Church Mmbers Active In Lower Crabtree By MRS. MILLARD FERGUSON Community Reporter Even though our farmer,s were work brittle, they were happy with our iirst snow of the winter. The ground hog is certainly a wise ani mal to stay underground if seeing his shadow tellshim snows like this are on the calendar. The Baptist WMS are observing the week of prayer this week, Mon day through Friday, each evening at 7:30 at the church. Miss Bclte Ruth Ferguson gave the devotional for the Crabtree Methodist Sunday School Sunday morning and talked on the MYF and the work they are doing 011 the Charge. We have 37 members enrolled with an average attend ance of 30. This is the largest group the Charge has ever had and the most active with .lames Kirkpat rick, John Kirkpatrick, Frank Da vis and Mrs. Oral Yates as council ors. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nesbitt en tertained with a surprise birthday party Tuesday evening honoring their Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Hugh Noland and Mr. Noland Members of the class present were Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Reeves, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Palmer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palmer, the Rev, and Mrs, A. It. Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Kindsland, Mrs. Kate Npl and, Mrs. Mary Pope, Mrs. Jessie Kinsland and Marshall Kirkpat rick. The community extends our sym pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mes ser and family in the serious ill ness of Mrs. Messer's mother, Mrs. L B Leatherwpod of Jonathan Creek. Mrs. Kate Noland and Glenn Clark visited Wayne and Dean Green at Grace Hospital, Morgan ton. Sunday, The Green brothers, who sustained serious injuries in a road accident several days ago en route from Powhatan, Va., to their base in Tampa, Fla., will be taken on Tuesday from Grace Hospital to Greenville. S. C., Air Base Hospital. Wayne is much im proved. Dean is still on the critical list. The high school radio programs which have been on W11CC the past weeks have been very enter taining, and I believe everyone is | duly proud of our youth and their various talents. Certainly we of Crabtree-Iron Duff were especial ly proud of the program from our school last Sunday. Several from our community al tended the wedding of Miss Mary Lou Ferguson and iiobert Wayne j Kelly at the Ninevah Baptist i Church Saturday evening. The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Davis and Mrs. Millard Ferguson attend ed the Evangelistic Rally at the Waynesville Methodist Church Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bowcn of Newport News. Va.. who were here for the wedding of Mrs. Brown's sister. Mary Lou Fer guson. were visitors during the week of Mrs. Bowen's grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Fergu son. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCrary were guests Sunday of their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Jackson of Swannanoa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcdford. Pat and Hal. of Elmer, N. J., are visit ing Mrs. Medford's mother, Mrs. Iiobert Preshell. Mrs. J. R. Griffin of Silver Springs, Md.t arrived Sunday to spend several days with her par ents. Mr, and Mrs. C. T. Ferguson. Mrs. Griffin was the former Miss Ann Ferguson. The Misses Bobbie Parks and i Louise Presnell were weekend1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill of i Ualcliffc Cove. East Pigeon Sets I Higher Goals In Crop Production By Mrs. John W. Johnson. Sr. Community Kcporter The Kast Pigeon CIJI' met Tues iitay night in the Agriculture Building at Bethel School, 1.. M, Slujrrill, chairman, presided us' goals were set for an increase in corn, tobacco and strawberry pro duction. It was planned that un in ventory should be taken in the community and family survey forms were distributed to be fill ed during the year. A program was planned for the next meeting with Mrs. Marvin Long and Mrs. George Bluv lock as program committee. Let's attend these meeting and ? build a better community! One of the most beautiful snows of the season came as a surprise to most of us Sundaw night. Kaeh tree and twig bending low with it weight. Is caused us to decide sprint; wasn't "just around the ' corner" even though the daffodils : were "In hlooin. : ? I I The Women of the Bethel I'ris bvteiian Church will, meet at lite1 home of Mrs. Jantes Sheffield Sri day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs C. S Kollins returned to her home Sunday from Memorial Mission Hospital. She is much Im proved alter undergoing treat-; ment. Walter Long and Claude Single- j ton are having a new road built to their premises. Friends of the Rev. Marvin Mann sympathize .with him and his family in his serious illness. M rs. James Metcalf's visitors I la t week were her cousins. Mrs Unbelts I'e.uson and Mrs. Jessie Kids' of Chattanooga. Tenn and Mt ili'i'tnon Boien of Canton. In the afternoon they called on an other cousin.' Mis. Let ha Mitchell of Aliens Creek. Mr and Mrs. Don Harris of Casvopotis. Mich, spent several; days with Mr and Mrs Raymond I Hnckett I. I week Mrs Harris and Mis Hnckett have been pen pals since eat I\ a htldlutod when Mrs Diiikett wrote the children's de railment hi Inledo, Ohio paper. 1'IIE TOLEDO BLADE. ? r~ Mr. and Mrs. John Cathey cole-. iroicd their birthdays with Mr. j and Mrs. John Leathorwood of Dillsboro last Monday. Mr. Cathey and Mr. Leathorwood have the same birtli date. Mr. Cathey's daughter is the wife of Mr. Leath erwood's son, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leathcrwood of Sylva, who also at tended Mie reception. The Rev. and Mrs. Archie C. Graham and children, Linda. David and Johnny of Hazelwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cagle were guests of the John W. Johnson family Friday night. DISTRICT OOP LK.YDKRS?Standing before a color placard of President Kisenhower ill the court room here Tuesday. On the left is Mrs. Millard league, of Brevard, district vice chair man: Orvillc Coward. Sylva, secretary, and Lewis I*. Ilamlin, Brevard, district chairman. (Mountaineer I'hoto). To Stretch Clothing hill Take Good Care Of Clothes I "Good clothing care can be as easy as saying your ABC's," accord ing to Mary Em Lee, State Col lege extension specialist in cloth-, ing. Good clothing care merely im plies the kind of simple care that cver>one can easily put into prac tice at home. Air your clothes frequently and properly. Moths and other pests hate fresh air?so air makes a good preventative. Airing also relaxes fabrics and banishes ordinary wrinkles and creases. Clean clothes also give longer service since irjoths rarely attack clean gar ments. Quick and direct attention is needed for clothes that get wet, and that's a good point to bear in mind this time of the year. Miss Lee cautions against draping a damp coat or dress over a radiator or hanging it in front of a fire. The fabric will buckle and actu ally get out of shape if you do. Instead, keep it in a cool dry place and away from other clothes, s When dry, bush the fabric with ? the nap, not against it. j It will be to your advantage to ! have a knowledge of spot and stain removal. Know the stain or spot ' and follow directions for its re- ' ir.oval. Fresh stains are much I wvoid .? ? V ? .IT ><>ui l)uii V| ? ?r lu-i A Startling Revelation Of What Is Coming Hear God's Plan For The Thousand-Year Period Ahead What Marks Its Beginning? What of The Kighteous? Wicked? SUNDAY, MAR. 7, 7:30 P. M. Also Mr. Meisner Presents During The Week: t Tues., Mar. 9 ? 7:30 I*. M. ^ "When Angels Preach Out Waynesville And lla/cluo^* Fri., Mar. 12 ? 7:30 P. M. "Once Saved Always SavedI A Welcome Await* ^ ,>u Adventist Tabernacle Beech Street IJ =rHI IRAIFF'S of CANTON f HAS DONE IT AOAIN! SCOOPED THE MARKET! I Peak Of The Season Price Slash! I LAY AWAY I EASTER SUITS NOW!! I HUNDREDS OF LADIES* SUITS If DRASTICALLY REDUCED ? Pastels ? Darks ? Sizes For All m /^WOMENS' ?MISSES'! ^ And Stylish Half-Sizes i GROUP 1 keg. $10.99 Values $#% Women's & Misses'SUITS O! reduced to ""GROUP 2 reg. $19.99 values g g| SAVE ON SUITS 1U | slashed prices ffi GROUP 3 ? _ ^ reg. $24.99 values S ^ Q Sensational SUITS ? w | reduced to |? _y__~ Crisp New Spring MILLINERY $1.99 GROUP 4 I REG. $20.09 VALUES _ ?_ REGULARS AM) HALF SIZE S ^ SUITS ?3| PRICES CUT TO OUR |c fnr vol R I LAYAWAY 15 IUl CONVENIENCE! I SHOP AND SAVE IN RAIFF'S NEW 1 ^XOITIN^EADJMTOfEARJJEPT^J 1/ MS sweetheart of a CD eal (Double :Heart (Beat Special A HEW 9i CU. FT. RlI IF ITERATOR Plus BRAND NEW "World Famous' SOFA BED i y All For The Regular Price of The Refrigerator ? Full Width Freexcr ? Full Width Chiller Troy ? Icc Cube Troys ? Three Shelves in Door O Two Vegetable Crispcrs ? Interior Light ? Automatic Door Latch NO EXTRA CHARGE A Regular 159.95 Value Big, comfortable Sofa Bed in a design k and styling that will harmonize with any ? . furniture. Wonderful for unexpected ? guest. Get yours today! BEa Low Down Payment $20095 Weekly or Monthly Terms Don't wait another minute . . . hurVy down and take advantage of this wonderful HOTPOINT Double "Heart Beat" special. Just think, you get 4his beautiful kSofa Bed without charge when you purchase A this Hotpoint Refrigerator. It's a Double "Heart Beat" special for you. /|| ROGERS ELECTRIC Cfl Dial GL 6-6351 '