tfrs. Caldwell s Hostess For ronDuff Club The Iron DufT Home Demonstra on cluh held its February meet \g at the |wme of Mrs. J. R Cald ell Friday afternoon. Mr*. Man-'" Medlord, president, *ned the meeting with a devo onal on "Opportunity '. She wel uned as new members Mrs. G. C. arks and Mrs. Ned Crawford. Mrs Raymond Caldwell, secre ry reported on the recent Coun Councll. meeting and discussed fferent projects as related to the on Duff dub The club voted unimoudy to endorse th?> "Club obmb's Da> to be featured for wing IMet-'tion. Mrs. J. Rj Caldwell. garden lead discussed planning of the home rden. Mrs Marian Medfurd ultry leader, discussed the five sic methods of chucken cook i. trait," Die denujnstration "Let's Make the home agent with Mrs. Cald II df mead rating her method of king biaeuits. During the social hour Mrs. F. Davis iMOnducted a period of 'jjeation and awarded a prize to s. Grady Davis. Delightful refreshments were ved by the hostess. * * ? bther-Daughter inquet Held t Crabtree he annual mother-daughter ban Ithe Crabtree-Iron Future Homemak last Wednesday ool cafeteria, erne was used and jns .were present^ "racken served as d welcomed the to mothers was ty Plemmons to a Plemmons res music was pre itire FHA group. : hase gave the in- | ?ature of the pro- I presented a skit, I jw and Patricia oland introduced ng the mothers of pter mothers, and irson, Mrs. Gaye Grover Br.vson. ', Mrs. Fred Saf i prepared by the >sistance of their ?nn Noland. Mrs. ry Caldwell, Mrs. Mrs. Wayne Mc vere members of ters chapter and E ? ? * It. and J|rs R. N. Johnson and M PearlBl.esley Johnson left urday tot a trip to South Caro a. FloridgtiLouisiana. and Texas, "ty expectant be gone a month. ' Tea Is Planned For Elizabethan Garden Project The executive board of the Rich lend Garden Club will sponor a tea on Saturday afternoon, the 20th, as a benefit for the Elizabethan Garden project fund. The affair will be given at the home, of Mrs. Elmer T Clark, at Lake Junaluska, according to an announcement made by Miss Lou Elva Eller, president of the club. The hours will be from 3.00 to 5 30 and the officers of the club will be assisted by others in re ceiving and serving. The Garden Clubs of the state are undertaking to reproduce on Roanoke Island an English Garden of the period of Queen Elizabeth. The movement was started by Mrs. Charles A. Cannon, of Concord while she was president of the Roanoke Island Historical Asso ciation. The garden will be a fitting me morial to the early settlers who landed on Roanoke Island and thus became the first English attempt at coloniaztion in the new world under Queen Elizabeth. The project is attracting nation wide interest. Since the announce ment of its construction, John Hay Whitney has donated priceless an tique statuary, which has been shipped from his home. "Green wood," at Thomasville, Ga , to Roa r.oke Island. It is said that he was planning to donate the col lccUion of garden features to a museum when he heard of the pro posed North Carolina Garden Club project. Every garden club in the state is being asked for a donation to tnis memorial, which is one of the outstanding projects ever under taken by the women's organizations of North Carolina. * ? * Brownie Troops To Have Joint Meeting The two Waynesville Brownie Troops, under the leadership of Mrs. Heinz Rollman. will be guests of the two Hazelwood Brownie troops at a meeting in the Hazel wood Scout Hut, Thursday after noon at 3 o'clock. A program in observance of In ternational Friendship Month will be carried out with all members of the four troops participating. Mrs. Clyde Fisher and Mrs. Dorothy Williams are leaders of the Hazelwood troops. ? * * Clyde School PTA Meets Next Thursday Clyde School's PTA will meet at the school February 18. it was announced today. An erroneous report first set the meeting time for the 11th. * * * Mrs. Wayne Corpening and small son. Harry, have returned to their home in Winston-Salem after spending a week in Waynesville with friends and relatives. Mr. Corpening joined his family in Hendersonville and accompan ied them home. LITTLE THEATRE OFFICERS, elected last week at an organizational meeting of Wavnesville's new dramatics group, are (seated, left to right) Mrs. Carrie Hannah, treasurer; Miss Jackie Sue Mnwr, secretary-, and Mrs. Ila Campbell, board member. Standing are Roger Walker, president, and Walter Baermann, executive vice president. (Mountaineer Photo). HDC Schedule Feb. 15. 7: 30 p.m., RatclifTe Cove ? Mrs. Mark Galloway, Mrs. Owen Jaynes. Feb. 10, 2 00 p.m.. South Clyde ?Mrs. Robert Lindsay. Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., Waynesville Homeinakers?Mrs. John Nesbitt. Feb. 17, 2:00 p.m., Bethel?Mrs. Hugh Terrell. Mrs. Earl Moore. Feb. 18, 2:00 p.m., Dellwood? Mrs. Grady Moody. Feb. 19, 2:00 p.m., Crabtree Hyder Mt.?Mrs. A. R. Davis. ~ ~ Practical Nurses To Meet Wednesday The Practical Nurses Club will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Lura Davis, 307 Boundary Street. The program will include the showing of a 30-niinute sound film. ? * * . Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woody and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watkins left this morning for a short stay in Charlotte. Miss Ballard Will Speak To Garden Club Miss Louise Ballard, district di rector of the North Carolina Gar den Club, will be guest speaker at a meeting of the Primrose Garden Ctub in the home of Mrs. Joe Sta nelli, Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Kenneth Turner will be co hostess for the meeting. ? ? ? Phoenix, Ariz., estimates that about half the sales taxes assessed there are paid by nonresidents. Joint Hostesses Entertain For Bride - Elect Miss Mary Lou Ferguson, bride elect ot Robert Wayne Kelley, was the guest of honor at a party and^ miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Walter Ensley and Mrs. Fred Troutman, Friday evening, in the home of the former. Games were played and Yefresh menls served following presenta tion of gifts to the bride-elect. The guests included Miss Fergu son and her mother, Mrs. Lois Fer guson. Mrs. Robert Kelley, mother of the bridegroom-elect, Mrs. Roy Rhinehart, Mrs. Jason Smiley, Miss Edna McCracken, Miss Elsie Mc Cracken, Mrs. Edgar Robinson. Mrs. Carl Hightower. Miss Velma Slamey, Mrs. Bill Franklin, Mrs. Sam Ferguson, Mrs. Rich Inman, Mrs. Johnny Smiley, Mrs. Moody Farmer, Mrs. Don Kelley, Mrs. J. 1). Kelley, Mrs. R. C. Lemming, Mrs. Luther Shaw, Mrs. A. D. Gif loid, Mrs. H. C. Ferguson, Mrs. I.inwood Grahl, Mrs. Harley Rad ford, Miss Ida Smiley, and Mrs. Etta Duncan. * * a Miss Ferguson Announces Wedding Plans Miss Mary Lou Ferguson, daugh ter of Mrs. Lois Ferguson, has com pleted the plans for her marriage to Robert Wayne Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley. The ceremony will take place in II.e Ninevah Baptist Church, Satur day, February 27, at 8 p.m., with I he Rev. C. L. Allen officiating. A program of music will be present ed by Mrs. Walter James, pianist, and Jack Kelley. soloist. The bride will be given in mar riage by her uncle, Carl Ferguson, and will have as her matron of honor and only attendant her sis ter, Mrs. Douglas Bowen of New port News, Va. Douglas Bowen will serve as best man and ushers will be Joe Kelley and J. D. Kelley. WINS TRIP ?S. E. C'onnatser, district representative fur the Jefferson Standard Life Insur ance Company, has won a trip to Quebec, Canada, in June, for his sales record for the past year. 1 Mr. Connatser met his quota in the first six months of conven tion year, and lor 699 consecu tive weeks has been a member of the organization's "application of the week club", lie has con sistently made the club honor roll every week since April 1936. Today his firm is publishing their 47th annual report. Exams For Practical Nurses Set March 23 Examinations will be held for practical nurse waiver candidates, | Tuesday, March 23. at the Carolina ' Hotel In Raleigh, according to Mrs. . Lura Davis, president of the Prac tical Nurses Club. Applications must be filed with the North Carolina Board of Ex aminers. Enlarged by February 26. All practical nurses, not licens ed. are requested to take the ex aminations. ? ? ? MINISTER UNDERGOES OPERATION The Rev. C. R. Ross of Lake Junaluska underwent an emer gency operation in a Savannah. Georgia hospital last Tuesday, ac cording to word received here. His condition is described as satis fatcory. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are spending the winter months at 512 East 56th Street, Savannah. Memberships In Moose Lodge Are Sought In Area A. Gwin Miller Is here direct i ing a membership campaign for the Loval Order of Moose. He said that some 40 members have been 11 ready signed, and that a meeting would be held February 2^th, at the Waynesville Restaurant for completing campaign plans. Miller said that 100 members are required before a charter is grant ed a local group. I At the meeting on the 24th, Frank Ray, of Ashboro. national di rector, will be the speaker. There are more than a million members in 1,700 lodges of the organization throughout the Eng lish speaking world. ? ? ? Woman's Club Will Meet Thursday At 3:30 The Waynesville Woman's Club will hold a regular meeting Thurs day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the dinmg room of the First Methodist C hurch. The speaker will be Mrs. Hubert Jacobs, a graduate of the Ameri can University in Beyrouth. Le banon. who will use as her subject, "The Wonders of America". Hostesses will be Miss Robina Miller. Miss Pearl Harris, Mrs. H. B Foy, Mrs. T. W. Bridges, and Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick. FOR SALE | ^ 5-Knom llousr With Rath. Near Town, on B<e Lot. $6,000.00. 4-Room llousr. Near Dellwood On Highway. Good Business Lo cation. $4,000.00. 35 Acres, 2 Dwellings, Near Sown. Reasonable Price. Small Home In Town On Good Street. $4,500.00. SEE MR. HOLT The L. N, DAVIS CO. GL 6-3501 ?H A BRIGHT NEW , WORLD And it's his to discover, with Ba|by Jumping-Jacks' gentle, foot-cuddling leathers ... their patented, one-piece sole and heel to aid natural foot development. $348 [ Belk: Hudson Look... How Jefferson Standard GROWS! -A? <w: Farts from the 47th Annual Report Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Condensed 47TH ANNUAL STATEMENT* December 31, 1953 ASSETS Cash 4,155iJI6 Bond! 104,934,355 Sleeks, Preferred A Common . 33,372,993 Mortgage Loans 153,114,444 Leas Back Real Estate . . > 16,688,083 Other Real Estate Including Heme Office Building . . ? 3,819,278 Loans to Policyholders ? . ? 23,335,805 All Other Assets ..... 11,896,566 TOTAL ASSETS .... $355,6*17,333 LIABILITIES Policy Reserves $231,430,940 Reserve for Policy Claims . ? 1,137,437 Policy Proceeds Left with Company ....... 31,690,136 Dividends for Policyholders . . 3,581,621 Investment fluctuation Fund . 9,223,780 Other LisdMlities and Reserves . 12,334,421 TOTAL LIABILITIES . . . $309,617,333 Contingency Reserve . ? . 3,000,000 Capital and Surplus . . . 41,000,000 TOTAL $333,617,333 e ?This statement has been filed with the Insurance Departments of the District of Columbia. Puerto Rico and the 29 states in which the Company operates, and has been examined by A. M. Pullcn A Company. Certified Public Accountants, Greens boro, North Carolina. ~ ? I -A Greater Strength?Assets increased $30,764,928 to an all time high of $355,617,335. Capital, Surplus and Contingency Reserves showed a gain of $5 Million and amounted to $46 Million at year-end?an extra bulwark of safety. Faster Growth ?At the end of 1953 more than 365,000 policyholders were protected by $1,235,240,245 of Jefferson Standard life insurance, an increase of $98,573,964 for the year and a new Company record. Extra Service ?In 1953 Jefferson Standard policyholders continued to receive 4% interest on dividend accumulations and policy proceeds left with the Company at interest. 4% is the highest rate of interest paid by any major life insurance company. HIGHLIGHTS . 1? For the seventeenth consecutive year Jefferson Standard main tained its leadership among all major life insurance companies in net rate of interest earned on invested assets. The rate in 1953 was 4.34%. 2? Payments to policyholders and^bcneficiaries reached a new high in 1953 ? $15,436,907. Policyholders and beneficiaries have received a total of $242,217,512 from Jefferson Standard since organization of the Company in 1907. 3. Sales of new life insurance during the past year soared to a new high ? $163,154,573. 1953 marked the second consecutive year that sales have exceeded the $150 Million mark. Jefferson Standard takes much pride in its Field Force of com petent managers and agents. Much time and effort are devoted to the selection and training of these men and women. Today Jefferson Stand ard's representatives are better informed and better trained than ever before to serve the needs of their policyholders. / C* ** represents the JstFsrson Standard. Jefferson t Standard, now guaranteeing 2'z'r on policies currently ITU* J issued, has never paid less than 4'r interest on dividend a k accumulations and policy proceeds left with the Company 1 ' at interest. J 4% IS THF HIGH! ST RATI- OF INTFRFST PAH)' BY ANY MAJOR LIF I INSURANCE COMPANY. S. E. CONNATSER DISTRICT MANAGER 38Vi Main Street Waynenville ?IKFFKItSOV STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. HOME OFFICE ? GREENSBORO, N. C. i * ?? ?' ** ' > (tfff f A* >f (c " >'? 13 You saw it in SEVENTEEN 3 I yylK OlIR BLOUSE N STOLE SUIT mm wSm ITear it 10 ITays! Detailed Cardigan >uit with it'a own blouse and reversible stole. A complete wardrobe H wL unbelievably priced. $3995 ; ' ? BelfcHudson I'lij.i.iu.fijiijjumim :

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