Yen. trwth faileth; and he that departeth Editorial Pase of The Mountaineer same thing to tht- ts'? a fVom evil maketh himself a pi*r and the O ar or fall is to the u ol ''"'ol lAtrd saw it. and it displeased him that there of all use of its senses iur was no judgment?Isaiah 59:15. , ? _____ ________? Haywood Has 10,865 Motor Vehicles In the number of people per motor vehicle registered from thin county, Haywood rank* 59th in the state, with an average of 3.46 persons per vehicle. That is .46 of a person higher than the state average of an even three people per vehicle. As would be expected some of the larger counties have the highest percentage, and some of that stems from the fact that many firms own cars and trucks which add into the county total. A number of Haywood's neighbors are below the average for his county. Our larg est neighbor. Buncombe, is just a fraction ahead, with a 3.14 average. In this immedi ate area, Henderson takes the top spot with an average of 2.77. 1'von with 3.46 persons per vehicle, this county has 10,865 motor vehicles registered with the state. That is a sizable number of vehicles when you stop and consider it from many angles. i Difference Between Life and Death The miracles produced by chemistry have beneficially influenced the lives of every one. And in some instances, they have liter ally meant the difference between life and deatl.v Here is just one dramatic instance of that. Pernicious anemia used to be almost in variably fatal, and was responsible for 50,000 d cat hi a year in this country. It was dis covered that a liver diet provided a remedy, but no one knew why. A problem lay in the large daily quantity of liver that sufferers from the disease had to eat. In 1948, a chemist isolated the key sub stance contained in the liver for the first time?vitamin B-12. It possessed amazing powers and only a microscopic amount had to be taken each day. However, it required a ton of liver to produce l/200th of a tea spoon of the precious vitamin?which meant that supplies were limited and extremely ex pensive. The chemists and the chemical industry kept on working. Finally, it was discovered that cultures of the same micro-organism which produces streptomycin could also pro due ? vitamin B-12. That solved the supply problem?and within two years prices to the consumer of this life-saver were cut 97 per cent ! Chemistry makes for better living?and for life itself. Two things that take the pleasure out of pleasures driving?-the motoriftts tearing down the street and the contractor tearing ft up. ? A Duty And Obligation Saturday wiH find the Democrat* of North Carolina nominating candidates for various township, county and state offices. Needless to say, in a great many instances, the Democratic nomination js the same as being elected, because of the large Democrat ic majority* or absence of a candidate on the Republican ticket.^ It is important that the citizens of this county and state go to the polls Saturday and cast their votes for those whom they feel are best qualified for the office they are seeking. According to the general opinions of the best political observers in Haywood, there will be a much lighter than normal vote on Saturday. Some observers feel that the vote will be between 7,000 and 8,000. There has been a time when the primary vote reached 9,400. In May, 1950, when Haywood had a full ticket, the vote reached 8,587. Last primary, in May '52, which was* a so-called off year, the vote was 6,900. In the May 1948 primary the vote was 5,680. This puts Haywood in a rather low bracket for voting. Citizens will perhaps give the matter seri ous consideration and turn out in larger numbers to vote on Saturday. Efficient Secretaries This is a week set aside for paying tribute to secretaries, and one nationally known firm in a large poster, pictures a secretary as "One who keeps house for a nation's busi ness." It is true that secretaries keep things moving in the average office today. As the poster remarks: "She is the one who turns up wherever business is done, remembering what you forgot, doing what you haven't time to do, but also making the nation's of fices as bright and orderly as a well-kept kitchen. She is the one that digs out a speech someone made three years ago, or a news paper clipping that the employer can't re call where he put it, or even what month the event hapf^ned." We have here in WaynesviHe, an active Secretaries Club and their leadership in civic affairs equal their efficiency in the office. Good Reminder About this time of year, we begin to get notices of different community staging cam paigns to clean off cemeteries. Certainly this is timely, and a needed project in the county. * Right along the same line, the News and Observer, in quoting the Durham Sun, sets forth some points along the same line of thinking, in the following editorial: This is a good time of the year for a re minder made by the Durham Sun. In its own city and around it that paper points out there are'a good many private cemeteries which suffer from neglect. Some families have died out; others have moved away. The. weeds and the vines often take over. They need, says The Sun, "some friendly hands." Such attentions "could transform many such areas into focal points o?^>eauty" and dem onstrate "a proper community respect for our dead." Cities, towns and country communities could all serve their appearance and show their good character by a little attention to old cemeteries. Tombstones in a thicket con stitute signs that the living around them are careless of both beauty and tradition. A little energetic attention would honor the dead and bless the living. Shoulder pads have been removed from some of the new summer sport coats. What are we, men. a bunch of droops? _ LEST WE FORGET, NOT JUST ANOTHER HOLIDAY^ Looking Back Through The Years ?>o years ago Charles 1 Whitey i Russell, rising senior at Wake Forest College, is elected secretary-treasurer of the Student Government lor next year. Jarvis Allison receives 2214 votes to lead tile field in the race for County Commissioner At least 2,000 people are present to get the election returns from the Mountaineer and the ldud speaking system operated by Mar tin Electric Co. 10 years ago W. C. Allen's History of North Carolina goes into 2nd edition. Howard J. Truitt of Hazelwood is promoted to the grade of Corporal. , - Miss Ann Albright, dean of wo men of W.C.t.C., is spending a , few days here with relatives. , Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers Jionor the former's mother, Mrs. B. i F. Smathers, at a luncheon on her I 1 ninetieth birthday Mrs. C. N. Allen returns after 1 spending two weeks in Baltimore. < 5 YEARS AGO Homer West plans to start soon on a $50,000 Drive-In Theatre near the hospital. Mrs. B. F. Smathers observes her 95th birthday. Dot Morris and Jack Kelly win watches as gilts from Reliable Jew elers at the annual graduation awards. Miss Bebe Medford graduates j From Brenau College. Miss Edna Callahan wins Charles t Palmer Davis medal for current events. Voice of the People llow do you plan to spend your summer vacation? ' Mrs. C. F.. Weathefhy ? Fishing at Lake Glenville. Mrs Claude Rogers?First I plan to attend the North Carolina Class room Teachers Conference at Chapel Hill and later attend the NEA Convention in New York City | and after that I play to get ready| for the next school year. In be-j tween I hone to get a little work j done at home. Mrs. .1. A. Webster?.1 plan to go to the Commencement at Woman's College in Greensboro and plan to stay in the garden a lot. Miss Rerniee McFlhannon ?? I nlan to spend two weeks visiting >n Mississippi during the summer ?>nd then spend the rest of the ? ime working at my home on Wal nut Street. Don McLeod?I plan to socnd my vacation at Gay Valley Camp ?n Brevard where my wife and I ??re counselors. Mrs. Glenn Noland ? 1 plan to mend my vacation doing house Meaning and gardening and hooe to "o on a few fishing trips. Other 'hings 1 have planned include a 'Md to Greensboro where I will at '?nd the Vocational Home Econ omics Conference md during the month of August will snend some ?'me working in the cannery at the Crabtree-Iron Duff High School snd visiting Home F.conomic stu dents. Debt Fund Urged HARTFORD. Conn. (AP) ? A housewife sent $1 to Gov. John Lodge, saying she wanted It ap plied to the reliction of the nation al dept. A clergyman followed with a $100 contribution. Lodge for warded both contributions to U. S. Treasurer Ivy Bakrr Priest, to gether with the housewife's sug gestion for an annual drive to reduce the debt through voluntary litizens' contributions. Report from Washington ? By SENATOR ALTON LENNON WASHINGTON ? We are pre-, paring to have a memorial service in the Senate for the late and great Senator Clyde K. Hoey. TRIBUTES It will be impossible to get all of the editorial comment from North Carolina's newspapers as sembled as a tribute to Senator Hoey. but I am undertaking the task of getting all comment pos sible in order to show the people of the country that North Caro lina held our late Senator in the highest esteem. SADDENED SENATORS United States Senators from many other states joined with us North Carolinians in attending the funeral in Shelby. Renublicans and Democrats alike mourned his pass ing. Senators attending were Rus sell, Chaver. Johnson of Colorado. Johnston of South Carolina, Milli kln. Cordon, Young. Knowland. Holland. Stcnnis, Clements. Gore, Purtell, and Maybank On the special train, as we left Shelby, there was universal comment at the way all of the people of North Carolina revered Senator Hoey. RESPONSIBILITIES It is difficult to express how one feels to suddenly be placed in the responsibility of the office of sen ior Senator. The great and press ? ing problems facing our country I have made it necessary for me to decline many speaking invitations | now and later on this summer in ! order : to be in Washington for these duties. I have done this in ; good faith, in my desire to be of . to vote. Too many of us, are swayed by peiMO nit iu , ? against) a candidate regardless of the < 'ii!iti,.. (,i tlle woman). Perhaps the fact that the candidate hi- ? ?ie 3 p;eiS4||M sion, or looks exceptionally intelligent in " MUsing soipetimes cause an X mark to be placed u little squjnl Unfortunately, not enough time or in\t ' j, ?1V|B voter into the responsibility of the person ekir^ the uffefl No matter how much we admire a candidate personally fl pretty good idea to find out how he will fill ? elfice and he will conduct the interests of the conn's -'.p. arut M J is elected. It has been two months since Spring was officially hnyfl didn't you know? To the ladies: If you are one of us who likes i0 mings on hats, we've found a little trick that expedites of flowers. Buy the corsage roses (or whatev-:-' that have "?? pins attached. It's only a matter of minu't. - in from gfl and pin to another. We've also found it quite a help to buy uJB posies whenever an attractive one appear i keep them I "just in case". Temper is the valve that lets off accumulated steam. H WVve heard of mud baths but we could i ,m> indulged mfl tard bath recently. We had a jar of pickled peaches on our bathroom wiaj^H Several peaches had been removed and supposedly the lid dH down securely. To be absolutely sure, we plai?? H a jar of mutffl top to hold it in place. About midnight, we were positive an aroma .bomb uH our address. Investigation proved that the lid on tin jarhadvfl any interference with its rights .and had popped the bottle of i^H into the bath tub. You'd never believe how . ' 11 bottle of could make so much noise! May twenty-ninth is the bin d.iv For you to mark in the small square. Your choice's name; and thus you say You hope he wins, both just and fair Be for your man, but don't demean The other chap: he has his friends. Spiel all you want, but keep it clean Throughout the day, till voting ends. Letters to the Editof MANY, MANY THANKS < Editor The Mountaineer: ( The Fairview Club wishes to ex- ( press our thanks to you and your ( staff for the "Special Edition" fea- j turine National Home Demonstra- | tion Club Week, and for the inter- J j est you have shown in our club j work all year. Sincerely Mrs. Arley Tilley, secretary of the Fairview Club. MOKE THANKS Kriitor. The Mountaineer: In behalf of the Cornwell Club j of Saunook, we would like to ex press our appreciation for your help and interest shown by making pictures and publishing articles on 1 our club work. This not only includes the spe-! cial feature the first week of May. National Home Demonstration Week, but also the different articles orinted^rom time to time Sincerely. Mrs. Charles Berk Secretary. "EXCELLENT JOB" Editor, The Mountaineer: On behalf of the members of the Beaverdam Home Demonstration ipi'l't I v fl ratioi U . ,k I 'or .-(I! , TynkiJ "FORTl'SAir I Editor, l it >unUme?r I for tiie pi, i you h-?W lt0 ( iclts' ? but bal> n S" ' ? to 100,(ion ? ? - ' J THE MOUNTAINEER Waynesville, North Carolina Slain Street Dial GL 6-5301 The County Seat of Haywood County Published By The WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER, Inc. W ("Uirns BUSS Editor \\. Curtis Rum and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers in rushed Every Monday and Thursday HAYWOOD COUNTY One Year $3 00 Seven Months __ 2.00 Three Months _ 100 NORTH CAROLINA ?One Year $4.00 Six Months . . . 2.23 OUTSIDE NORTH CAROLINA One Year . . $4 50 Six Month* . . . . 2.50 Entered at the pout office at Waynesville. N. C.. as Sec ond Class Mail Matter, as provided unde^ the Act of March 2. 1*79. November 20, 1914. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ~ The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the tise fnr re-publlcation of all the local news printed In this 'newspaper, as well as alt AP news dispatches. Thursday Afternoon. May 27. 1951 ! They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo f^^!S^WMVS^ENEEDBD ? 0OES SHE SlTTOOO HER WRmN&P <3^A^SJI DESK^ | ALL CURLED UP IN US ARMCHAIR J! I f 7 r DO NEED A "W UW~0*A?, W ATARE T'^OH.WRrTlNG TO "Va Wpf^C^R^U-W NOW-*" J/ AMD THE W} YOO OOM0 / ( MOTVJCR?SOO>^3 W 1 ^Ir^GK^lia yoCSM f( MATCHING ? (TWER* 7J k \ OUT &UJ&-J 1 luve^MS^E VVSO~->U'C?ar.of *******3 TNC < UlS i? 3 jjjjlLi ?==> 1 ?~T ? action 9 10 ?< 28. Smaller 6/A? ?' 29. Obnoxious ti /// |J ^ t/t 777 IT 30. Ornamental 14 '//. is " // - fi circlet /// 83. Goddess 20 11 \\ //, of dawn r~~7rWi *jssz* %%%-" 46. Eye slyly - ^ 77TuT " 47. Finishes 40 41 '/A \ DOWN ? ? V/'vT A gp BE I WLA\