I?*"*-VDAitD ptyi l*r 91 ? ^.. ,p5 The \tovesville Mountainefr =11 BEAK NO. 70 irpAOES A.7.?^ - l^OUm> Se" <* County A, Tht Eas,?r? ^ XT.-1.1 1 ij?ili ?ir ^ " ? -?-??ic. ? - ? : -lrhi ltel)ay afternoon, skit. 2 mi o ' *1.50 In Advance In Haywood ^ Jack,? Connttea lacing Of lah Link tarkway Its Soon of the 11-mile link of j ? Ridge Parkway from ? Gap to Beech Gap, ^?immediate contracting, | Kms told The Mountain- , ^Ay. This would be the Hted link of the Parkway , ^Acville. ^A the money for this I ^?well as for relining the Beech Gap," Weems ; see no delay in sight 1 ^A these projects com- j B would give this area | Bp drive via Lake Logan. | ^Ae highway commission ^Ad to pave the Lake H when the Parkway is ? Weems said. ^Bsing the popularity of ^Boverlook. Weems said ? a long time before de Hame the area "Mile ^?felt it might sound a ^A but have found since name that appeals to ? and I'm glad I made ?n to call it 'Mile High the superintendent ^An''e "n^ "f the Blue ^A^uay from Soco to ^Ap remaihs high on the ?t. Sam Weems, super B of the Parkway said ^Ay, as he discussed pro- ? Blhe N. C. Park Commis ? was listed as the num- ' Boiect for new construe- j J ? ten years ago, but lack ! Brssional appropriations | Be link from being built, ^Aoht The Mountaineer ?that the Parkway Cotn Bnked upon the Blowing Bile section as the num ^?oject for new construc Bhe Soco-Balsam link as Bne. He estimated each Buld cost about two mil Beems told the commis ?.'?bout forty million dol B be needed to complete ? Parkway?Page 8) i I Show ?Dmorrow I of 120 choice pullets Bered for sale at the an- ' ?tv 4-H Club Show and , Be courthouse lawn at 2 Bltry chain is sponsored t Bh Club in cooperation ; B Farmers Federation to ? ? members experience in , Bultry and keeping satis- j Brs will be: Bb Harris of Thickety. i Bpard of Ratcliffe Cove, Buntcr of Fines Creek, t Bnce of Crabtree, and i Bie of Waynesville. Blae and David Hipps of B. Carroll Browning of Bharles Wayne Ferguson , B Neal Allison of Bethel. ( By Kirkpatrick of Crab- i ?mobile 186 Pints ? of 86 pints of blood were ' Bd here Tuesday during I 'he American Red Cross ( B'le at the Hazelwood Ban Church. ? of 200 pints was set in ? to make up past defic Bd Cross Gray Ladies a- ' Bted Bloodmobile person- 1 Blistering and helping to i ?blood donors. ?" " lie pther ? SUNNY I ? MA mild today and Fri-1 ? Wayncsvillc temperature ?ted by the State Test Ma*. Mtn. Pr. I 82 56 I 78 51 I 78 44 ?^P?r?ture last night was H ' PATHWAY TO PROFIT in Haywood County agriculture lies iu the growing of more farm pro duce, according to C. D. "Shorty" Ketner (left). looking over an apple sorting and grading ma chine at his parking house on North Main St. At right is his brother, R. H. Ketner. (Mountaineer Photo). Growing Produce For Big-City Markets Proved Profitable In Haywood County Memo: Labor Day Means Closing Of Stores, Schools Children won't nerd a remind- 1 er that schools will be closed Monday, September 6, to honor Labor Day. However, adults may heed a warning that all business firms, including stores, banks and post offices, will also be closed all day. Harry IVhisenhunt, president of the Merchants Association, an nounced the store closing, and Superintendent Lawrence Leath- j erwood that of the schools. 2 Strangers Give Youth j Poison Drink Robert Presnell, about 12, of Cove Creek was the victim of a strange poisoning case last night when he was given some unknown drink bv two out-of-state men parked on the road at Maggie. Acutely ill about 8 p.m. last night, he was taken to Haywood : County Hospital where his stom ach was pumped, and he was af- I lerwards admitted. He went home this morning. Presnell and a companion, Tom my Singleton of Jonathan Creek, told Sheriff Fred Y. Campbell and Jerry Rogers, school attendance officer, that they had been swim ming at Maggie and wanted to get a drink. Seeing a car parked alongside the road near the Maggie zoo, the two boys aij^cd two men in the car for a dime to get a soft drink One of the men said that they I had a soft drink in the car and (See Boy Poisoned?Page 8) The Rev. Elmer Green Is III With Pneumonia The Rev. Elmer Green, Associa tional Missionary of the Baptist Church, is ill with bronchial pneu monla, according to a report from his family. He was taken sick Tues day and is receiving treatment at j ihe Haywood County Hospital, j where he is said to have spent a : estful night last night. (See Pictures?Page 1. Sec. 2) By BOB CONWAY Staff Writer Are some Haywood County farmers neglecting to answer the knock of agricultural opportunity at their doors? C. D. "Shorty" Ketner, ' mer chant, farmer, and packing house operator of Waynesville and Mag gie, is convinced that they are. The way "Shorty" sees it. coun ty farmers are not capitalizing properly on what Mother Nature gave them. In short, he believes that Haywood should be a major produce-growing center such as neighboring Henderson County, i Howevert for all its potentialities, j this county grows comparatively j little produce aside from that con-1 sumed in this immediate area. If the necessary steps were tak en, what are the possibilities for Haywood County farmers in regard ! to raising produce? Without qualification, Mr. Ket ner asserts: "A produce business ( that would bring in two or three million dollars to Haywood Coun ty annually could be developed easily." This statement of W. Ketner's is not based on mere speculation, out on years of experience, dur (See Produce?Page 1. Sec. 2) MOD Drive Nearing End Contributions to the Emergency j March of Dimes were being de-1 posited slow ly, according to Treas-I urer Carl Gillis, as the official! drive drew to a close this week. | Because funds from certain special events had not yet been deposited j and because of the uncertainty of the success of the contributions-by mail phase of the campaign, there was no way of predicting how suc cessful the drive would be, how ever. "Fred Setzer's Singing Conven tion at Morning Star School August 27 netted the drive another $117," | campaign chairman Turner Cathcy | said. "This is another of a series 1 of successful special events. Fred j Seizor and other pien and women ! who have worked hard on these; events for the benelit of the drive rate the community's deepest ap preciation," he added. TV Tower Near 300 Foot Mark The TV tower atop Mi. Pisgah is now up almost 300 feet. The Mountaineer leafned today from Engineer Don llunnirut. Plans are to place the 40-foot antenna on top of the tower Sat urday, making the total height 340 feet. Equipment is now being test ed, preparatory to using the tow er for broadcasting a test pat tern in the near future. Tours End Saturday At Saunook Haywood County's summer com munity tours, sponsored by the Community Development Program, will come to an end Saturday morn ing when East Pigeon visits Sau nook. Assemblving at Saunook School at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, the group will follow this itinerary, accord ing to the county agent's office: Pleasant Balsam Baptist Church, improvements: Mr. Franklin's re modeled barn home; Mr. Walker's residence; Mr. Chambers' summer home; view of Barbel's Orchard; Oen. Sumter L. Lowry's summer home; State Fish Hatchery: Mr. Evans' home improvements; tour through Barber's Orchard; lunch at Saunook School, and recreation on the Barber playground. Chairmen of the two CDP or ganizations are L. M. Sherrill at East Pigeon and Dillard Hooper at Saunook This year's tour program started July 20 with Francis Cove [Visiting Iron Duff. Other tours were; South Clyde at Morning Star. Thickety at West Pigeon. Aliens Creek at South Clyde, West Pigeon at Hatcliffe Cove, Morning Star at White Oak, Rtacliffe Cove at East Pigeon, Iron Duff at Thickety, White Oak at Francis Cove, Cruso at Aliens Creek, and Saunook at Cruso. Canton District Schools Report 2,701 Enrollment First enrollment figures report ed by Canton District schools to lay showed a total of 2,701 stu lents enrolled in the district's leven schools. Canton High School's enrollment totaled 636?an increase over last year's figure of 506. Enrollment in the white ele mentary schools totaled 1,922 as compared to 1,914 a year ago. Elementary enrollments report-1 ed hy Superintendent of Schools Rowe Henry's office were: Beaverdam. 365; Morning Star. 218; North Caifton. 546, Patton, 269; Pennsylvania Ave., 384, and the eighth grade at Canton High. 140. Reynolds School reported 84 en rolled in the elementary grades and 59 in high school. Now under construction in the Canton District is a new junior high school near the site ?if Canton Hi"!! School. Business Will Suspend For Labor Day Programs T T i ?*? i naywooa 10 Join Canton For Events 'other Stories?Page 1. Sec. 3> Haywood business and schools will suspend Monday in observance | of Labor Day. Activities will center diound the Canton program of the annual Labor Day celebration. Beginning Friday at four, the an nual pet show will be held in Can- i [ until ^10 runninS daBy until 10.15 Monday night, when e program will conclude at the I Canton high school stadium. turner Cathe.v, general chair ma,, ot the Canton celebration, and his associates, have worked out a complete program for the lour s and a program which prom ises t0 attract a large attendance for every event. wJ.hf, ]>et ,Show will get under I S, h 1 ,? ?tk Friday a' the high th^us S ad,u,n' with Harry Mat thews, chairman. Saturday morning, at the YMCA Com beginning at 10, the annual doll show will begin with registra on. and will be open to the pub lic at two o'clock until four Mrs Gordon Rodgers is chairman. Saturday night, at the high auditor,St',diUm' bUt in ,h" -ool au ntor urn ,n the event of rain. the selection of the Labor Day Queen will be made. Just prior to Pa*t Gree?""^Cth| ' f??tbal1 Same L Pree,y is chairman. At nine the festivities will move to Camp Hope for the annual coronation Cavaliers # i0 fhe Labor '6ay ! SU? ^ucen will be crowned, I als0 a' Camp Hope. ? in""n "y atternoon> starting at it h h6 u U' ** a SOs')el singing aga ,, ii,gth S0b001 Stadium> and again. ln the event of rain, the audftorium. int" lhC Monday, beginning at ten the 1 heidUar|COl0rfUl Parade wi" be | Ik id. Glenn Simmons is chairman. ,?Z" OI ?>' ?M ,o?* """? v *2:20~white foot races, high I school stadium. . ?' p/n ~"Hor*e show, old Cham ; P'on Nursery Grounds. hifi p m J~P'atform entertainment, t high school stadium, with Fred rerguson, chairman. ht?K P T ~^-lored baseball game, high school field - Canton Eagles vs. Cullowhee. 7 p.m. platform entertainment. I high school stadium (includes I square dancing, string bands and many outstanding performers). 10:05 p.m.?award ui V. F. W. | car. high school stadium. 10.10 p.m.?award of American Legion T.V. set, high school sta dium. 10:15 p.m.?award Kiwanis pony, high school stadium. ! Things Aren't Quite That Dirty A. W. Ferguson, county ASC office manager and his three clerks strongly contend that their office?or the entire court house, for that matter?is not so dirty that 10 cases of soap are needed to clean up the situation. Recently the ASC office order ed 40 cakes of soap from the Federal supply agency, in At lanta. Today the office received 10 rases. A POURING PARTY was held by the sheriff s office Wednesday afternoon after deputies Gene Howell and Everett A. MeEiroy seized 68 gal lons of moonshine whiskey on the property of Hubert Goodson in the Ratcliffe Cove eominun ity about 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. Pouring the "mountain dew" down the drain in the garage at the courthouse are (left to right) Deputy Mc Flroy. Sheriff Campbell, and John Ray. The boy at the far right is not identified. (Mountaineer Photo). State News Head Says \ Tourist Business Fine ? - p The entire state has enjoyed a better tourist season than usual, Charles Parker, director of the i State News and Advertising De-' part ment. told The Mountaineer yesterday. Parker had jusl completed a personal survey of this area when he made the statement. "Travel in this area, proven by actual counts on the Parkway and into the Park, proves there has been an increase ?n this immediate | area," he continued. When Parker was asked what he felt was the one greatest need of this section, he replied: "Usable water?a lake with usable water, with cottages on the shoreline. We have more inquiries for that par ticular type of accommodations than any other right now." "The transient traveler is well , provided for with modern courts and motels." he said, "but so many people want swimming facilities, and prefer bodies of water which will afford boating, as well as swimming." he continued. Parker was interested in the progress of the Pigeon River road, and planned to visit the site this morning, and get first-hand infor mation of that project, which he termed essential to the develop ment of the Eastern end of the Park, as well as giving this area an ali-wcather road from the mid west. Del I wood Churches' Homecoming Is Sunday iCongregations of the Burberville Baptist Church and the Maple Grove Methodist Church will join together Sunday for a Homecom ing Da> program at tho Barber ville Church. The two churches Will have sep arate Sunday School services, but <' will unite for the worship service. The program will include:. Welcome by the superintendent of the Barberville Sunday School, prayer by tho superintendent of tho Maple Grove Sunday School; addresses by former pastors of each church; special music by the two church choirs, dinner on the grounds at noon, and group sing ing in the afternoon. THE REV. JAMES Y. PERRV. JR. will conduct his first service in Grace Episcopal Church Sun day morning, James Y. Perry Is New Rector Of Grace Church The Rev. James V. Perry, Jr.. a native of Columbia. S. C.. has been appointed rector of Grace Episco pal Church here and will conducl his first service in the church Sunday morning. He succeeds the late Rev. Edgar H. Goold, who died July 4. Mr. Perry is the son of James Y. and Anne Guerry Perry of Columbia. S. C. and the grandson of the late Rt. Rev. Alexander Guerry. Bishop of South Carolina. ; He is the fourth generation of his | family to enter the Episcopal ministry. He attended Porter Military Academy, Charleston, S. C. and the University of the South. Sewanee, Tenn. His first two seminary years were spent at St, I.uke's School of Theology, Sewanee, Tenn. and his senior year was spent in New Hav en, Conn., where he attended Berkeley and Yale Divinity Schools. He completed his study last spring. Prior to entering the seminary, Mr. Perry was engaged in farm (See James Perry?Pare 81 Deputies Seize 58 Gallons Of Illegal Liquor Hubert Goodson of Ratdiffe Cove will face a charge of posses ion of 86 gallons of non tax-paid liquor before Justice of the Peace J. J. Ferguson Tuesday morning as the result of hU arrest on tha charge bv sheriff's dequthi Actlng on a tip. Deputies .Gnu Howell and Everett A. Mrl , seized 86 gallons of moonshln liquor in gallon jars on Goodson'. property about 9:30 a.m. Wediic - day. They said part of the liquor was in the house, the remainder in the barn. The illicit bevdk-age was pour ed out at the courthouse yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Fred Camp bell and his deputies. Goodson's bond was set at $500. Heart Attack Is Fatal To Summer Resident Edgar Clinton Dunn, 72, Dayton a Beach businessman ana summer resident of Balsam died Wednes day afternoon of a heart attack en route to a hospital here. Dunn owned and operated a large wholesale hardware com pany and lumber companies in Florida. He had been a summer resident of Balsam for tbe past, twenty-three years. Surviving arc the wife, Mr-. Sarah F. Dunn; Ave daughters. Mrs, K M. Hall of New Syrna Beach, Fla.; Mrs. T. R. Cobb of Daytoua Beach, Fla,; Mrs. W. G. Warbritton of Washington, D. C? Mrs. J. It, Withers of Mellengton, Tenn., and Mrs. J. B. Shaffer of Chapel Hill. Also four sons, H. Clinton. Edgar M., William S. and Austin L. of Daytona Beach; and 20 grandchil dren. Tho body has been sent to Day tona Beach for funeral services and burial. Crawford Funeral Home was - in charge of arrangements here. BREAKS LEG Dale Massey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Maisey, Dellwood Road, is resting comfortably at hoine. al ter saffering a broken leg while at play at the Lake Junaluska school. Highway Record For 1954 In Haywood (TO DATS) . Killed.... 2 Injured.... 31 (This Information com piled -from Rotor da of SUto Hfckmi SntroL) . A - Waynesville's Filter Plant About Finished Workmen are installing the last Iwo valves in the new $300,000 filtering plant of the Wayneavillc water system today. The valves were delayed for several weeks, and held up final completion of Ihe project. G..C. Ferguson, town manager, said that the clorination system would be installed Monday, and I hat beginning Tuesday, the entire ajkstem would undergo a 24-hour sterilizing. Three hundred pounds of pow dered, antiseeptic will be used in Lhe sterilizing program. The filter In" svtem line- -ind pool; will he filled with water containing the antisceptic and will be pumped throughout the lines for the 24 hour period. Ferguson said plans were to stage open house'for the public at an early date, just as soon as the system is put into use. Engineers of the State Hoard of Health have been here cheeking on the project and are pleased with the system which will soon be put into use. The engineers plan to return Tuesday for the period which the system is being -trrilHrrt. Canton Mayor Extends Bid To Labor Day Celebration "We of the Town of Canton are ex-tending the warmest possible In vitation to our neighbors every where to join us In our Labor Day celebration," beamed Mayor W. J. ?Bill) Stone today. "We feel that we are presenting one of the best programs yet in our 48-year his tory, and we sincerely hope that every single one of our friends will take part in our observation of the day. "So that there will be some thing that will appeal to every body fmrn toddler1', lip wii com mil tots have worked lang and hard. If you don't want to dance at the" Coronation Hall Saturday night, maybe you'll enjoy the Gospel Singing Sunday afternoon. We planned the pet show and the doll show especially for the young sters. hut we're expecting to see some grey-haired 'youngsters' there. In fact, we'll be disappoint ed If we don't see just about the whole of Haywood County some lime of other during our Labor May celebration," I t