lettv Owen Will 5e CAR Hostess The Joseph Howell Society, hildren of the Ameriean Hevolu on. will mr'.'l with Betty Owen * hostess, Friday afternoon at :13 o'clock. Betty Barber, junior president, ill preside. * * * lookmobile Will Not )pcrate On Friday The Haywood County Booknio ile will not make its scheduled isit to Fines Creik. Friday. Feb rary 5, according to a notice from le librarian. The trip to Fines reek has been cancelled on ac Dunt of the annual silver tea hich will he held by the Woman's luh Friday afternoon at the Li ra ry. ? ? ? Ars. Boyd Will Be iostess For UDC The Haywood Chapter. United laughters of the Confederacy will reet in the home of Mrs. James H loyd. Friday at 3:30 p.m. Mrs 1. J. Hyatt will be co-hostess and Irs. Sam Queen will present the rograrn. ? * * Dr. Mary Michal. health officer or Watauga. Ashe, and Alleghanv ountles, has returned to her icadquarters in Boone after ic overlng from an illness at her lome here. Wanted: Measles PEGGY COY, 2, of Jenks, Okla., plays happily in her crib, un aware that she has been purposely exposed to measles In the hope that it will counteract the nephri tis from which she suffers A ra dio appeal for a measles victim brought Winthrts Carter, of ('of. | fevville, who played with Peggy for over an hour. (Inirrnational) District Nurses To Meet 10th In Asheville nistrut One of the North C'aro I lina State Nurses' Association will meet at St Joseph's Hospital, Avheville Wednesday, February !(). at 4 pin. Mrs. Katherine Craig \ ill preside. J la* program will include the bowing of a Red Cross film on i Orthopedic Nu:villi' Refreshments will be served prior to the pro tram. All n i '.crop nurses are invit ! ed. * * * Pvt. Kuykendall Arrives In Korea [ V I Albert Km kentlall. of Can tin. Route 2. recent''- arrived in Korea for dutv with the 73rd Kn nineer Combat Battalion accord ing lo information received by his mother. Mrs. Lucy Kuykendall. The battalion which helned re move mines from the demilitarized /one after the cease-fire, is build inc and improving roads and bridges. Pvt. Kuvkendall. a construction rcineer with the battalion, cnter <1 the \nm hot April and com ".!??: ed basic training at Camp | Polk, I-a. I * * * i Thomas Pinkerton Enlists In Marines Themes C. Pinkerton, son of Mi\ and Mrs. Alvah Pinkerton of Can ton, has enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps and has been assign ed to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. S. C. Pinkerton will be assigned to a ?round, sea or air unit of the j Marine Corps upon completion of I a 10-week basic training period. I Book Sale And Open House To Benefit County Library A sale of books and an open house will mark the tenth anni versary ol countv-wide library ser vile in Haywood County. Both events, sponsored by the Waynes \ille Woman's Club will be held tomorrow. The book sale will be held dur- I in? the morning hours in the First National Bank with Mrs. Charles | Hay and Mrs. T. W. Bridges in charge. Books to be sold include books of poetry, children's stor ies. mysteries, romances, a few wstern stories, and books of refer ence. Prices will range from 10 cents to SI.00. The open house, which is an an nual event, will be held in the li-' brury from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p. j in. and a silver offering will be taken. Proceeds will go to the librae building fund. Heceivins during the afternoon t Mill I ? Mi s Margaret Johnston, librarian. Mrs. J;mcs Atkins and Miss Marjo-ie Beit, assists"! li brarians. Mrs. Frances Jones, bookmobile iibrariai orue luiuI and Tom Bridges, l.h a: y pages.! and Ihc following members of t'.e library executi e bond- Col. .1 II HowMl. Fr: d D-'iif A il 1 i ? ?.i Ic' ford. Glenn Palmer, and Mrs. T Lenoir Gwyn. Mrs. Joe Liner i serv :ig : - een-1 eral chairman of the ten and will i -" . . / ? _ I ... .... 1 .1:. 1 \! i _. M s M. O" t!. L Bauvt Jt flli. Mrs c n Kuliin.i Milu 1 ** 1 Mi CliarN r ' Hriiiac > The Won r " lo'di: 1 invr Hei .ttellfl 1'Olh t: li?. I ce . ? Small KiHi ... ??j| i.tlai k l.ii . force its nun o!x.. jM ipol HOME Al ( ESv^iair hay highland h^| ^JXAWA w TI1K FAILLE PIUNCFSS With a Splurge (>t I \ ilka Lots the switt!5 defined contours of the prince-s here in a rust Imu faille by Tailored Junior, contrived to till every im portant engagement from now through spring. A ggy polka dot ascot fills in the hold tat of the neckline, brief touches ' ot velvet for accent, rhlnestone buttons ol highlights In navy, black, beige, mink. grey. Sizes 7 to 15. New Fashion In Air-Conditioning Springs bulnn hrotves ( .ill nt . coolness a-lnot Cict it in tbe prettiest way possible . wear < tin so high-heeled sandals nt ip i n-air n> Ion mesh tlir -t I and banding of slock Milan straw. Black or blue. A mere r a ) - \ FOR A SPECIAL VALENTINE NEW ELOINS Cthgr Elgin* frcm $33.75 including Fgd. T?* Kurt Gems, JEweler "The Store of Nationally Advertised Brand*." 207 Main Si. Dial GL 6-6081 "Stop and Shop in Wayneaville* vurs sauib ??Certainly I can keep a secret, Jmt aoUxly J uu can." Sheppe's ? ?? ,r0* en jne atcl FINAL I " He ENTIRE STOCK I ? OF NEW FALL S DRESSES 1 toe . . * / ' .rj In keeping with our policy of disposing of all seasonal mer- on chanelise in season, we are offering our entire stock of na- t" I0| tionally advertised better dresses at this unbelievable low I price. \ou can't afford to miss this tremendous opi>ortunity I to save! ? I 9 I Sizes 7-15. 10-20. 14 24 I Don't Miss It . . . j s. NO LAY-AWAYS ? ALL SALES FINAL Snc ppe^s 123 Main Street Strand Theatre Bldg.