Singing School Creates Interest In Crabtree J?y MRS. MILLARD FERGUSON Mountaineer Reporter . The singing school, being taught ?t the Crabtree Baptist Church fach Saturday night by Frank | Kirkland of Balsam, is creating much interest About 30 people have enrolled The Baptist W.M.U. will meet Saturday. September 4 at 2:30 p m at the church. Mrs. Vinson Davis president, will preside The Rev. W. O. Henderson of ' South Carolina is assisting the Rev. A R Davis in revival services this , week at Mount Zion Church. Up- i per Crabtree Benton McCrary. Fngineman. L'.S.S. Pittsburg, spent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs W. J. McCrary He is on shore leave after a long cruise in Can adian waters and Havana, Cuba He relumed on Sunday to bis base at Norfolk. Va. B F. Nesbltt attended the For estry School for agriculture teach ers conducted last week by the Champion Fibre Co at Camp Hope Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Noland during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mrs. Tliirtna U' ilc/m of 11 i-an rnnll's Rudolnh Lvnn and familv of Traveler's Rest. S. C . M'ss Bar bara Few. Mi?s Anne Few of Greer and Mr arul Mrs Millard Fergu son. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Messer and Wav Mesver of .Anaconda. Mont are visitipe Mr and Mrs. Monroe Noland at the ?Ud Messer Home. Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Davis had as their guests for the weekend Mrs. Davis's sister, Mrs. Charles Sanford, and her daughter, Char lene Sanford of Asheville. Mrs. Woodrow Brooks and sons, Billie, Perry, and Franklin of Enka sptnt the weekend with the form er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Davis. Keller Wells, who has been spending a 80-day leave with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Hubert Wells, left Tuesday for his base in Mountain Home. Idaho. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Menus Massie from our com munity. However, we are happy to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cal houn of Wa> nesville, who have Green Promoted Johnny D. Green, son of Mrs. L. E. Green and the late Mr. Green of Waynesville, has been promoted }o corporal while serving with the 66th Military Police Platoon at Fort McPherson, Ga., headquar ters of the Third Army. purchased the Massey home on Big Branch. The Massies have purchas ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Davis near Clyde. Mrs. Dave Ferguson of Spring Creek is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Woodrow Plemmons, and family. The Rev Raloh Surrelte has ^ hern leachine a sin vine school the r nasi week at the Laurel Grove c Raotist Church on Little East Fork ^ Road. f C. J. Morean of Greer. S. C., was the week end euest of Mr. and J1 Mrs. Carl Sineleton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Presslev ^ and familv and Miss Barbara Jean Burnett spent Saturday at Glen ville Lake. ^ The Rev nnete Hicks will be guest speaker. Visitors are asked to bring a pic ilc basket. Stephen Redmon is hairman of the committee on up eep, assisted by Crawford Led ord. Robert Davis Completes Army Cooking Course Pvt. Robert Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis of White Oak. completed an eight-week cooking course this week at Fort Benning's Third Army Food Serv ice School. The basic cooking course, one of three taught at the school, teaches preparation of meals for men in Army mess halls and sol diers in the field. The Food Service School is one of the oldest activities at Fort Benning. All-Da*' Singing Slated At Red Bank Baptist An all-day singing will highlight Decoration Day at the Red Bank Baptist Church on Sunday. Sep tember 5. There will be no formal preaching service. Dinner will be served on the grounds. Homeless NEW HAVEN, Conn. ? A vagrant, found asleep on a side walk, \vas asked where he lived. He told two detectives: "My home is anv place I hang mv hat." "Where's vour hat?" "I haven't got one." ) Boys Arrested ! Dn Mauney Cove BreaK-In Charges Three boys, aged 15, 13. and 11. have been arrested by the Sher iffs office on charges of break ing and entering three places in Mauney Cove. Their loot included cigarettes, bananas, flashlights, inexpensive jewelry, knives, cow chains, har nesses, and tools. Sheriff Fred Campbell named the victims as Henry Hughes. C. K. Palmer, and a Mrs. Cogdill. He said the trio entered the Cogdill house by cutting a screen, but found the other dwelling unlock ed. The property taken from Mr. Palmer came from his barn. The oldest boy has been in pro bation on a charge of bicycle theft. He wilt appear for a hearing to day before J. B. Siler, juvenile judge. The other two will be ar rainged betore Mr. Siler Saturday Old Smoke-Eater DOVER. N. H. (APi ? This city I of 15.800 thinks it has the oldest active firefighter in ?he nation. And in his 59 years on the de-1 partment, 81-year-old Joseph Heeney recalls he missed only one bell alarm of the some 2.000 sound ed during those years. A case of pneumonia a few year; back cous eci nim to break his record. Recalling his narrowest brush with death, Heeney said lie and three other firefighters entered a basement during a 1933 lire. With out warning an uppe1- lloor co'lup ed. blockins their exit. Just as the quartet was about to give up hope of escape, a gas ex plosion blew them off their feet When they regained consciousness, all four were spraw led in the street outside, injured, but not seriously, by the blast. House Troubles MIAMI, Fla. (APi ? So you I think you have troubles? Asking for a tax reduction on her house, a young woman who de scribed hreself as a family bread winner gave the tax equalization board these reasons: The house is falling down. The furniture is coming apart. Noisy trucks drive past at all hours. Noisy airplanes fly over the house. Nobody will buy the house un der any conditions. Recent research indicates that the common impression that ath letes develop enlarged hearts and die young of heart disease is false.| SLIDE INTO fyfl FIT EVES* lltfl YOUR FOOTl ? nylon jlJ .im| Smart-looking, Stretch O-Maticjbyj^H snuggle up t0 VOu.:qB ankle for a perlw J binding or droopinjM wash, dryqgittH for travelers! H START YOUR SUSPLr*)l YOU'll WANT SEVEIat^B j TEEN-AJ Men's Sizes VI Helanca Nyl RAY ^ / ? ? # ?