CLUBS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activities | Office Phone GL 6-5301 - Eleanor B. Sloan, Editor - Home Phone GL 6-4952 l m ' - "?* I * * Homemakers Of Canton Name Project Leaders The Canton Homemakers me ?Monday night in the home v her mother. Mrs. .loo Stanelli. Sunday afternoon in their home on Rovd Avenue. A Valentine motif was carried "Ml i?i*ll det*ii* of tile refresh ments and decorations Assisting in entertaining were Millie do and Paula Stanelli. sisters of the honor finest. The puest list included Betsy and Kathev Smith. Monica Leslie, Bandy lllnkley. Kitty liollman. Mike dustire, Arlene and Karen Kaufman. Caroline Moore. Mary Owen. Mark Mover. Karen Ham mett. Jack and Jill Cherry. Ricky Boyd. Catfiey Edwards. Sherry and Dottle Kay Turner. Janet and Steve Turner. Donna Carol Whit man. Keith Kloskv. Cathey Single tary. Michael Smith. Marjory Pin chelli. Sandra Nancy. Skipper and Susy Garrett, and Ricky Riegg. ie Miss Bradshaw jls Bride Of D. L. Plemmons Miss Bobby Jean Bradshaw. i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gay | Bradshaw of Clvde, became the I bride of Donald Lee /'lemmons. J son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond i Plemmons of Clyde, Route 1, Thursday. February 11. at 5 p.m. in the home of the Rev A It. Davis. The Rev. Mr Davis performed th? double ring ceremony in the oresence of a small group of rela tives and close friends. The bride wore a navy dress with white accessories and her corsage was a purple-throated white orchid. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the bride's parents after which the couple left for a short wedding trio. Mrs. Plemmons as a member of the junior class of the Crabtree Iron Duff High School Mr Plemmons was graduated from the Waynesville High School and is now emploved by Davton Rubber Company in Asheville. The eounle will reside in the home of the bridegroom's parents. * * * Mrs. Francis Is Hostess Of Home Club The Francis Cove Home Dem ons) ration club met Wednesday night in the home of Mrs R. H. Francis Mrs. .foe Boone presided and the devotional was given by Mrs, Henrv Francis. Ddring the business session Mrs ,!oc Boone and Mrs. R C. Hickman were named citiienshin chairmen. Mrs. Fred Davis, garden leader, discussed planning the familv gar den and n commended a variety of vegetables suited to the mountain r.rea Miss Eugenia Boone, noultry leader, discissed methods of cook in" poultry to the best advantage with reeard to type and quality of the fowl # The demonstration on "'s Make Housekeeping Easier" was rtresented hv tb? home agent, as sisted bv Mrs Henrv Francis who demonstrated "Biscuit Making". Doughnuts and Coffee were serv ed hv the hostess assisted by Mrs Henry Francis ? * * Lake .Tunaluskn PTA To Mark Founders' Day Thp Parept-Teacher Association i sf the I nhe tnnah'sVa School will t rhservo Founder*' Dav at a meet- j In" Mondav nieht at 7 3(1 o'clock j I.eonard I.catherwood will con- ! tnct the devotions and a guest j tpeakcr will present the nroeram A social hour will be held in the 'afeteria following the program. ? * * Music Club Will Hold Meeting The Wavness ille Musle Club will told their regular meeting Tuesday Fehruarv 16. at 8 p m. Mrs. Stanmvre and Mrs. R W Turner will have charge of the j jrogram. Mrs. Long And Mrs. Bushnell, DAR Hostesses Mrs. J M. Long and Mrs. S. H. Bushnell were tin,tows for a meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chaptei Daughter-, of the Ameri can ({evolution, Friday afternoon i in the home of Mrs Long. The program was presented by ' Mrs. J. H. Howell, Jr., who gave a review of "Miracle In The Hills," the story' of Crossnore School writ ten by its founder. Dr. Mary Mar tin Sloop The DAR Magazine was review ed by Mrs. Roy Francis. Mrs. James L. Elwood. regent, presided and named the following nominating committee to present a slate of officers at the next meet ing. Mrs. J. H. Howell, Sr.. Mrs. M. H. Reeves, and Mrs. J. W. Seaver. Announcements were made con cerning the meetine of the State Society of the DAR to be held in Durham, March 2-4 Delegates will be Mrs. J. H Howell, Sr., Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mrs. R N. Barber, and Mrs. J W. Killian. Miss Elizabeth Norman Barber will serve as a page Mrs. R C. Lane, chairman of National Defense, renorted that the annual declamation contest, sponsored bv the chapter for boys | in the W'aynesville High School, will be hold Tuesday. February 23, at 9:45 a.m. in the school audi torium. 1 Mrs. Bushnell, chairman of Good Citizenship, announced that pins will be presented to the county's Good Citizens at special programs. Mi^s Svlvia Newell, who was se lected from the Wayncsville High School, will receive her award fol 'owing the declamation contest on February 23. and Miss Rosemary West, who was selected to repre- j sent the Bethel High School, will receive he's at a date to be an nounced. During the social hour refresh ments were served bv the hostess es. The Valentine motif w;i* car ried out and the dining table was I centered with an arrangement of red gladioli. Guests were Mrs. Earl H. Bren ! dall and Mrs. W. L. Hardin. * ? * . j Fines Creek Club Meets With Mrs. Rogers The Fines Creek Home Demons tration club held a regular meet | irifit Thursday at the home of Mrs. France Rogers. The devotional was eiven by Mi s. Rogers. Officers for the year were in troduced as follows: President. Mrs Vance Holbrook; 1st vice pres-( ident, Mrs. France Rogers; 2nd vice president. Mrs. .1. D. Pyatt; secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Dee Clark; reporter Mrs, Sam Fergu son: historian. Ms. Cauley Rogers. Project leaders and club com mittee chairmen are: Foods and nutrition ? Mrs. France Rogers. Mrs. Ray Seav. Home gardens?Mrs. F. C. Green, Mrs D .1. N'oland. Home poultry ? Mrs. Charles McCrary. Hothe dairy?Mrs. Tom Brum-' j mitt. Food preservation ?. Mrsi Carl Green. House furnishings ? Mrs. Fur-! j man Noland. Mrs. Fletcher Brown. Home management ? Mrs. Dee Clark. Mrs M M. Noland Famjlv life?Mrs. Sard Fergu son Mrs Vance Holbrook. Home heautifieation Mrs. Mark Krrmisnn Clo'hlns? Mrs. Cauley Rogers, i Mrs. Tom Brummitt. Arts and craft*?Mrs. P D. Hv- j (It. Mrs James Carpenter, Mrs. I I Charle* Duckett Community service Mrs J. D. S j Pyatt Health ?Mrs Sam Fer5u*on. F'location Mrs. France Rogers Citirenshin Mrs. Furman Nol ;nd. Mrs F M. Rogers Pronation Mrs. Dec Clark. Music Mrs Mark Ferguson. Mrs. R A Justice was welcomed j '* a new member Mrs. Henrv Havnes was a guest Project lead-t i'""s' ronorts were eiven hv Mrs F. i r Grern on gardens; Mrs. Dee Ct?? *k. on home management The demonstration "Let's Mace Hniisekonnln" Fasler" was nresent nd by Miss Miry Gornu'ell home ?"cent, assisted hv Mrs. Poeers who demonstration her technioue In! makln" biscuits Mi^ Cornwell minted out that manv homemak ers are taking moro ttmp than 1 should be neee;<:arv for dailv rout 'ne tasks and added that each houss keener should take her re snnnsjbilltv as a homemaker sect, on * 1 v enough to studv it earefullv and determine how housekeeping con be made easier. Followln" the demonstration Mrs Dee Clark recreation leader had ehargo of a Pnmo "Hidden Vegetables". The nrlrp for finding the largest number of bidden vegetables was presented to Mrs Vance Holbrook. Luncheon was served by the hostess. * * * Want Ada bi^ng quirk reaulta Mrs. Penland, Mrs. McCracken Are Hostesses Mrs. Charles Penland and Mrs Louis McCracken were hostesses for the luncheon meeting of the Clyde Home Demonstration Club held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Penland. Mrs. Hasque Warren, Jr., presi dent, was in charge of the business session and announced project leaders and committee chairmen .vho will serve during 1954 as fol lows: Foods and Nutrition?Mrs. T. E. Reed. Mrs. Joe S. Hardin, Mrs. Bill Hannah. Home gardens?Mrs. Lucy Aleln, Mrs. Lewis Smith. Home poultry?Mrs. Grady Rog ers. Mrs. R. L. Hennessee, Home dairy?Mrs. Gene Med ford, Mrs. Claude Jolly. Food preservation?Mrs. C. R. Haynes, Mrs. T. Hughes Rogers. House, furnishings?Mrs. Lewis McCracken, Mrs. Bill Woody, Mrs. | Otis Cole. Home management?Mrs. F. F. Roper. Mrs. Hasque Warren, Jr. Family life?Mrs. T. Hugh Rog ers. Mrs Roland Leatherwood. Mrs. Marshall Jones. Home beautiflcation ? Mrs. I Charles Penland, Mrs. Harry Stamey, Jr. Clothing?Mrs. Pat Cole, Mrs. Tom Rogers. Arts and crafts?Mrs. Ralph Mil ler. Mrs. C. L. Darnell. Mrs. Pat Cole. Mrs. R. L. Hennessee. Community service?Mrs. Grady Rogers. Mrs. Lucy Allen. Health?Mrs. Bill Woody, Mrs. T, Hugh Rogers. Education?Mrs. Lewis Smith. Citizenship?Mis. Otis Cole Mrs Pat Cole. Recreation? Mrs. F F. Roper, Mrs. Lewis McCracken. 4-H Club Leader?Mrs. J. S. Hardin. Mrs Lucy Allen. Mrs. T. Hugh Rogers. Music?Mrs. Pat Cole, Mrs. Ray fashion. Mrs. Warren also reported on the County Council meeting and the club voted to endorse the sug gestion made by the Council for Haywood County Home Demonstra tion club day to be featured for ! the Spring Federation, j Mrs. Bill Woody was welcomed las a new member and Mr? Sara f Thompson as a visitor. ?Miss Mary Cornwell gave the demonstration during the morning session and a covered dish lunch eon was served bv the hostesses ? ? ? HDC Music Chairmen To Meet Thursday Music chairmen of Haywood County home demonstration clubs will meet Thursday at 10 a m in the court room in Waynesville. Mrs. J. Edgar Burnett of Cecil, county music chairman, will pre side. * * ? Secretaries To Meet Wednesday at 7 P. M. A regular meeting of the Way nesville chapter of the National Secretaries Association will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Spaldon\s Hestaurant. Miss Jimmie Watts will preside T?f.?? > ? r- ? MRS. HOMER SNYDER. JR. is the former Miss Margaret Cotter, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Cot ter and the late Mr. Cotter of the Aliens Creek Road. She was married in Greenville, S. C. on January 6. Miss Cotter, Pfc. Snyder Are Married Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Margaret Cotter, laughter of Mrs. Thomas Cotter of Mien's Creek Road and the late Mr. Cotter, to Pfc. Homer Snyder, Tr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Snvder of Hazelwood. The ceremony was held in Greenville, S. C., January 6. The bride is a member of the junior class of the Waynesville Township High School. Pfc. Sny ler was graduated from the Way nesville schools and is now serv ing in the Army, stationed at Fort F.ustis, Virginia. ?** Lakeside Club Meets With Mrs. Whisenhunt The Lakeside Home Demonstra tion club met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Harry Whisenhunt, Mrs. Joe Davis and Mrs. Pritchard Smith as co-hostesses. The devotional was given by Mrs. Luther Shaw. Miss Kate Phillips, president, was in charge of busi ness and presented a reoort from the club's' executive board with plans for activities during the year, i She named Mrs. A. H. Hunt and Mrs. James D. McClure to serve [ on a telephone committee for the I fi-st quarter. Project leaders' re-' ports were given by Mrs. J. S. Harrell on Home Gardens. Miss Kate Phillips on Home Poultry and Mrs. E. L. Dudley on Home Management. The demonstration on "Let's , Make Housekeeping Easier" was presented by Miss Mary Cornwall, home agent, assisted by Mrs. Har- I ry Whisenhunt who gave the dem onstration on "Biscuit Making". A social hour was held with the games conducted hv Mrs. Pritchard Smith. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. * * * Mrs. Clifford Green of Detroit. Mich, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson of Waynes ville. Route 1. Crabtree ulub Names Officers And Leaders The Upper Crabtree Home Dem onstration club met on Tuesday. February 9 at the home of Mrs Ray Best. Officers for 1954 were elected as follows: President, Miss Sara James; 1st vice president. Mrs. Hay Best; 2nd vice president. Mrs. Matt Davis; secretary - treasurer, Mrs Cassiuv Rogers; assistant secretary treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Rogers; his torian. Mrs. Edwin Rogers. Project leaders and committee chairmen are: Foods-"and nutrition?Mrs. Ray Best. Home gardens?Mrs. J. M. Da vis. Home poultry?Mrs. Jack Rog ers. Home dairy?Mrs. Albert Fergu son. Food preservation ? Mrs. Tro\ McCracken. House furnishings?Mrs. Cassius Rogers. Home management?Mrs. M. B Rogers, Mrs. Hugh Rogers. Family life?Mrs. Edwin Rogers, Mrs. John Relich. Home beautification?Mrs. R. F. hogers. Clothing?Mrs. F. A. Justice. Arts and crafts ? Miss Sarah James. Community service ? Mrs. Cas sius Rogers. Health?Mrs. Troy McCracken. Education?Miss Sarah James. Citizenship?Mrs. J M. Davis. Recreation?Mrs. Edwin Rogers 4-H Club leader?Mrs. Ray Best Music?Mrs. R. F. Rogers. Leaders' reports were given on Home Gardens by Mrs. J. M. Da vis and Home Management b\ Mrs. M. B. Rogers. Plans for the year's activities were discussed and the club voted to cooperate with the County Council in all activities The demonstration on "Let's Make HouSkeeping Easier" was nresented by Miss Mary Cornwall. Refreshments were served by the hostess. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bryson left Thursday for their home in Camas. Wash., after visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs. Horace Bryson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Medford. The Brvsons came east to attend the wedding of their son. Lt. Jack Bry son, in Havre De Grace, Md. White OakC? 4v Has WorksW i Till' W i Oak bJ tratioll l j craft woi k ,p J Mr* Cooi . I3 j Tho P'i nt Mri | fold, wa- ... {iiicl tho d, a- ;n. v orkshoo a ?huH ? .on. Plan i to criteria ?> . Honu1 I>t a', us a featui of 1 Demonstr. i Wot Mrs 11 F ! conned a> a ,1 A covcrc lisli ...J served lis m..,. J m< otine w In- in >| Mrs. Odie I I * ? 1 E. Wayri -villep; Observe F( iur.der! A meet in of tho fOj ville Parol I ??aelur- s ?\ ill ho hold Tuesday t, ?l 7:30 p.m. J A prom a 'a ill he a observance founders Hcv. Gradj It ? ? rinaer a Oellwood 'iciriM ?. | conduct tin ' so': Claude Walk, will pm, A social n will ?;] neetinfi. I 1 Joe W n left dtend the ' it header j -%ors Col '"11: tw Wednesday llov'.i-fl dudio Thin monuq - ? ' US/1* h (J ti'M ..) $34.75. 1 KATHLEEN CALHOUN SCHOOL OF DANCE ANNOUNCES The open in j? of a new class for children between the ages of 3 and 0. The class will be held from 10:00 A. M. until 11:00 A. M. each Tuesday and Friday ? Special Interest and Training has been taken by Miss Calhoun in preparation for teaching children of these particular ages'? i t CLASSES ARE NOW IN PROGRESS FOR 1 ALL AGE BOYS AND GIRLS ? CONSIST- 1 INC, OF TAP, BALLET, TOE AND ACRO BATIC DANCING. ( Evening Classes in Ballroom Dancing For Any- !< one Interested ? Also Special Evening Classes For I Young Women Consisting of Mat Exercises With , Tap and Ballet if Desired. i FOR INFORMATION. PLEASE CALL GL 6-6564 ' * 4 _ _ ' , '* SPECIAL SALE 1 TV X ->*? M For a Limited Time Only &j ?s ? H ONE OF OUR MOST POPULAR ?m $4 $ BRANDS OF NATIONALLY j? ry |? KNOWN g CHINA I 30'? Off ! SERVICE FOR 8 OR MORE *?& SORRY ? We are not permitted to mention ?s@ the name of the manufacturer, but you ?S} will recognize this as one of our best na- b-, tlonally advertised brands. & | KURT GANS, jeweler 1 ^ "The Store of Nationally Advertised Brands'' H Dial GL 6-6087 207 Main Street || "Stop And Shop In Waynesvllle" bf C4Z2L \ c ' I Seen in Good Housekeeping ?Nelly Don's wonderful jersey of Celcnese oceto'e, the fok'; that never knows a wrinkle, travels and po^' beautifully. Done in a soft, dressmaker shirtar* t at wii look fresh and pretty blooming undW Blue, /ed, green, brown. 10 to 20. 14.95