PI BUSHED ETUT mi m jr ? ? / PUBLBIID ETEKT Monday The Mountaineers MondaT ~~ " - " ^ Bernard Ferguson Tells Of 4-H Congress Trip (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is an account of a (rip to the Nation al 4-11 Club Conirm at Chicago, last November, written by Bernard Ferguson of F'inea Creek, who wae ?tale winner in tobaeeo raising.) By BERNARD FERGUSON State 4-11 Tobacco Winner My trip to National 4-H Club Congress came to me as unexpect ed as if a bomb had dropped on me. I had been working for it for five years; still. I didn't dream of actually winning this year. When 1 entered 4-H at the age of ten and took tohacco as my project. I start ed out determined to be a state winner some day?but little did I think that it would come this year. This trip was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me. It was "the time of a life-time, and will always remain in my memory. I can never write or tell all about it, for it seems that I think of something new each day. Mr. Wells, my 4-H leader from Hiy wood County, received the tele gram from Mr. Harrill (our State 4 II Leader at Raleigh) saying that I was the state winner in tobacco and that 1 had won the trip to Na tional 4-H Club Congress to be held in Chicago on November 28 December 4 Mr Wells came down to school and gave me the news. 1 was never so excited in my life. 1 had only a few days to get ready; to get a health certificate, and everything. The health rer tIdeate took a lot of time. Luckily, j 1 had all the necessary vaccina tions. On Thanksgiving morning I left home for Raleigh. 1 thought I'd never make il. as it was snowing so much that the busses were not ^^running on time Mr O. H. Phil ^Blips. the Asststtant State 4-11 I^ead |^rcr met me in Raleigh Thursday night. I spent the night with Mr. Phillips, and on Friday morning we went to State College to the 4-11 Club offices. We were the first ones there and we worked on the pins I that the North Carolina delegates were to wear to Chicago, I met a lot the delegates and the assist ant 4-H leaders and Mr. Harrill. our State 4-H Leader There was a 4-11 Recognition Program for the 4-H delegates at the Sir Walter Hotel We had lunch there after which Governor Umstead spoke to us There wen more special guests. After lunch we went by car to Durham to catch thi train for Chicago On the train we became acquaint ed and had a good time. We chang ed trains again in Roanoke. Vir g'nia This time we were on a Pull man I had never ridden a train j before, and it was a real experi ence especially sleeping on it. I thought the fond on the train was very good. I ate a chicken dinner that cost $2.40. Once more we changed trains in Cincinati. Ohio We arrived in Chicago about 1 o'clock on Saturday. After we reached the station we walked over to the Conrad Hilton Hotel whtre we were to stay. This is the larg est hotel in the world, and is known a- the frieudlig^t. This plays large na* liquet 'sirtTefitions with an attend ance'of thousands. This year, 19S3, was the 32nd Na tional 4 II Club Congress Almost nil of our meals were served in the hotel and a lot were banquet BERNARD FERGUSON stvlo. My room in this hotel was on the 22nd floor, and I shared it with two other North Carolina boys We were not in our rooms very much. We would change clothes and then i! would be time for a program. Most of our meals were spon so-ed by big companies?such as (he ones that sponsored the win ners. Every meal began with a prayer, and many times we sang 4-H smgs before the meal. I knew what 1 was going to eat. as the | menus were so different from what' we had at home. There were about twelve bun-, drcd 4-H boys and girls in attend-1 ance from all over the United States, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and i Alaska. With all of our leaders, I guess there were 2,000 of us at the Convention. We were recognized everywhere we went, Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock we went to the W.L.S. Barn Dance. That night we went to Chi cago's Symphony Orchestra, which was a "pops" concert at Orchestra Hall. Ford Motor Company was our host. We had a 4-11 State Meeting after this. Sunday morning I went to the largest religious service in the United States?the Central Church of Chicago, which was organized as a community church in 1875 Serv ices were held each Sunday in the Tower of the Conrad Hilton Hotel. This church was founded by 50 outstanding businessmen. One of these is the oldest man in the na tion It ministers to persons of every religion, background, etc.. i and visitors from across the nation and the world. It is a friendly j church for those away from home I Sunday night we went to the Sunday F.vening Club. It was their 4th season. The National Leader snip winners were announced. We walked several blocks to get there, and the weather tin in Chicago was as cold as "whiz". On Monday we went to the Grand Ballroom in the Conrad Hilton for breakfast It was spon sored by Firestone Tire and Rub ber Company. They announced winners of the Soil and Water Conservation Contest. After this we went to the spe cial showing of Cinemara spon sored hv the International Harvest er people. They announced field crops and frozen food demonstra tions winners. After lunch we headed for a tour I of museums. We went by train and saw many interesting things. Then we returned to the hotel for a supper sponsored by Thomas F. Wilson Company. They gave the leadership and citizenship medals. Mr. Wilson was one of the main speakers, and Mrs. Wilson was there, also. The awards were given to National Meat Animal Program and Junior Livestock Feeding Pro gram They have sponsored this for 36 years. There were sport celebrities at this program. Carl Erkshire. base ball pitcher, struck out 14 in one World Series game Two football players and one basketball player spoke. We heard the Honorable Ezra Taft Benson. Secretary of Agricul ture, speak He said that he would like to see all of the food that came from the farm go to the,con sumer instead of a government packing house. He said that 4-H was making America a better place in which to live. After this meeting w;e over we had our State Meet ing. We had Tuesday breakfast any where we chose. I went up town wilh some more of the delegates. Later 1 went to a radio broad cast I was on two broadcasts with Mr llall. County Agent from Pitts field, Massachusetts. Next I went to the theatre where the 4-H Dress Revue was being held. Then we went to the exhibit hall, got in the battalion to^vhich we belonged, and went to a luncheon sponsored by National Livestock Producers Association. We had a good meal with plenty of good music. Our next place to go was the Museum of Science Everyone was interested in this. Then we walk ed back to the hotel and had our supper. We were around Lake Michigan. On Tuesday night we went about twelve miles out of town to a dance. It was after 12:00 o'clock when we returned to our room. Mr Gray, our Extension Forester, took a group to eat. We did not retire until after 1:00 o'clock, a.m. Wednesday we had breakfast sponsored by Sears, Roebuck St Company. This was one breakfast such as we had at home ? bacon and eeus Again wo wont to oxhiblt hall ' whore wo wore given 4-H calen rtars Then wo voted on the kind "f 4-H jackets we liked best (this was for all 4-H'ers). Dr ('.race Sloan Overton of Adaws Now York spoke to us on reTJi h^problems- marriage and religion. She would answer ques tions that the audience would ask. nis was a real program and she was a good speaker She gave a funny answer to everyone We all uighed so much that we could not take notes. Late in the evening we had din ner at the Conrad Hilton Hotel, ford Motor Company sponsored this program North Carolina had a National winndr here. Ford also sponsored the Achievement win ner Then we turned to the stage and saw special entertainment ? climbing poles, etc. We got on a bus' and went to a Horse Show, where we saw jump ing horses and six horses in a pony race This was at an amphitheatre at the International Livestock Ex Position. Here we had a box sup pei of fried chicken, rolls, French iiies, and from Q?ctu? Cham pion herds, mmerflnger. and Baby Ruth. This was sponsored by Cur | Ms ( andv Company They gave the i dairy awards, and North Carolina ' ',n,> We had special music bv | i he 4-H band from Shelby Coun ty. Indiana This was the end of another perfect day Thursday breakfast was spon ged by the Rubber Company They gave every 4-H member a pen ? J^cll w- ?o? to share the breakfast f?n music, in which North Carolina had a band. We. went on a tour of the City I tv aid"? ThlS ' b,*> Windy , I.k? ' Was ??,d wp saw the birthplace of the atom bomb _ ' w h w",V Ch,eaRO Wp s?w the Museum of Science and ISTrV We W'nt hv Marshal, Field * Company On this tour we were told that nine-tenths of Chi cago s water supply Came fr?i Lake Michigan We saw a beautiful ?t.?ue of Abraham Lincoln de, " enng the Gettysburg Address We ZlTlir* amphl,^"-e in the world l.aler wP went to the Palm er House for lunch. General Mot ?vs sponsored this and they s.,r;r ?"*?' On the last night. I staved ..n ZT'm' ,h,> niKh' 8n Tories: mother. father, brother, sis ter. daughter, son. In addition you can claim uncl(*>. aunts, nephews and nieces if related to you by blood ? you can't claim these rel atives for both husband and wife except on a joint return. Limitations Listed But don't stop with degree of relationship. Such relatives may be claimed only if: 1. You furnished more than half their support in 1953. 2. Each one claimed did not earn more than $600 in the year. 3. They are citizens of the Uni ted States or residents of the Uni ted States. Canada or Mexico, (Bet ter get an expert if there is doubt about what a resident is.) 4. The dependent relative does not file a joint return with his husband or wife. (Tomorrow; Money savers.) Cold, Respiratory Diseases In Poultry Flocks Discussed Winter is a time for careful at tention to the poultry flock. Some times chilling, overheating or other i abnormal condition of management i may lead to mdijjestipn and com-. mon diarrhea in young chicks. R. S. Dearstyne, head of the de partment of poultry science at N. C. State College, says usually a mild flush aids in correcting such conditions. For young chicks. Dearstyne suggests that poultry men use two level teaspoons of . Epsom salts in a gallon of water. This should not be kept before the i birds for more than one day at a | time, however. If a second treatment becomes necessary the poultryman should wait a week. This treatment will not prevent or control cocciciosis, IJearstyne warns. One pint of molasses to four gallons of water j for a day is another method of ap proach to common diarrhea and indigestion in chicks. Dearstyne says poultry may be come affected with several types of , respiratory infections. These in- j elude colds croup, laryqgotrach eitis. Newcastle disease, bronchitis and air-sac colds. All are contag ious and dangerous to the flock. Dearstyne says it is probable that a weakening of an individual-' bird is "sometimes a predisposing factor to the onset of the disease." But one thing is clear: a specific laboratory examination should be made in each case. In the mean time every effort should be made to keep the bird comfortable and on full feed. Often the use of a wet mash or of pellets as a supple ment to the diet will aid in this, says Dearstyne. The poultry scien tists warns, however, not to medi cate for these or for any other type trouble in the flock until the "exact nature of the disease hak been de termined." United States farmers produced 352.8 million pounds of clean al falfa. lespedera. timothy, and red, alsike and sweet clover seed dur ing 1953, some 29 per cent less than the 1952 total. During the year ended June 30, 1953. USDA plant quarantine in spectors examined more than 78, 000 passenger planes in which they intercepted at least fiO.OOO lots of contraband plants or plant pro duets. North Carolina's 1950 rural popu lation of 1.317.288 lived in 293.401 homes. got home about 6 o'clock that evening I had been gone from home 10 days. Never will I forget it This Isn't half of what hap pened, but it Is impossible to write it all. I wish that more boys and girls could go. and I intend to do alt that I can to have more win ners from HayWood County. I want to thank everyone every where who helped In any way to make this 32nd National 4-H Club Congress the heat yet. 1 ; ijj|. - ? - North Carolina farming is a bil lion dollar industry. i i Cline-Bradley To Give Away 1,000 Chicks Next Saturday will be "Free Chick" day in Hazelwood with the Cline-Bradley Company, local Pu rina dealer, giving away ten 10-day old cockerels with each purchase of a 25 pound bag of Purina Chick Startena, starting at 8:30 when the store opens. According to Dick Bradley and Joe Cline. owners of the store, the chicks will be given away as part of a nation-wide program, spon sored by Purina dealers, to en courage more "back-lot chicken flocks." "A lot of folks would like to raise a few chickens for the Sun day dinner table," Joe Cline said, "and we have the program to help them do it. easily and economically. We're giving these chicks away to prove it." Everyone coming to the Cline Bradley Co. for free chicks is ask ed to bring a box or other con tainer for the birds. Because of the limited number of chicks to be given away, free of charge, it will be a case of "first come, first serv ed." High Pork Prices Bring Farm Changes The continuing high prices paid for swine is causing changes on the North Carolina farm. R. McK. Edwards, Martin Coun ty farm agent, says the farmers of his area who usually cure their pork and produce lard for sale during the year are now marketing their hogs liveweight. What's more, says Edwards, they're making more money and working a lot less. Many of the farmers are taking advantage of the high price of pork to get rid of their market weight hogs. They are eating beef ?once a scarce food commodity on farms in North Carolina) and chicken and have plans for cur ing some pork later in the winter. Beetle carnage neporfe To County Pine Trees! By HOMER SINK Asssistant County Faim Agent i The pine trees in Haywood , County are in danger of being de stroyed by a small dark, reddish- i Lrown beetle about the sue of a j ! grain of rice. This beetle is known 11 as the Southern Pine Beetle and has been found in a patch of pines between Pigeon Gap and Bethel. The adult beetle becomes active in the spring, flies to pine trees and attacks them in the central and upper sections of the trunk. The adult beetle bores a hole directly into the inner bark, and here between the bark and the wood, the beetles eat out a wind ing or S-shaped tunnel. The Southern Pine Beetle should not be confused with the Ips Beetle, which kills pine trees as a result of trees being cut in the area in the summer time,.The Ips Beetle eats out a straight tunnel between the wood and bark, as compared to the S-shaped tunnel eaten by the Southern Pine Beetle. They are two entirely different in sects, with the Southern Pine Beetle being the most destructive of the two insects. The female cuts out small niches along the tunnel in which she lays her eggs. These soon hatch out into grub-like larvae or worms. The erubs sooft bore into the outer bark where they civmplete their feeding. When the grubs are full grown, they hollow out little cells in the tark. Here they change to adult beetles and cut their way out through the bark and are ready to begin the life cycle again by in festing fresh pines. The entire life cycle takes from thirty to forty days, and there are from three to possibly five generations each year, depending upon the weather. All species of native North Caro lina pines are subject to attack. It is typical of this beetle to kill pines in patches of from a few trees in an area up to an entire area of several acres. About ten days to two weeks after the tree has been attacked, the pine needles turn yellowish. By the time all of the needle* have 'a*, the beetle* have u- " ['Hacked oil;, This beel is a nj. Carolina. ai;d is , w * in so many areas due, dr> summer* The ret rainfall will usua'h livity, as w ^v(? rero weatlu-i Control i>t the bee primarily early outbreaks and the pro* tion of control mea-;-. and destroy all brood*, ed trees of log )J( cut with the slab* r.. infested tree being j mediately Tree* of px should be cut andth. When the pulpwood | mill, they shoulc be tp logs are infesed Pine- Beetle *o tha' ?; used immediately Under favorable ?ea tions, this beetle can ?? the pines n the area fort should be made t, insect under control ? we have only a sir* j If you notice arc 0! i turning brown or have tion about the hee'le t agent's office wiM be ti you. *Cae Want Ads (or m DAIRYMEN 41 OWNERS your better herd starts when you breed job cows artifirally to sirs proven sreat. Did GL 6-3575 by 11 a* for same day smite If you wish to call be tore 8 a. m., call Registered C.uernstj Jersey. Ayrshire and.14 available. John R. Cane DIAL GL 6-3J ; Ijtyg Giuseppe Verdi, Composer "The inspiration of the Almighty ?3 5 giveth them understanding." P Job 32 8 B 1IHHMM Throughout his operas there P rings .... The theme, "Go, thought, on golden wings!" . . . And "thnt idea made Verdi see B . . . Through sorrow, det/h and misery . . . That there was beauty still in song . . . And so, with courage, high and strong . . . He gaVe us "Higoletto,,' then . . . "II Trovatore", from his pen . . . "Othello", "FalstafT". Oft it seems . . . That one's need is for noble themes. JULIEN C. HYER WFTIS FUNERAL HOME Dial 2.171 Canton, N. C. i wm&m FREE Chick Day J SATURDAY, FEB. 20th ,1 10 FREE CHICKS Will Be Given With Tbw? .J Each 25 Pounds of cockerel make f'1*^ Purina Chick Startena As Long As Chicks Last CUNE - BRADLEY (N Phone GL 6-3181 Hozelw^j 1