Ile Woman's Club Soonsor Flower Show IHgguaj Fruit, Vegetable ?si.uu. sponsored by the K,.. Club, will bo held Eeaber 24, in the old V,: the Clyde High ? fjjvei offei ing will bt E Hi, m of the shou E Uu \ est rime " ? for the event ere ?Brown Jr. and .Mis Jbiish The folhwrjin I have been named 1: - Robert Williams. | Winfrey. Mrs. Amos |i- J K Newman and j lla>ne- Entry. Mrs. BACKBONE IF YOl'K RDBOBE ?KIRTS BLr< Flannels, GatHff* K. OrloM. Solids. Bkv Plaids. IwEATERS H Dorsev Imported H' Lambs Wool. Full Hi'ck d Cardieatm, siip ftr- ? Ml ( otitis Bun In Today [The Lrt Shop Hain Street ? GL 6-1210 1 j Sidney Hayues. Mr-.. (I (' Stan Jr., Mrs. Dwight Sharp Mis I Charles Edge, and Mrs c E ! Brown. Sr.; Properties: Mr- Neal Cart. Mrs. Homer Henry. Mr- |; ? M Greene, and Mrs. C. L Dai n ? nell; Awards: Mrs. Gerald Ki-h Publicity Mrs .1 c Haynes Mr Vance Robinson and Mrs. Mark ! Haynes. ; ; Entries will be accepted on Fri da.v morning between the hour- ut 0:00 and 12:30. All arrangements must be made outside exhibition hall. The show will be open to the public from 3:00 p to ? ;10 , Each exhibitor will provide bl own containers. All horticulture specimens must be grown by the exhibitor and a person may place only one entry in each class or section A liophy will be awarded lb the individual bating the greatest number of points, and a plaque will be presented to the orgaiu/a | Hon winning the blue ribbon. Merry Homemakers Meet With Mrs. Clark I The Meri t llomeinakei s Home Demonsti alion ( lub ol Canton met Monday afternooli at I lie home ol Mrs. Paul Clark. Jr. witli Mrs. Wayne Clark, a- co-lioste-s. Ylr-. J. II. Garren. president. presided 'The devotional was riven lit VI i - Bill Boone. Project leaders reports were riv en by Mrs. Paul Clark Jr . on Family Life; Mrs Bill Clark on Home Beaut it ieat ion: and Mi.-. Eugene Grogan. on Education. Mrs. J. B. Garren reported pit the club s work on the Iloat enter ed in the Laboi Day Parade Miss Jean Childer- gate the demonstration on Simple Errtei taining." , St. John's Flu ents Will Meet Monday The Parents Club oi si. John's School will hold its In t mooting .? of the school year Monday ,,i 7 311 p.m. in the school auditorium Sister Francis Mane, principal, of the school, will speak on Par ent-Teaeher Relationship. Parents of all children t : rolled j in the school are expected- to .be | present. 200 ATTEND Sl'TTOX Kill MON Around two hundred friends and relatives attended the annual j Sutton Reunion at the home oi | Mr. and Mrs, 1 lobar! Franklin in Cove Creek last week. MRS. KAUFMAN IN llObPITAI. Mrs. Carrdy n Kaulman is a pa tient in the Haywood County Hospital. J' -fr * * Mrs. Elsie Smothers Edwards has resumed her work on the faculty of Virginia Intermont College al ter spending the 'summer with her sister, Mrs. Francis Massie. and Mr. Massie. Mrs. Bridges Entertains Homemakers Mrs. M T. Bridges was hostess at a meeting of the Waynesvilie Homemakers Home Demonstration Club Tuesday evening. Mrs. Joe Cathey conducted the devotions and Mrs Howard Bry son presided during ttie business hour, Mrs. Lawrence Leatherwood i*a\e a report ol plans for Achieve ment Da> to be hold November 16 and 17. ?Miss Jean Childers. assistant home agent, gave a demonstration on Simple Entertaining and pro ject leaders reported as follows: Mrs n o. Champion, citizen ship: Mrs Ben Phillips, home beaut itication: Mrs. John Nesbitt. poultry, and Mrs. Lawrence Leath erwood. home gardens. * ? * Music Club Meets With Miss Colhoun Miss Catherine Colhoun was hostess at the first fall meeting of tlie Waynesvilie Music Club Tues day evening in her home at Lake Junalusku. .Miss Ida Jean Brown presented the program using as her subject the composer, Hichard Wagner She played recordings of exerpts Irons "Tristom and Isolde." Mrs. George Bischoff presided and outlined plans for the coming club year. \nnouncement was made of the next meeting to be held October 19 in the home of Mrs. Bischoff witli Mis Hugh Love in charge of the program. Norma Irece Wilson Gets Secretarial Diploma Mis- Norma Irece Wilson, daugh ter rii .Mrs.' Bertha S. Wilson of Waynesvilie was graduated this week Irom King's Business College in Kaleigh with a Junior Secretar ial diploma, She entered the school in September, 1953. Miss Wilson was a member of I lie Waynesvilie High School graduating class of 1952. She plans to accept a secretarial position in C liartotle. Mr and Mrs. W: B. Winchester attended open house at Memorial Mission Hospital in Ashcville Sun day afternoon. Their daughter. Miss Jean Winchester is a member of the junior class of the School of Nursing of the liospital. Mrs Albert Krogel and Mrs. Hoy Dudley of Seattle, Washing ton, are visiting their sister's, Mrs Thad Howell and Mrs. James K Boyd in Way nesville. The sisters are daughters of the late Dr. and Mis. C. B. Huberts of Haywood County. Mrs. Krogel.. the former .Miss Wilsie Huberts is making her first visit in sixteen years, and Mrs. Dudley, the former Miss trances Huberts, is here for the in si time since her childhood. 1 * * * Harold Winchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Winchester of the I'lotf Creek community, has re turned to \. C. State College where he is a member of the sophomore class. He is taking a general course in Agriculture. * ? * Mrs Curt Kaufman and her daughters, Arleen and Sharon, re turned Sunday from Newfound land where they spent the past two months visiting Mrs. Kaufman's parents. They were, joined in Mon treal by Mr. Kaufman, who has been on a business trip to Swed en . i * * * Iti and .Mrs. .lames K#Stringfteld will leave tomorrow lor Chapel Hill to attend the Carolina-State football game. * ? * Miss Shirley Connatser has en tered the junior class at Appalach ian Stale College at Boone. * * * Mis- Shirley Sheffield, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Shef field is enrolled at Montreal Col lege. The Misses ,ludv and Alice Alex ander. daughters of Mr and Mrs. Tom Alexander of Fie Top, left ?Saturday for Duke University. Judy is a member of the junior Class and Alice entered the Uni versity as a freshman. * * * Ceorge Vlexairder, young son of Mr. and Mrs Tom Alexander, is attending Ashcville Country Day School. j * * * Miss Joyce Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carter of Lake Junaloska. has resumed her studies at the University of North Caro lina Miss Carter, who is serving tin year as president of Carr Dormitory, returned to school early in September to as.slst with the ori entation program for freshmen. ? * ? Charles Mcsser. son of Mr and Mrs. Jack Messer,' has returned to Duke Uliiveisily. ? ... .. _?_ ? a ; MISS EUGENIA JUSTICE, daughter ul' Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed win Justice of Bethel, has been . awarded a $1600 psychiatric scholarship available through the United States Public Health Service for those nurses who have demonstrated particular in terest and aptitude In the field of psychiatric nursing. Miss Jus tice entered Duke University this week to do advance work in psy chiatric nursing and to complete requirements leading to the de gree of Bachelor of Science in nursing education. She was an honor student in the Bethel High School, attended Woman's Col lege a year, and was graduated from the Duke iiool of Nursing last June. ? ? * Cancer of the stomach is unusu ally common in Japan and Indo nesia. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be receiv ed by the Board of Commissioners of Haywood County, Waynesville. North Carolina, in the Commis sioners Room. Haywood County Court House. Waynesville, North Carolina, until 2:00 o'clock P. M., F.S.T., Oct. 15, 1954. and imme diately thereafter publicly opened and read for the furnishings of labor, materials, and equipment entering into the construction of the Haywood County Health Cent er. including walks, equipment and appurtenances thereto. Bids re ceived after the hour named will not be considered. Separate bids will be received 1 for General Contract, Electrical, : Plumbing and Heating. Complete plans, specifications ;i",d contract documents will be open for inspection in the County Health Department, Waynesville, | North Carolina A.G.C. Offices,1 Dodge Plan Rooms, and the office i of Wm Moore Weber, A.I A., j Architect. 1918 Hillsboro Street, j Raleigh. North Carolina. Prime j Contractors. 'General, Plumbing.. 1 Heating and Electrical?, may oh-1 tain plans, specifications, and other contract documents upon deposit of $35.00 in cash or check. The full deposit will be returned to' those submitting a bona fide pro posal. provided plans and specifica tions are returned to the Archi tect in good condition, within five 1 days after llie date set for reeeiv- ! ing bids. Sub-Contractors and ma lei lai ueaiers may purcnase pians land specifications from the Archi tect for $20.00 a set. Prime con U actors may obtain additional plans and specifications for $20.00 a set, prior to bid opening. All contractors are hereby noti fied that they must have proper license under the State Laws gov erning their respective trades. Each proposal shall be accom panied by bid guarantee of 5% of the bid. Bid guarantee may be in cash or certified check drawn on and certified by some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In lieu of making the cash deposit as above provided, such bidder may file a bid bond executed by a cor porate surety licensed under the I laws of North Carolina to execute such bond, conditioned that the surety will upon demand forthwith make payment to the obligee upon -aid bond if the bidder fails to execute the contract in accordance with the bid bond and upon fail ure to worthwith make payment the surety shall pay to the obligee an amount equal to double the amount of said bid bond. This de posit shall be retained if the suc cessful bidder tails to execute the contract within ten days after the award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. Performance band will be re quired in amount of one hundred percent (100rrt of the contract price. Payment bond will he required in amount of fifty percent ifiO'.f > of the contract price. Payment will be made on the basis of ninety percent iOO'c) of monthly estimates and final pay ment made upon completion and acceptance of the work. No bid may be withdrawn after; the scheduled closing time for the irceipt of bids for a period of thirty days. The Owner reserves the right to reject anv or all bids and to waive , . informalities. Signed: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS. HAYWOOD COUNTY. W AYNF.SVILLE NORTH CAROLINA. By: C. C FRANCIS. Chairman , WM. MOORE WEBER. A I A. ARCHITECT. | 1018 Jltllsboro Street | Raleigh. North Carolina. P 470? S INI ?T >7, 1\ BIRTHS I At tin* Haywood County llospi-j Lai: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smathers I >t Canton. Route 3. a son, Septem- 1 tKT 20 Mr. ?nd Mrs. A. R. Minzenmay ?r of Canton, a daughter. Septem ber 20, Mr and Mrs. Louis Recce of Canton, a daughter. September 22 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Free of Canton a son. September 23. Personals George Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs A. H. Hunt, has returned to 1 his studies at the University of North Carolina * ? ? Mrs. Wayne Mitchell and small j son of La Grange are here for a visit while Mrs. Mitchell's moth er, Mrs. J. C. Crouser, Sr . is ill at the Haywood County Hospital. * ? * Miss Mary Crouser, student at Woman's College, is expected to morrow to spend the weekend and visit her mother, Mrs. J. C. Crous er, at the local hospital. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs Gosta Wullin left Wednesday for their home in Pali sades. N. Y . after a visit with Mrs. Wollin's mother. Mrs. Mabel Brown Abel, and her father, Albert Abel, j + * * 1 Farm Bureau To Hold Call Meeting Saturday A meeting of the Farm Bureau has been called for Saturday morn ing at 11 o'clock at the courthouse. The meeting was called by Jar vis Caldwell, president of the county bureau, who states that new i developments in the insurance pro gram should be brought to the at tention of all bureau members. Other items of business to be discussed will be of concern to all | farmers, according to Mr. Caldwell, j Personals From The Lower Crabtree Area j Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haney of ; New port News, Va . are visiting ] Mr. Hanev's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ( Weaver Haney. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Allen spent the weekend in High Point visiting their daughter. Mrs. Zel dee Barns, and Mr Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson of Encorse, Mich., are visiting Mrs. I Ferguson's Sister. Mrs. Manson ! Avrington. Mr. and Mrs. Ifobert Duekett are adding a bedroom and a back porch to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and Mrs. Andy Ferguson were visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Plem mons of Asheville on Sunday. lop With Ease and Confidence Ii\fi /? expansion f-J?> (Swatch bands ??.-j^v < \ ff ^m'T jB ^oict of I /20th 10K GOLD FIUCO or itainlei* %feef HHH WANT ADS WANTKI): To Ren! ? "? or ti-ronm house, outside city limits. W'illinjf to pay rent. Cull 6-">t>30. S 2S-27-M Shop With Ease And Confidence f So Much More IN BEAUTY... IN VAIUE... \] WHEN YOU OIVE +j) V ? 17 jowelft. Naturol kd or gold* I I M^Aessmm PCONNfl *71 * 17 j?w?lt NofuroJ ? r wkitft gold Budget Terms II Desired I "4 If A "J H ?J ft I PJ H.HH irMl t- ITS USYTorAV IMt RUlABl ( WAY ' .A MtnssESsnm BETTER BUYS BELK'S "THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES" JACKETS tl ? 1 ? Quilted Wool Lining ^"3^^ a ? Mouton Collars C QQ x x ? Sizes 1 t.> t SWEATERS Arcjjr ? !l to W UNBLEACHED # Assorted Colors SHEETING 98 SECOND Values to :t:.e Yd. I FI(Km J4c yd COATS $595 $995 # ? Sizes .5 to <?\ and 7 to I I # All Wool ? Assorted Styles and Colors *| v ? Second Floor ? T* , ^1 m Just Received! /ivf OYEK 100 LADIES' NEW FALL f ! DRESSES Vr i Q C 0 Assorted Colors, Fabrics and Styles 0 Values to $5.95 ? Basement ? ? 1000 YARDS ?K ? PRINTS AAc? 0 .'19 in. Wide / ? fjlVift 0 Values to 79c Yd. 0 Ass'l Colors Jj( < j ? First Floor ? jj ^ Iff Men's X o/. Sanforized Low Hack !j it -{Wm overalls Hoys' Plaid Flannel ^ ? SHIRTS $1?? ? Sibes (? to 1ft ? l-arjce Assortment ? Second Floor ? V ????????.______ ft. Men's Corduroy >?'* ^ j Shirts *2" \ S M L (. ( plM i rirwl fliuir ^ ?.'-w I: . ~ V. \ 2.?'r Wool Chatham I V J> \ BLANKETS *466"ig/ ? 72 x SI ? Itlui*, Green & Hose # First Quality ^5/ ? First Floor ? ? V Large Croup of Children's New Fall DRESSES 2 $3 ? Sizes 2 lo 1J # Regular iSl.ilS Hasenu-nt ^ BefcHudson r^Mhf ivj^sBsmMmmxam 'jj'i

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