/ ^mdaiw, ny. tesfsss-,! ? ? ? c! f:c: The Waynesville Mountaineer i he Mountaineer . , work. under ?et<ui trst. ? Published Twiee-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Fark ? q gg~~yuTi7 iTl'TiiES~ ~ Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. I'.. MONDAY AFTERNOON. APtUL 1H54 (S.OO In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiaa [hives Lined By lembly ft tur?l plans nave been K?j a site allocated at I?akf r (or a Methodist arch Edtng and historical een fth g will be the Ameri ?dtjuartci- "I the World E, council. Kictnm is ? <pected jto be ft, perhaps within the next (curding to Walter Richard ftu. chairman ot the spun-i Enmittee. I piojecl hia been ap ftV. trustees ot the Lake ? Assembly summer pro Kadfuarters of the Meth fturch in nine Southeastern ?nd that the denomination a ftouncil voted to locate 11 - ftr adtulnisti ati\ e offices in ?ding when it is a\ailable. Bouncil will hold its world Bum at Lake Junaluska in Bir: I9.>t>. Richard said ?ding is expected to be in fttimated Costs ot tile StrUC ? $50,011(1 aid (I edited I .ake L., trustees and Methodist I at tin Southeastern juris I for leading a fund i-atn ftrd reported that $10,000 is I. (20,000 has been pledged ?vtduals. and the bishops ?nd to raise tin average of Br district in their respec ?sfiipai areas, covering nine ? members ,.i the cOmmit I Kdwtn L, Join s. Charlotte, Id Turr.tex V.-h\ tllo. Tenn.; ?Benjamin Littleton, H'aslt ID. C.: and Dr. Elmer I iL.ikc Junaluska. Jones is Bit of the Lake Junaluska By. one of the largest ? centers in the country, and lers ate trustee s Jones i lasurer ot the World Mctli Ickirk i- secretary of the land executive secretary ot ?oriation of Methodist His ? Sdieties. The societies al I to make the new building Beadquarte i s. la:k said he intends to lis ow n library of historical ? materials in the archives B nucleus ,,| mUch larger ?on to be gathered ?lark collection includes the V Salisbury portraits ot pesley and Bishop Francis ? the only surviving copy IHttt portrait of Wesley, ? oner by BishoD Thomas pw destroyed by tiro in flrst editions of the pi Wesley 1,000 other vol-1 P Methodism, and hundreds Pjalpts, busts, paintings, I ?'Phs and other relics as P ?ith the church in Eng-, ?d America. E"1) Methodism has no ??chives or historical cent- i rational scale," Richard ? tscussing building plans. P c only large denomi ?7 ha~ made no such pro '"g its historical Pj ?id Lake Junaluska is P; p ai i for the building ? " ? the official assenthl\ I? laf8?t jurisdiction Ilk, annually by more I |^n^any other Methodist |e Seniors resent Play lay Night Itontor class of the Cl\dp '< ?chnoi will present a play, ?Jler M; Beaver." in the! Puditorumi Friday ni^ht at i ?look |C K Blown, Jr. is direct- , I product ion It ' !i,posed of Sammy ?net, Janet Francis. Lou |t'"n.( Louise Collins. Sue I lKeal Caldwell, Jon Mor ?rri Walker, Howell Mc-1 ? Itk ? M eater, E. W., ? and Pol llaney. ( "warmer ? tlnuriv and warm today. I 1 warmer with chance ot P1 *aynes\ille temperature , ? "'1 Fy the State Test Farm. I I Ma*. Min. Prec. I 62 30 .10 I 91 32 ? I 09 43 ? 1 68 34 ? MRS. JOE CATIIEY won the tri-eolor award and ment with this grouping at the flower show held tied fur the sweeps takes prize in artistic arrange last weekend by the Richland (larden Club. (Mountaineer Photo). .MRS. Ki l l S SII.I.K checks the Mower arrangement that won her a tie for the sweepstakes prize in artistic arrangement at the flower show sponsored by the Richland Garden Club I'riday and Saturday at the first Methodist Church, (Mountaineer Photo). Along Political Fronts Democrats Enjoy Convention Nine from Haywood attended tin- Democratic Hallv in Charlotte Friday, when Adlai Stevenson was the speaker. Those attending from Haywood included Jule Noland John Carv er Mr. and Mrs Glenn W. Brown. Lee Davis, Joe Tate, Jr.. Jerry Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jus tice. Stevenson was given an en thusiastic welcome, and most of the state and district candidates in the May Primary were on hand. Observers at the convention re- \ poited thai both former Governor j Scott and Alton Lennon received j noisy ovations when they appeared ; in the convention hall Scott, supporters were passing i but lapel buttons of a blue donkey kicking high with the words, "Vote for Scott". The Lennon forces passed out small buttons shaped like a cigar. Both candidates had a lot of sup porters on hand to talk up the merits of their candidates. One feature of the convention was the large number of young people who attended. A large dele gation from the University 011 North Carolina was on hand, and , an organization of pre-voting age j young people was organized. They j are taking an interest, and study ing politics. Glenn Brawn enjoyed a person-1 al chat with Stevenson, as the two] met in a hotel elevator, and got off j on the same floor. Haywood Baptist Women To Meet Thursday At 10 The Woman's Missionary Union of Haywood Association will meet at Woodland Baptist Church Thurs day. April 8 at 10:00 o'clock. Miss Anna Frances Todd, mission ary to Columbia, and Miss Janet Wilson. Vouhg people's secretary, from the W.M.U. office in Raleigh. Will be special guests. All of the women from the Bap-j t'st churches over the county are 1 urged to be present. Pastors and visitors welcomed. Barber Elected Vice President Of i N. C. Orchardmen * Richard Barber, owner of Bar ber Orchards, was elected vice! president of the North Carolina Apple Growers Association which was organized Friday at Asheville. j William Dalton of Henderson-1 villa was elected president, while Boyd Campbell of Taylorville was, named secretary-treasurer of the association. Objectives of the new organiza tion are: to give apple growers a greater voice in the state's agri-! cultural program, to publish a newsletter, to provide better mar keting and promote new outlets, and to advertise and standardize brand names and packs. Girl Scout Council To Conduct Workshop The Pisgah Girl Scout Council will hold a workshop for district chairmen and neighborhood chair men from 10:30 a.m. until 2 30 p m I Friday in Room 409 of the Bun- ( combe County courthouse at Ashe-, ville. according to an announce ment by Mrs. I?. B Rifkin. public | relations chairman of the council. .:v-.\\v r Brown Withdraws From Race Hex C V. Brown.' Beaverdam pastor, this morning made a state ment that he uas withdrawing as a candidate for the nomination as representative in the Ma;. I't i- , man . Hex Mr. Hi own announeed on | March 2dfh that lie was a cahdi- | date lor the post. This morning he said he was; "with drawing because of the pos sible interference with the cam paign and his pastoral work, "in withdrawing I shall work and continue to strive for a bel ter community, and, lor those can didates that will work untiringly to that end." Rev. Mr. Brown said he ap preciated the support offered by friends in his campaign, bul al ter careful consideration felt it to the best interest of his work as a pastor to withdraw from seek-* ing the nomination. Managers For Candidates To Be Named Soon Political interest light now in Haywood centers on the managers of the two most talked of candi dates for U. S. Senate, Neither Candidate ?- Senator l.ennon or former Governor Scott -have to date nhmed a manager iii Haywood. Several names have been mentioned by the supporters of both candidates, but no defi nite appointments to date. The general feeling here is tliaf j there will perhaps be a manager in this end of the county and one in the Canton area. No dates have been announced for naming of managers in the county. Masquers Group To Select First Play Production The Mountain M a squers, Waynesville's new amateur drama tics group, will discuss their first production at a meeting in the J commissioners' room at 7:30 p.m. | Monday, it has been announced. Several play scripts have arrived and are now available for use by members, according to Mrs. tla Campbell, Masquers production i manager. Persons interested in joining the theatrical group either to take roles in plays or do work back stage are invited to attend the nweting Monday right. Waynesville Band, Chorus To Give Concert Friday The Waynesville Township High School concert band and mixed ciinrus will present their annual ?pring concert in the school audi torium Friday. April 9. at 8' p.m. According to Charles Isle.v. music director, the band will play num bers which will be used in the state i contest in Greensboro. April 2.T The chorus will present a group ot light novelty selections. Tickets are being sold by mem bers of the two performing groups. Masons Will Confer Master Degrees Tonight An emergent communication will be held at 7:30 tonight by Waynes- ! ville Masonic Lodge No. 259 to confer the degree of Master Mason on a class of candidates. Visiting Masons aie invited lo at tend the meeting. $892 Raised in Clyde For Fire Truck A total of $392 has been contrib- j tiled In the current campaign to ] raise $2 500 to purchase a suitable l.i e .engine' for the; Clyde Fire De- j p.irtrhcnt." it was announced today j Rev. George (' Starr. Jr., gen-, i i d chairman of the "Finer Caro lina" organization in Clyde, which has adopted the project as part of j its current program. Approximately 171) families and individuals have already been so licited. and 100 more have indicat ed their intention to give donations I this week. Rev. Starr said. Fewer than 5 per cent of those contacted I have refused to contribute to the project, lie added. Workers in the fund campaign have announced their desire to con elude the campaign this weeken. and have asked that potential con-! t'ihutors give their money to ,so lic iiors or bring it to the Clyde town hail. 'I he goal can be reached if each family in the Clyde community gives $5. it was pointed out. ASC No Longer Accepting Spring Practice Requests No more requests for spring ASC pi act ices are being accepted by the ASC office, but request for fall practices are still being taken! according to an announcement h\ A. W. Ferguson, county ASC man-{ j To qualify for assistance for fall practices, soil samples must be taken. Mr. Ferguson pointed out. All farmers who have been ap proved for spring practices must pick up their purchase orders by April 15, or have their assistance cancelled and applied on fall prac- | tires. the ASC official added. _ ' I Two Bound Over On Liquor Count Mrs Gaynelle Gorman and her daughter, Polly, were hound over to the July term of Superior Court t.ils morning by Justice of the Peace J. J Ferguson, on a charge of violating the liquor laws. Bond waws set at $31)0. Sheriff Fred Campbell reported that the two were arrested Sunday night at their home on Soco Road after he received a tip that they had a quantity of white liquor in their possession. Color Film Of H-Bomb Blast Defies Description Rv W. CURTIS RUSS Editor The Mountaineer Since syeing the color movie on Saturday afternoon of the hydro gen bomb blast at Eniwetok in No- ? vember. 1952. I have been trying to think of an adequate description of the scene None has come to mind that I feel can accurately describe what is shown in that colored film of man's most powerful explosion For lack of a better one, we'll settle 0:1 "unbelievable destruc tion." The film was flown from Wash- j ingtnn Saturday morning, and shown to a group of editors and photographers at Chapel Mill by special arrangement with Civil De fense officials. The test bomb was "planted" on two bleak islands in the Pacific | The islands covered an area com- I parable to that of Wayncsvlllc, ll.i/. clwood and I.ake Junalliska. The control ship, anchored SO miles from the islands, was the center of activity, and a< the zero hour approached, a viewer of tin I Im shared with the eomm.indmg officer*, the tension, and apprehen sion which was created as final de tails were completed for touching off the world's largest explosion. As the bomb went off. the hori zon turned to a white hot ball of heat, which rose to 40,000 feet in a minute. In one hour the gases and whatever made up that ball 11.last had penetrated the stratos phere for 40 miles 'The atomic bomb sent up a blast eight miles' A flight over the spot where the islands had been an hour before .just showed open ocean. No land In sight Not only had the Islands disappeared, but it was found upon investigation lajer that a crater 175 feet deep had been blasted out of 11 he oeean floor. Bringing the same area here at (Nee Bomb?Page fi' Exhibitors Tie For First Places In Flower Show Trout Season Opens In WNC Despite cool winds, hundreds of fishermen flocked to the woods and streams this morning as the trout season opened in Western North Carolina. One of the lirst strings to he displayed here today was brought I back by Mr. and Mrs. Everett j McElroy. Reports on the opening day of the season have not been receiv- j ed from wildlife protectors, but one of the early anglers was an octogenarian (in his Hft's, that is> who bought a trout license at a local hardware store last week. He could hardly walk, but that didn't keep him from falling victim to the lure of fishing. Agricultural Workers To Meet Friday Morning A meeting of county agricultural workers will be held at 9:110 a.m. Friday in the courtroom to discuss recommendations for the 19.15 agri cultural program, it has been an nounced. The meeting will he attended by county and community ASC c/mi mitteemen. soil conservation super visors, and other interested per- ; sons. Recommendations agreed 011 at : tiie meeting will be submitted to 1 the state ASC committee. Mrs .lot' Cathey and Mrs. Rufu Siler tied for top honors in the arrangement division and Mrs. ,1. M Long and Mrs. J. R. Boyd tied for top place in the hor.t rcullure division of the flower show held by the Richland Garden Club. Friday and Saturday in the First Metho dist Church. Mrs Cathey and Mrs. Siler tied lor the sweepstakes and runner-up places for arrangements and Mrs I.or.e and Mrs. Bovd tied for the horticulture sweepstakes. Miss Louise Ballard was runner-up in hort ieulture Mrs Cathey also received the tricolor ribbon, awarded for the most outstanding arrangement Mrs. Harden Howell won the ti i-color in the horticulture divi sion for the best flower in the show Her flower was a Selma l-agerloff narcissus . ? Mrs. Zeb Curtis wain the award tor the best potted plant and Mari etta Campbell, young daughter of Mr and Mrs Tom Campbell, re ceived a prize for the best hobby collection. All winners were presented prizes which had been donated h.v Wayaicsvilte merchants. Judges for the event were Mrs J \V. Duckworth. Mr- Dillon Chambers. Miss Moninia MacKne Mr- J W Moore. Mr- K C Mm ray. and Mis. A. W. Bottoms. Mrs .1 H Way served as gen t.ral chairman and was assisted by committees from the sponsoring cliili. Judging was according to the standards set by the National Coun cil of Garden Clubs with blue, red. and yellow ribbons awarded for first, second, and third places, respectively. Winners of ribbons and their <la - ifk al ions were as follows: Art isl ic Arrangements: Arrangements with a definite purpose. Blue ribbon winners: Mrs. Arthur Pearson. 'Tile Bluebird ': Mis, Hugh Massic. for "Spring Clothes" Mrs. Irving LeatherWood. for "Gay Colors for Dark Days; Mrs. Clayton Walker, for "Charac ter in Leaves"; Mrs. Buftis Siler lor "Beauty Seen Is Never Lost": Mrs. K I.. Withers, "Classic Grace"; Mrs. Rufus Siler, "t ool Tranquility for a Warm April Day"; Mrs. Joe Cathey. for "An Easier Greeting." accompanied by a card. Mis w. M Cobb, for "Rhythm in a Shell"; and Mrs Wayne Diet* for Contemporary Study in Green and White". Red ribbons went to Mrs. Gor don Cagie for "The Blue Bird"; Miss Louise MacFadyen for "S|?ring Snow"; Mrs Clyde Bay for "Spring Showers" Miss Louise Ballard for "Spring Sunshine"; Mrs. Clayton Walker for "Gay Col ors"; Mrs. Cobb for "Character in (See Flowers?Page 5) Red Cross Still $1,500 Short Of Current Quota The Red Cross is short about $1 500 of the current roll rail Oiiota. F.. A. Williamson, genera' chairman announced today He said several workers have not reported, and that he is anxious to get the campaign closed as soon as . possible. The chairman also announced that contributions could be left vith Miss Dixie Campbell, treas-] urer. at the Clerk of Court oilier in the court house. Highlanders To Meet Monday At Courthouse A report and discussion on. the j tourist conference held last week it Western Carotins College will [ tit? on the agenda for the monthly ! meeting of the Haywood County Highlanders at 7:30 pjn Monday in the courtroom. President L. K De Vous announced today. The meeting will also Include the showing of three-dimensional color slides taken tn the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia. In the past, several weeks, the ? Highlanders have been especially | busy rc?d>inrf their establishments for the opening of the I!t">4 touri't i a?on in Western North Carolina, 4 County Paving Contracts Are Let ? ' Monroe Firm Will Handle Resurfacing Contracts totaling $53.814 73 were awarded to the Monroe firm of Diekerson. Inc. for four Hay wood coimty resurfacing projects by the Slate Highway Commission lasl week, according to Harry Buch anan. 14th division commissioner. The projects included Resurfacing of N ('. 209 front I . Ke Junaluska northeast 4 fid n lie toward Cralitroo. result.icing of \ C. 110 from 0.3 utiles north of W'oodrovt northeast 4^ littles to ward Canton. Main Street in Hazel wood. and a section of US 27(1 in \\ a? nosvtlle. Projected approi ed in Buncombe county were for 2 21 miles of grad ing. paving, and structures in the relocation of V' S 70 front Ridge c rest to Black Mountain C.l ading and paving. Kerr Sand Co. Iliek orj $2 >H (i!U) structures. Wilson Construetion Co. Salisbury. $40. fi 10. The Highway Commission also set a standard 45-iiiiles-pci -hour speed limit on all of I S 25 and 23-A from Asltoville -City l.irtnlts to the llendei -on County line, and announced plans for enlargement ot the narking area at Mt. Mit chell YV H Rogers, chief state high way engineer. said work oil the Mount Mitchell parking lot will he completed as soon as possible ill hopes of having it ready for antici pated heavv spring and summer] toruist traffic. To tie open for the first time this year near the famed peak will tie a new lodge and res taurant. BUTTY NOI.ANtl <>\ HONOR I . ' KOI I . j Miss Kelt \ No I, I ml has been i 11 - < hided on I ho honor roll at Appa -I laclnan Sl ate ('cdle^e. aceordinp to J information reeehed by her par-j | opts, Mr and Mrs .lames Noland. , Miss Moore, Haywood Nurse, Dies In Sleep Mi n.'lcn Monro, .1 niombor of ! (lie inn n,: till of the Haywood j Counts Hospital. died in hor sloop l.'ol niuht .it the homo of a sister. Mrs. Hugh TorroH. In the Bethel soot ion. A registered nurse. Miss Monro WAS president tof I ho Haywood | County Nurses Club. Sin- Wits a i inomhor of the Waynosvillo Chap It r No 165. Order of tin" Eastern Star mid a nmmhol' of the Bethel Methodist i'liunii Sho was a na il ivi and lib-long resident of the B't hoi s< of ion. Miss Monro had just returned SalUIday from a trip io Atlanta | fia . and Mobile, Ala . In lisp rola I liti s and lo lour llio Bellingrat't Garden* Punoral arrangements. undor tho oiroi lion of Crawford Funeral | Homo, are fnenmplete. Surviving are hVn hrolhors. Ilar | nion and Karl Monro of Canton. ; oho half brother. lialph Monro of Virginia: and fivo sisters, Mrs Man in Monro of I It eat'ur, Ga., Mrs Nita Walker of C'onlervlllo, Ala.. Mrs \\ M Cmnali of Canton. Mrs. | it M Short ill of Canton. Route 2. and Mrs Terrell of Canton. Routo 3. MISS MOORE * \V I 1 II l> 15 A U S _ Krv. < V. Itrown today announced he was withdraw iiiK from the race as a candidate for Representative (See Along Political fronts.) Easter Seals Go On Sale In Area Master Seals for crippled rhil <lri it's work, have beet) mailed to residents of the communits, 't he seals are a part of the annual cam paign sponsored by the Itotary Club to raise money for the work of helping crippled children. I.asl year $2.0Q0 was raised by the campaign, and E. A. William son, chairman, said he hope a similar amountwill he raced this \ ear. Hesplt s the letter containing ttie seals, a large number of coin cards will be distributed through tip schools, and coin containers wilt be 1 placed throughout (lie business dts )lift*. ; t On Saturday the tljrl Scouts w ill ell lil.es for the benefit of the campaign East Pigeon CDP Schedules Varied Program Tuesday Tin- Fast J'igeon < 1)1' will hold its regular moot ills' at 11 p in. 'J in n d iv in the Hetliel School cafeteria, n has Upon announced The program Mill include a dis cussion on the planting and feiTi (iyation of coin and totracco. ltiusi cal selection* by the recently orga ni/ed East Pigeon community choir and a sound movie in color. Land and Life," made jointly by TV A ? and eight Southeastern states. The film, which slums some Hay - wood county scenes, will lie shown by Steve t'assell. assistant county stent, who did some of the pho tography while connected with 1 \ A Shelton Participates In Training Exercise While serving aboard the do - troyer I SS Shell-ton, William T. Gairpit, gunners mate seaman, t.'SN, soil of Mr and Mrs. .lames I! Garrett of lloule 1, Waynes vllle, participated in "Operation Flag Hoist," an amphibious train itig exercise on the island of Iwo Jinia, I The operation which involved i thousands of Navy at d Marine i Corps personnel, was designed to promote the combat efficici of all participating units It afforded training In the planning and exec.u I lion of an amphibious landing un der realistic combat conditions. Highway Record For 1954 In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed .. . 0 Injured .... 5 (This Information com piled from Records of Slate Highway Patrol.)

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