( VHI Si ~ ?^-'u Ad'??^H^TSrjS=r7==?=? tctric Rates Here low Average ine Mountaineer) I __ Residents of: less for electricity ; iers in most other! , to a comparative iased by the Fed- - nmission. Data is communities with 1.500 or more. They oine 1.250 utilities, there is shown the y bills for residen ?ctricity as of Janu ar- . , me. the typical | r 25 kilowatt houis , usual amount fol ding purposes, was red with the United . of $1 33. : kilowatt hour class, I by electricity is in- j ition. the typical} rally was $7.00, con 7.10 nationally. The j, State of North Car- (, ! Among all the cit- ( was from a low of j t na. Wash., to a high . ? itna, Pa. , ? r hand, for 100 kilo ie amount generally1 ing. small appliances ! ? ion the monthly bill ' e was $4.00. more j age of $3.81 for all . * notes that American j i are paying electric i iw a continuation of < card trend evidenced < intry as a whole, con-; t ?lectricity in the past i < d 196 kilowatt hours JI x month. This wasj< mble the amount con-1 i tars ago. ' electricity in the Uni ts become almost uni-1; only tw o per cent of; ( dwellings doing with- j, uu half the households ice are found nine i ppliances: radio, iron, j clock, washer, toast- i cleaner, coffee maker,! on set. I !>unty Plan >sday I I. is will meet the Bethel t ting a coun lmer Miller, unced today. | lican candi- ; he meeting, rganizational a rally. He I lance. that Friday, ?recinct day. I that Presi 1 vice presi- ? on a nation- j d some TV 0 10, in con rvance of the 1 in the state yill be Char i. men ehicles >lmen are now marked patrol pdnesday from Iwo new 160 in their Ford perated by Pa ten and Patrol >n. The only he cars which nt from just an lag. le ( rther? ~ *? T-- fiii? n COOLER k Ihn ' CloudV and i Ur ?!ers , in the bureau's Gatlinburg office by October 27. The tunnel is part of thjf $2R0.-| 000 appropriation which Rep. George A. Shuford was instru mental in obtaining for Parkway work. 1 The 180-foot length of the tun-j nel is to be lined with concrete I and the portals are to be of stone masonry. Reinforcing steel in the \ amount of 70.000 pounds and 320 cubic yards of concrete will be re-' quired in addition to the tunnel I lining and the portals. Farm Bureau Membership Drive Slated The annual Haywood County Farm Bureau "membership drive will get under way Friday with a kickoff breakfast at the It. E. A. kitchen for all workers who are1 going to write memberships. Quota i for the county is 300. The breakfast wil lbe served by the county Home Demonstration Club women. Jack Hay of- Iron Duff, county 1 membership chairman, pointed out that the Bureau is an independent t farm organization, built and fi-1 nanced for farmers. It was organ- 1 ized to bridge the missing link be- ! tween the farmers and existing agencies working on agricultural j problems. The largest farm organization in the world, it is set up to speak for agriculture and to obtain for farm- ; ers a fair share of the national in come. It works to obtain adequate i farm credit at a fair rate ol in terest. The organization now oilers for its members a complete line of i automobile and fire insurance, and 1 will soon extend life insurance. The program is on a non-profit basis and any money above Ihc claims goes back to the policy holder. Escapee From Training School Found At Balsam A 14-ycar escapee from Jack son Training School was picked up at Balsam Wednesday by Cpl. Prit-1 chard Smith and SBI Agent Kitf cVn. The boy had left the school, and authorities felt lie was making his way back towards Balsam. He will be returned to the school. Church Ciroups Sec Home Mission Film The Brotherhood of the HatclifTc Cove Baptist Church met Monday night at the church. The W M.S.. G.A.'s and R.A.'s were invited to attend the showing of a home mis sion Hint, shown by the Rcw. Elmer Greene, "Say It With Pictures*9 Keynotes ANews By AGNES HTZIICGH SHAPTER Staff Writer A good many people would be entirely content it a newspaper diet consisted of pictures and adver-j Using, sprinkled with a dash of headlines. The Chinese long ago i philosophized that one picture is' worth a thousand words and with j Ihcm both news and advertising departmens of The Mountaineer j are in hearty agreement. The advertising ollice of The Mountaineer is 011 the building's j second floor, a spot very peaceful i in comparison with the hectic tur- j moil of the news room downstairs.] Here an advertiser can come to dis- j cuss his own particular problems of space and layout, can look oveg the thousands ol pictures available for bis use. Advertising pictures -and some of the news ones are made from what are generally called "mats". A mat is a piece of cardboard deep ly indented with the picture just as it is to be printed. National ad vertisers, mat services?to he de scribed later -prominent individu als and many corporations have in-1 numerable mats made from some picture for distribution to news papers. Some of the pictures that The Mountaineer has recently printed from mats include Carolina Power & Light's Walters Dam. President Eisenhower and several brands of (See Newspapers?Page 61 14-Year-Old Buncombe Runaway Nabbed Ilere A 14-year-old boy. who ran away from his home in Buncombe coun ly, was picked up last night by Deputy Gene Howell al Saunook. Buncombe authorities had a clue that the boy was coming to Hay wood. and notified ,ihe sheriff's office. The boy ran when Depu ty Howell appeared on the scene Wednesday morning. Last night the deputy returned and got the hoy while he was asleep. The hoy told Sheriff Campbell tis morning he came over here to get a job picking apples. The Buneomhe authorities said lie had run away from hotne because he did not want to attend school. MRS. WAV HATd ll l i; IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Way Hatcliffe is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in Aslie villc. Ministerial Association Calls J For Day Of Prayer For Rain i At the regular monthly meeting of the Haywood County Ministerial Association, held last Monday at the Central Metho dist Church in Clyde, the Rev. Malcolm R. Williamson, presi dent of the association, called attention to the suffering oc casioned by the prolonged drought i.. this and in many other areas of our state and nation. The association engaged in a ses sion of prayer for rain to relieve the distressing situation and adopted the following resolution: "In view ot the serious drought tn our area and in many sections of our state and nation we hereby set Sunday, October 10. as a day for special prayer In all the churches in this county tor rain. We furthermore call upon all Christian people to attend their churches and join wilh their ministers as they engage in these special prayers of con fession, repentance, and supplication". In commenting upon the resolution adopted. Mr. Williamson expressed the hope that unless providentially hindered every one in the county should attend Church services Sunday. i ? . . I In the event that rainfall relieves the situation before Sun day, Mr. Williamson suggested that the day be set aside as a j day of thanksgiving. Rotarians Making Plans For District Conference WaynesviUo Kntarinns have started work on details of the two day conference of tlte 280th Dis trict conference which will be held here October 2.r?-20 Headquarters will he Waynes-1 vilte Country Club, with sessions 1 held in the Hardwood school audi-1 no hum. sIih j luncheon and ban-' quel at the new high school cafe teria for the expected 400 mem bers and their wives. The 280lh district is composed' of 87 clubs from Andrews to Char-! lotte and Monroe, with about 2.000 members. Dave v.Feline! and Malcolm H. ' Williamson are eo-cliairman of the conventiotv. and this week named club members to eleven conference ' coinmitlees. Harry Millar is con-j fere nee secretary, and I'aul Me- j Kirov treasurer, with Bill Ray, club president. ex-ofTicio. The chairman of each commit-! tee. together Willi the club presi-I dent, eonferenee chairman, treas urer, and secretary compose the general conference committee. The , cemimittecs are as follows: Attendance Promotion anel Pub licity Dirk Barber, chairman. Jack Klwoeid. Jim Dooly. Ken Fry, Shirley ( oiinatser. Boy Scouts Committee ? Ben t'olkitt and Roy Wright. Decorations ? Pitt McCarroll, (Sec Kotarians?Page 6> Methodists To Have District Meet In Sylva Mel ho list churches of the Way oe-v dle District will hold their an , i ual set-up ineetinR on Monday, Oetolier 11. at 10 a.m. in the Sylva Church. Ministers of all churches in the : district, district stewards, charge I lay leaders, and presidents of wo men's societies are expected to | attend. The meeting will be conducted by the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, district superintendent. AA Chapter To Be Organized Here Tonight A mrctine for the organization of an Alcoholics Anonymous chapter in U'aynesville will lie held at 8 o'clock tonight (Thurs day) in the I'arish llousc of tlrace Episcopal Church. The meeting has been plan ned by the Kev. James Perry, rector of Cirace Church, and the I Kev. John Kizer, pastor of the lla/clwood Baptist Church. The Kev. Howard llickey, rec tor of St. fieorge's Episcopal Church of West Ashevllle. will be the speaker. Mr. Mickey, who is active in the Ashevllle chapter of the AA, attended an eight-weeks course this summer at the Yale School of Alcohol. Me will be accom panied by two members of the Ashevllle chapter. All those with alcoholic prob lems are invited to attend the meeting. Handicapped And Employers Urged To Consult ESC In recognition of National Em ploy The Physically Handicapped I Week, Miss DeUrayda Fisher, nian | agcr of the State Employment of ] fice today gave a special invita tion to physically handicapped persons to register at the office for employment At the same time she asked that j any employers who had job open ings which might be filled by a physically handicapped person con tact her. i The office is located at 120 Church Street, Wayncsvillc. The telephone number is GL fi-4222. ?????weP* HS1J'1 HUNDREDS OF MASONS visited the Masonic marker at Black Camp trap on Tuesday. The croup went to the marker in almut IS chartered buses. for their Tuesday afternoon program of the convention held In Aihevllle. Here i* part of tho croud and Mime ol the biiM"* in the background. (Photo'bv Joe \Y Ihivis. Hardwood), Mountaineer Plant Ready For 'Open House' Tonight Between 7:30 And 10 P. M. Preparations have been com pleted by The Mountaineer statf for "open house" tonight tThurs Jayi from 7:30 until 10. Every phase of newspaper pub lishing will be shown those visiting the plant tonight. The three linotype machines ihe complicated pieces of mechan ism. with lti.000 moving parts will be in full operation, and each person visiting the plant will see I heir name set in a slug of type. The operators of the machines will take time to explain how copy is transferred from a typewrit ten sheet into metal for printing. A similar operation, which is fascinating is the Ludlow, which makes large type in the twink ling of an eye. This type is used for advertisements, and headlines, (such as the headline over this article). The mysterious electronics ma chine which transfers pictures in to printing plates is expected to gel a full share of attention as will the speedy automatic proses in Ihe printing department, which print sheets of paper at the rate of 5,000 per hour, counting, drying, and stacking the sheets as it goes. The sterotype room, with its half-ton pot of molten metal, is literally the newspaper's kltcher^ The 16,000-pound press on w hich this new spapcr is printed, w ill turn out papers at the rate of 55 complete copies per minute, as visitors look on tonight. A tour will he made through the news, advertising, and photo graphic departments with visitors getting a look-in on the dark room, and under lights, get to see how the work is done by touch. Refreshments will be served in the pH-ss '.Worn, where Ihe mailing tables have been covered with conventional newsprint for the oc casion. The publishers and staff have planned for this event for some weeks, and look forward to having the public see the many operations of producing a newspaper. The "open house' 'program is being staged in connection with National Newspaper Week. Tonight,, the Lions Club will bear an address by Stanley Moore, editor of the Morganton News lferald. This will be in keeping with the week. Last week Rotar ians here heard Weimar Jones, editor of The Franklin Press. Last night, W. C. R.uss, editor of The Mountaineer, addressed the Franklin Rotary Club on tin- news paper week theme. WTHS Patrons To Name Officers Of PTA On Nov. 1st Thi> group of patrons and teach er* who met Tuesday night at the high school to discuss organizing a Parent-Teachers Association, do I cided during the business session, to hold a meeting Monday. No vember first., to elect officers. J. B. Soesbee, president of the Haywood PTA council, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Oliit Dillard, of Candler, a leader in the Western District of Ihc N. C. Congress of Parent and Teachers, was the principal speaker. Chamber Of Commerce Meeting Set Tuesday The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held Tuesday night'at 7:30 in the Town Hall, Waynesville. The secretary has reminded rflembcrs that it is important that they attend this meeting. Highway Record For 1954 1 In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed .. 1: 3 Injured.... 49 (Thla Information com piled fmaa Records of State Highway PatroL) ! L? nMri rn ...