pp The waynesville Mountaineer .r?, ?jf Mountaineer bn?d F ? Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ^ n |VEAK NO. 30 'i'l I'AUKS Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C'., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 1"?. 1054 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Itizens Ask oard To OK ealth Center! ge Representative tup Votes iroval Of ilth Center than 200 people, represent ry section of the county. iusIv gave a rising vote ap the proposed Health Cenl Jaywood. at a county-wide here Tuesday night, it every person present rep 1 some group or organiza the county, and heard Dr. ipplewhite. director of the talth division of the State ( Health, lead a discussion iroject. proposal is for the county up about $18,000 and an land for the $60,000 build der the cooperative terms Hill-Burton act. The coun tre would be 29.6 per cent, itate and federal share be ! per cent. project came up late last but was turned town by a one vote of the commission three commissioners were Tuesday night and spoke project. Their only definite Intent being they would give iter "due consideration." Ipplewhite was presented by lesbee. president of the Hay PT\ Council, one of the rs of the meeting. (resenting the program of work. Dr. Applewhite re the progress of public service over the past 40 citing the conquering of land other diseases, improv ndards of health practices. * decrease of deaths from ttable diseases. tr health department quart far from adequate, and will provide satisfactory working lor the staff In fact, I know one other department in the lot is in worse quarters than ' '?aid the state official, is important that Haywood L< act quickly on their decis phe local money will not be Iwuil after July first, but it h^'ant that the application | Ho at once, while there is Pme state and federal funds Me. f health center Is nothing than modern quarters for the department to carry on i work. There are no beds center, as some rumors have other thing, no election is wy for the establishment of Ith center. Your commis s just put the sum in the ' >nd that takes care of the The building must be >s a health center for 20 end then the state and fed ?v?rnments deed it in full county." | Applewhite suggested a '! with 3.500 square feet of 'or a county the size of Hay That size building would tout $60,000, plus the acre Nation of the health center ** be in the shadows of the louse. the speaker said. "In c have found that even as ' Health Center?Page t> , . , I Organizations Go On Record For Health Center I ne rouowing orgamaztions have formally endorsed the construc tion of a Health Center in Hay- j wood: Business and Professional Wo men's Club. American Legion, Post 47. Hazelwood Boosters Club. Haywood Medical Society. Canton Civitan Club. Other groups will be listed just as soon as they meet and take ac tion. Notice of action should be telephoned The Mountaineer im-. mediately. Log Crushes Tennessean To Death Ralph Davis, 21, a logger from ' Johnson City, Tenn.. was killed instantly Monday when a 1500- ! wund oak log rolled off a hill and crushed him to death on John Plott Mountain, Edwards Cove, ac cording to a report by Dr. J. Frank Pate, Haywood County coroner. Davis, who was employed by the Warner Lumber Co. of Ashe ville, was working along with a team of horses when the fatal ac cident occurred sometime between .9 a.m. and 11:50, when his body was discovered by a co-worker. Ray Leatherwood of Cecil. It was theorized that the heavy log may have been pulled over on Davis when his horses became skit tish while he was "snaking" logs j down the side of a hill in the West Pigeon community. The young logger, who was mar-! ried only three months ago, died if a crushed chest and spinal in-; juries. Dr. Pate said. Davis' body was removed to the i Garret Funeral Home to be sent 1 later to Johnson City, w here the , funeral was to be held. Sheriff Fred Campbell assisted in the investigation of the fatal mishap. C. of C. Board Hear Encouraging Project Reports Directors of the Chamber of Commerce heard several encourag ing reports from various commit tees Tuesday evening, at the regu lar monthly meeting. Reports were heard on the ban quet, promotion, advertising, aid to handicapped, conventions, and in dustry. The only report that was not termed "highly satisfactory" was the response to the member ship drive. A large number of1 pledges have been received, and others promised this week, and the early part of next. John Johnson, president, said that the matter of discussing the United Eund plan for the area had been postponed until a little later, in order to avoid conflict with oth er meetings, and projects. S pal don's Has Largest Paved Lot West Of Asheville As the result of blacktopping work done by the Allison Con struction Co. last week, Spaldon's Restaurant on North Main St. now boasts the largest paved park ing lot In Western North Carolina west of Ashevllle. The old portion of the lot?it self fairly large?measured 7.691 square feet. The new portion adds another 10.998 square feet ? a total of 18,689 square feet. The new blacktopping work at Spaldon's was done to the rear of I the building and on the south ' side. rhe father i.. SHOWERS ? f'oudy And warm Thurs ? *nday with widely scat rrno?n showera and thun nts. ^Wneaville temperature by the State Teat Farm. Ma*. Mln. Prec. 89 52 ? - 67 41 _ 71 51 ? I RF.ADY FOR TIIF. EASTFR PARADE and look , ins like the Spirit of Spring herself is four-year old Mary Frances llicks. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kaile llicks of 106 Brown Ave., Ilazelwood. Mary Frances' dress is white nylijn. topped by a pina fore of light blue organdy with daisy trim. Her hat and bag are of the same material. The basket was furnished throuKh the courtesy of the F.aster bunny. Mrs. Ilieks is a Musical nurse at lla.vwood County Hospital; Mr. Ilieks is employed as a welder at the Dayton Rubber Co. (Mountaineer photo by Kus*>. Schools Closing At Noon Friday Ilaywood county schools will close at noon Friday, in obscrv- | ancc of (>ood Friday. Regular hours will be resumed Monday morning, according to Lawrence Leatherwood, county superin tendent of education. The high school here announc ed the closing there would be at 12:30 011 Friday, and resuming regular schedule on Monday morning. Three WTHS Groups To Go To Contest I nree waynrsvine mgn oinuui music groups will make their an-1 nual trip to Greensboro next week to compete in state contests at the V* >man's College of the Univer sity of North Carolina. This year the concert band and choral group will be joined by the symphony orchestra. Twelve students from the mix ed chorus have been selected to make the trip .and will join stu dents from schools throughout North Carolina to sing in one gi gantic chorus. This group will leave Monday morning, accompan ied by Charles Isley, music direc tor of the school. Because of the large number of students participating in the choral festival, the singers will be divided into two choruses of 500! voices each. Chorus No. 1, in which the YVaynesville students will sing, will be composed of advanced stu dents. The director will be Lester McCoy of the University of Mich igan. The second chorus of 500 voices will be directed by Miss Iva Dee Hiatt of Smith College. Mr. Isley said that all his music ians have been putting in long hours of rehearsal in preparation for the trip. The concert band and the or chestra will leave Thursday morn ing with Hobert Campbell, assist ant music director, and Mrs. Rich ard Barber. ,Ir. They will make the trip oy chartered bus. 14 Inducted I Into Service Fourteen Haywood County men left here Tuesday morning for Knoxville and induction into the armed forces. They were: Gresham .Ming n s Hatherlee. Route 2. Canton: Jess C. Haney, Jr. of Waynesville; James Wayne Donaldson. Highland Park. Can ton: Robert Lewis Sutton of Fines Creek: Charles Jess Reynolds. Medford Farm: Joe Byron Cald well of Waynesville: Neal Teague of Cove Creek: Robert Hugh Davis | of Cove Creek: Monroe Sharp of Canton; George Stewart Gaddy of Waynesville; J e r r y Lafayette Goodson of Waynesville: Clifford Albert Lowery of Canton: Guy A j Poteat. Chestnut Park Drive. Way-1 nesville. and Richard Helms Tait. H 42 Oakland Circle, Canton. The Selective Service Board an nounced that it does not have a pre-induction physical examina tion call for the month of April. Song Convention Slated Saturday The regular Haywood County Singing Convention will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday at the courthouse, according to an announcement b.\ Secretary W. W. Rowland. Several out-of-county groups as well as those in Haywood are ex pected to participate. I Performers at the singing con-1 vention will benefit from the new piano which has been placed in the courtroom. Crabtrce School PTA Plans To Reorganize The PTA of Crablroc-Iron Duff School wll Ihold a reorganizations! 1 meeting and elect new officers for the next school year at 7:30 p.m Tuesday at the school. Fred Safford, principal, will be in charge of the meeting. All parents In the rommunity are urged to attend. Three Offices To Close Monday Two county oil iocs ? lilt Health Department and the Wei fare Department?and the Ntati Drivers License Bureau will hi closed Monday, the day aftei Easter, it has heen announced All three offires will be oper Tuesday as usual. The license bureau regularly operates here on Monday anc Tuesday, according to Charle! Crawford, examiner. Quarantine Imposed On Canton Dogs A quarantine lias been plated on dogs in Canton and vicinity fol lowing the death from rabies of a young beagle hound owned by C. IV. Cathey of the Fibreville section of Canton. Alter being bitten by a stray bulldog, the animal became sick in Canton and was brought here to the office of Dr A. It Kiegg. veterinarian, where it died Its head was then sent to the state lab oratory In Raleigh, where an ex amination disclosed that the dog had become infected by rabies. To guard against further out breaks, Mr. Cathey disposed of several other beagle hounds that he owned. jA county-wide quarantine on dogs, first imposed last tall was lifted March 27 after 90 days had gone by without a reported case of rabies. Until the Canton Incident, the last case reported was on De cember 27. A series of clinics to have all dogs vaccinated got under way In Haywood County this week iThe schedule was published Monday in The Mountaineer, and a num ber of leaflets with the same in formation are being distributed.) State law requires that all dogs be vaccinated once a year with legal penalties provided for own ers who fail to have this done Dogs not vaccinatbd will be de stroyed by the county dog warden. Varied Easter Rites Set Throughout Area Number of Sunrise Services Planned For Area; Special Programs Sunday A full program of Easter ser ies will be presented by Waynes '?lie area churches through the emalnder of the week-highlight d oj major interdenominational ?ci vices in the Mountainside I hea I re at Cherokee and beneath lie cross at l.ake Junaluska ; I A number of area churches will I * '",ld'ng their own sunrise ser vices and other special activities uc'1 as choral programs and Fast er egg hunts Actually, the Easter religious .eason here began last night at "<? Waynesvllle Presbyterian I l "iireh where the Rev Earl II IV 7," 7 paslor ,)f ,he Ki,s' \lelhodist Church, spoke on The ?'c.it if The Presbyterian choir under the direction ?f Mrs James K"patnek, sang. 'Unto the Woods! M> Master Went." I" a Maundy Thursday service j! " pm l?night at l he First Methodist Church, the Rev Mal i-dlm It Williamson, pastor of the Waynesvllle Presbyterian Church, 'Mil speak on "The Peoples ""ice Choral music lor this ser vice will he under the direction of I Mrs. Fred Martin. On Good Friday a noon-day serv ice will be led at the Grace Epis copal Church by the Rev Edgar Gould, and Friday night the com bined choirs of the four churches will present a service of sacred music under the direction of Charles Isley al the First Baptist Church. The Rev. T. E Robinett I will conduct that service Mr. Isley has chosen the cantata The Seven Last Words of Christ" us befitting the Good Friday serv ice and in the spirit of the Pas sion. The Holy Week cantata was written by DuBois. a late 19th cen tury French composer. Soloists will be Mrs Fred Calhoun and Mrs Fred Martin, sopranos. Harry Lee l iner, Jr.. baritone; and John Cal houn. tenor. Robert Campbell will be organist. Al ttie Cherokee services, which wil Mart al 6 a.m., a portion of the Waynesvllle High School band '"id the chorus will join other musical groups hi the Mountain side Theatre frojji Canton. An drews. Whlttier, Cherokee Sylva Cullowhee, and Bryson Citv in a program under the direction ol Dr. David E Price, head of the j music department at Western Carolina College. Di\ J Rupert McGregor, presi dent of Montreat College, will do- | liver the Easter dawn sermon and a quartet composed of Cherokee Indians will sing hymns in their native language The 6 30 am. services at the Lake Junaluska cross will be sponsored by the sub-district of the Methodist Youth Fellowship ! The program will include a pag eant by the MYF of Long's Chapel "i" Faster Services?Page 2? PUSHING?Etater "Red" Miller, I chairman of the Haywood Kepuh liran Executive Committee. I* pushing to have a large attend ance at the rourt house Saturday afternoon, two o'clock, to assist the nominating committer in naming a full county ticket for the party. Thus hr no candidates for the Republican ticket have filed. ?, I CANDIDATE ? John K. Repvfs announri-d this morning hp is srrkinx the nomUtion as mrin hrr ol' the hoard of education. (Sit ai'thTp tindrr Alonx Political Fronts), I IN RACK ? P. I). Turner an nounced today he was a candi date for tax collector. (See story under Along Political Fronts), Carol Cirahl, student in the Den tal School at the University of North Carolina, is here for the Easter holidays, . Along Political Fronts John K. Reeves Seeking Place On Education Board I John K Ifccv es lifelong resident of ttie Lake .liinaliiska community, has announced his candidacy for the Board of Education. Mi' Hooves. who is engaged in farming, is a member of Long's Chapel Methodist Church, the American Legion, Masons, and a veteran of World War II. In a brief campaign statement, Mr Reeves said lie is vitally in terested in schools with two chil dren of Ids own enrolled as pupils, lie added that be felt younger people wllh "a more immediate in terest in tile school should help govern them. Filing I looks Close Saturday At Six When Hit' hands of llu* clock point to six o'clock Saturday aftcr ikmiu. W. G. liters, chairman of the lla\wood board ot election* will slain the filing books closed for the year. * All persons who plan to enter an | elect Ion this tear must have their, name properly filed in that hook ! before the six o'clock deadline. Ahoilt 2} hate tiled for dlstrlet and county offices, while 13 oth ers are running for constables of five townships. As ttiis is written, there are three fm .nticitors Tharl I). Bry son. Jr., incumbent, Grove r C. Davis, and F. K Alley. Jr. The j filing date for this office closed i hark in March, which means that I just the three will be candidates for this office. The Slate Senate race has two candidates. William Mcdford. Way ncsville attorney, and J. H How ell, former Wayncsvllle postmast er. For Representative there are three: jerry Hngerx. school at tendance officer W . Homer Owen, business man here, and It. K. Sen tellc. local aHorney. For chairman of the board of commissioners there are four: C. j ('. Francis, incumbent, Glenn D Brown, Clyde, Carter Osborne, Clyde, and Farady Green, Fines Creek. For Commissioners there are two Frank Medford, Crabtree, and Floyd Woody, Canton. J. B Slier, cierk of court, and Jule Ntiland, register of deeds, are unopposed. Two are in the race for sheriff. Fred Campbell, incumbent, and Hub Huff, former W'aynesvillc , policeman. Five are seeking the nomination I as tax collector: Joe Tate, Jr., Mutt Tate. Bryan Medford. (Jrover , (Sec Deadline?Page 2) P. D. Turner Candidate For Tax Collector P. I) (Dave) Turner of Itat rllffe Cove today announced his candidacy for tux collector. Mr. Turner farms on a part of the same land where he was rais ed. He is a member of the Elizabeth Chapel Methodist Church at itat eiiffe Cove, where he is a Sun day School teacher. GOP Ticket To Be Named Saturday Four hours before the Saturday (leadline for filing for office, the Haywood Republican nominating committee will meet at the court house. The committee Is charged with the responsibility of naming a full county slate. Elmer "Red" Miller, chairman, set the hour of meeting at two o'clock Saturday, and expects pre cinct chairmen, and interested party workers to attend and take part in the formal nominations, "We want everyone who is in terested in tin1 two-party system for Haywood," Chairman Miller said. When the group finishes their work they plan to step right across the hall to the hoard of elections office and make a general filing for the entire ticket they nominate. No indications were given as to the names of any probable candi dates. Many Going lo Barbecue In Sylva A good rross section of the po litical life of the 10 counties in the 14th highway district can ,be hed by attending the barbecue and program dedicating the opening of the highway shops in Sylva Friday afternoon from four until eight, (See Barbecue?Page 21 Highway Record For 1954 In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed .. i I 0 Injured.... 5 (Thta Information com piled from Record, of State Hi.hw.jr Patrol.)

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