^ * ? nr"f?.r? . , -r ? i 'V ???? - TflOATH BIBLE VERSE # # TODAY'S Wt'0lATB -?jkrcSsLTK arvs s: s: Editorial Page of The Mountaineer the -.<*!? thou shall both Mvf thyself and them thai ^ ^ Ul kplr,t?Jere^ !? >??? IKm I Timnlht 1U ^ Canton's Library A Major Asset The citizens of Canton have every right .to be Justly proud of the new and modern Library. It would, be a distinct credit to a town man^tiroes the size of Canton. The-citizens can be just as proud of the group of people who tnrough the years have planned and worked for the fday when Can ton would have large and modern library facilities. The combination of the spirit of the peo ple, plus the facilities, makes an excellent combination in Canton. We were impressed with the dedicatory ceremony on Monday morning, which feat qred Governor Umstead. Not only did a large crowd turn out, but the keen interest of everyone in the project was soon felt by those attending. We also like the manner in which Reuberv R. Robertson, Jr., president of the Champion Foundation gave the building to the Library Roard. He emphasized the fact that this was the first major project in which the founda tion would participatae in this area. The foundation is set up to assist with cultural and health projects which will benefit man kind the most throughout this section. All Iluywood is happy for Canton, in ac quiring such a magnificent building, and take off our hats to them for their spirit of progress in such matters. ? Important Posts To Fill Voters of Haywood county will-have the responsibility on Saturday of nominating Democratic candidates for two important posts?House of Representatives and chair man of the board of commissioners. F'.oth 6A5TQIC STUCK I MIS NECK OUT \ AND CNARTTABLy B/ - ' SAVED ABOUT A ?V, CONCOCTION NEt) B. V ASKED MIS MISSUS Bw _ TO MAKE ? _ ^^^SKE^A^Ul^WuKE IT ? WOW l! ? /MORNINiO WUY X NEVER 1/ BEST PRUNE-OOWDy 1_ ? MADE A PRUME DOVDy/I X EVER TASTED.' yCS,f? AsOTDtMY I DID-X f > SIREE/yUM-yUM! I - VOU UKE >T^^\TMIS is THE UT-EST/ / s?nn?r-^mr-r^rTTif^ > ANID SO-JUST OR UHJUST-ME GETS THE SAME oesscJTT hjr-tue siexT sixMorrvis CTwice A OH SlNOAVS AMD MOUOAVS)/ MOTMlSkS STOPS / V ( /MRS.G*S PRUNE-OOWDy A6SCM8J.y LIME V^TSO // ESSim Voice of the People What do you look for in buying a car? Ralph Crawford. Crawford's Fu neral Home?"I look for a service able car and one that has a good re-sale value and is economical to operate. Just a car that everybody would like to have. Of course I am influenced by the looks of it." Jack Medford, edi^jdional and music director. First Baptist Church. Canton?"Of course 1 look for service, dependability. And when 1 look for a new car I can't look for one that costs too much but rather one in an economical bracket." Miss Ruby Francis Frady. in spector, American Enka Corp.? "The style of it and the way it's built and the paint. And of course if it drives good. I've always want ed a green car with a cream top and I bought a new car like that several days ago." I.ouis Chandles, carpenter, Ard en St., Waynesville?"In a used car I'd look for something good and1 7 ?'?? GRADUATION GIFT cheap, with a good motor and body. And if 1 were buying a new car, I'd buy a JIuick because they're ? nice and really good. I don't go by how much chrome is on it or the color but by the running of it." Looking Back Through The Years 20 YEARS AGO Cannery building contract is let to G. H. Gossett of Clyde. Mrs. Wilford Ray is hostess of a party honoring Mrs. Joe Doggett!; of High Point who is visiting here.' Reunion of the Class of 1924 of I the Haywood Institute is held at! the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.1 Ferguson on the Crabtroe Road. Mrs. Charles Ferguson arrives from Washington to spend the sum mer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. j J. T. Coman at Lake Junaluska. i' 10 years ago L T Mr. and Mrs. D N. Green of Har rington, Wash., former residents of Haywood County, are visiting rel atives here for the second time in 22 years. Miss Lois Harrold accepts posi tion in West Asheville as matron at the Kiwanis Club Preventorium. Mrs. Etta Francis Klutt/, former-, ly of Wayntjsville returns from Winston-Salem to make her home here.. 5 VFARS AGO Bruce Brown is named attorney for the Town of Clyde. Mrs. Robert Tiley, the former Miss Betty Tuttle. is included on the Dean's List at Woman's College. Mrs. John Howell honors her husband at a Father's Day dinner in her home at Cove Creek. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost and Mr. and Mfs. Whitener Prevost are hosts of two bridge dinners. Report from Washington ? By SENATOR ALTON LENNON WASHINGTON ? The Senate passed last Thursday with amend ments the Defense appropriations hill for fiscal 1955. AMENDMENT I was glad to see the Williams I amendment passed. It required de- I fense contracts to be awarded in accordance with competitive bids. 1 , There have been attempts made to , change this procedure which would result in serious trouble to employ- , ment in industry?particularly tex tile?in North Carolina and the South. We have had to be 011 our legislative toes to keep competitive bidding mandatory in these con tracts. TIIE BILE The Defense appropriations bill ? approximately thirty billions of dollars of new money ? provides . about eleven billion for the Air Force, ten billion for the Navy, thirteen billion for the Army, thir teen and one-quarter billion for the Departnu nt of Defense and three ouarter billion for inter-service ac- . tiviHes. The new money will be supple mented bv about fourteen and one half billion dollars in unobligated money carried over from-appropri- 1 atiops in nr'vioqs years. 1 VNEXPENDED BALANCE I voted against the Kennedv amendment to boost the annrooria- i ?ions bv approximately S350 mil- | tion Why? There is a carrv-over of about fortv-four billion dollars , of unexpended funds in all the armed services Add the new monev . ?the approximately thirlv billion ?and we have unexpended innds of about seventy-five billion to be available t^rr expenditure bv our armed services beginning on Julv 1. of which approximately fortv-four billion dollars are unobligated In the case of the Armv. It was shown that there Is an tinexnended hal anen of $5 70R qxq rtfiO Mv Position ts that we should have ademtate na tional dozens* and not skitnn one dollar, but We must not continue to keen taxes hieh and the budget unbalaneed when we have unex nended funds in the armed forces. 1 also bettevn that we should retv nn sunnlernental nnnronrjjtinns for defense reared to meet a changing wenM situation Venning nttr re ?oarrh and preparedness at peak ?ffl ntenov On final passage, t voted for the Mil. pnoowrss Passage of the defense bill ? the largest single money bill of the Congress?was ahead of the same legislation during the last session. After 1 came to the Senate last July 15, the bill was called up for debate. What a Job that was?get ting all the facts together in short Campaign Standoff WHITTIER. Calif. (AP> ? Ed-f win Johnsen, a city council candi- j date, rang the doorbell at the ! home of Charles Pollak to give a campaign talk about himself and 1 to talk against a proposed new city i charter. "Are you telling all these things t against the charter to all the vot ers in this area?" asked Pollak j "You bet I am." Johnsen replied. Johnsen finished his talk Pollak j thanked him and closed the door, j Pollak got his coat and hat and , followed candidate Johnsen from house to house. While Johnsen talked. Pollak waited on the side walk. Then Pollak rang the bell and taked in favor of the charter. Election results: Johnsen lost. The charter won. - An electric farm fence can be! dangerous unless properly con structed. lime in order to vote intelligently' THIS-AND-TIIAT The President has signed into law the hill to add the words "Un der God" to the Pledge of Al legiance to the U. S. Flag . . . The Army-McCarthy hearings recorded around two million words . . . The Senate Passed the bill to allow a Ihree-eiohth basket, thus helping aur fruit growers and shippers. It was the last bill presented by the late Senator Hoe.v. Wanted: A Better Hop ST. LOUIS (API ? The Mis souri Botanical Gardens has been awarded a $5,000 grant bv the Brewing Industries Research In stitute to make a study of the hop. Edgar Anderson, assistant di rector of the gardens, savs there are three species of hops; the wild American, the Japanese and the common European. Many varieties exist and Anderson says the object of the research will be to find out the relationship they have to one another with the idea of develop ing improved types. Grim Reminders I-ONGPORT. N J. (API ? Mu nicipal Judge Walter Wunsch not only requires traffic violators to pay a fine, hut also makes them sit down and look through a book of pictures showing highwav accident victims and their smashed auto mobiles. "Take a good look ? it might have been you," he warns the violators. Smile, Smile, Smile RICHMOND. Va. (AP) ? Guard against a frown Doctor, and don't sav "tsk-tsk" when checking a patient's blood pressure ? just "mi'e. This was the advice of Dr. J Murray Kinsman, dean of the University of Louisville Medical School, to the Virginia Acadcmv of General Practice. The doctor's behavior can cause patients with hi"h blood pressure to have even higher blood pressure, he said. AI so don't check the pressure too often?it scares the patient. United States farmers will plant about 1 041 000 acres of flue-cured tohacco this voir nearly 2 per cent above the 1953 acreage. Want Ads bring quick results. PATH OF TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE t: JP" v ^?<^y#^#/47/?^ , I TNI AREA FROM WHICH the total solar eclipse of June 30 will be visible is indicated on this diagram, prepared by the American Muaeum Hayden Planetarium in New York. The slanted lines illustrate the path of totality, in which onlookers will experience a complete fade-out of the suu. In black section, the eclipse will begin before sunrise, but the mid-eclipse will be visible. The eclipse is of interest to both the U. S. and Canada since it passes, initially, through both countries. (C. P.) EDITORS?FOR RELEASE WEDNESDAY, JUNE U Rambling Round! Uy Frances CBhf) I rmzfcr I Now that the "Point of Ofdei * , , visum and the general public, W* I ? easiest on |U pUlOW at night ? | inith was roughly handled by one -id, ? ?r ime truth can be .tretched until ,< . ,u, armv-McCarthy contest. kcCU ? H.ms so diametrically opposite < * | denominator. M Just cant be done- - | Cild ProbaWy we'll never know but tl- s. J know all their lives. ? If any real good ha- come out ot V iu effort. And lime nnlj will prove , M . h mice paid. And We will always M who would have emerged un-athed fron ? mUr The peace of Death ends all wars I The swan and the ugly duckliHR ? I nttle pond The swan arched Its graceful ? imDid P"??l and sneeringlv asked th< I SS\S?5 - I du"klM ?sru???l ?? . i Zne saw a little boy with a -line shot | h?..? neck SO 1 could dive quicker ? h, M mM Lo the water just as a rock front the sling I th it gor-eous neck. Moral: When you b and hraf, dod yotir head too high for you are sure t | If news commentators were able to select the locatioa wars, they would not select those with unpronouncetble na? Now that we have passed the dividing hit mil the dav. at ly clipping minutes o(T their schedule, we = tiroueht- fare with the inalienable fact that "Tempus Fti 1 :ii r > unmi terms. The Fourth of July is blowing its horn- fur the next( and getting impatient. And only yesterday r <'mcd it away. Then the two shortest months in the v< i? nit.e their one days apiece, skip merrily along and dumb I. Jim IV, > o before we have really worn out our new nylon : m k Thankseiving Day, a wee bit more t vtvou- fallen* turkey and football scores before it present t if with an of golden chrysanthemums and a hearttul ot a rituc' But time we are keeping one ear cocked" for the i I m those 1 hoofbeats of the reindeer and tlie warning ????? On Your SI Early". The newspaper ads bloom with visions m the beautifi just awaiting your selection; the billfold .ion. with the made on its vitals and the whole earth tic'iibf s with eqi and weariness. But why worry about the morrow'' Toil., if. beautiful) June and that's about all we can take care.of ' m n "Gather the rosebuds while .von tine Tomorrow they will be dying" . . No matter what you have todav. Tomorrow you'll still be buying PFC. FLORENCE M. LAKOT1S, daughter ?f Mr. and M?. k Lakatis of Reading, Pa., is engaged to Pfc. Ernest R. Insiu. of Mr. and Mrs. R. H Inman of Waynesville. The uediit planned for the near future in the chapel at I "it MrPhen* where the couple is stationed. Letters To The Editor! WONDERFUL YOUNG PEOPLE Editor, The Mountaineer; It's nice to see so many of Waynesville's young people going ahead so well. One of these young people is Mr. Bronson Matney. While watch ing TV recently. I Aas pleasantly surprised to see and hear Mr. Mat ney on Evening Reflections from the Central Presbyterian Church of Anderson, S. C. of which he is as sistant pastor. These wonderful young people, make this a much better world in which we live. Respectfully yours. Mrs. F. K. Brown Seneca. S. C. ? i'M \ rv or hatd| Tin- Moux St ' I We trust ? mJ weai y of on oxpft m of ? elation fo !,:tel you do for 1 ,.ik( .' i: j.j-Ul :> happ\ ? . -*?? befctre and during the PiM elation and t we rtjaM you over the -urnss I *M ing. Pleas '? for the arid ti I Von max nant to adwjfW pr Baptist ?* Boat" is i I you to ? v j rtdej Since: I Lake .i \--eoI Jim F. !? I' I Supei lnf<1 I CROSSWORD mMBk ACROSS 1. Barbed ?pear 8- Portico (Gr. arch.) 9- Gem carved In relief 10. A eorceres* C'OdyMey") 13. A brown earth 13. With might 14. Pare 15. Part of "to be" 16. From (prefix) 17. Subdue 20. Father 22. Spawn of flah 23 Often DOWN 20. Animal's ? 1. sport foot iHmm 2. A yellow- 21. Polynesian lsh resin drink T?uft~" 3. Antennae 24. Charge for 4. Conjunction eervices 5. Frighten 23 Convert Into 6. Occasions leather ' *'#{1 7. Openings 27. Question B -r^ (anat.) 28. Disease of I'-'," ' ' 8-Tart sheep 9. Drinking 29 Soothing vessel 31. One of the _w 11. East-north- stages of I: fe 41 ,t east 34. River (Fr) 42 One-?l (abbr.) 35 Full of nuts carfl , . 15. Land- 36 Ethical 41. Anj -P" measure 37. South Amer- F'1 18. Kettle lean river 19. Coin (Peru) 38. Short steeps 4~' co i, i, i, i^yj5 U yfw 5? X**l > 2? Cease; )tfA I* lJ I" i// I I / I I 11 JO Part of fill vXA U "to be" W | I I K^yfi I | i%J'? I I ? Rlvertpvi h)LJ | pffl 2 H*i/ an em YyfltCif91 I I JJ tominioa f al t?onie I I*1 | I '/A//:i I ll 39 Pro^cute I 1 J-L-H Judicially |w / ? I I f:V I I SF5** ir4?LLia _X- J4f aS??. ic M-1 rwH ? i?fer pi" I -M ?Hof rUA^l?i?kzfcirll rS' 1 NrrrwTTTJJ 49 T?*e out ^M4H 1 1 KfO ? 1 \2ttTfT PT I' A