WANT AD RATES 'hto atae type, 2 cents per word, .i? oharge 40 cents. rhia size t ype, 3 cents per fd, minimum charge (>0 rhis size type, 50c ?r column inch. HSmMtt will be published HmV to desired schedule rithout Mctr.1 charge, ?or* 1b advertisements should be ? a par ted immediately. The Faumtalaoer will not be re .ponsible for more than one ncorrect Insertion, t ADVERTISEMENTS ARE ^*SH IN ADVANCE. Cash must rteompaajr orders sent by mail, mt *4* Bust be in office be fore 19:39 a. m. on day before yobUcatlon to guarantee to be in want ad section. .en yon vtsii to insert a want ad Pill GL 9-.vail. Special Notices Innox FURNACE ? No down payment, three years to pay. Free estimate. Auto matic Heating Company. Dial GL (i J 17 if Coven - Draperies - Furniture '^K|Mery. Also Fabrics. At the LHtle Doeorating Shop in Can toa ? opposite Canton Motor Company, Phone Canton 231'!. Mar 20 tf IB ODQfltLESS, sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. gj|^}umbing Co. J 19-tf ITISTIC PfANO TUNING, volc ^^HH>repairing. Haul Shep herd, Canton. N. C. Tel. 5123 S 14 tf OB MONUMENTS see Haywood UpMtmeat Co., next to Farmers tnktngt, on Asheville Road. H. IHJjjri. manager. Dial GL 6 IAMERAS and Photographic Sup plies For Rent. Trade or Sale Photo Department, Kaiser's Book Store. J 11-tf For Sale FOR SALE?Sawmill wood. De livered $5 00 a load by H. X. Cowan, old reliaDie. Dial GL 6-4336. N 19-tt FOR SALE ? Mountain wood or sawmill wood lor healer, cook stove, or fireplace. Any length. Call Open Air CurD Market. Dial GL 6-50121. O 19-tf FOR SALE?Hemlock framing and boards, r ue wood: C'Jl slabs and strips. Free; Saw Dust. Warner Lumber Co. s Saw Mill Lake Lo gan Road. Jy 16-tf WOULD SELL, buy, trade all kinds property. Lots, small tracts any direction from town. Houses and business properly. C. A. George. G L 6-5424. No 9-tf FOR SALE ? New electric ma t chines $85 00. Good used Sing ers $30 and up. Campbell's Shop, Alain St. Call 6-4253. J 14-tl FOR SALE?Good used furniture and antiques. Used dressers, chests, iron beds, marble top tables, and china cabinets. Bran non & Son Furniture Co. Dial GL 6-5512, Depot Street. F 8-tf WILSON MKDEORD of Waynes ville has two passes for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. FOR SALE?Dry Cleaning plant, fully equipped, established 25 years. Main Street location. Good volume. Terms arranged, long lease. Contact Mrs. C. F. Poole, Whiteway Cleaners, Brevard, N. C. * F 11-15 FOR SALE?Mountain farm, 49 acres, with approximately 100 apple trees. Located in Saunook community. Priced reasonably. Phone GL 6-3092. F 11-15- 18-22 FOR SALE?3-HP Shaw garden tractor with equipment. Excel lent condition and reasonably priced. Can be seen at Hiram Campbell's in Stamey Cove or call Canton 5864. F 11-15 FOR SALE: Leaving for overseas, must sell Zenith television. $1.10.00. Good condition. Call GL 6-3928. Feb 11 tf FOR SALE: Used cash register bargains. 2 National Cash regist ers $85 00 each. 1 Burroughs ( ash Register and adding ma chine combination. $110.00. 1 R. C. Allen combination Cash Register and adding machine, demonstrator. 15% discount Has your business machine been cleaned recently? If not call us. Haywood Typewriter Co. Located ed at Five Points, Hazelwood Phone 6-4630. F 1 tf FOR SALE?29 acres of good farm ing land on the Thickety black topped road, two miles from Clyde. Two houses, big barn .06 tobacco allotment; block store with complete equipment; also filling station. Must sell because of ill health. Contact E G. Roberson, Clyde, N. C? Rt 2. or call Canton 3515. F 11-tl APPLES FOR SALE ? Red Rom* Beauty, $3 to $4 per bushel Stayman Winesap $4 to $5 pei bushel. Smalt apples $2 pet bushel in your container. Henr> Francis Orchard. Francis Cove Phone GL 6-6337. F 15-tl FOR SALE OR TRADE ? 4 rooms and bath with 3'i acres, on Balsam Road. Desire about same size house near town. Contact Hugh Price. Balsam, N. C. Feb 15-18 Want Ads brinr quick results IF YOITDON'T KNOW INSURANCE, KNOW YOUR AGENT Get low cost Form Bureau outo insurance ? tavs up to 25%. Standard, nonassess able policy ... quick, friend ly claims service. Second largest mutual auto insurer in U. S. FOR INFORMATION, RHONE AL MARSHALL Hazelwood, Dial GL <-3144 1 . ? I ????? ( __________ ( For Sale FOR SALE:?1952 Harley-Davidson 125 motorcycle. Like new. With; all extras. Dial GL 6-4297. F 11-15-18-22! . FOR SALE?House Trailer. Well equipped. $300.00. Phone GL 6 5140. F 8-15 FOR SALE ? Complete Grade A | Dairy equipment with exception of cooler. Excellent condition. 2 Surge milking units. Approxi mately half-price. Also deluxe Maytag washing machine, good as new?-Less than half-price. Dial GL 6-3886 M. V. Bramlett, Jr., Hyder Mountain Rd. F 15-tf FOR SALE?Or trade for smaller truck, 1950 1' 2-ton Ford. Can be seen at Burgin's Dept. Store, De pot St., or call GL 6-5431. F 15-18 FOR SALE?Clean 1948 Plymouth. Contact J. M. Carver, Short St. F 15 FOR SALE?Home Comfort Range, combination gas, coal or wood. Like new, priced reasonable, If interested, call Mrs. Ray Tran tham, at Clyde 5185. F 15-18 LOUISE; ROSS of Waynesville has two passes for the Strand Thea tre at the Mountaineer office. Wanted LOOK. FELLOWS?It s time to go fishing. The Tuckasegee Boat Dock on Tuckasegee River be low Bryson City is now open and ready to serve you. Motors, boats, gas and oil. BULO L. CARVER. Manager. F 4-11-18 WANTED?To buy good used fur niture?Homer Justice at Hay wood Furniture Store, Main St.. Waynesville. F 11-tf WANTED TO BUY?A lot in the I city limits of Hazelwood on paved street or gravel road.-Willi pay cash. Contact Bill Ingram,] Cullowhee, N. C. F 11-15 I For Rent FOR KENT?Furnished apt., adults only. Second floor, private ent rance. Can be seen any time at 200 East St. Call 6-3615 J 25-tf KENNETH FRYE of Waynesville hos two passes for the Strand ( Theatre at the Mountaineer of-1 flee. FOR RENT?Business building on Depot Street. 1600 square feet floor space. Apply Harrell's Cleaners and Launderers. Jy 2-tf FOR RENT- -New three bedroom house on Balsam Road. See Smith's Real Estate and Insur ance Agency. Owner moving to Puerto Rico. F 11-15 FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 4 room cottage in attractive neigh borhood. $50.00 per month. A dults only. Call OL 6-3628. Feb 11 tf There are ice islands but no ice bergs in the Arctic Ocean says the National Geographic Society. About 54 per cent of nonfarm families in the United States own I heir own homes. FOR BETTER BUYS IN REAL ESTATE Contact CAROLINA MUTUAL Insurance & Real Estate 110 Main AGENCY C.L 6-5441 JOIN TANK CO., 120th INF., NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUARD AND RE ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND FIELD TRAIN ING AT FORT McCLELLAN, | ALA., WITH YOUR HOME TOWN UNIT. 15th - 29th AUGUST, 1954. IF INTERESTED CALL THE WAYNESVILLE ARMORY GL 6-3312 . ? ?' I ? Rifles Theft Futile |< LOWELL. Mass. (AP) ? If you j know the possessor of 13 rifles ( stolen from the home of Leo L Heureaux tell him not to try ' firing them. They were for cere- 1 momal use only and lack firing ' pins. NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Elma Cochran, 1 vs James Cochran. To James Cochran: Take notice that an action en- L titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Haywood ( County, North Carolina where the i plaintiff is asking for a divorce on the ground of two years separa-i lion. And that you are required to PAINT Everything You Will Need For Your Spring Painting And Decorating ? Painting Mv Contract Ii> Experienced Painters HOWELL'S HARDWARE Joe Howell, Owner Norman's Garage Derry Norman, Owner Balsam Road 15 DAY SPECIAL 15 Feb, - 1 March BRAKES LINED & ADJUSTED '36 - '48 model light cars? Ford, Chev., Dodge & Plymouth ? $12.00 '48 to '52 models ? $13.50 Price includes materials and labor. make defense to such pleadings not later than 24th day of March, 1954, before the Clerk of Superior Court. Haywood County, N C , and jpon your failure lo do so the par ty seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief' sought in said pleadings. This the 6th day of February, 1954. J. B. SILK It Clerk of Superior Court, Haywood County, N. C. ' 2403?F 8-15-22 M 1 ' NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix c.t.a, of the estate of Mrs. Mary M. Stringfield, late a resi dent of Haywood County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against the estate to file the same with the undersigned at 120 Church Street, Way nesvillc, N. C.?! on or before the 25th day of Jan- I uary, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. Persons in debted to said estate please make immediate settlement.' Tfiis January 22, 1954. DeBRAYDA FISHER, Admx., c.t.a. 2400-Jan 25. Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, M 1 r How We Help Yon ^ I Get Your Money's Worth 1 I For you the major I risks are probably J different from those M met by other families, I You can trust us to H I adapt insurance to I | your needs. ? Just phone . . 4 KILPAT RICK ? FELMET REAL ESTATE GL 6 - 3631 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Sentelle J. Moody, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of W. R. Francis, at-1 torney, Wayneavllle, North Caro lina, on or before the 28th djy of January, 1955, or tjys notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 28th day of January, Quick! Break Up Congestion of Kids' CHEST COLDS ia nost, throat, upper bronchi*! tabes Bub on Child * Mild Mu*terole - made especially tor kiddle* Mu.terol* promptly crente* a protective warmth on cheat, throat and back. It relieve* cough*, and help* break up local congeatlon. Recommended by many leading baby doctoral Buy today! 9 S? MUSTEROLE GARRETT FURNITURE CO., INC. Main Street KIDNEYS MUSTREMOVE EXCESSWASTE When kidney function alnwa down, many folki complain of nagginc backache, tnaa of nep and energy, headaches and dixainoaa Don't suffer longer with these discomforts if reduced kidney function ia getting you down?due to such common causes aa strew and at rain, over-exertion or expoaure to cold. Minor bladder irritationa due to cold, damnneaa or wrong diet may cauae getting up night* (it frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneya if theae condi tions bother you. Try Doan'a Pills a mild diuretic. Uaed successfully by millions for over SO yeara. While often otherwiae cauaed, it'a amaxing how many timea Doan'a give happy relief from these discomforts- help the 15 milea of kidney tubes and Altera flush out waate. Get Doan'a Pills today! SPAN'S Pill? 1954. MARY F. MOODY, Administratrix of the Estate of Sentelle J. Moody, deceased. 2402?F 1-8-15-22 M 1-8 To Keiifty ^ Mtstry ^0 9 {fid- 666 liquid on Miun - u"< fWT ??un Photographs That Please Studio On Main St. HUGH B. NORTON Waynesville GL 6-3257 BRANNON and SON FURNITURE CO. New - Used - Antiques Quality Furniture at A Savings. Dial Ol. 6-5512 Depot Street VOU CAN 81 SURE...if rri Wfcstingliouse Sold In Waynesville Only At MASS1E FURNITURE CO. Mr. Home Owner! Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay Later ? Take Up To 12 Months To Pay! ? Low Interest Rates ? Free Estimates "No Job Too Rig ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL 6-3181 Auto Liability INSURANCE At COST See WAYNE ROGERS At Ropers Electric Co. Or Dial GL 6-5593 Haywood's Only Representative For N. C. FARM BUREAU MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY DR ALL TOUR TRACTOR plow harrowing needs, call or ?|| nancis, Rateliffe Cove. I F 1-4-8-11-15-18-22-25 ^? Be You Tried KDFORD'S BHD LOTION? ^BE PHARMACY Wm COLO DISCOMFORTS mU HUD for Your "jough measles or flu leave you H^^hh get Creomtilsion quick IP? m soothes raw throat and KNttbranes, loosens and helps phlegm, mildly relaxes ^?pision and aids nature fight irritation. You'll like its ^HRter than other medicine or ^?Efefunds your money. No ^?KPleasant to take. SpMULSION Clint Colds, Acuta Bronchitis * ONLY FACTORY PARTS USED ? PROMPT SERVICE *? GUARANTEED LOW PRICES ^ | ATTENTION I FARMERS SOMETIMES A GOOD USED TRACTOR i CAN BE BOUGHT AT A VERY LOW PRICE Never Before Have We Offered Such Bargains As We Have Now The All 'Round Tractor ? ALL 'ROUND THE FARM ? ALL YEAR 'ROUND * Call Us For A. FREE DEMONSTRATION OF FORI) TRACTORS ANI) DEARBORN FARM EQUIPMENT DIAL GL 6 4931 WAYNESVILLE TRACTOR CO. " E r e r y I h i n (f CJuaranteed" I NORTH CAROLINA the"suburb"of the world's greatest market! CLEVELAND 40* MUSS PITTSDUROH 411 MUSS \ 1 NSW YORK 49 0 MUSS voumnui ioi mm.es \ \ / oL \ \ WASHINGTON ? / 00 udRtkm poop*e mM 7 of America's 12 largest cities m iooMeU eHhin 500 miles of North Carolina's bonier -4n Umm a day's haul by truck PmoM and mfinalr v like "suburbs" today?with more "Mhow-fwai" So grow, live and play, when transporta Hn to omd from lor per, crowded areas it quick, sure mnC col. M your community is interested in new industry write or telephone Ben E. Douglas, Director, N. C. Department of Conservation and Development, Raleigh, N. C. The progress of North Carolina's organized truck ing industry, and how it moves raw and finished pro ducts within our state and to or from this great area market, is important to industry?old and new We'll ?WPP*? the facts about it. MOMUW CAMOUNA MOTOM CARRIERS ASSOCIATION, INC. _ "Safety it no accident" Big Washer Buy flert't famouj Maytag washing performance at a low, low prica. W-j?/ law tfown payment / ]r \ Vj liberal trod.-ln CI OQ QC I \ 0 Sit n at $103.90 g y ROGERS ELECTRIC COMPANY m Dial GL 6-6351 Main Street !l HI r A II r I "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" I II t U III t I Phone CU H-4531 y ^ ^ I AI.L EORMS OK TAXES AUDITS TclosmanII ROOK KEEPING OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE SERVICE wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr THE FLOP FAMILY Hv SWAM ztj ~Z i ? fioidw fo? in^ilftnoe* ,| |w 0o^-ev)e?won? Y \ 0\o, ET? 1 ^ \ AA r lL V)u 5ES ?*vOj aEAPin^/ V tFT MS WEAR iT M WWEPE_ ) I 6LtTMIS S THE OKJ (.wristwatchv (. m&mscnoot/^b ^-vt-rrve-z^a 3 /4^U|S?^WW'J ^ T *f ,. *??: r' c tv r-j im ?:?. ?, ^ J ? : ?-*-? ,