I Garden Council Completes Plans For District Meet Tile nf - villr Council of - *l?n Clubs mef, Mundat in Ihe home ?'t Miss Louise Ballard. district t'irertor and romp dec' i> > the district meelim.' to i>o held i. Jiere October 1#. Mrs K K. Wort hin- Inn c oiirn il ? president, presided The district meet ins ?i!l lie held In the First Methodist Church with Miss Ballard presiding. Several f ate officers are ex|>cct< <1 to a lend the event. including Mis K A Palmgreti of Charlotte, pre s|. tleftt of the Suite (iaideii Cluh Mis .1 K Clanton ill ( ill S stale news director: and Mrs fiwrp Kittle <>l Kyle ;l'e second \ icc president. During the business hour Miss Ann Albright was elected record ing secretary of the council suc H& (reding Mrs Wayne Oiet/ who lias resigned fcfc', Announcement M as made of tin Oarden Course III which" will lie Mi; AMI MIJS. JAMFS Kl VKKNDALL, .1 It., wore married Sun day, Kr|M'mlirr 12. in tlir Oak Park Presbyterian ehureh at Aslie ville. The bride is (be former Miss Frances Wynelle Ford, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ford of Fnka. .Mr. Kuykendall is the son of Mr. and Mis. James Kuykendall of lla/.eluood. (I'hoto by Joe Ifavisl. MltS. BENJAMIN I.. WHITE was married Wednesday, September 1 in Raleigh. She is the farmer Miss Kathryn Sue ICaye. daugh ter ?f James I*. It aye of WaynesVille and Mrs. Itnsa I'. Raye ?f Aslieville. (I'hota by Waller Studio). Miss Frances Wynelle Ford, Tames Kuvkendall Are Wed ? JL Miss Frances W\ nelle Ford, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harold Ford of Knka. became I lit' bride of .I,inn s Kuykrudnll. Jr., *011 of Mr and Mrs .lames Kuykendall, Sr. of llarelwood, in-lhe Oak Park Pres byterian Church at Asheville, Sun day. September 12. al 3 |> in. \ former pastor of the bride at Sand Hill Methodist Church per- ' formed the double ring ceremony'1 and traditional music was pre- ? settled In Mis If, Carmicliacl of Asheville organist, and Charles 1 Kohiiisnn ol Knka. soloist. The altar was decorated with 1 (1 ru and baskets of white gladioli ( Hanked by seven branched candel-1 ahra | ( The bride, given in marriage by ler lather, wore ? ballerina length 'i>\\ n nl while embroidered taffeta | ashioned with fitted hurl ice. seal oped neckline and short sleeves ihe wore liiii'd ulnves and a finger-, ip. veil el illusion attached to a hlliet rap einhroidi red with seed j tea lis She rallied a white prayer I took with a purple orchid and i aliilr s.ilin streamers I Miss I.rah Sutton of Svlva was' telil in Canton the first week ot , >clohn maid of honor. Her dress was ot blue taffeta designed with a lull ballerina-length skirt and she car ried a bouquet ot mixed flowers Bridesmaids were Mis Keith Donahue of l,ufrelle, Tenn . and M'ss llarhaci Pressley of Asheville Thev wore ballerina length dresses and carried bouquets of mixed ' flowers. Mrs Donnahoe Wore pink and Miss Pressley Wore blue Bobby Kuykendall served as best man lor his brother and ushers were Bob Jay of C'ullowhee and Carroll Swanger and Terry Swan *er of lia/.elwood. classmates ot the bridegroom. Following the ceremony the par ents of the bride entertained with > e> eiuil inn in I hnir linm. Ford, mother of the bride wore a street-length dress of tur quoise blue crepe with a matching h d and a purple orchid corsage The mother <4 the bridegroom wore a navy linen suit with navy and white accessories and her cor sage was also a purple orchid Assisting in serving were Mrs. Miss Kathryn Sue Raye Is Bride Of B. L. White The marriage of Miss Kathryn Sue Have and Benjamin !??. White, both of Raleigh was solemnized Wednesday. September 1, at K p.m. in the chapel of the Mayes Barton Baptist Church in Raleigh. The bride is the daughter of ?lames P. Ra\e of Waynesville and Mrs Rosa I!. Raye of Asheville. The bridegroom is the son of Tamoir White of Glen Alpine arid the late Mrs White. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Jesse E. Hasty, cousin of the bridegroom, and music was presented by Mrs. Christine McCloud. organist. The couple entered together. The bride wore a princess style street length dress ot white cotton lace over pale pirtk tall'eta. She carried a bouquet of white tube roM>s centered with a white pur ple-tfiroaed orchid. Ushers were G rover Henson of Roeky Mount and Joseph White, bl ot her of t he bridegroom of Glen Alpine. The bride's mother wore a dress : of pale pink linen with blue ac cessories. Iter corsage was of pink rfise buds Following the ceremony a recep tion was given by Miss I,m ice Led better and Miss Ollie l/OU I'rofTit ! in their home on Oberlin Road. I Assisting were Mrs. W. I). Elliott i ot Durham and Mrs Alston J. Mix ] of Rock Hill. S. C. aunt of the bride. Miss Norma Sheerer of j Reidsville. and. Miss Hilda Rave of Ashevifle. sister of the bride. The bride is a graduate of I.ee I Edwards High School Asheville ! and lias been employed with Gem I eral Motors- Corp in Raleigh. Mr. White attended (Hen Alpine ' High School and \ C State Col ! lege and was graduated from Wake | I Forest College. He served three j \ears in the armed forces and is now employed as field representa tive with General Motors Corp. in ' Raleigh Following a Southern wedding trip the couple will reside at 2005 j Clark \venue. Raleigh For travel ing the bride wore a beige en semble with brown accessories and the orchid from her bouquet. ? * * State Officials Visit Haywood Home Clubs Miss Ruth Current. Slate Home Demonstration. Agent. V C". Slate College. Raleigh, aiid Miss Meria liogan. Field Consultant for Home Demonstration club work in the Southern States. U. S. Department of Agriculture.' Washington, were guest of home demonstration club members in Haywood County on Wednesday. September 15. The day was spent touring the county and visiting communities and homes to observe the results of Home Demonstration club work in the county. The visitors were ! accompanied by Miss Mary Corn well. home agent Betty Jean Ford Is Engaged To Spencer Walker Mr and Mrs .Jesse Ford of Can ton announce the enRagement of their daughter, Betty Jean, to Spencer Walker, son of Mr. arul Mis Grady Walker of Fines Creek The wedding is planned for late ! October. ? * ? Xi Omicron Chapter To Meet Next Week The Xi Omicron chapter of Beta I Sigma 1'hi will meet Thursday,! September 23. at 7 30 p m in the home of Mrs Charles Kdwards at ! Lake Junaluska. | Mis Hill l)o\er will preside George Sutton ot Sylva. Mrs. O. J Clont/ of Canton. Miss linchael j Presstev Mrs. G I, Crowley, Mrs I'nr.lr;, Htllnoi anil Mis- June Hut nor all ot .\?heville. After tho icroption the couple left for a wedding trip through Western North Carolina aftor which 1 lii*> will reside in Cullo ' tttirr Kor traveling the bride wore n two-piece suit of gray wind with navv arressnrics and the orchid corsage from her prayer hook Mrs huvkendalt was graduated from Sand llill llit-h School and ? Western Carolina College al Cttl ! low her and now holds a position as ! secretary at the college. Mr. Kuvkendall was graduated | from the Wavneaville High School and Is now attending Western Car olina College where he is a mem ber of the senjor class. The couple will make their home in Cullowhee. (' I'resonls! The Smart Shop \ Main Si reel Dial -1210 ( ? ' ( 1 KURT GANS llu' ^!es to select from in sizes 22 to .10. Sanforlan washable woe' "?"in type skirl: with 8 inverted around the bottom; side ?iPP' ? USE OUR CONVENIENT _ I / LAY-AWAY PLAN A & \ i n ? ppc ? - "* Mat? Srtect . Strand The Smart Shop I* Happy To \nnotince The Arrival of a New Shipment of YARNS And NEEDLECRAFT SUPPLIES -iNrn'iHNr. # Hiawatha Heirloom Needlepoint Picture Outfits # Tapest ry Yarns # knitting Needles # Picture kits # Walnut Handmade Footstools ?IDEAL GIFTS? Select Yours Today and Start Making Christmas