Benefit Supper Is Planned At Aliens Creek By BLANCHE FRANKLIN The CDP of Aliens Creek is plan ning a benefit supper Saturday night. May 22. The menu will be roast beef, gravy, cream potatoes and peas, fruit salad, slaw, cake and sauce The price will be $1 00 per plate. The public is invited. Mr and Mrs. AlberJ Muse and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Cowan spent the week end in Winston-Salem, with H. T. Cowan, Jr. Arnold Hannah, a student at Mars Hill College spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Violet Hannah. The' Young Adult Women's class of Rocky Branch Baptist Church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. C. L.' Allen. Those present were; Miss Mildred Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hembree, and daughter Susie, Mr. and Mrs. Uuford Welch, I M)ss Elizabeth Mitchell. Mrs. George Roger*. and Mr* Nathan Norman, their teacher, Mr. Tom Massie. Wayne Caldwell, ? ministerial student at Mars Hill College, brought the morning and evening messages at the Aliens Creek Bap tist Church. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dtlmas Caldwell of Al iens Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Caldwell spent the latter part of last week at Fontana Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Middleton have moved Into their new house on the Camp Branch Road.' The Aliens Creek W.M.S. met with Mrs. Bill Phillips for their regular monthly meeting An interesting program was giv en with Mrs. Hazel Franklin in charge. Those present were Mrs. Ila Farmer, Mrs. Hazel Franklin. Mrs. Bertie Ensley, \larry Collins, Mrs. Cliff Moore. Hilda Mae Moore, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. Arthur Dills, Mrs. C. I). Sawyer, Mrs. J. B. Wyatt, Mrs. Blanche Franklin. Special guests were Mrs. Lou Barker, and Mrs. Thorp of Danville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farmer of Elizabethton, Tenn., visited rela tives over the week end. Miss Linda Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Allen, took pail in the Junior Memory Work Contest held on Saturday at the Regional Training Union Conven tio at Spruce Pine. She will go to Fruitland in June to enter the State, Contest. Paul Justice, a ministerial stu dent at Furman University, spent the week end in the Aliens Creek community. Transactions In REAL ESTATE Pigeon Township C C Medford and wife to Edwin C Crow? and wife. ' Ivy Hill Township J M. Craig to W. D White and wife Waynesville Township Orawford Memorial Purfc to Coleman B. Parton and wife. THE WAYNESVILLE KINDERGARTEN' closed last Friday with an operetta, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," and a party. The main attraction at the party was a school house cake, made by Mrs. Leo Leslie, and shown in the foreground. The children, left to right, front row, are Jo Prevost, Mary Atkins, Michael Justice, Rebecca Chafin, Monica Leslie, Carolyn Mottinger, Shar on Kaufman. Mascot, Arlene Kaufmen, Christine Kibbe. Dick Kimball; second row, Nancy Roberts, Sharon Ray, Tommy Carswell, Charles Howell, Jean Ann Walker, Kenny Daniel, Jim Clayton, Kitty Rollman, Sam Stringfield; third row, Fredd Moody, Randy Hinkley, Pamela Daniel, Harden Howell, Mrs. E. K. Herman, teacher, and Johnny Graham, (Photo by H, B. Norton). 1 I Excavation Started On New Baptist Church In The Beaverdam Section By MRS. GEORGE F. WORLEY j Community Reporter The people of North Canton are very happy. They started the bull ' dozer work on ,>e grounds of their new church Tuesday morning of this week. They purchased a large lot on the opposite side of the road from the old church, for their new ; church site. They are planning for | the erection of the building to ; start in the near future and will I greatly appreciate any donations j and help. J There were 44 from this church who attended the Sunday School conference Monday night at the 1 First Baptist Church in Waynes ! ville. | There were 180 present at the Sunday morning services there Sunday. I The sympathy of the community goes to the mother. Mrs. Wesley Harbin, and relatives and friends of Sergeant Arnold L. Morgan, whose body is due to arrive from Korea within the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stockton were dinner guests of Mrs. Stockton's brother Willie Parker and family Sunday. Mr. Jess Ivester recently visited his brother who is ill at Winston Salem. The employees of the Building Loan office in Canton gave Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson a household show er at their new home Friday night. Mrs. Wilson, the former June Ives ter. is an employee in this office and she and Ray received a number of beautiful gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Medford. Rev. Vinson Plemnions, pastor of Long's Branch Church wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the fund which was collected for him during the past weekend. The collections amounted to approxim ately $234.00 and this will go on his hospital and medical expenses for his wife who has been a patient in Lumberton hospital for several months with an incurable disease. Mrs. Loyd Revis and Mrs. June Wilson visited Mrs. Revis' daugh ter, Mrs. Jack Smathers and fam ily in Brevard one day of last week. Mr. J. B. Smathers from Texas 's now visiting his sister, Mrs. Bennett Hipps. Mrs. Robert Harris honored her daughter Betty Sue on her ninth birthday with a party Saturday af ternoon. Those who enjoyed the occasion with Betty Sue. were Nan cy and Bruce Harris, Annette. Mary Frances and Carolyn Cog burn, Nancy and Mike Smathers. Barbara and Linda Harris, Nancy Clark, Linda Boone, Jane Driver, Christine Farmer, Joan Scott, San dra Cogburn, Charles and Harry Lee Robinson. Games were enjoyed after which delicious refreshments including a large birthday cake were served by Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Frances Smathers. The WSCS of the Beavcrdam Methodist Church held the regu lar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Billy Carver Thursday night of last week. Twelve mem bers were present and Mrs. Betty Ma;in was in charge of the impres sive candlelight pledge service . orogram. The secretary gave a very favor able report on the supper spon sored at the church last Tuesday j night. ' During the business session, a Bible School was planned which is 'o be held at the church during 'he first two weeks in June. It was decided to sponsor a sup ->er for the "toastmasters" at Camp '?ope June 14, and to sponsor a ?upper each recond Tuesday nieht ' ? of each month through August for the official board members at the church. Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social chat. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark. Jr. announce the birth of a daughtei born Monday of this week. Mr. J. S. Scott has recently pur chased the Carmel Parham home and twenty acres of land surround ing it. . Mr. and Mrs. Everette Ledford | and children attended Decoration Day at their former home . ceme-1 tery near Bryson City Sunday. Arthur Lee, who has been sta tioned in Alaska is home on fur lough and will be stationed some where in Alabama when he re turns back for duty. Mrs. Sophie Lee. who has been ill for some time at the home of her son Walter Lee, is feeling some better. "Aunt" Lelia Robinson still re mains ill at her home, but a prac tical nurse remains with her. Mrs. Mattie Hall is improving from a recent illness. Clarence Lankford still remains ill at his home. Mrs. Haywood Mackey has re turned to her home from a hos pital. Lee Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. I W. M. Williamson. Claude Jami son, Artie and Ernest Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. George Worley. Eva 1 Jane Worley and David Ashe en joyed a picnic dinner at Fontana Lake Sunday. Mrs. G. H. Wilson front Canton : spent Saturday night with her son I anl wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and visited her aunt Allie Harbin Sunday. Marvin West is having a bath room installed in his home. Several people in the community have remodeled their homes dur in g the last few months. George Sorrells. A. M. Worley. Deck King ! Carl Best, Carl Stiles. Robert Har ris. Mrs. Chester Worley has had | the grounds around her home land scaped, and Bill Driver has newly painted his home. Mr. Ed Bell has made an addition of two upstairs bedrooms in his home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice are having a beautiful ranch type home con structed. The condition of Mr. Fred Rio who has been confined to his home by illness for several months, is unchanged. - - Red Bank Baptist Church Rev. Lash Sogers, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a. m. ? Sunday School, j Don Smathers, Supt. 11:00 a. m.?Worship every see ond and fourth Sunday. Sermon by pastor. 7:00 p.m.?Prayer Service. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Prayer Service and Bible Study. Everyone is invited to come and worship with us. MARRIAGE LICENSES * Wilhurn Dwain Lee and Emma Jean Shelton, both of Waynesvillc. j Odel Whltner and Fina Whitner, both of Leicester. Clarence M. Pope and Patricia' Jo Blaltgrk, both of Waynesville. Carl Chastain and Martini Bur* nett, both of Canton. Carroll Huffman and Mary Ruth Queen, both of Canton. (Paid Political Adv.) VOTE WITH PRIDE & CONFIDENCE FOR ALTON LENNON FOR U.S. SENATE * ? HONEST I * ABLE * TRUSTWORTHY SENATOR ALTON LENNON * Background Alton A. Lennon, now 17, was born in Wilmington on Aug. 17, 1906, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Yates Lennon . . . His early boyhood years were spent on a farm in Columbus county, then the family returned to Wilmington, where his father, now retired, worked wit hthe Atlantic Coast Line for 28 years . . . * Education Senator Lennon owns a distinction that few, if any other men can claim. He was president of each of his four classes in New Hanover High School at Wilmington, His classmates early recognized in him the qualities of fair and capable leadership . . . Their judgment was endorsed when A1 moved on to Wake Forest College, where he was elected president of the freshman class and, in his senior year, president of the student body ... He was captain of the freshman football team and was an outstanding player on varsity teams . . . * Church Senator Lennon has been a member of the First Baptist Church of Wilmington since boyhood. IJe is a former teacher and superintendent of the ? Sunday School . . . Every year since 1932 he has delivered the anniversary address at the Castle Heights Nondenominational Church in Wilming ton. * Family Senator Lennon was married in 1933 to Miss Kay Welch, a native of Wilmington. They have two children. The Lennons are the eighth generatiou of Lennons living within some 50 miles of the spot to which John Lennon brought the family name 210 years ago. . * Public Life "Senator Lennon was judge of New Hanover Recorder's Court for eight years . t . He won, on the bench, a widespread reputation for fairness, and he also was noted for his efforts to help the underprivileged w ho came before him . . . He was elected to the State Senate twice, serving in 1947 and 1951. Another county held the Senate scat in the intervening 1949 session through a ro tation agreement . . . Lennon considers his most important legislative accomplishment to be his sponsorship of a bill in 1951 which increased workmen's compensation benefits . . . * As U. S. Senator Lennon early became active in the Democratic Party ... In the early 1930's he organized clubs of Young Democrats, then just getting started, throughout southeastern North Carolina . . . On July 10, 1953, Lennon was appointed to serve out the unexpired term of the late Senator Willis Smith . . . 10,000 of his fellow-townsmen gath ered at the train station in Wilmington to wish him tlodspeed when he left for Washington on July 14 to be sworn in the next day by Vice Presi dent Richard Nixon ... It was a spontaneous demonstration of affection and confidence unique in North Carolina political history. Veteran Sen ators in Washington have praised the quick and able manner in which Lennon entered into and performed the complex duties of his office . . . His training in legislative matters, his keen judg ment on public issues, are reflected in the effective and impressive way he has served in the U. S. Senate. HE HAS RARELY MISSED A VOTE OR A ROLL CALL ... He doesn't straddle issues. He takes his stand and sticks by it in the finest Southern tra dition .. . Senator Lennon is a lifelong Jefferson ian Democrat... i Senator Lennon gets to his office each morning by 8 o'clock and works there or in the Senate chamber until after midnight . . . }le takes the hard routine handily because he is young and vigorous . .. Although he is in the midst of a cam paign to keep his Senate seat, Senator Lennon continues to look after his duties in Washington The needs of his constituents in North Carolina come first with him. I JESS, ALTON LENNON! I Haywood County Committee for Lennon, O. L. Noland. Co-Manager [bEWISE - BUY~Wri ECO N 0 Mill* STOP AND SAVE ATT SMOKY MOUNTAI Sett Service Groten You Can't Beat These PriS gi Maxwell House I ' COFFEE im"1 9i Tall Can ?91 Carnation 1 MILK Limited ^ SUGAR 5 45 - LIMITED , East Tennessee Sliced BACON 51 Thin Tonv FAT BACK DOG FOOI Lb \7\c ^ Cans Take Advantage Of This Deal 2 Cans AJAX ^ _ 1 Box FAB /H ALL 3 FOR . . . Carton Choice TOMATOES J GREEN BEANS. 3lbs^ Large Stalk 1 CELERY J Fresh CUCUMBERS 3 lbs 2 Large Golden Kipe BANANAS 3 lbs 2 Paper NAPKINS 3 Boxes 2 APPLE JELLY 2 lb Jar \ Choice Yellow SQUASH lb Lean BEEF STEW lb 4 i I Xelecto Pure Phillips No. 3jJ lard tomatoe 4 'hs. 99c 3 Cans 29 Baseue I Peanut Buttd In Beautiful 12 oz. mt\ Flowered Glass ? ^ /fl Only ? Chicafe Jlj instant coffee 4] EXTRA SPECIAL VALUtij I 2 Medium Size Boxes of J RINSO ^ 24 All These Low Trices And Many More At ? Smoky Mtn. Sfl Service Grocefl Owned and Operated By ELMER HKNIIKIX J E R E B J) ? | \ E It V J fatam Rd. |)ja| (,L 4